CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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I can't answer that. How do I know how many people have been wrongly convicted? I'd guess it's around 95-5 in favor of the correct verdict. Sentencing is another matter. In your families case the sentence was absurd. I understand where you're coming from. Other cases get absurd sentences too. Then there are the juries that are too stupid to understand simple things. I.E. Casey Anthony.
Been there before. Casey Anthony's trial had its own issues. Jurors may have well hated her but did their job as the evidence was not there. I PERSONALLY would have found her guilty but it was far from a perfect case. Our sentence was absurd, thank you for that. This is a variety of subjects about system, judges, etc. Not all are framed, far more often it is a lack of justice. Far more often no one is charged. Far more often any dirtiness is to save someone as in Arbery and Floyid and even that is being called out and justice delivered.

I don't disagree with you that dirty goes on, but you can't or shouldn't imo assume it in almost every case. I think it the rarity they have the wrong person or have framed them. "They" care more about saving their own arses if one of them has committed a crime than they do about solving one by framing the wrong person or arresting anyone at all in most cases. imo. Not these days.
It would be weird if he was planning to kill her and a serial killer got her first.
Okay, don't have much time and haven't been on here much, have no following capability this morn. Have to e at work at 5:45 for Black Friday so maybe I am just lost.

You are talking my best guess that Barry planned to kill SM but a serial kller got her first?

No way. Not a chance unless he knew the guy and hired him.
Benjamin Franklin said it's better to have 100 men go free than for one to be wrongly convicted. (Approx. quote.) I'm not sure I'd go that far, but when cops and prosecutors invent or withhold evidence, they never get into trouble. Their lives are the same before and after the crimes they commit. It's too easy for them to get away with things. When there are no penalties for what you do. What's the harm, to you, for doing them?
We have so many great quotes, investors, forefathers, etc. And that is such a truth and right way to feel. BUT it's a bit opposite these days. 9,999 men go free while one GUILTY one gets convicted.. Same idea but meaning there are far more unsolved crimes and others solved but with justice lacking than there are wrongfully convicted. Don't get me wrong, i'd be yelling all o this if I was wrongfully convicted. But far, far more have walked around free than have ever been wrongfully convicted unless you are talking back when. The crimes without justice my God. And in ages with more lack of definitive evidence or testing, how many people do you think died from poisoning or strangulation where it was just put down to a natural death with some untrained coroner, etc.?

Again the corrupt far more save themselves and their cronies etc. than frame others. And these days they have to be really SAVVY about it. Because even if GUILTY (CB in LISK and R in Delphi imo) just the b.s. from defense can have everyone screaming it is corruption and they are being wrongfully accused and framed. No? And if not a PERFECT case. Or an arrest was a long time in coming with a lot of questions and speculation through the years. No?

I disagree with Benny. it is AWFUL if someone is wrongfully convicted and it should ideally never happen but does that mean one should go free while 99 others NEVER get convicted who DID do the evil crimes? Really? Think about that for a moment. We have all heard it and it sounds so right and profound and such a historical quote but so 99 wrongs and one right instead of 99 rights and one wrong?
Okay, don't have much time and haven't been on here much, have no following capability this morn. Have to e at work at 5:45 for Black Friday so maybe I am just lost.

You are talking my best guess that Barry planned to kill SM but a serial kller got her first?

No way. Not a chance unless he knew the guy and hired him.

It was a quip, nothing more.
And again, they can ask you any of those questions with an attorney present. Just because you have one doesn't mean they can't question you at all. It just means you aren't as likely to say something innocent that they use against you. Things that might not have anything to do with your brother and now you have a missing brother plus a whole new set of problems. You just showed how easily it happens above. Ding you think most of those people would have been much better off with representation early on?
So while I agree with you in premise, and anyone who wants an attorney or lawyers up should not be assumed guilty, you think most cops would frame if someone made one iffy answer that could be turned on them? So you agree with emu that most are framed or something on that order or WOULD be framed? If you had a missing child and you did not disappear them would you take the time to lawyer up first or help the cops as quickly as you can instead of waiting for your attorney to get his retainer and decide to appear?

I see both sides of it honestly. I'd likely help with entire honesty through one interview and if it seemed they were coming back to me, suspecting me, playing me, I'd then probably lawyer up. Maybe that's not the wisest but that's what I would likely do.

Unless in general you also think most defendants are framed?
I'll even give an example. "Richard Ramirez", "The Night Stalker". "1985" Was causing panic, Fear, And preying on ANYONE. He had no specific victim type, Age range, Killed in different manners, He raped children, One at the scene of an attack of the parents. Two he kidnapped, And later released. And he was striking in different cities. He was on death row from "1985-2013" When he died of Leukemia. He was allowed to get married. These dumbazz women. HE WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU TOO YOU DUMB B***H!!! So imagine how ALL of these families felt for 28 YEARS!!!! Every birthday, Every Mother's, And Father's day, Every holiday!!!! I CAN'T IMAGINE!!! THAT WASN’T JUSTICE AT ALL!!! ⚖️ I use that because he was guilty way beyond any doubt whatsoever. But today, I wonder how long it would be jammed up by defense attorneys motions, The insanity, Mentally ill defense. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing, And did everything to avoid being caught. Yet still not executed
I'm with you friend. Totally. It is way too far the OTHER way. This is far more common than a wrongful conviction. The ease and pandering to defendants to no end and freeing the convicted even these days. Far far far more common than someone wrongfully accused. DAs don't even want to do that, charge without a SOLID case. They almost don't dare even if they HAVE one.
That's THOSE cases. All defendants shouldn't be babied because of that. You don't need to tell me about "Floyd" Because NO ONE really knows how much BULLS***T was going on unless they lived HERE!!! Burning businesses, Putting them out of business that have been there for decades, Boarding up others to prevent any damage possible, Looting, And Attacking white people just because they were white. I know I was hurdled comments just because of that. Like where I live. "Hi, How ya doin' today?" F**k you, You white b***h!!! NO. He shouldn't have been killed. But it isn't all white people's fault. It's become that way here. It was NOT when I was growing up. AT ALL!!! This is NOT MY MINNESOTA!!! It's the immigration from other cities thar can get assistance. But I can't. I know what I am talking about. No one needs to tell me this. "Chauvin" Caused his death by indifference to human life. HE NEEDS TO PAY. PERIOD! No victim blaming at ALL. Just to make a point. He wasn't from MINNESOTA either. The major contributor is "Chicago". And for those reading this that don't know. Some do. I have 18, God children, Great God children, One great great God daughter, And a great God child on the way. They ate ALL BLACK!!! Except 2. 1 is mixed with half Puerto Rican, And 1 half Somalian. I was brought up to be friends with everyone. And I was. Children are taught at home. And they ARE from Chicago too. MOST of the family moved here. I was directly told by a couple people in the family, Who I don't associate with. The reason is, They get more assistance here. And for awhile. Can get away with getting benefits from "Cook" County and here.
All true. Chauvin deserved what he got. Floyd was though no saint as he was made out to be. Still he did not deserve what was done to him bur many pretty much gave the victim a sainthood. Still the officers deserved what they got although I vary on the one.

Video said it all.

And yet all the other idiots as you say used it to blame all whites as if we agreed with the cops' actions, etc. Many don't but some fools do and just an excuse to loot, vandalize, etc. White and black, doesn't matter, just idiots.

The cops deserve what they got at least two and probably three. BUT in that other case, I totally disagree in Daunte that Kim Potter (name right?) deserved what she got.

And in BOTH cases and many others, I would not want to be a cop in Mpls/St. Paul or pretty much anywhere nowadays. Such a position would used to have been a coveted position or a wish of many. Not any longer imo.
I don't know that that's right. Newman imo was an awesome judge in Murdaugh and nothing imo was caused by him and considering what he had to deal with, I'd say he is/was even exemplary and he even removed himself correctly from post trial things. What was wrong with him? Of course Alex and team don't like him as he isn't on their list of buddies/payroll right?

Colorado is its own beast. Their system and state well I lack adequate words...I first became aware of it in the Berreth/Frazee case and since then just wow and Scott Reisch helped also with realizing the politics and lack of "sunshine" in their courts, the moves towards secrecy, sealing and more. I myself have seen what I believe to b some of the connections and problems...

Delphi is its own beast... And IN.

Not included in your remark is Boyce in Daybell. I cannot figure how he is not blamed by almost a single soul for the cases having to be severed and the DP having to be taken off the table for Lori and which probably will be for Chad as well. All I can figure is he's a member of the Good Ol' Boys Club.

There are many we never hear of or that don't get the same attention. I think in Bigsby the chief judge recused every judge in his county and himself. Huh? In Delphi the male judge went running and now the female judge is being attacked.

How about our case? What kind of judge presides over and has a guitly verdict by jury but gives six years for a murder? Also early on lowered his bond to almost nothing and let him remain free throughout the years until conviction. Also imposed ALMOST no restrictions on that freedome except being alone with children which he VIOLATED and nothing was done about.

I don't know that any can really be compared and more examples can be given BUT I will say that in some of these politiics are trumpingi justice. I will also say the Good Old Boys Club is alive and well in many places and a number of judges in place would never have been initially elected by the public, they are appointed to fill out a term in a crafty game the gen pop doesn't even know about.
BUT that is all this or that and different reasons and none of that answers your question. Politics for sure. But I don't think the cases your are mentioning can be compared really.

If anything is going on, I see politics and I also see a trend of defense attorneys new games which imo is also politics. And again politics are trumping justice. Not in all cases. YET.

That's another post for another time. The ones you mention I see no ties or similarities. I felt Newman outstanding and fair and the defense problem again is he is not on Alex's buddy list/paryoll. THIS case? Oh my. And Colorado itself?? Uhm.... And THEN we have Delphi... It would take a day I don't have...

I do get what you are saying as recently there seems to be issue and a trend... I'd first and foremost suspect and look at politics and agendas and the good ol' boys clubs...

But then each case and state you mention here are different and have their own issues too... I don't think it is a one size fits all answer...
The only thing about Newman was the juror issue which could become a point of contention and a reason for a new trial. I am not familiar with Boyce or your judge though.
The only thing about Newman was the juror issue which could become a point of contention and a reason for a new trial. I am not familiar with Boyce or your judge though.
I don't see a single thing Newman did wrong. The Clerk is another story. It was found she had talked to her tenants and that is what he dismissed her for. He handled it imo as he should on what he knew and it was all he could do. The man now recused himself from it very responsibly and has handled the recent sentencing and all else in this case or related cases (the cronies) responsibly and with no personal bias despite Poot and all requesting is removal, etc.

I don't know that I've ever seen such a wise, intelligent, unflappable judge. if all were only like that. And notice even Poot and Alex don't dare accuse him or insult him in their filings, etc., in any overboard way or even hint at much of anything other than his talking AFTER the trial which there is nothing wrong with other than yes, it can affect further handling of it but it was over of course.

Contrast it to Gull where defense goes straight at her in their filings and even that I'd say is risky as she does have a very good record and reputation but in this one I think they know going after Newman would be a very, very stupid move.

I don't like Boyce and he DOES let things become personal and that's just one of many reasons. I have said plenty about him over time in Daybell. He is the reason there was no DP for Lori. Just for one. He does not have the experience one handling such a case should have. And a LOT more.

With ours, I'd say he did right and fine for the most part throughout the three years, and through trial but for one moment I won't forget, jury convicted and he said ALL of the right things at sentencing. Every bit the right things. Told the defendant he hadn't come clean basically in his speech, that he had no right to expect our forgiveness, that he was guilty, seemed to understand how we felt and had went through, ALL of it, it was what we needed to hear after having suffered the process silently and the murder and loss, it was excellent and one couldn't have asked for more and then he turned around and handed out a six year sentence. Make that make sense? It still doesn't to us and never will. For a murder conviction.
I don't see a single thing Newman did wrong. The Clerk is another story. It was found she had talked to her tenants and that is what he dismissed her for. He handled it imo as he should on what he knew and it was all he could do. The man now recused himself from it very responsibly and has handled the recent sentencing and all else in this case or related cases (the cronies) responsibly and with no personal bias despite Poot and all requesting is removal, etc.

I don't know that I've ever seen such a wise, intelligent, unflappable judge. if all were only like that. And notice even Poot and Alex don't dare accuse him or insult him in their filings, etc., in any overboard way or even hint at much of anything other than his talking AFTER the trial which there is nothing wrong with other than yes, it can affect further handling of it but it was over of course.

Contrast it to Gull where defense goes straight at her in their filings and even that I'd say is risky as she does have a very good record and reputation but in this one I think they know going after Newman would be a very, very stupid move.

I don't like Boyce and he DOES let things become personal and that's just one of many reasons. I have said plenty about him over time in Daybell. He is the reason there was no DP for Lori. Just for one. He does not have the experience one handling such a case should have. And a LOT more.

With ours, I'd say he did right and fine for the most part throughout the three years, and through trial but for one moment I won't forget, jury convicted and he said ALL of the right things at sentencing. Every bit the right things. Told the defendant he hadn't come clean basically in his speech, that he had no right to expect our forgiveness, that he was guilty, seemed to understand how we felt and had went through, ALL of it, it was what we needed to hear after having suffered the process silently and the murder and loss, it was excellent and one couldn't have asked for more and then he turned around and handed out a six year sentence. Make that make sense? It still doesn't to us and never will. For a murder conviction.
6 years sentence for murder doesn't make sense to me any way I look at it so I don't understand that at all.

Newman has done the right thing recusing himself as he may be needed as a witness in any retrial. As he was retiring anyway, it was a good decision.

Gull looks like she has the support of the AG and I think the SC will support her decisions re Baldwin at least. Maybe Rozzi will get to stay but I don't think either should really, considering the seriousness of what has happened. Gull's health matters are something separate so perhaps by October she will be recovered.

Regarding Boyce, I don't know the reason he took the DP off the table for Lori so I can't really comment about him.
So while I agree with you in premise, and anyone who wants an attorney or lawyers up should not be assumed guilty, you think most cops would frame if someone made one iffy answer that could be turned on them? So you agree with emu that most are framed or something on that order or WOULD be framed? If you had a missing child and you did not disappear them would you take the time to lawyer up first or help the cops as quickly as you can instead of waiting for your attorney to get his retainer and decide to appear?

I see both sides of it honestly. I'd likely help with entire honesty through one interview and if it seemed they were coming back to me, suspecting me, playing me, I'd then probably lawyer up. Maybe that's not the wisest but that's what I would likely do.

Unless in general you also think most defendants are framed?
Well Morphew didn't lawyer up and look what happened to him?
Well Morphew didn't lawyer up and look what happened to him?
He is a free man.

And I was asking about whether you think most are framed by LE for one iffy answer, etc.? They might make themselves suspicious but it takes far more lies to lead to charges. And he had ample and many a talk before it led to charges.

I also said I see both sides and asked about someone with a missing child if your first goal wouldn't be to help to have the person found and clear yourself immediately if innocent so they can get after it?

Not sure if you are talking Morphew or lawyering up in general. Of course every case is different. And a person always has that right.

LE will actually use kid gloves to a point to hope people do NOT lawyer up.

We kept silent largely for that reason as one of the biggest reasons we were given. So yeah, there are two sides to it and it sure depends on what side you are on. If you are a suspect or someone who would be a natural suspect then you are in a different position than the victims and LE.

I wouldn't do anything to find myself in that position so that limits the likelihood but if I was, I would probably stupidly cooperate as I have nothing to hide. and would know someone else had to have done it. At least at first. I know the other opinions but just saying... There's an argument on the other side of that in that many a person have cleared themselves by doing that which allows LE to look elsewhere more quickly. Elizabeth Smart's father comes to mind. And many more.

I don't think in most cases LE goes out to frame someone who has ONE questionable answer that doesn't quite fit. They certainly don't charge for such or there wouldn't be so many uncharged cases or decades some take like Markel. Can name many, we all can.

So there are two sides to it and in the post of mine you responded to I said I could see both sides.

This case? Wayyyy too much with Barry. And this is yet another side to things. He didn't lawyer up because like so MANY criminals, he THOUGHT he was smarter and could direct the investigation (bike ride, mountain lion) and that he covered himself so well with the Broomfield alibi and more. There is sooo much.

But yes as of now he is a free man. Doesn't mean many of us don't feel him entirely guilty. The dots are many and they connect even if one is missing here and there like any case.

I remember dot to dots as a child and one could look at the dots and see the picture with enough dots, or at least know they didn't need some of the dots in between to draw the picture.

LE will actually use kid gloves to a point to hope people do NOT lawyer up.
THIS! And while they are doing it, they can and will lie to you to see if you take the bait if you don't have one.

But they also are known to bully and beat down people relentlessly if they didn't have one.

It is not uncommon for them to tell the person that they have evidence that they don't have or people talking that aren't.
THIS! And while they are doing it, they can and will lie to you to see if you take the bait if you don't have one.

But they also are known to bully and beat down people relentlessly if they didn't have one.

It is not uncommon for them to tell the person that they have evidence that they don't have or people talking that aren't.
Again I see both sides of it. And I do not think all lie or try to frame. They try to get the truth. Our perp was NEVER bullied nor were fake facts put out to him. They just were waiting on results and it was pretty OBVIOUS who and what happened. It wasn't a whodunit or who was there.

There ARE two side to it no doubt. LE is limited too and has to use what they can. If you are guilty then that is a bad thing I'm sure. And believe me, I would NOT be okay with being innocent and having my life destroyed. LE's powers ARE limited and defendant's rights are paramount and I could go on about evidence and court rules and more and none of it is perfect that's for sure.

But this isn't every case. And many do lawyer up because they are guilty. Does lawyering up mean they are? NO. Does every LE agency abuse, lie and try to frame? NO.

Ours never ever pulled a thing on him. But every time they got some new info or evidence, yeah, they asked if they could talk to him, etc.

He did not lawyer up until charged but even if he had, I don't think the results would have been any different. The evidence was there.

And not everything is like these huge national interest cases or a serial killer case, etc. where surveillance, wiretapping., lies and ruses and such go on.

Again I am able to see both sides of this issue and see it differently in each case too.

I am not enamored with all of the rules or all that can be pulled. In either direction.

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