Police departments frame people regularly. The people in Canton just voted for an independent audit of the police department because of the Karen Read case. I don't trust prosecutors blindly anymore. In the case I was a juror on there was a dirty cop. His testimony didn't change the verdict, but what he testified to pushed the boundaries of believability.
He was a short guy. I'd guess about 5'7". Three officers testified that they led the arrest. They were all going through one doorway. The two lead detectives were, about 6'2" give or take. They testified that they saw one of the defendants put a rock of crack into a dryer. The third cop also in the 6' range said he couldn't see because he was behind the other two. The 5'7"ish cop, behind the other three, said he saw the defendant put the rock of crack into the dryer. It would have been impossible for him to have seen that. It didn't make any difference because the two lead cops testified to what they saw. However, IMO, he perjured himself.
If they think you're guilty, you're guilty, almost all the time, ignoring evidence that would point to someone else. We saw it in the Charles Merritt case and those are the only one's we know about. The fact that almost everyone has a camera in their hands when they leave the house is exposing police corruption. The only reason we're finding out about it is because it's on video. This has been going on for a long, long time. Ever since our country was founded. George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery would never have found justice without video. Ahmaud Arbery's case would have been total hearsay and easily brushed under the carpet.
There are a

load of people in Boston who have to have their convictions overturned because one lab technician wasn't even doing the tests on the evidence.
Some very good points and I agree on Arbery and Floyd. These though were not cases in which defendants were framed. Just the opposite, they are cases where they tried to give a pass to the culprits.
You are also making the point I said in some thread that nowadays, they'd be DUMB to do such as it is being called OUT and in ONE DAY they can be outed all over the nation by the internet. It is a really dumb cop these days who would try to frame someone especially for murder.
The Karen Read thing is interesting but I watched things on it and turned you onto the one in which the one woman tried to take over but she did have good points. I think defense has done great in trying to turn it and manufacture (like is being done in Morphew and Delphi and Murdaugh, etc.) but my main belief is she is overcharged. I don't buy all the other sh*t for the most part. They WERE drinking, she did DRIVE, she DID think she had done it, etc. There is too much that has to be explained away. I would agree it is not a perfect case and that she likely had no intent but that it is overcharged.
But none of that really is the point, the point is how often these days someone is framed for murder. What we see more so if cops whose body cams suddenly don't work or cameras are forgotten to be turned on and even that in this last year or so we aren't hearing about because it has been turned where a cop or official really has to WORRY finally about dong such or framing or their life and and job and own freedom are at risk. And generally none are about murder but about cop brutality.. It is more like Arbery and Floyd, the LACK of justice and charging. Or an attempt to save the "powerful". The tide has turned where they have to REALLY watch it these days. Imo. In an instant they can go from connected attorney, cop, etc. into a pariah.
In Petito, there was body cam. The Moab police did NOT arrest either one or ensure they were kept apart. To this DAY we have not seen the female officer's body cam.
Yes there are dirty cops and officials. But framing for murder these days? Not so much imo. It is way more so trying to save the connected that do murder, etc. where they do not arrest like in Ellen Greenburg and even then those days are ending as such gets called out and any cop, or offical with a bit of common sense isn't going to chance it.
I am cynical and no fan these days or of our justice system and definitely not of our political system but I do not believe these days most are framed for murder. I believe far more often it is an attempt not to arrest the CORRUPT like in Arbery and Floyd. And even that is being called out and some severe consequences being seen, enough of which to give any of the dirty severe pause.
Were the cops sequestered in your case? I agree that is hinky that a shorter man fourth or whatever in line claimed to see something. You also aren't talking in more recent years. Imo we haev to use this interent to yell about and call out the OBVIOUS bullsh*t. Not all will agree on what is wrong but it makes it where it will not be risked so much if they value their freedom and job.
Being framed for murder though is far less than a corrupt person of power getting off. Murdaugh, the Kennedys some of them, what would have happened in Arbery and Floyd but for video and yelling. We could cite a ton of examples on that order. Even that now they have to have pause if having a bran cell...