Just rereading some posts to see what I have missed. What is DIMR? Ah Dead Indian etc just realised. Gee I haven't woken up properly today.
If inlaws family owned a lot of property, why would Dave's relative need money from him? I don't get it really.
Sorry for all the questions but I will not be around for some time today and needed to get them in early today LOL.
I don't get a lot of this stuff either. I can only think like any long ongoing solved case, there's a lot of suggestion and speculation that's leaked in over the years. I honestly see no connection between Dave and Troy and I really don't see a lot of similarity in the crimes. In the very beginning I thought we had two men killed and two fires like on the same day in a low crime area or something but it turns out that isn't the case at all.
I find it odd that the relative would want Dave's money as well and it would seem to me that that person and spouse was likely better off than Dave. However, people can be odd, maybe that person just wanted all of mom's money. Also some people are property rich but have no actual cash but I get what you mean, they could sell property or finance one if money was needed. Is the relative still married? I guess also just because inlaws own property it does't mean they do or share in it in any way.
As to Troy and David being seen together, to me that sounds unlikely and likely a totally unfounded rumor.
I'm thinking they aren't connected, these crimes, even though several fires is unusual, so many things are different. I wonder if the perp in Troy's on all the speculation of a connection after Dave's murder and those two fires, went back to start a fire at Troy's camping area to throw LE off and make them SEEM more connected and throw them off the real perp's trail... I don't know. I'm just not seeing any connection at all or reason to even think there is one. David was lit on fire, they suspect tied up (not sure how they'd know that) and a lot more done there and time taken. With Troy it is like someone was walking by or knew where he was and walked up, shot him in his sleep and walked on doing nothing more. I'm sure the others camping nearby heard the gunshot though no? This could well have been done by someone camping nearby imo as well.
A question I have is--is this his first night of sleeping/staying there? Had he been with the friends that were having issues because of his presence up until that day?
It's kind of difficult in that remarks about Troy here don't end up in the Troy thread yet they need their separate threads.
I honestly am not seeing nor sensing a real connection. I don't even really trust LE saying there is one. I think that may be to throw both perps off. Each would know they didn't do the other murder and so it would leave them assured LE was not on the right path? Or alternatively it would worry each that they would be blamed for another they did not commit... I do NOT know...
What I DO know is I think it time the authorities are called out and some answers demanded, are the families doing so? Is anyone? What are they doing on these cases, ANYTHING?
Lots of new forensic avenues these days. Cell phone data is likely out. Dave was apparently tech phobic and not sure if Troy carried one. It would seem like not as it was said he used the phones at the truck stop but then I can't figure out how his mom tried calling him if he didn't have one so did he?
DNA is probably out in both cases EXCEPT for the stuff outdoors that was messed with in Dave's...
I'd also like to know more about Troy. Ever married? Kids? Had he been wandering most of his life like this? Criminal history if any. Any drug or alcohol problems? Was he ever settled down anywhere? All sorts of things. With Dave too. Not to judge the victims or anything but for a full picture to understand what their life was like and who may have a motive and so on.
Did Dave pay child support after his divorce and up to his death? It sounds as if there was one minor child yet at that time. Did he have any other debt, how was his credit? That may sound like dumb questions that don't relate but I guess I wonder why he didn't buy his own place, cash his mom's checks (if he had judgments or back support or collections after him could be a reason is my thinking here...) For some reason, I am starting to picture him as someone who did all on a cash basis but then I have to wonder if the resort paid him in cash which seems unlikely but who knows...
He is starting to sound to me like a bit of a judgmental and hot tempered guy. Not necessarily bad meaning, maybe well meant in what he felt to be right or wrong but in a number of assaults or domestics or whatever around his divorce, beating up a sex offender, walking off the job (that one is a bit different), those things are notable and not all well meant responses.
And then Red Clover said wasn't it the last winter that was particularly brutal for him living there and he'd lost a ton of weight and so on? That's all easy to understand and may mean nothing, I've lived severe winters where you can' get out for days repeatedly or weeks even and if you do it takes a LOT. So I understand it. However, that also could mean weight gain lol being stuck, I guess I mean serious weight loss and looking haggard may not be due to just that.
Just kind of thinking as I type... Talking out loud. I don't know....
I feel like Troy's death could have been entirely random. It could have been someone just entirely ticked he was there or sleeping there for all we know or felt he was in their spot or too near.
I keep asking some questions as I don't think we know enough about the two victims for one thing, Troy especially and I almost feel like something is missing in both cases like an elephant in the room. You know it is there but don't know what it is.
Was either murder a hate crime, drug related, money related, fraud/theft related, spurned lover related, angry husband related, etc., etc., etc.?
And with that I'm done. A bit frustrated with it at the moment and I'll just repeat I think after so long, LE needs to just change it up. After this long, if i were a family member and justice seemed this unlikely, I'd want them to release what they have, names and all and case file. Has anyone tried FOIA requests in this one (these cases)? If they refuse citing an ongoing investigation I'd have to laugh and then they should need to give evidence of how active they are on it and what new efforts they are making and that new info or evidence has been collected and i seriously doubt that's the case.