PAUL & MAGGIE MURDAUGH: South Carolina vs. Alex Murdaugh for Double Homicide of wife & son *GUILTY*

This case is being kept pretty quiet, no major details released to speak of (other than it does say there were two different guns used), but no info regarding who found them, who called 911, very little else.

Of interest, the grandfather died just a few days after these murders and it sounds as if he was ill from various articles so probably not unexpected. I think of the typical motives, did grandpa have a big estate? How big in the overall family of grandpa's on down? They sound like a pretty well known family and a powerful one in their state, more on that in the article.

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He already testified, under oath, that he did them. So what the Hades is do they think it's going to change?
They are trying to handle the biggest fires and put them out and then trying to undo what they can. Going to be a bunch of b.s. for a long time ut I don't think they can do it all unless they know someone so powerful and can use and pay him off to make ALL AM's sh*t go away. Even then we'd know what was going on...

If the murder trial gets thrown out or redone, etc. then I'd guess they will claim he'd have NEVER falsely admitted to the financials but he felt cornered unfairly in an unfair trial and yada, yada, yada OR they will just fight one thing at a time and some simultaneously to throw bluster.

Interesting both in this one and in Delphi if it has to be free the attys will do it no charge for belief in their client's innocence. I do not believe it in either case for an instant. Old Poot found time to go to Crime Con. I'd like to go to that one day but mavbe not with some that may be encountered... He didn't even put on much of a defense for AM but now look.... Don't look here but look there...

By Patrick Phillips
Published: Nov. 16, 2023 at 2:20 PM EST|Updated: 3 hours ago

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Court documents indicate the judge who presided over the murder trial for convicted killer Alex Murdaugh has asked for a new judge to be assigned to handle post-trial motions related to the case.

The word about Newman seeking to recuse himself came from a South Carolina Supreme Court order issued Thursday.

Murdaugh was convicted in March in the June 2021 murders of his wife, Maggie, and their son, Paul, in a six-week trial in Colleton County. Newman, a circuit judge who was appointed to handle all of Murdaugh’s cases, presided over that trial and has presided over various hearings related to scores of financial charges Murdaugh also faces.

Murdaugh’s defense team filed a motion on Nov. 1 asking for a writ of prohibition that would prevent Newman from all future trials and hearings as it seeks a new trial amid accusations of jury tampering. In that motion, Murdaugh defense attorneys Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin argued Newman should be barred from presiding over any future cases because he “has personal knowledge about the clerk of court’s conduct” which they argue will be disputed at a hearing about whether Murdaugh should have a new trial. Documents also allege Newman made statements after the judge returned guilty verdicts that violated the Code of Judicial Conduct.

“These statements include congratulating the jury for returning the correct verdict, statements at sentencing evidencing personal bias, and statements in public interviews after the trial (including an interview on a nationally broadcast news program) in which Judge Newman stated his personal opinion regarding Mr. Murdaugh’s guilt, legal issues on appeal, and strategic choices by Mr. Murdaugh’s counsel during trial,” the documents state.

At his sentencing, in response to Murdaugh’s statement that he was innocent of the murders of his family, Newman answered, “It might not have been you. It might have been the monster you become” when taking large amounts of opiates.

The order from the state Supreme Court denied a defense request to delay the hearing on 101 financial and narcotics charges, which is set to begin Nov. 27 in Beaufort County until a decision was made on whether to bar Newman from presiding.

It also denied the request for the writ of prohibition, calling it “moot,” since Newman requested a new judge be assigned.

By Patrick Phillips
Published: Nov. 16, 2023 at 2:20 PM EST|Updated: 3 hours ago

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Court documents indicate the judge who presided over the murder trial for convicted killer Alex Murdaugh has asked for a new judge to be assigned to handle post-trial motions related to the case.

The word about Newman seeking to recuse himself came from a South Carolina Supreme Court order issued Thursday.

Murdaugh was convicted in March in the June 2021 murders of his wife, Maggie, and their son, Paul, in a six-week trial in Colleton County. Newman, a circuit judge who was appointed to handle all of Murdaugh’s cases, presided over that trial and has presided over various hearings related to scores of financial charges Murdaugh also faces.

Murdaugh’s defense team filed a motion on Nov. 1 asking for a writ of prohibition that would prevent Newman from all future trials and hearings as it seeks a new trial amid accusations of jury tampering. In that motion, Murdaugh defense attorneys Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin argued Newman should be barred from presiding over any future cases because he “has personal knowledge about the clerk of court’s conduct” which they argue will be disputed at a hearing about whether Murdaugh should have a new trial. Documents also allege Newman made statements after the judge returned guilty verdicts that violated the Code of Judicial Conduct.

“These statements include congratulating the jury for returning the correct verdict, statements at sentencing evidencing personal bias, and statements in public interviews after the trial (including an interview on a nationally broadcast news program) in which Judge Newman stated his personal opinion regarding Mr. Murdaugh’s guilt, legal issues on appeal, and strategic choices by Mr. Murdaugh’s counsel during trial,” the documents state.

At his sentencing, in response to Murdaugh’s statement that he was innocent of the murders of his family, Newman answered, “It might not have been you. It might have been the monster you become” when taking large amounts of opiates.

The order from the state Supreme Court denied a defense request to delay the hearing on 101 financial and narcotics charges, which is set to begin Nov. 27 in Beaufort County until a decision was made on whether to bar Newman from presiding.

It also denied the request for the writ of prohibition, calling it “moot,” since Newman requested a new judge be assigned.
From all I know a judge is very much allowed ON conviction of stating what he has seen in the trial and a jury getting it right, and opinion of the defendant, etc. And as we see there are no issues coming from that but it probably does bar him from post trial decisions since he voiced such and he knew to remove himself for that part. The show I watched even said the higher court COULD have decided he can stay in place even with that but that Newman removed himself from THAT part seeing it as right.

I like that they ruled against the request to delay financials although it seems that could still be up in the air as to Newman presiding, etc...

Imo Judge Newman is all AM and his team are not. Ethical, professional, decent and strong. All of those things I see the opposite of in AM and team. And I believe they have a disdain for anyone who is so. They don't get it and can't fatthom it as in their opinion smart people use, collect, commit fraud etc. all with their cronies to get what they want. Just a personal opinion and it is how I see this bunch.

I think it also plays into why there wasn't much of a defense in the murder trial. This has been the plan AND they knew no point, let's lay the stuff we are going to GET, put in place and use
after. Again just a personal opinion.

Clearly I don't think much of AM nor the defense in this case.

Hopefully the days of the M name and power are over and any former connections or higher ups would not dare associate themselves with him or giving him/ them a pass or helping a bit... I wouldn't count on it but hopefully they wouldn't want to be wondered about next...

All jmo. This case isn't going to quiet any time soon but perhaps decisions will quiet it some.

All just my personal opinion and I admit I am disgusted with the likes of AM and team and a bit enamored with Newman. Even so, I am not judging it on that.
I just saw this and came to post it. I see you already know.

Murdaugh has appealed his conviction and, through his attorney, has alleged that the Clerk of Court tampered with the jury. The Supreme Court granted a motion to remand the case back to the circuit court for a hearing on whether there is enough evidence to merit a new trial.

The Supreme Court, however, declined to grant a separate motion from Murdaugh to remove Newman from the case. Murdaugh’s attorneys had argued that the higher court needed to intercede to remove Newman because of his personal knowledge of Hill’s conduct as well as statements Newman made in interviews following sentencing. The court similarly denied Murdaugh’s request to stay the other trials he is currently facing for financial crimes.

Court documents obtained by Court TV indicate that Newman decided to recuse himself from future post-trial motions and hearings in Murdaugh’s murder case, but will remain on the bench for the other cases currently pending.

READ MORE: Alex Murdaugh requests change of venue ahead of trial

Newman will be on the bench this Friday, Nov. 17, as Alex Murdaugh appears in court with his attorneys for a motions hearing before his upcoming trial, scheduled for Nov. 27. On Friday, Murdaugh’s attorneys will ask for the trial in Beaufort County to be moved or stayed for at least one year, due to pre-trial publicity.

Court TV will be in the courtroom on Nov. 17 and will bring you the hearing live.
I just saw this and came to post it. I see you already know.

Murdaugh has appealed his conviction and, through his attorney, has alleged that the Clerk of Court tampered with the jury. The Supreme Court granted a motion to remand the case back to the circuit court for a hearing on whether there is enough evidence to merit a new trial.

The Supreme Court, however, declined to grant a separate motion from Murdaugh to remove Newman from the case. Murdaugh’s attorneys had argued that the higher court needed to intercede to remove Newman because of his personal knowledge of Hill’s conduct as well as statements Newman made in interviews following sentencing. The court similarly denied Murdaugh’s request to stay the other trials he is currently facing for financial crimes.

Court documents obtained by Court TV indicate that Newman decided to recuse himself from future post-trial motions and hearings in Murdaugh’s murder case, but will remain on the bench for the other cases currently pending.

READ MORE: Alex Murdaugh requests change of venue ahead of trial

Newman will be on the bench this Friday, Nov. 17, as Alex Murdaugh appears in court with his attorneys for a motions hearing before his upcoming trial, scheduled for Nov. 27. On Friday, Murdaugh’s attorneys will ask for the trial in Beaufort County to be moved or stayed for at least one year, due to pre-trial publicity.

Court TV will be in the courtroom on Nov. 17 and will bring you the hearing live.
Moved and stayed for a year is ridiculous and I don't see it being granted.

It's interesting that most of the recent publicity comes from defense noise about jurors, clerk, etc. Wouldn't that HELP Alex? When would the time ever be better than when they've made it appear as if tampering went on and a new murder trial should be ordered? Kind of ironic they are making most of the recent news themselves but then claim too much pretrial publicity...

And a year is ridiculous. Those that recall it will recall it in two months or a year when refreshed and those that don't know much about it still won't know.
More time to negotiate a plea?
I don't think so. They need to put out something like a kazillion fires Alex caused. And it is fluid too. Having lived a life for years now of many simultaneous fires and fluid ones and new ones, they have to put one out at least momentarily and keep it at by while at the same time handling the most urgent. Different courts, different charges, different crimes. They can't all go away or be handled at once and re interconnected as well in some areas. They have to prioritize while at the same time trying to quiet the others or hit on them with something, etc. They have a HUGE mess.

Their goal is imo to of course get a new trial on the original conviction of the murders. I think if they succeed on that they will then argue that anything Alex admitted to in that trial was because of this and that that was going on in an unfair trial or something on that order. He did so under duress, etc. or whatever claim. He pled to fiederal financial crimes but I am also thinking they can't have a conviction on the state financial charges or he will never get out. They may feel they can get him out of the federal or have some connection that can but haviing TWO courts send him away is a lot harder web to untangle AND more time in prison.

I don't know but just like they stayed the usual appeal or asked it to be while they addressed the alleged jury tampering, they want to of course stay this financial trial coming up THIS MONTH. In days.

I don't think for one minute they will ever be able to undo everything and free Alex and save him but that is the end goal imo. Short of total corrruption and some power that releases him that will never happen. Alex did too much and committed too many crimes on both a federal and state level.

As for a plea deal, sure he'd take one if it was ten concurrent years maybe but I feel they can't have two courts with convictions on the crimes with long term sentences because they would have to UNDO both for him ever to have a day of freedom in this lifetime.

More so, they need the delay. I'd doubt they are prepared and they have been tied up with the other stuff of jury tampering and clerk's writing books and creating a fire in that one. They just have too many Alex Murdaugh fires and it is complicated and time consuming.

These are just my own thoughts. i don't get them from any news or video, etc. I may be way off but their end goal is to get Alex off and free or out after a short number of years but they have slim chance of that and will likely die before that happens. Honestly if that isn't their goal and perhaps some fame that comes with it, then why? Any one crime of AM's is enough to send him away for the rest of his life and there are many.

If they somehow undo the first trial, they can then probably try to claim anything he admitted to in that one should not be allowed. I don't know this but I'd suspect it would be their next step. And it would be easier if they did not have a state financial conviction and sentence to undo. They want this other thing first, the murder trial, jury tampering, new trial, and they want the financial held at bay for THAT reason if you ask me. They have to fix and put out the BIGGEST first fire and reverse it. But at the same time all the others loom and need to be handled or at least diminished...

It sounds weird but this is my life. Not the same thing at all and nothing I cause but I get the too many fires thing. I live it and it never ends.

I do have to wonder why they are bothering what should seem like a losing battle. I think, this "bunch" of corrupt long decades century holding power holding, running the show guys have to. They have to keep it from all disintegrating and all seeing the far bigger picture and people involved than we know. And it is definitely who Alex is. No way no how is he not Mr. Man and something is wrong that anyone could do this to him or he be unable to schmooze all and make them believe. Of course they want Newman gone. Ethics and men who follow them are alien to them and I even think they believe those that follow them instead of using power and running with it and that don't think they are more important than others are stupid.

Okay, I am going way off original thoughts and it is time for me to quit.

I do think for Poot and Griffin it is a fame and I will be noticed, remembered and talked about thing...Part of it anyhow.. Not for one moment do I believe he thinks Alex innocent of any of it.
They are trying to handle the biggest fires and put them out and then trying to undo what they can. Going to be a bunch of b.s. for a long time ut I don't think they can do it all unless they know someone so powerful and can use and pay him off to make ALL AM's sh*t go away. Even then we'd know what was going on...

If the murder trial gets thrown out or redone, etc. then I'd guess they will claim he'd have NEVER falsely admitted to the financials but he felt cornered unfairly in an unfair trial and yada, yada, yada OR they will just fight one thing at a time and some simultaneously to throw bluster.

Interesting both in this one and in Delphi if it has to be free the attys will do it no charge for belief in their client's innocence. I do not believe it in either case for an instant. Old Poot found time to go to Crime Con. I'd like to go to that one day but mavbe not with some that may be encountered... He didn't even put on much of a defense for AM but now look.... Don't look here but look there...
These are high interest cases across the US and the world even, so what they lose in fees they would gain in free publicity getting more clients who do pay. That's why they are doing it IMO.

Didn't Murdaugh take a plea in the federal trial? Also, if he is compensating the victims from those crimes, there won't also be compensation involved in the state trial would there?
All fighting over the money now. We worked out his assets were $8m didn't we? 40% fees would be $3.2m so not much would be left for the victims.

So far the receivers have billed for 3000 hours work for $641,000 ie $213 per hour.

The receivers were assigned to comb through Murdaugh’s property holdings and bank accounts and decide what can be spent on things such as his defense. Those lawyers, and a third who is about to join them, charge hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees.
“Without the Receivers’ efforts over the last two years, it is very likely there would be nothing left for any of Alex Murdaugh’s victims,” lawyers Peter McCoy and John Lay told The State newspaper in a statement.

Court records haven’t indicated how much Murdaugh’s assets are worth. His lawyers’ filing suggests it is more than $1 million, but it didn’t provide specifics. As part of his plea deal with federal prosecutors, Murdaugh agreed to pay $9 million in restitution.
The receivers said they have performed nearly 3,000 hours of work looking for Murdaugh’s assets and reviewing what he should be allowed to spend money on.
They have been paid more than $641,000, which they said is a discount on the standard hourly rate for this kind of work and well under the “standard contingency rates of 40%, which Alex Murdaugh himself used to charge, before expenses,” McCoy and Lay told the newspaper.
Murdaugh’s lawyers have tangled with the state receivers before. When his murder trial lasted twice as long as expected, Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffin asked for more money in part to pay for his appeal but were denied.
The lawyers for clients and others awaiting money from Murdaugh’s assets aren’t asking the federal government to take over. Attorney Mark Tinley represents the family of Mallory Beach, a teen killed in a boat crash when Murdaugh’s son Paul was driving the vessel under the influence.
On X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, Tinley called the move from Murdaugh’s lawyers a “scheme to get Dick and Jim paid some more since the state court wouldn’t.”
Griffin and Harpootlian have said several times that they didn’t defend Murdaugh to become rich and that they took substantially less than they would have in other circumstances.
Several people involved in the Murdaugh saga, including the defense lawyers and a state prosecutor, attended a convention of true crime fans in Florida this month to talk about the case to packed ballrooms.
Harpootlian told a group at the CrimeCon convention that over his five-decade career, he has made much more money than he can spend and that he will represent Murdaugh for free through his appeals if he has to.
“What else am I going to do? Play golf?” Harpootlian said.
As a reminder, this was the deal in the federal trial ie for Murdaugh to pay $9 million in restitution.
These are high interest cases across the US and the world even, so what they lose in fees they would gain in free publicity getting more clients who do pay. That's why they are doing it IMO.

Didn't Murdaugh take a plea in the federal trial? Also, if he is compensating the victims from those crimes, there won't also be compensation involved in the state trial would there?
He did take a plea in the fed cases. Imo this was for a few reasons and one is to get him serving his time in the fed pen rather than state. I think this too was a stopgap measure, they had/have to put out fires and just can't fight them all at once.

Yeah Poot talks about the clerk having stars in her eyes/wanting fame and money but I think that's a bit hypocritical, if there is anyone playing to the cameras and interest, it is him. I am NOT saying I think the Clerk writing a book was the best idea.

As to victim compensation or restitution, I am honestly not sure. I would think they could order more but perhaps not if fully paid with interest. Of course they could sue civilly and for other expenses and losses due to not receiving their money, etc.

But as far as the criminal trials, I would TINK if they were FULLY repaid then the State would not order more but there is a chance of restitution meaning some costs the crime or trial cost you are ordered paid by the defendant if you put in for them. For instance our case, the baby's headsone that family paid for was one expense he was ordered to pay restitution for. That's different than a financial case but they both are criminal cases and restitution applies for valid things. Now a need of a week's hotel room when she was on life support was not eligible. Don't ask me why, I have no idea what is and isn't. So I am just saying yes AM could end up with more money owed for something I imagine. Didn't the one family lose their home or trailer or something? That definitely would be looked at in a civil case, not sure for the criminal. Definitely until paid in full what was stolen I'd think they can order that much.
Did we know this? In his federal trial the sentence was only 46 months.

No sorry that was Fleming. Still looking for Murdaugh's sentence.

"Fleming pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge for his role in this scheme. In August 2023, he was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison.

This is all it says about Murdaugh's sentence -

"As part of his guilty plea, Murdaugh agreed to waive his appeal and post-conviction rights, with narrow exceptions. He has also agreed to be fully truthful with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Provided Murdaugh fully complies with the plea agreement, the Government has agreed—consistent with the recommendation of the United States Sentencing Guidelines—to recommend that Murdaugh’s federal prison sentence run concurrent to any state sentence imposed for the same conduct."

Lafitte got 7 years.

"In November 2022, Laffitte was convicted on six federal charges for conspiracy to commit wire and bank fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, and misapplication of bank funds for his role in this scheme. In August 2023, Laffitte was sentenced to 7 years in federal prison."

So, how I read this is that Murdaugh's federal sentence will depend on what he gets in the state case.
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DM reporting from today.

"The killer legal scion, 55, is facing over 100 charges of financial crimes alleging he embezzled $9 million from friends and clients at his former law firm.
Prosecutors are expected to argue that he murdered his wife Maggie and son Paul to distract from his financial crimes, and say his life was spiraling out of control as he battled a secret opioid addiction.

Last month, he pleaded guilty to 22 of the charges against him.
Murdaugh's trial is set to begin November 27, however his attorneys have requested the trial be moved to another location or moved back as they raise concerns about jury impartiality for the notorious killer's case.
Similar allegations of jury tampering have been levied at his murder trial earlier this year, as Colleton County Clerk of Court Rebecca Hill has been accused of improperly counseling jurors to disregard Murdaugh's testimony and pressured them to reach a quick verdict.
Alex Murdaugh seen back in court Friday for a pre-trial hearing as he faces over 100 charges of financial crimes


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Alex Murdaugh seen back in court Friday for a pre-trial hearing as he faces over 100 charges of financial crimes
Murdaugh speaks with his defense attorney Dick Harpootlian in court Friday


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Murdaugh speaks with his defense attorney Dick Harpootlian in court Friday
Defense attorney Dick Harpootlian (left) speaks with prosecuting attorney Creighton Waters (right), who is expected to argue that Murdaugh killed his wife and son to distract from his alleged financial crimes


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Defense attorney Dick Harpootlian (left) speaks with prosecuting attorney Creighton Waters (right), who is expected to argue that Murdaugh killed his wife and son to distract from his alleged financial crimes
Alex Murdaugh back in court for financial crim


Alex Murdaugh appears in court for financial fraud charges


Judge rules financial crimes are admissible in Murdaugh trial


Lead investigators in Alex Murdaugh case break their silence
28.5k viewing now

Judge who sentenced Alex Murdaugh stands down from post-trial hearings
385 viewing now

Lead investigators in Alex Murdaugh's case break their silence
114 viewing now
In his financial crimes trial, Murdaugh faces 19 indictments and over 100 charges alleging crimes including tax evasion, money laundering, forgery and fraud.
Ronnie Richter, an attorney representing victims of Murdaugh’s alleged financial crimes, has claimed the legal scion's actions were tantamount to a 'Ponzi scheme.'
'Alex’s financial crimes are nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, and all Ponzi schemes work in the same way—I have to continue to steal from new people to replace the money I’ve stolen from old people,' he said.
'All Ponzi schemes end the same way. Sooner or later it’s like musical chairs: the music stops and someone is without a chair.
'And that’s exactly what happened with Alex. The music stopped, he ran out of places to get money and all of his financial crimes were exposed.'
Among the allegations against Murdaugh is that he stole over $3 million from his late housekeeper's estate and insurance carriers, siphoning settlement money from the 2018 'trip and fall accident' death of his longtime housekeeper Gloria Satterfield.
The financial crimes case is scheduled to be presided over by Judge Clifton Newman, who recused himself this week from any of Murdaugh's future hearings over his murder conviction as his lawyers seek a retrial.
Newman came under fire for a controversial interview with NBC News a month after the trial, where he commented on the blockbuster trial just a month after its conclusion.
Murdaugh allegedly siphoned over $3 million in settlement funds from the estate of his longtime housekeeper Gloria Satterfield, who died in 2018 from a 'trip and fall accident'

Murdaugh's attorneys are seeking the financial crimes trial to be moved out of the Lowcountry or delayed until at least March, arguing that his case could be tainted by the media and public interest around him.
Last week, Murdaugh's attorney Dick Harpootlian cited responses to a pre-trial juror questionnaire asking the extent to which potential jurors understand his criminal charges due to 'exhaustive media coverage.'
In response, Eric Bland, an attorney representing one of Murdaugh's alleged financial victims, said the request was baseless as a juror is not selected based on their knowledge of the case.
'It’s a little like the pot calling the kettle black, the fact of the matter is you can go to Tanzania and try to have the trial there and there are people that have heard about the Murdaugh matter there,' Bland said.
'Just because people have heard about the Murdaugh matter, doesn’t mean they can’t be fair impartial and objective jurors.
'You don’t have to pick a jury where 12 people have never heard of the Murdaugh matter. They have to be willing to put aside any knowledge that they have and listen to the evidence and be fair and impartial, that’s the standard and I think they can.'
Last month, Murdaugh pleaded guilty to some financial crimes he has been accused of, saying he wanted to 'take responsibility' for 22 counts of financial fraud and money laundering.
'I want my son to see me take responsibility,' he said, adding his hope was 'that by taking responsibility that the people I've hurt can begin to heal.'
His plea deal requires him to repay $9 million he admitted to stealing from clients at his law firm, and ensures that any jail time will be served simultaneously with any he receives from state courts. "
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Did we know this? In his federal trial the sentence was only 46 months.

No sorry that was Fleming. Still looking for Murdaugh's sentence.

"Fleming pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge for his role in this scheme. In August 2023, he was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison.

This is all it says about Murdaugh's sentence -

"As part of his guilty plea, Murdaugh agreed to waive his appeal and post-conviction rights, with narrow exceptions. He has also agreed to be fully truthful with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Provided Murdaugh fully complies with the plea agreement, the Government has agreed—consistent with the recommendation of the United States Sentencing Guidelines—to recommend that Murdaugh’s federal prison sentence run concurrent to any state sentence imposed for the same conduct."

Lafitte got 7 years.

"In November 2022, Laffitte was convicted on six federal charges for conspiracy to commit wire and bank fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, and misapplication of bank funds for his role in this scheme. In August 2023, Laffitte was sentenced to 7 years in federal prison."

So, how I read this is that Murdaugh's federal sentence will depend on what he gets in the state case.
Yeah it gets confusing. I was thinking earlier of his argument that the state should abide by what the fed said and the argument didn't fly but then I realized that was Fleming or Lafitte, I think Fleming. Recently. Month ago or so.

Alex got more I am pretty certain but it wasn't enough I know I thought that for the sheer damage and number of misdeeds, crimes, acts, lies to families, etc. and SHEER number of charges.

Alex and team want Newman gone. No surprise is it... A year would put them in a different place judge wise. They have tried every which way but carefully because Newman is respected and has done nothing wrong that anyone can see.

That would be yet another reason imo for wanting a major delay.
Did we know this? In his federal trial the sentence was only 46 months.

No sorry that was Fleming. Still looking for Murdaugh's sentence.

"Fleming pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge for his role in this scheme. In August 2023, he was sentenced to 46 months in federal prison.

This is all it says about Murdaugh's sentence -

"As part of his guilty plea, Murdaugh agreed to waive his appeal and post-conviction rights, with narrow exceptions. He has also agreed to be fully truthful with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Provided Murdaugh fully complies with the plea agreement, the Government has agreed—consistent with the recommendation of the United States Sentencing Guidelines—to recommend that Murdaugh’s federal prison sentence run concurrent to any state sentence imposed for the same conduct."

Lafitte got 7 years.

"In November 2022, Laffitte was convicted on six federal charges for conspiracy to commit wire and bank fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, and misapplication of bank funds for his role in this scheme. In August 2023, Laffitte was sentenced to 7 years in federal prison."

So, how I read this is that Murdaugh's federal sentence will depend on what he gets in the state case.
Waived his post conviction rights and agreed to be truthful to all agencies and courts, local to federal as part of the conditions? Lol. AM truthful?

Concurrent? Yeah I guess that rings a bell, maddening but if county gives him 100 years then it runs concurrent. Or 30 years. Etc. So basically they let him out of the fed sentence and feds are going along with what the local court decides...? With the financials. Of course at that point he was sentenced to life in prison already...
Wow I cannot believe it. He pleads guilty to all charges. I am posting the DM article as I couldn't access the NYT one without signing up.

The disgraced legal scion, 55, embezzled over $9million while working as one of South Carolina's most prominent lawyers, as prosecutors say he was able to rely on his family name to con clients at his law firm.

As the staggering number of charges were read out, Murdaugh - sporting a longer haircut than his shaved-head look in recent mugshots - appeared unmoved by the moment as he sat by his attorneys, shackled in an orange jumpsuit.

Prosecuting attorney Creighton Waters sought a 27 year sentence, but asked the judge to consider sentencing at a later date to allow time to notify every victim, and to allow them to speak to Murdough in victim impact statements if they wish.

When asked by the judge if he understood the seriousness of his guilty plea, Murdaugh responded there was 'no question in my mind.'

'I've had a long time to think about it,' he added, to which the judge replied: 'I'm sure you have.'

His financial crimes trial was scheduled for November 27, when prosecutors were expected to argue that he murdered his wife Maggie and son Paul to distract from his financial crimes as his life spiraling out of control amid a secret opioid addiction.
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DM reporting from today.

"The killer legal scion, 55, is facing over 100 charges of financial crimes alleging he embezzled $9 million from friends and clients at his former law firm.
Prosecutors are expected to argue that he murdered his wife Maggie and son Paul to distract from his financial crimes, and say his life was spiraling out of control as he battled a secret opioid addiction.

Last month, he pleaded guilty to 22 of the charges against him.
Murdaugh's trial is set to begin November 27, however his attorneys have requested the trial be moved to another location or moved back as they raise concerns about jury impartiality for the notorious killer's case.
Similar allegations of jury tampering have been levied at his murder trial earlier this year, as Colleton County Clerk of Court Rebecca Hill has been accused of improperly counseling jurors to disregard Murdaugh's testimony and pressured them to reach a quick verdict.
Alex Murdaugh seen back in court Friday for a pre-trial hearing as he faces over 100 charges of financial crimes


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Alex Murdaugh seen back in court Friday for a pre-trial hearing as he faces over 100 charges of financial crimes
Murdaugh speaks with his defense attorney Dick Harpootlian in court Friday


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Murdaugh speaks with his defense attorney Dick Harpootlian in court Friday
Defense attorney Dick Harpootlian (left) speaks with prosecuting attorney Creighton Waters (right), who is expected to argue that Murdaugh killed his wife and son to distract from his alleged financial crimes


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Defense attorney Dick Harpootlian (left) speaks with prosecuting attorney Creighton Waters (right), who is expected to argue that Murdaugh killed his wife and son to distract from his alleged financial crimes
Alex Murdaugh back in court for financial crim


Alex Murdaugh appears in court for financial fraud charges


Judge rules financial crimes are admissible in Murdaugh trial


Lead investigators in Alex Murdaugh case break their silence
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Judge who sentenced Alex Murdaugh stands down from post-trial hearings
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Lead investigators in Alex Murdaugh's case break their silence
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In his financial crimes trial, Murdaugh faces 19 indictments and over 100 charges alleging crimes including tax evasion, money laundering, forgery and fraud.
Ronnie Richter, an attorney representing victims of Murdaugh’s alleged financial crimes, has claimed the legal scion's actions were tantamount to a 'Ponzi scheme.'
'Alex’s financial crimes are nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, and all Ponzi schemes work in the same way—I have to continue to steal from new people to replace the money I’ve stolen from old people,' he said.
'All Ponzi schemes end the same way. Sooner or later it’s like musical chairs: the music stops and someone is without a chair.
'And that’s exactly what happened with Alex. The music stopped, he ran out of places to get money and all of his financial crimes were exposed.'
Among the allegations against Murdaugh is that he stole over $3 million from his late housekeeper's estate and insurance carriers, siphoning settlement money from the 2018 'trip and fall accident' death of his longtime housekeeper Gloria Satterfield.
The financial crimes case is scheduled to be presided over by Judge Clifton Newman, who recused himself this week from any of Murdaugh's future hearings over his murder conviction as his lawyers seek a retrial.
Newman came under fire for a controversial interview with NBC News a month after the trial, where he commented on the blockbuster trial just a month after its conclusion.
Murdaugh allegedly siphoned over $3 million in settlement funds from the estate of his longtime housekeeper Gloria Satterfield, who died in 2018 from a 'trip and fall accident''trip and fall accident'

Murdaugh's attorneys are seeking the financial crimes trial to be moved out of the Lowcountry or delayed until at least March, arguing that his case could be tainted by the media and public interest around him.
Last week, Murdaugh's attorney Dick Harpootlian cited responses to a pre-trial juror questionnaire asking the extent to which potential jurors understand his criminal charges due to 'exhaustive media coverage.'
In response, Eric Bland, an attorney representing one of Murdaugh's alleged financial victims, said the request was baseless as a juror is not selected based on their knowledge of the case.
'It’s a little like the pot calling the kettle black, the fact of the matter is you can go to Tanzania and try to have the trial there and there are people that have heard about the Murdaugh matter there,' Bland said.
'Just because people have heard about the Murdaugh matter, doesn’t mean they can’t be fair impartial and objective jurors.
'You don’t have to pick a jury where 12 people have never heard of the Murdaugh matter. They have to be willing to put aside any knowledge that they have and listen to the evidence and be fair and impartial, that’s the standard and I think they can.'
Last month, Murdaugh pleaded guilty to some financial crimes he has been accused of, saying he wanted to 'take responsibility' for 22 counts of financial fraud and money laundering.
'I want my son to see me take responsibility,' he said, adding his hope was 'that by taking responsibility that the people I've hurt can begin to heal.'
His plea deal requires him to repay $9 million he admitted to stealing from clients at his law firm, and ensures that any jail time will be served simultaneously with any he receives from state courts. "
The "killer legal scion"? Well, hat is quite the name.

Personally I don't think the murders were to "distract" although that may have been part of it. I also have never seen one shred of evidence that Alex was addicted to opiates. Could be. Don't know.

I still find it ironic they can cite pretrial publicity when much of the publicity comes from them, for one scheduling a press conference with startling overhyped (imo) claims of jury tampering and about the clerk. Also they and Alex were sneaking out info and pics etc. for a SHOW. In one they called on the press and in the other they are helping to make a TV SHOW. Funny they can create it and then USE it to gripe about or as an excuse to move or delay a trial. Not funny really.

If I never see the pic of Alex shirtless again it will be too soon.

I wonder if this will ever reach a point they exhaust all and he goes off and serves his sentences quietly. I seriously doubt it ever will.

I myself am tired of hearing about Alex Murdaugh when there are NUMEROUS VICTIMS here but he doesn't seem to realize that to this day. Poor Alex. Poor Alex. What an example he is of a white overindulged glutton of all vices of a man. Selfish. Coddled. Corrupt. The man can't even see himself for what he is. Or if he does, he still thinks all is his right in his me da KING brain.

Is it too much to wish he could see himself for the circus side show he is? He is special as are his family and those around him. They are special all right. There isn't one thing normal about them. A classic example of what wealth, power, and name can do to you. Let you never mature beyond a lying, thieving, murderous, stupid, gluttonous, immature puke. I don't know that I have ever seen a poorer actor and it is hard for me to understand how people around him fell for a thing or believed his lies. Even when he tries to beam with love and pride in court of Buster, it comes across as so put on it isn't even funny. Yeah I killed your mom and bro but I love you son, I NEED you son is more like it.

Sorry I am just fed up with this man. Not amused with his team either. Not amused with the sheer voluminous number of VICTIMS in this case and despite their thinking so, Fleming and Lafitte are NOT victims of Alex NOR are his former law partners. I also think there is a reason Poot can't take a break from Alex and defends him so staunchly. Just an educated guess. Just speculation. Yah it is just belief in the innocence of Alex, love of the family and loyalty to them. Uh huh. Except for Maggie and Paul I guess. Does he ignore the admitted guilt of this man with defrauding POOR victims who were both grieving and in need of funds? They know darned well their client is guilty of all including murder. Maybe that is what disgusts me so much. And think they are special. Poot himself puts down others, ya know on those back road,s dirt roads of Colleton County, areas he has not seen and never travels... That the poor man had to travel, having doors slammed in his face... Into POOR country outside of city or town limits. Is HE writing a book or trying to be seen as some colorful southern character whose poor car that costs more than the people's homes gets dusty and muddy traveling those thar back roads where he may have to use an outhouse since no running water and indoor toilet? Oh my. Pompous and condescendng. ALSO comes across as an obvious male chauvinist on many an occasion.

Anyhow just another case where it is the poor defendant. Gloria S. is DEAD. Mallory Beach is DEAD. Paul M is DEAD. Maggine M is DEAD. Tons are defrauded, grieving and STRUGGLING but ya know Alex needs a certain brand of underwear. THEY continue to make this the Alex show and continue to I think ENJOY it, Alex eats it up, one can see it. They continue to make a mockery of SC and justice.

OH I trust it will all work out in the end and Alex will have to do his time but probably never silently but maybe not. Make no mistake about it, this is the Good Ol' Boys trying to maintain and keep hold and power. They'd be wiser all to cut from Alex but they CAN'T. That's my opinion...

I am tired. I am not unwound nor have I had a chance to relax or rest and it is back to a heck of a number of weeks and heavy schedule. I'm disgusted with Alex M. I am disgusted in Delphi and disgusted with Asa in LISK. And surrounding shows, books, lies and ridiculous side shows. And I don't even have time to watch or follow a lot and still feel that way. Oh well.

There are a ton of victims in this case. Someone really needs to tell Alex and team that he is NOT ONE.
The "killer legal scion"? Well, hat is quite the name.

Personally I don't think the murders were to "distract" although that may have been part of it. I also have never seen one shred of evidence that Alex was addicted to opiates. Could be. Don't know.

I still find it ironic they can cite pretrial publicity when much of the publicity comes from them, for one scheduling a press conference with startling overhyped (imo) claims of jury tampering and about the clerk. Also they and Alex were sneaking out info and pics etc. for a SHOW. In one they called on the press and in the other they are helping to make a TV SHOW. Funny they can create it and then USE it to gripe about or as an excuse to move or delay a trial. Not funny really.

If I never see the pic of Alex shirtless again it will be too soon.

I wonder if this will ever reach a point they exhaust all and he goes off and serves his sentences quietly. I seriously doubt it ever will.

I myself am tired of hearing about Alex Murdaugh when there are NUMEROUS VICTIMS here but he doesn't seem to realize that to this day. Poor Alex. Poor Alex. What an example he is of a white overindulged glutton of all vices of a man. Selfish. Coddled. Corrupt. The man can't even see himself for what he is. Or if he does, he still thinks all is his right in his me da KING brain.

Is it too much to wish he could see himself for the circus side show he is? He is special as are his family and those around him. They are special all right. There isn't one thing normal about them. A classic example of what wealth, power, and name can do to you. Let you never mature beyond a lying, thieving, murderous, stupid, gluttonous, immature puke. I don't know that I have ever seen a poorer actor and it is hard for me to understand how people around him fell for a thing or believed his lies. Even when he tries to beam with love and pride in court of Buster, it comes across as so put on it isn't even funny. Yeah I killed your mom and bro but I love you son, I NEED you son is more like it.

Sorry I am just fed up with this man. Not amused with his team either. Not amused with the sheer voluminous number of VICTIMS in this case and despite their thinking so, Fleming and Lafitte are NOT victims of Alex NOR are his former law partners. I also think there is a reason Poot can't take a break from Alex and defends him so staunchly. Just an educated guess. Just speculation. Yah it is just belief in the innocence of Alex, love of the family and loyalty to them. Uh huh. Except for Maggie and Paul I guess. Does he ignore the admitted guilt of this man with defrauding POOR victims who were both grieving and in need of funds? They know darned well their client is guilty of all including murder. Maybe that is what disgusts me so much. And think they are special. Poot himself puts down others, ya know on those back road,s dirt roads of Colleton County, areas he has not seen and never travels... That the poor man had to travel, having doors slammed in his face... Into POOR country outside of city or town limits. Is HE writing a book or trying to be seen as some colorful southern character whose poor car that costs more than the people's homes gets dusty and muddy traveling those thar back roads where he may have to use an outhouse since no running water and indoor toilet? Oh my. Pompous and condescendng. ALSO comes across as an obvious male chauvinist on many an occasion.

Anyhow just another case where it is the poor defendant. Gloria S. is DEAD. Mallory Beach is DEAD. Paul M is DEAD. Maggine M is DEAD. Tons are defrauded, grieving and STRUGGLING but ya know Alex needs a certain brand of underwear. THEY continue to make this the Alex show and continue to I think ENJOY it, Alex eats it up, one can see it. They continue to make a mockery of SC and justice.

OH I trust it will all work out in the end and Alex will have to do his time but probably never silently but maybe not. Make no mistake about it, this is the Good Ol' Boys trying to maintain and keep hold and power. They'd be wiser all to cut from Alex but they CAN'T. That's my opinion...

I am tired. I am not unwound nor have I had a chance to relax or rest and it is back to a heck of a number of weeks and heavy schedule. I'm disgusted with Alex M. I am disgusted in Delphi and disgusted with Asa in LISK. And surrounding shows, books, lies and ridiculous side shows. And I don't even have time to watch or follow a lot and still feel that way. Oh well.

There are a ton of victims in this case. Someone really needs to tell Alex and team that he is NOT ONE.
He has now been found guilty of all charges. I thought you would be over the moon and only the sentencing to be done. You have to also remember that these financial crimes were aided and abetted by a crooked banking Chief Executive, a crooked accountant plus ineffective audit procedures at his firm. They all made it too easy for him.

So all that is left now is the murder appeal. We will have to go thru another murder trial if he wins that.
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He has now been found guilty of all charges. I thought you would be over the moon and only the sentencing to be done. You have to also remember that these financial crimes were aided and abetted by a crooked banking Chief Executive, a crooked accountant plus ineffective audit procedures at his firm. They all made it too easy for him.

So all that is left now is the murder appeal. We will have to go thru another murder trial if he wins that.
I actualy never saw these posts of yours until just this second. Probably as I was showering, typing my last post, etc.

Yes. GOOD. And I do remember well law partners and cronies such as a banker and lwyer were involved or seemingly too stupid to see what was going on which I really don't buy (like wit the law partners). Are you saying that lightens his acts? I am pretty positive that is not what you mean but it kind of comes across that way. I have never lessened the role of the others.
They are all a bunch of crooks but to my knowledge, Alex is the only murderer.

So good news I guess although I don't think it over by any means. They had to do this or chance the trial AND be ready in short order. I'm going to guess at some point they will try to undo all but then who knows.... Maybe Alex is happy now... Nah.

They'll likely just claim something later like all the publicity, they could not get it delayed, etc., etc. or some sweet deal was struck.

I am happy about it but over the moon is a bit far. As I don't believe it is the end of any of it.. It is strategy or again putting out a looming fire for the moment while they deal with more important ones. Now if he'd only admit to killing his family members...

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