CA ORRIN WEST & ORSON WEST: Missing from California City, CA - 21 Dec 2020 - Age 3 & 4 *GUILTY*

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by: Jason Kotowski
Posted: May 19, 2023 / 11:26 AM PDT
Updated: May 19, 2023 / 12:22 PM PDT

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — Trezell and Jacqueline West, the adoptive parents of two young boys who were reported missing in 2020, have been found guilty of second-degree murder and other offenses.

A jury reached verdicts on five of the seven charges after a weekslong trial in which dozens of people testified and more than 100 exhibits were presented.

Jurors found the Wests guilty of second-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and child cruelty regarding Orrin West, 4, but failed to reach verdicts on second-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in connection with Orson’s death. A guilty verdict for child cruelty was returned regarding Orson.

The boys’ bodies have not been found.

Second-degree murder carries a prison term of 15 years to life. The couple was also convicted of falsely reporting an emergency.

Sentencing is set for July 13.
What are the two charges they were deadlocked on?

The jury did not find a verdict for two counts, second-degree murder and conspire to commit a crime. Those counts are in regard to 3-year-old Orson West.

(More at link)
All three of these trials, I have been working when the verdict was reached or to be announced. I have had a sweetheart of a person inform me in real time when they have been reached and what they are saving me from waiting until break time to find out. I have been at my job long enough just checking a text quick is something I can do and so I don't have to sit there and wonder until break time :D

More good news! Many bad perps in these child murder cases that will be kept off the streets. Stauch, Daybell and the two Wests.

I don't like the 15 year part too well but it IS 15 to LIFE and let's hope they get life plus the other added on charges should keep them put away hopefully.

While I don't like the failure to convict on Orson's murder, if I am fair, I can kind of see why some jurors were set in their minds or didn't believe it proven. Clearly the oldest child knowing Orrin was dead and his parents getting him to lie about it proved Orrin's AND that he was never seen again after that. With Orson, he heard a thud and then never saw him again and there were conflicting accounts of whether he was ever at the Cali City house. I think it is a no brainer after Orson that the same happened to Orrin, murder, but the proof is not as solid. What a hung jury though does tell us is some wanted to convict on these two charges as well but one or some didn't think it proven. Those same ones who didn't think it proven though DID vote proven on Orrin's behalf. All in all, it shows the jurors took their jobs seriously in that some could convict on some charges but not on others, and some could on all.

I'd like to know what the split was and I think we will come to find that out, no reason they can't say I imagine. This jury wouldn't be the jury if it is retried on those counts. It's been a good few weeks hearing good results from these trials. More to come of course. Sentencing on West and possibly retrying the two charges. Sentencing on Lori. Trial of Chad for the three murders. Trial of Lori for Charles' murder and attempt on Brandon, etc. WOW. BUT all are going away with people able to breathe and then the rest will take place.

I have overall great faith in juries. I couldn't not take it seriously. I could never be as I am here where I judge before trial. When it would come to ME being the one to decide or have a part in that decision, the weight would be far different. I don't have as much faith in our system and all those who work in it though and juries can only decide on what they hear and is allowed in.

I know not just here but out there on the web and in chats, Casey and OJ are always mentioned in fears of what could go wrong. I don't think that's fair in that those are 2 out of tens of thousands of cases or more where the jury gets it right. And I think each had reasons they went as they did.

Just these three BIG ones in this short period of time should restore a LOT of faith for those who think that way. Imo.

Wiped totally from work, it was an INSANELY busy day. I have never seen anything like it since I have worked there. Well the bulk of the day was brisk but not totally nuts but as we went into EVENING and all the way to closing hour and past, WOW. I had no idea how many customers head to a checkout AFTER closing and that's what happened. The last hour it was NUTS. Work schedule is heaviest it has been.

By: Brianna Willis, 23ABC
Posted at 5:37 PM, May 19, 2023
and last updated 1:00 AM, May 20, 2023
BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KERO) — The verdict in the trial of Trezell and Jacqueline West was a long time coming for family members and people in the community who have followed the case since the beginning. Many of them even sat through the entire trial hoping for the outcome that was read on Friday. But they say the work does not stop here.

"Today was a day that we all been waiting for and to get five guilty counts says a lot," said Rosanna Wills, the cousin to Orrin and Orson's biological father.


As for Orrin and Orson, also known as Classic and Cincere Pettius, their whereabouts remain a mystery.

"Somebody knows where these babies' bodies is – somebody knows,” said family friend Keisha Stevenson.

Wills added the search will continue.

"Keep their faces out there – Classic and Cincere – we love you and we would not stop until we bring you home baby.”

Supporters say they will continue to gather on the 21st of every month until the bodies are found.
Cameras were to be allowed weren't they during sentencing? You were all looking for it to be covered live?

Do I have it right that not a single news org covered this sentencing?? I watched Court TV and ABC and neither had any video of it, just a story after the fact. I have found none although it isn't like I've searched hard for it.

Why is this when it was allowed? I find this unforgivable almost. Was it not important enough? Was it the boys were black? That one convicted defendant is black? Is it because it is just total abuse and murder of children and no cult, no sex, just a bad Cali agency, two ugly thugs and two missing bodies, that isn't enough?

Whatever the reason, it is unforgivable. Does this mean there is NO VIDEO of sentencing nor never will be??? Because not a soul could bother covering it?
Cameras were to be allowed weren't they during sentencing? You were all looking for it to be covered live?

Do I have it right that not a single news org covered this sentencing?? I watched Court TV and ABC and neither had any video of it, just a story after the fact. I have found none although it isn't like I've searched hard for it.

Why is this when it was allowed? I find this unforgivable almost. Was it not important enough? Was it the boys were black? That one convicted defendant is black? Is it because it is just total abuse and murder of children and no cult, no sex, just a bad Cali agency, two ugly thugs and two missing bodies, that isn't enough?

Whatever the reason, it is unforgivable. Does this mean there is NO VIDEO of sentencing nor never will be??? Because not a soul could bother covering it?
I don’t have any answers for you. I do know that I looked and I couldn’t find a thing.
I don’t have any answers for you. I do know that I looked and I couldn’t find a thing.

And this in Cali on top of it. Wouldn't think there were a lack of reporters in the areas, so what is the reason... The entire trial was pretty quiet quite honestly. But the cameras get allowed and not a ONE present.

Could it be the BIG department who should be dismantled for the shady sh*t they were doing and/or the influence of Trezell's uncle... Haven't heard his opinion on the outcome.

Honestly this case wasn't big news anywhere except the online community MADE it big. It never was big in the news itself.

Even after guilty verdicts, questions remain in missing West boys case​

Days after jurors found Jacqueline and Trezell West guilty five of the seven charges in the disappearance of their adopted sons Orrin and Orson West, questions remain in the case, including where are the boys’ bodies?

Though the Wests were found guilty of murdering 4-year-old Orrin, jurors failed to reach verdicts on murder and conspiracy in connection with 3-year-old Orson’s disappearance and alleged death.

Criminal Defense Attorney Mark Raimondo said it is now up to District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer if she wants to pursue a retrial.

“I think the District Attorney’s going to take in great consideration the family’s feelings in addition to what is the cost benefit analysis of that is. I mean they’re going to get mandatory life sentences already,” he said. “Personally I’d be surprised if they do go forward given the multiple life sentences each of the defendants face.”

Another option could be the Wests negotiating their sentences by confessing where Orrin and Orson are, if they know where the boys are. Raimondo said a confession seems unlikely at this point.

“Could they negotiate in a way for show us where the bodies are? Perhaps. But I think that ship has already sailed,” Raimondo said.
Sentencing for Jacqueline and Trezell West is scheduled for July 13.

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