CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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Pretty sure it was the smart thing for him to do, regardless. Not up enough on that to make a decision, but definitely a smart move, it seems. Can't deny that.
He also obviously knew enough to know that without an attorney, they 100% would have asked him questions to try to incriminate him in other endeavors of his.,
I personally don't agree with the game of our system in either direction and all the b.s. The older I get and the more I see, I see it as a joke. Justice should not be about games and drama. it's just like our f e d govt or get so big with so much b.s. it is all lost in navigating it. Amber alets, silver alerts, having to navigate the stupid red tape. Or you can't get concern for a missing child or person.

I know that was a change in subject but just an example of how STUPID it all is

I could go on for pages and pages and I think we all could on any subject when it comes to govt., laws, and more.

Like tax code. Loopholes.

it is all so dumb. And run by idiots. And if there is one that is not an idiot, he/she is stuck with the idiot rules.

Yeah, kind of a varied subject post but not really. COMMON SENSE. LOGICAL LAWS AND RULES.

What a dream that is.
I personally don't agree with the game of our system in either direction and all the b.s. The older I get and the more I see, I see it as a joke. Justice should not be about games and drama. it's just like our f e d govt or get so big with so much b.s. it is all lost in navigating it. Amber alets, silver alerts, having to navigate the stupid red tape. Or you can't get concern for a missing child or person.

I know that was a change in subject but just an example of how STUPID it all is

I could go on for pages and pages and I think we all could on any subject when it comes to govt., laws, and more.

Like tax code. Loopholes.

it is all so dumb. And run by idiots. And if there is one that is not an idiot, he/she is stuck with the idiot rules.

Yeah, kind of a varied subject post but not really. COMMON SENSE. LOGICAL LAWS AND RULES.

What a dream that is.
THIS is also a majority of the problem with innocent (and guilty, for that matter) people NEEDING to get an attorney

THIS is also a majority of the problem with innocent (and guilty, for that matter) people NEEDING to get an attorney

Largely about lying to minors and vulnerable adults but yes it covers adults too in the article. I skimmed, didn't read all.

I go both ways on it like I do on many things. It is really hard in this world for good to win out over evil when you have to play by the rules and evil doesn't. That's just a fact. I don't care if you are in a bad relationship where one has morals and other does, one will fight fair and the other won't. Whether it is a custody battle with similar types, one who puts the kids first and one who is all about caring less but winning and hurting the other or a perp who the laws overly protect far beyond being able to get the truth if they won't tell the truth, you are limited in what you can do (LE) to get the facts.

On the other hand, I get how it can be abused and unfair. I would not want to be in the position of most suspects, etc. But in most cases, WHY WOULD I BE? I get there have been wrongful convictions and railroaded defendants and there are the corrupt in our system but I truly don't think most are or would take it that far and risk their own careers and life. And it would also take a CONSPIRACY of more than one officer, investigator, etc. being on the same page and keeping their mouths shut. Don't get me wrong, I think many a county in our country is full of corrupt power abusing people or have some for sure but how far they would take that is another thing all together.

I can tell you this. Have you ever dealt with a chronic liar who is up to things you can't nail down? If you have been you realize at a point that the ONLY way to deal with it eventually is you have to lie to the liar as if you KNOW what they have done and if they buy it, then they come if not clean, partially clean.

So there are really two sides to it. LE has to have SOME techniques against evil.

I agree it maybe should not be done with minors or vulnerable mentally disabled adults for sure.

Have you ever told your teen "I know where you were" so I'd suggest you come clean. Or someone told me where you were so you had better be explaining if you don't want to be grounded for life Forgive lack of quotation marks. I'm not sure if I ever did but I know I would to keep them safe and know they aren't up to something placing them in danger or possible trouble.

MOST people if lied to would say WHAT are you talking about, that's not true.

If I was told I was in such and such a spot and knew I was out of town that entire day, that isn't going to fly with me. Like if LE said so to me I mean. It is not going to all of a sudden convince me I was where they claim I was.

I don't know. I just don't think though that good can fight evil by not employing some tactics as evil has no rules as to what they will say, lie about, pull or do and you can't be some puritan, can't tell a fib to get at the truth type of investigator.

And one can, as you say, lawyer up as almost everyone knows they can.

You cannot fight bad by being a prissy, weak, soft on criminal type. Imo.

I'd also add that in most cases in most area I don't think this is done all that much. It wasn't in ours.

I think when they have TWO they are playing against the other it may be more common. You know you've got two perps and you have one in one room and the other in another and you go back and forth and then tell the one well your buddy caved, he said you pulled the trigger. He turned on you. Then if you did not, you are going to cave and blow up and say HE did it, I only drove and then spill the beans. I am not so sure I see anything wrong with that. If there are no beans to spill you'd say no way did he because we weren't there, NEITHER of us, there wouldn't be any beans to spill.
I don't know. I don't think most things have one pat answer and I agree but disagree that it should never be okay depending on...And if you didn't do anything and aren't guilty well in most cases I'd think you could clear yourself.

I know you aren't going to agree and others may not either. I just don't think it is that "black and white".

You can't fight terrorists with good either. Give them a Koran and not interrogate them. Again you can't fight evil with being just some good wimpy no "techniques" type of investigator. Or have none to use.

Soft on crime is what is going on and look at the results. How does anyone expect crime to be fought with no techniques?

For someone wrongfully accused I get it but for the most part we have perps that have all of the rights and LE and investigators have been cut off at the knees basically. I think there is a happy medium. Should they be able to lie always with anyone in questioning? Maybe not but IF say there is enough pointing at this person and with just nice questioning they have caught themselves in lies and inconsistencies then maybe they should then be able to.


I just don't see it as an easy answer. And I don't think a hug and forgiveness is going to fight crime nor is being a pansy who thinks they should be let out WHEN clearly they have had how many violent offenses or murders. Look at how many we see murdered who NEVER could have been had someone that should have stayed in prison BE in prison. That blood is on the hands of the person, people, politician, state or system that LET THEM OUT.

Okay. Time for me to stop. I was due for one. I actually called in sick today. NEVER have NOT ONCE in a year. I am miserable and in pain and not in the best of moods and so guess I am starting to vent and it is only making me feel worse so anywho...

Just saying again that I don't think most answers are "one size fits all". But we don't have to worry as no rules or laws in force, changed or enacted will be right, make sense or be crafted by anyone less than an idiot anyhow. So why think you can influence it or support it or anything else and make a difference. It is all out of control and so is the power and the idiots who run it all. At any level.
He is a free man.

And I was asking about whether you think most are framed by LE for one iffy answer, etc.? They might make themselves suspicious but it takes far more lies to lead to charges. And he had ample and many a talk before it led to charges.

I also said I see both sides and asked about someone with a missing child if your first goal wouldn't be to help to have the person found and clear yourself immediately if innocent so they can get after it?

Not sure if you are talking Morphew or lawyering up in general. Of course every case is different. And a person always has that right.

LE will actually use kid gloves to a point to hope people do NOT lawyer up.

We kept silent largely for that reason as one of the biggest reasons we were given. So yeah, there are two sides to it and it sure depends on what side you are on. If you are a suspect or someone who would be a natural suspect then you are in a different position than the victims and LE.

I wouldn't do anything to find myself in that position so that limits the likelihood but if I was, I would probably stupidly cooperate as I have nothing to hide. and would know someone else had to have done it. At least at first. I know the other opinions but just saying... There's an argument on the other side of that in that many a person have cleared themselves by doing that which allows LE to look elsewhere more quickly. Elizabeth Smart's father comes to mind. And many more.

I don't think in most cases LE goes out to frame someone who has ONE questionable answer that doesn't quite fit. They certainly don't charge for such or there wouldn't be so many uncharged cases or decades some take like Markel. Can name many, we all can.

So there are two sides to it and in the post of mine you responded to I said I could see both sides.

This case? Wayyyy too much with Barry. And this is yet another side to things. He didn't lawyer up because like so MANY criminals, he THOUGHT he was smarter and could direct the investigation (bike ride, mountain lion) and that he covered himself so well with the Broomfield alibi and more. There is sooo much.

But yes as of now he is a free man. Doesn't mean many of us don't feel him entirely guilty. The dots are many and they connect even if one is missing here and there like any case.

I remember dot to dots as a child and one could look at the dots and see the picture with enough dots, or at least know they didn't need some of the dots in between to draw the picture.
The wife in the "Elizabeth Smart's" Case was given 15 years. She was ALREADY paroled after 9!!!
Largely about lying to minors and vulnerable adults but yes it covers adults too in the article. I skimmed, didn't read all.

I go both ways on it like I do on many things. It is really hard in this world for good to win out over evil when you have to play by the rules and evil doesn't. That's just a fact. I don't care if you are in a bad relationship where one has morals and other does, one will fight fair and the other won't. Whether it is a custody battle with similar types, one who puts the kids first and one who is all about caring less but winning and hurting the other or a perp who the laws overly protect far beyond being able to get the truth if they won't tell the truth, you are limited in what you can do (LE) to get the facts.

On the other hand, I get how it can be abused and unfair. I would not want to be in the position of most suspects, etc. But in most cases, WHY WOULD I BE? I get there have been wrongful convictions and railroaded defendants and there are the corrupt in our system but I truly don't think most are or would take it that far and risk their own careers and life. And it would also take a CONSPIRACY of more than one officer, investigator, etc. being on the same page and keeping their mouths shut. Don't get me wrong, I think many a county in our country is full of corrupt power abusing people or have some for sure but how far they would take that is another thing all together.

I can tell you this. Have you ever dealt with a chronic liar who is up to things you can't nail down? If you have been you realize at a point that the ONLY way to deal with it eventually is you have to lie to the liar as if you KNOW what they have done and if they buy it, then they come if not clean, partially clean.

So there are really two sides to it. LE has to have SOME techniques against evil.

I agree it maybe should not be done with minors or vulnerable mentally disabled adults for sure.

Have you ever told your teen "I know where you were" so I'd suggest you come clean. Or someone told me where you were so you had better be explaining if you don't want to be grounded for life Forgive lack of quotation marks. I'm not sure if I ever did but I know I would to keep them safe and know they aren't up to something placing them in danger or possible trouble.

MOST people if lied to would say WHAT are you talking about, that's not true.

If I was told I was in such and such a spot and knew I was out of town that entire day, that isn't going to fly with me. Like if LE said so to me I mean. It is not going to all of a sudden convince me I was where they claim I was.

I don't know. I just don't think though that good can fight evil by not employing some tactics as evil has no rules as to what they will say, lie about, pull or do and you can't be some puritan, can't tell a fib to get at the truth type of investigator.

And one can, as you say, lawyer up as almost everyone knows they can.

You cannot fight bad by being a prissy, weak, soft on criminal type. Imo.

I'd also add that in most cases in most area I don't think this is done all that much. It wasn't in ours.

I think when they have TWO they are playing against the other it may be more common. You know you've got two perps and you have one in one room and the other in another and you go back and forth and then tell the one well your buddy caved, he said you pulled the trigger. He turned on you. Then if you did not, you are going to cave and blow up and say HE did it, I only drove and then spill the beans. I am not so sure I see anything wrong with that. If there are no beans to spill you'd say no way did he because we weren't there, NEITHER of us, there wouldn't be any beans to spill.
I don't know. I don't think most things have one pat answer and I agree but disagree that it should never be okay depending on...And if you didn't do anything and aren't guilty well in most cases I'd think you could clear yourself.

I know you aren't going to agree and others may not either. I just don't think it is that "black and white".

You can't fight terrorists with good either. Give them a Koran and not interrogate them. Again you can't fight evil with being just some good wimpy no "techniques" type of investigator. Or have none to use.

Soft on crime is what is going on and look at the results. How does anyone expect crime to be fought with no techniques?

For someone wrongfully accused I get it but for the most part we have perps that have all of the rights and LE and investigators have been cut off at the knees basically. I think there is a happy medium. Should they be able to lie always with anyone in questioning? Maybe not but IF say there is enough pointing at this person and with just nice questioning they have caught themselves in lies and inconsistencies then maybe they should then be able to.


I just don't see it as an easy answer. And I don't think a hug and forgiveness is going to fight crime nor is being a pansy who thinks they should be let out WHEN clearly they have had how many violent offenses or murders. Look at how many we see murdered who NEVER could have been had someone that should have stayed in prison BE in prison. That blood is on the hands of the person, people, politician, state or system that LET THEM OUT.

Okay. Time for me to stop. I was due for one. I actually called in sick today. NEVER have NOT ONCE in a year. I am miserable and in pain and not in the best of moods and so guess I am starting to vent and it is only making me feel worse so anywho...

Just saying again that I don't think most answers are "one size fits all". But we don't have to worry as no rules or laws in force, changed or enacted will be right, make sense or be crafted by anyone less than an idiot anyhow. So why think you can influence it or support it or anything else and make a difference. It is all out of control and so is the power and the idiots who run it all. At any level.
I covers the fact that it is allowed in every state for them to lie and only one state, out of 50, have taken the initiative to even consider making it illegal to lie to minors.
THIS is also a majority of the problem with innocent (and guilty, for that matter) people NEEDING to get an attorney

I do understand when there are 2 suspects being interrogated at the same time, When LE tells each one tells the other one they blame them. That usually works, And the truth is told.
I do understand when there are 2 suspects being interrogated at the same time, When LE tells each one tells the other one they blame them. That usually works, And the truth is told.
But often they say that when another hasn't even been talked to and no, it often leads to false info or the more guilty party getting the deal first and the lesser guilty party holding the bag. How is that right?
But often they say that when another hasn't even been talked to and no, it often leads to false info or the more guilty party getting the deal first and the lesser guilty party holding the bag. How is that right?
When the evidence proves it. I've seen that in several cases. Not false confessions. No. I understand what you're saying. I have seen plenty of "I just wanted to go home". I've seen interrogations where I don't agree with at all. When the suspect is kept awake for way too many hours. They just want it to end so they confess.

When the evidence proves it. I've seen that in several cases. Not false confessions. No. I understand what you're saying. I have seen plenty of "I just wanted to go home". I've seen interrogations where I don't agree with at all. When the suspect is kept awake for way too many hours. They just want it to end so they confess.
and that should NOT be allowed. Period.
I covers the fact that it is allowed in every state for them to lie and only one state, out of 50, have taken the initiative to even consider making it illegal to lie to minors.
I don't disagree with the minor thing. To a point at least. Like I said with a teen sometimes you have to do a basic one to get the truth. But they shouldn't be allowed to do it as more than just a general technique and not some high pressure overlying thing.

Like: Well your friend said she thinks she recalls you being there. Would she have any reason to say this or could there be any truth to this? We have no reason to believe her but can you tell us why she would say and think that or where were you?" Not an outright lie or push but something to elicit and clear them, judge their honesty.

But I can also agree that it should never be allowed with minors. The above isn't something blatant and high pressured, it would just elicit information. So again maybe a balance?

You know to the above, the kid may then answer, i was with my boyfriend but I didn't want my mom and dad knowing as they forbid me to see him and please please please don't tell them. And then she can prove it and has an alibi because they stopped at McDonald's and he has the receipt for two meals plus then they check McD's video.

Like I said I don't know. I do think it should not be overboard high pressure lying with kids to like get some false confession. Something more mild and mostly true like this without a flat out high pressured lie as in "Three people saw you shoot him and then laugh" now that's an outright crazy one if not true and pressures and scares as to they murdered someone.

I really don't think MOST employ this except in something huge and when there already is ample pointing to a suspect/evidence.

Clearly I'm a bit torn. GOOD cops do need to be able to use some techniques. And being anyone who watches anything also knows what a lot of those techniques are, they are already at a disadvantage.
I don't disagree with the minor thing. To a point at least. Like I said with a teen sometimes you have to do a basic one to get the truth. But they shouldn't be allowed to do it as more than just a general technique and not some high pressure overlying thing.

Like: Well your friend said she thinks she recalls you being there. Would she have any reason to say this or could there be any truth to this? We have no reason to believe her but can you tell us why she would say and think that or where were you?" Not an outright lie or push but something to elicit and clear them, judge their honesty.

But I can also agree that it should never be allowed with minors. The above isn't something blatant and high pressured, it would just elicit information. So again maybe a balance?

You know to the above, the kid may then answer, i was with my boyfriend but I didn't want my mom and dad knowing as they forbid me to see him and please please please don't tell them. And then she can prove it and has an alibi because they stopped at McDonald's and he has the receipt for two meals plus then they check McD's video.

Like I said I don't know. I do think it should not be overboard high pressure lying with kids to like get some false confession. Something more mild and mostly true like this without a flat out high pressured lie as in "Three people saw you shoot him and then laugh" now that's an outright crazy one if not true and pressures and scares as to they murdered someone.

I really don't think MOST employ this except in something huge and when there already is ample pointing to a suspect/evidence.

Clearly I'm a bit torn. GOOD cops do need to be able to use some techniques. And being anyone who watches anything also knows what a lot of those techniques are, they are already at a disadvantage.
I think in all cases of juveniles. The parents should be notified before interrogation. I've seen plenty where they were NOT!!! That isn't right!!!
I don't disagree with the minor thing. To a point at least. Like I said with a teen sometimes you have to do a basic one to get the truth. But they shouldn't be allowed to do it as more than just a general technique and not some high pressure overlying thing.

Like: Well your friend said she thinks she recalls you being there. Would she have any reason to say this or could there be any truth to this? We have no reason to believe her but can you tell us why she would say and think that or where were you?" Not an outright lie or push but something to elicit and clear them, judge their honesty.

But I can also agree that it should never be allowed with minors. The above isn't something blatant and high pressured, it would just elicit information. So again maybe a balance?

You know to the above, the kid may then answer, i was with my boyfriend but I didn't want my mom and dad knowing as they forbid me to see him and please please please don't tell them. And then she can prove it and has an alibi because they stopped at McDonald's and he has the receipt for two meals plus then they check McD's video.

Like I said I don't know. I do think it should not be overboard high pressure lying with kids to like get some false confession. Something more mild and mostly true like this without a flat out high pressured lie as in "Three people saw you shoot him and then laugh" now that's an outright crazy one if not true and pressures and scares as to they murdered someone.

I really don't think MOST employ this except in something huge and when there already is ample pointing to a suspect/evidence.

Clearly I'm a bit torn. GOOD cops do need to be able to use some techniques. And being anyone who watches anything also knows what a lot of those techniques are, they are already at a disadvantage.
How is lying to people following the evidence? It's manufacturing evidence to fit what you believe happened and should not be allowed. Most countries have banned it for a good reason. It is also 100% why I totally encourage absolutely anybody to get an attorney, whether guilty or innocent. THIS is what having an attorney can prevent from happening. It keeps their questions legit.
Yet it happens.
If you have seen that. I believe you. I have seen, Plenty of cases where there wasn't that. Where a false confession was given that seemed absolutely, Without a doubt, Seemed credible. I just personally can't think of a case where they were confronted with what seemed irrefutable proof and confessed. Video, Witnesses, Fingerprints, DNA. Why would they confess if they they knew that wasn't true?. I don't get that.

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