CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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Am so sorry about your loss. That must have been unbearable.
It still is. As fresh as the day is long. And it was our fourth intimate family circle loss in a few years. Was murder. Was a three year court process. A guilty verdict. And a bs sentence. Crying just saying that. See fathers and babies at work a lot and I can fall apart instantly have to scramble to get my mind elsewhere and fast and it doesn't always work. Anywhooo can't go there further. I will just say it is entirely a different kind of loss and murder. All were awful hard losses but I can only say this is different. Murder is different than cancer, old age, etc. and of a child, that's another element all together. He will be out before we know it and walking right amongst our community, my family, her siblings. So WRONG.

Anyhowwww I am glad this isn't JT because it is off topic.

Thank you for your thoughts.
Yes. She is my very good friend. It has been.
Thank you. I sure have needed sounding or pounding boards on occasion and you offered one :) Barely get him sentenced then here comes the hub filing divorce for another how many year stint. He knows when to hit. Always has. In hindsight.

Anyhow love ya and I better quit talking as if this is the basement or the coffee room.
JT is not the place to be.

JT is not for you and me.

JT is corrupt ya seeeeeee.... (or a joke ya see)

I had another line that was really good but promptly forgot.

Sing it to the tune of the theme song of Green Acres. And help finish it with CW is the place to be. We don't need no shopping, tacos, gambling or fancy 5th avenue. Intentionally mixing up Green Acres and JT and Eva and T. That's not fair to Eva I know. I am just going for a theme song for JT or us lol...
And threats of dangling me over the falls... I really am too quick to trust people... And I have to quit talking as if this is the chat room. I may be banned. BUT if the emu hasn't been I think I'd have a defense....
No it's the ongoing joke. Like the back and forth. :catfight:
I know. Agreed. I just heard a lot of the Adelson trial while cooking my meal for the week yesterday, doing the fun cat pan job ec. and the BUMP is a big thing/code in it. I didn't even pay a lot f attention to that case through the years but was up on it ENOUGH. Nothing else much was on and people seem to almost be avoiding Delphi with shows, etc. and so I put that on. Mostly Adelson's testimony but then landed on something that played Wendy's and Katie's as well... Again hardly aware of who all are, well I knew the players somewhat but never seen them etc. He is such a PUKE. And liar. CROSS EXAM was GOOD but do feel she could have went longer and harder but regardless for a smart jury, hopefully it is in the bag but as always ya never know, there may be one and in every trial that's what we hear only one for a hung jury...

Anyhow I am off topic yet again lol. It was to be about the bump and the fight... :catfight::pillow:
Kimster said I would be banned in an hour. :sneaky:
What?? When?? Here?? or do you mean at JT? I bet ya mean at JT as I said that it made sense. She is being nice to you and them. It wouldn't take five minutes imo. Oh actually they'd mess with ya first and then do it but then you'd yell at them so maybe 20 minutes to half an hour...
O.K. we are stopping. We all need a little humor.
Okay. I just saw the stopping and yes I had better as I've posted more. Take it back to SUZANNE. We all do need lightness. I have both cried and smiled and laughed this a.m. with these posts. I need some regulated emotions anyhow before another long day and week.

It is back to case related but not directly but it is since it was posted about Stanley investigating Lama on abuse of his wife/domestics. And here is the thought I had. And I had heard of this before with him but forgot that too until seeing it but now that he stepped down and retired, the poor woman is really at his mercy. Also his resigning i'd bet had a lto more reason than we know. All jmo. He and Barry sound like kind of like types... They both like defense atty Iris... Barry and she even shared a kiss publicly!
As you can see, there are a few sides to this or ways of looking at it all and one can almost see the politics or issues just in reading it. His rulings throughout have NOT been fair. I did advise you before no one would work with her or most wouldn't when she unseated the former DA. You see the sheriff refuses her and personally I don't think much of him and his handling of the Englund case, or this one and more. I told you before also that she was on PE (Profiling Evil/Mike King) and that they helped get her elected imo. There was much talk of the old DA and just corruption in the county, etc. and the handling of this case. I actually wanted her elected at the time and so did most following this case due to a lot of that.

One also has to note and be aware it is the defense counsel who filed a complaint not just on Stanley but other prosecutors. I will NEVER think a good thing of her. Interesting isn't it that Judge's wife and defense attorney have the same first name of Iris. I have to wonder if that's a common name in CO because it sure is not a common name... Not here, never even met one at my old age.

You could call this a witch hunt but the biggest witch I see i or around this case is Iris Eytan. I do not know what it is about that law firm but both she and Drew/Dru? are connected w/Colorado powers that be if you ask me. You can take me at my word and instinct or not. If you had followed the Frazee case you'd have seen it and talked of it with others following. It is jmo, don't need to be sued by sue happy Iris.

Lama's rulings have been VERY unfair even PRIOR as you can see or intuit by reading this even PRIOR to is dismissing the experts and the prosecution dismissing the case. Was it right to have the judge investigated? I honestly do not know. You can also just smell the politics in reading this. The race for DA was also nasty on both sides IF I remember correctly. Whatever she did, right or wrong, she was being undermined from the day she won and even before. I told you that existing staff wouldn't do as asked, etc. And it only got worse and she likely went downhill along with it all AND probably didn't do her job.

To be fair, she may be the worst thing that ever walked the earth i have no idea. I WILL tell you of two who did affect this case and that is MK and his former partner CM of the YT channel mentioned. Both former homicide and both launched their YT careers on this case and on the BACKS of others. They "helped" SM's brother organize his search and providing mapping and more LIVE and CM went way on some alleged dog evidence and cops not taking it seriously and telling Andy to stay there overnight if he had to by that evidence etc. It was AWFUL. Not all saw it that way but I did.

They turned on a channel that had helped them get their viewers and CM turned on one member of that channel in a very nasty manner.

Anyhow I am sidetracking and said I wouldn't talk of Stanley and such again because for me I've just had it with all of it and have already seen it all.

I don't like Lama. I don't like the sheriff. I don't think much of Chaffee County. I could go on a lot more about ALL I am saying in here. Stanley I guess is all that they say but I am not convinced due to just what all has been behind all this and gone on and even WHO is after her. The only thing I know to be true and not due to others sabotaging her from doing her job is not being up on her continuing education. BUT I am not her best friend nor protector either. IF she truly deserves this all then so be it.

You can do as you like but I'd like to focus on SM and the case. I of course hope it ends up in the new jurisdiction based on all I just said. I have no idea if they are any better but I am pretty sure the judge couldn't be any worse. As you know, Chaffee deputies didn't even know enough on how to keep people from the bike. There are a LOT of power issues in that county and even citizens remarked on the powers that be. If it were my perfect place and climate, etc. (it is not), you could not pay me enough to live there or even visit there. EVER.

Colorado as a whole is bad and has went the wrong way. I've seen enough and listened to Scott Reisch for enough years who IS a CO attorney. Their changes in laws and more have been BAD ones and they allow not for openness but secrecy in the courts. I can't remember it all but it allows for a lot of corrupt things to go on. I am not sure I know either a more "murder filled state" and the sheer number of missing people is like wow. I'm sure there are others but CO stands out for me and has for a long time. And lack of justice or answers in a TON of cases.

Once you shared it, I do think I knew of Lama's resignation. My memory these days or maybe sheer stress, life and too many cases and details has me forgetting such things. It worries me sometimes and yet lol I get no time to worry too much about it and then I forget to--pun intended lol.

You know, I feel Barry has connections too. I KNOW his law firm does. But Barry himself is bad news... There is almost like a mafia vibe and feeling, I don't have the words to explain it.

I could also go on for a day about his law firm. If someone should be turned into the Office of Regulation, it is them/her OR they should be AS WELL, let's put it that way at least.

I could go on and fill ya more screens than yesterday but I have to work. I got nothing done almost that I wanted to per the norm. Did make a meal for the week, laundry, got to the dentist and the pharmacy (where Delphi was on my mind), not great news from the dentist which I expected but not also as bad as I had prepared myself for but no time to now add to go for all these appts. and to an oral surgeon and more. I have a situation I've not shared at the home I own in another state and NEED to take care of that place and it is so hard from a distance. I have some post divorce things that I want my atty to handle and can't even get a response in a few weeks now (not unusual) and a lOT more. Arggghhhh. I hoped to start getting through some things here and never got to a one. Every week I think I am going to get this taken care of for once and for all on a day off but then something else takes over OR I don't get a response etc.

One somewhat minor example. I wanted to order LP for my home there. I knew they would want to know the percentage in the tank. We were just there (that is where last week's day off went) and I had a list but forgot that one. Soooo I text the guy that helps to check things for me at the place and no answer. Next day no answer. And again. This has been going on a LOT lately and so I text and say I don't expect him to like be available all of the time but that lately I don't even get responses at all and can I count on him etc.? I finally get a response then that his truck is in a shop out of town and the keys to my place are with it. Okay, that makes perfect sense to me. I had also needed him to turn on a heater near the water source and he needs a key for that building. BUT now just this morning I am realizing he still could have went down and checked the LP level but then that would be two visits I guess... He has a wife and they have other vehicles is what I mean. And for the record, they live maybe three or four miles away. Plus I can't even get answers from him l lately. I need to be able to count on him in an emergency and he WAS great last year... Just more to worry about. I called for LP without the level and sure enough they NEED to know how much is in it. Argggh. I know this is basement stuff but I haven't even been able to pop in there in weeks. This is ONE thing of 50 at least. And THEN there are the new neighbors....
8 screens LOL.

There is nothing we can do about the judge or the DA so we just have to forget about it now. It is currently in the hands of the El Paso county coroner I guess so we will have to just wait and see.

Yes, Iris - I did a double take when I saw that name twice. It is an old fashioned name and we bought a horse many years ago now and she was young - only a three year old and she was called Iris. The guy gave us a price and let us have her to try for a few months and she was good, then we noticed her putting on weight. Our vet examined her and she was pregnant. We went back to our guy and told him. He just said do you still want her for the same price or I can take her back? Of course we kept her. She had a beautiful filly foal and we called her Lily. We still have Lily who is retired now and over 25 years old. Sometimes we call her Bogof(f). Buy One Get One Free.

It seems to me noone wants to do any work since Covid. I cannot get a plumber or electrician for love nor money. They keep promising to come then don't. I am getting fed up with it.
8 screens LOL.

There is nothing we can do about the judge or the DA so we just have to forget about it now. It is currently in the hands of the El Paso county coroner I guess so we will have to just wait and see.

Yes, Iris - I did a double take when I saw that name twice. It is an old fashioned name and we bought a horse many years ago now and she was young - only a three year old and she was called Iris. The guy gave us a price and let us have her to try for a few months and she was good, then we noticed her putting on weight. Our vet examined her and she was pregnant. We went back to our guy and told him. He just said do you still want her for the same price or I can take her back? Of course we kept her. She had a beautiful filly foal and we called her Lily. We still have Lily who is retired now and over 25 years old. Sometimes we call her Bogof(f). Buy One Get One Free.

It seems to me noone wants to do any work since Covid. I cannot get a plumber or electrician for love nor money. They keep promising to come then don't. I am getting fed up with it.
People don't want to work here after COVID too. I'm sure the U.S. would be everyone's first guess. For a few reasons. And we do get blamed for pretty much everything. I love the horses. I LOVE 🐎 HORSES!!!! :rockon:
I LOVE AMMMINALS ❤️!!!!!!! That's so sweet. 🥰

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