LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *GUILTY*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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He was already under a MH professional though, wasn't he? Dr Wala? I think the prison facilities and jails have done well to prevent him killing himself over the last two years so he could actually be brought to trial.
RA even SAID I was an act and he was not crazy. You know when the guards made the ones of he said this at this moment, and this 2 minutes later, even without voice, there would be the camera on him in the cell that would show if at that moment he was speaking... I'm thinking it's corroborated but whether they've agreed it needs to come in or not, hard to say.

they are sitting there and writing down actual times. MORE than ONE over time... I think it's known and D would be happy to keep it out, that it can be shown he was speaking at that time...

The ones in that area also had medical every single day.

I know how I see him (RA) and for many a reason. I've said it plenty throughout so won't bother. Over months.
How do you know that?
Because if he had been there and left earlier as he changed his story to, he would have. Also, he saw the three girls, and the car matches up with the original time (closer to the truth) and original info provided perfectly. It's all there. He changed his story but it doesn't fit because it isn't the truth. The first one fit, because the times were close and he mostly told the truth then as to time, parking, etc. because he wasn't sure what they knew or could verify and taht's why he self reported being there.

Sorry but I think for us it's all pretty obvious. If I can speak for you on that one @Tresir ? If not or you differ, please say so, I never speak for anyone else. But I know or am pretty sure we see the very same things for the most part in this.

I've said forever if I could just do a timeline and I mean while he was incarcerated too and how his actions coincided with this or that, it's all SO obvious.

I'll have more time after the biggest interest case or one of them on here is concluded to go back and do that. Lol. I won't have time but I can dream... :)
It's in all the testimony of the witnesses. Only one adult male was seen on the trails and bridge and RA has confessed it was him. This isn't rocket science.

BTW i am still awaiting an answer from you. See my posts 8465 and 8469. As i have answered your question, perhaps you could please answer mine?

I am posting this link about his confessions. I am trying to find more info from Wala's testimony to the jury but this is about her testimony in August.

If he's paying any attn at all to like yesterday, he knows there was no lost recordings of RA's interviews.

As to Wala, she's not perfect for either the prosecution or defense because she thought he was playing crazy, acting, etc. and questioned such also. I'd say she's far from a perfect MH professional, I mean being online, looking at the KK stuff, etc. So she could help or hinder either side really, but that's what they had for a MH professional and no surprise. Would most good ones be working in prisons... Jmo. Maybe she has a private practice as well, and is contracted, but still, far from impressed as she swings both ways big time... And could actually probably be impeached as a witness if either side wanted to do so...

Tired and can't think on it much right now. But that whole WISH thing last night also as I read through its length, the D as they have always done is trying for both things. They want to USE mental health and various things in their favor but then they DO NOT WANT it in, and other things too, I forget what all. To me, this will be clear to the jury. They cannot have it both ways and they keep trying to with MANY things, not just MH. I'd have to read it again with the intent of pointing out how they pick and choose and it doesn't fly.
So they are presently going through all the confessions? I am a little behind so will have to catch up over the last couple of days.
I know you've been occupied and I'm not up on all either but think I am on most. They had the recorded interviews of RA. Then they got into the warden and the letter, and several prison guards he made statements to and the warden again too, verbally. It is thought today will bring the recorded confessions to wife and mom, etc. So yes they ended on confessions, the written one to the warden, and the verbal ones to guards yesterday, who noted the exact time and what he said in their logs as a suicide companion so to speak. The detail on that I find quite interesting. I forget but had the warden up and I think three(?) guards... So the thought is today will head into the recorded confessions, etc... If that helps.

Anyone can correct me if wrong.

Tom is saying the voice is pretty much a zinger... Haven't got to watch all his yet but know it will be far fuller in detail and he was there all day yesterday.
I know you've been occupied and I'm not up on all either but think I am on most. They had the recorded interviews of RA. Then they got into the warden and the letter, and several prison guards he made statements to and the warden again too, verbally. It is thought today will bring the recorded confessions to wife and mom, etc. So yes they ended on confessions, the written one to the warden, and the verbal ones to guards yesterday, who noted the exact time and what he said in their logs as a suicide companion so to speak. The detail on that I find quite interesting. I forget but had the warden up and I think three(?) guards... So the thought is today will head into the recorded confessions, etc... If that helps.

Anyone can correct me if wrong.

Tom is saying the voice is pretty much a zinger... Haven't got to watch all his yet but know it will be far fuller in detail and he was there all day yesterday.
Zinger to him... He's right of course. I've been convinced almost to 101 percent ever since I heard a comparison someone did months upon months ago. NOW 'tom heard his voice on recordings all day yesterday...And hey, so did the jury...

One guard in particular, his entries, one moment Rick confessed. A moment or two later said he wasn't crazy, just acting like it re his behavior, etc. Unfortunately I've only had time for mostly the news links but last day of my week today and plan to see all of Tom's from last night and of course by then though, there will probably be quite the stuff from today.

I can't fill you in on every detail but I think what I did share is about the full extent most news shared or had. BOTH interviews WERE recorded and in the first, they even read RA new Miranda rights when asking if they could have his phone... Miranda rights RE the phone... On video.

Parts were redacted by agreement by both sides that supposedly don't relate to the case or murder...

Yeah that's pretty much all news had to say.
RA went to his mom's that day. Wife was working... Thought his mom may have just had hip surgery or some such. A sister or two may have been there. At a point they were all going to go for lunch but he declined, went home, put on a jacket, and headed out...

Well some of what I've wondered about, the little details, have come out...

Re Tom's coverage... Not a lot of time but had a nights sleep so listening to a bit with better focus.

And now his mom has a concussion and broken nose. She's had her share of things in the last five years or so then. Maybe the hip contributed to the fall. Not in the best shape apparently.

That's neither here nor there but just been through a lot and now her son charged, etc.

I actually mean it's clearly just knowing this little it's been some hard years for her for sure. And feel sympathy for that. I'm sure she doesn't need all this and still over these last years.
Tom's been to the trails and knows the platforms, benches and roads well and is picking up on what doesn't make sense here. But he just reports mostly and says you all know. And does NOT add up with RA's story in the interview. And I think that's what a lot of us see.

Just going to pick one thing out of MANY just in the first minutes. RA was asked if he went there often OR they, and he said no, not often. Tom says the D said he went there often. RA says maybe once a month. Or sometimes we would go two times a week. Okay to me that's often. Not like you do a visit a couple of times or three a year or even four... Yet jea;sp describes finding others ways there, etc. He is so inconsistent it is ridiculous. And he tried to change it that on this day he like changed the time went down there and was there for minutes? Give me a break. And then he says the big parking lot wasn't there then was it, and Tom says it was, it is known, to explain his parking elsewhere...

I'm telling you just minutes in that news hasn't covered SH*T and we can't listen to the recordings ourselves. Even then there are questions and answers Tom can't hear in the courtroom as ALWAYs and now on video.

I'd say please quit thinking news is picking up on all that those who know it all well and report every question and answer they can are SEEING.

And he's tired.

I am finishing this one no matter what happens today and doing today's too. And if I even have to do it after the fact I am. Like after a verdict I mean. The coverage is absolute CRAP. I guess doing good for what they are with teams... and guaranteed how many seats but they sure can't do what someone like this does even then... But then it's his only case... I think it's pretty much theirs too but they have the politics and lives of course after all...

Could't help it... Maybe any good one should go independent... We see many these days dancing both lines learning late in the game. Vinnie and Nancy would be examples...
There so little always took same route but one time they found the farmer's access by accident and KA nodding, etc... My God COME ON. So much not matching up...
And uhm like she knew when he went alone. But he also claims he must have told her he was at the trials that day because she told him he should call... I have to go back and listen to that part... SO... He didn't decide to call, whatever story he gave his wife to explain what he did, where he was, she told him to call...

Has news covered ANY OF THIS? I sure never read any of it... And I read I think all links from yesterday...
That's not a guilty man. He figures out quickly they plan to pin it on him and gets pissed off.

The interviewer lies to him about the cops not being allowed to lie to him about the bullet casing.

Gull sustained the prosecutions objections. Which is no surprise.
Cops CAN and will lie here. Most countries this is not allowed and should not be here, either.
It cannot be anyone else or he would have seen the other guy and the other witnesses would have seen two separate guys that day. They didnt.
Not necessarily. 2nd person, if there was one, could have already been "down the hill". They may not have gone on the trail at all.
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Kegan Kline was catfishing Libby under an Anthony Shots profile. He was "making plans" to meet her the day the girls were murdered.

In the course of the murder investigation, he was charged with dozens of counts of child pornography. He's in a maximum security prison now (he was convicted).

It appears several people were using the Anthony Shots profile he created. I dont think anyone else has been charged in relation to the Kline case, so it was rumor or I'm mistaken. :)

Which leads to wondering if RA had a burner phone, had access to that account, etc.

He lived in Peru, Indiana. We've now heard RA was visiting his mom in Peru that morning.

Kline would have never met Libby because in truth he is a fat, gross person. I doubt he could walk 20 feet without getting short of breath.
Thank you! I’ve never heard of him before
Cops CAN and will lie here. Most countries this is not allowed and should not be here, either.
I respectfully disagree. They have them strongarmed in every way possible from doing their job these days. And anyone who isn't a youth is well aware of this. Live with a liar and you'll change your ways of thinking on that. Only way to catch a liar is to lie and make them think you now something. If innocent, well then no problem.

Defenses and appeals have gone beyond ridiculous, sentences have gone light, people who should never be released ARE to only offend again and again and again. Now the core issue of lying to someone they are interviewing, yeah, I can see discussing that separately, but they've cut them off at the knees in about every single way. There needs to be a balance and everything in this world is all extremely swung one way or extremely swung the other.

If I'm innocent I'm not going to fall for any of it.

By the way, he and his wife watched things together like Dateline every week lol and he remarked on such. See that in any news...? We all know LE can do this. Also other counties don't believe the DP is never necessary and I entirely disagree.

But back to lying in an interview, it is one thing allowed LE and they use it. And it's been admitted to, so what was wrong with that? It is ONE thing they are allowed.

And RA wasn't born yesterday and we all know they can do this.

Don't know if I've ever shared it but do you know what Tom says about if accused, he didn't do it and his attys advised him not to take the stand in his own defense? I am pretty sure I know what you'd say, and I mean that as I know the views on that and of lawyering up, but I like his take on it and totally agree and believe if innocent a good jury which most are would see it totally if innocentn and one took the stand.

I don't agree with that rule, and isn't that shocking and against all one thinks should be the rights, a person who wants no part of being subpoenaed or testifying as a witness can be made to do so but a defendant can't. Theky have PLENTY of rights. Victims have NONE basically. And LE where corrupt LE has probably abused but there are tons of good, have been cut off at the knees.

Now you and I agree on things like bodycams, I think we both know that. There is NO excuse not to be using one for protection of ALL sides.

But RA was aware of what LE could do as to lying and it's clear as HE77 in these interviews.


Tom is going to take me a week just on yesterday's because minutes in there is so much that was not in a single link I read yesterday.

Why doesn't news just give it up? Honestly. STick to the biased politics. On both sides.
Again people say and RA said the minute they asked for tips but now it was in the interview he doesn't recall. A few days later he came home and the wife said he should go in or tell them and he says so obviously I must have told my wife I was there....?? Tom does as much word for word as he can. Again where is THIS with people saying and he said he immediatey self reported when they asked for tips or anyone there... How it changes... And that's not LE, that's HIS claims... And, of course, his wife's... And they find another way to the trail one time as if only her and him or family ever going but he never went often... Uh-huh. And she's a couple feet from Tom nodding for the jury to see, yes, that's right honey... My words, not Tom's on that last remark... The right honey, trying to influence the jury...

So again, I was actually going to say some good things about the news links last night until I read the last two and then started Tom and it was what was I thinking...

Just reminded again, we are NOT getting full coverage or anywhere CLOSE They need to just give it up and be the directed machine they are re politics. Good Lord I haven't gotten into how many minutes of the first interview and questions, etc. and it is outstandlingly different.

I've long given up news and just am reminded why every so often, not that I realy need to be reminded, but once in a blue moon it's good to see again as to why.

It's why I have went to Tom forever on this case. I do it too, lack of time in life, how do I catch up quickly, oh some 10 minute news blurb, or at most 30. And now of course that they can't record, etc. and just leave it to staff to come up with things or alter do a show themselves in reviewing the recorded trial or their own tweets or recordings, the failures really are showing...

Irritated I guess as I was a few weeks ago when I was follosing mostly news here but even then saying they were no Nate, but couldn't tweet and then on seeing Tom's and all the context and what was going on in the courtroom either missed or intentionall missed for bias I don't know. Seeing it yet again re yesterday.

All I have to say is thank God the jury is seeing all we can't. And they took care seeing far beyond the stupid news coverage they can't see. THANK GOD.

Over and out. Have a good one to one and all.
'did a cleanup down there. when w/Walmart. used to be a little shack. yah, he's really unfamiliar with this place. And different areas around it.. NOT. it's all so back and forth.

I grew up on a trail. In our back yard basically. A public one. And we were on it all seasons every day we weren't doing chores, etc. or after, every day off, etc. RA knows more about these trials than RL probably did or the Mears...Seriously.

HIs answers are contradicting one another big time.
I respectfully disagree. They have them strongarmed in every way possible from doing their job these days. And anyone who isn't a youth is well aware of this. Live with a liar and you'll change your ways of thinking on that. Only way to catch a liar is to lie and make them think you now something. If innocent, well then no problem.

Defenses and appeals have gone beyond ridiculous, sentences have gone light, people who should never be released ARE to only offend again and again and again. Now the core issue of lying to someone they are interviewing, yeah, I can see discussing that separately, but they've cut them off at the knees in about every single way. There needs to be a balance and everything in this world is all extremely swung one way or extremely swung the other.

If I'm innocent I'm not going to fall for any of it.

By the way, he and his wife watched things together like Dateline every week lol and he remarked on such. See that in any news...? We all know LE can do this. Also other counties don't believe the DP is never necessary and I entirely disagree.

But back to lying in an interview, it is one thing allowed LE and they use it. And it's been admitted to, so what was wrong with that? It is ONE thing they are allowed.

And RA wasn't born yesterday and we all know they can do this.

Don't know if I've ever shared it but do you know what Tom says about if accused, he didn't do it and his attys advised him not to take the stand in his own defense? I am pretty sure I know what you'd say, and I mean that as I know the views on that and of lawyering up, but I like his take on it and totally agree and believe if innocent a good jury which most are would see it totally if innocentn and one took the stand.

I don't agree with that rule, and isn't that shocking and against all one thinks should be the rights, a person who wants no part of being subpoenaed or testifying as a witness can be made to do so but a defendant can't. Theky have PLENTY of rights. Victims have NONE basically. And LE where corrupt LE has probably abused but there are tons of good, have been cut off at the knees.

Now you and I agree on things like bodycams, I think we both know that. There is NO excuse not to be using one for protection of ALL sides.

But RA was aware of what LE could do as to lying and it's clear as HE77 in these interviews.


Tom is going to take me a week just on yesterday's because minutes in there is so much that was not in a single link I read yesterday.

Why doesn't news just give it up? Honestly. STick to the biased politics. On both sides.
So you are fine with people being framed and convicted for something they did not do just because cops lied to them? this happens a LOT.
It had to be when I was with Walmart in Commerce, not Layfaette, Etc. Etc. It had to be in 2006 or some such I worked south of Chicago runnng that store. you now there have been hints of this before as to where working and living a bit all over the place. Not long ago, I ran into, just a few weeks ago he had an alias name too that neither first time nor last name was anywhere close to his actual name. Have we ever found out why that is and why she used another name...........?
Well all of this from a mere 25 minutes of Tom's 3.5 hour as full of coverage as you can get as to actual questions and answers. Long way to go but already seeing news is not the same yet again.

I myself am putting together fo course what I know with what I am hearing as above. Reminded me of the alias.. etc. Tom dind't say that. I then took that and thought of that. He's pretty much reciting questions and answers. So much better though for putting together what we already know.
It had to be when I was with Walmart in Commerce, not Layfaette, Etc. Etc. It had to be in 2006 or some such I worked south of Chicago runnng that store. you now there have been hints of this before as to where working and living a bit all over the place. Not long ago, I ran into, just a few weeks ago he had an alias name too that neither first time nor last name was anywhere close to his actual name. Have we ever found out why that is and why she used another name...........?
Who are you talking about?

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