CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


edited by staff to add media link
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That's what you want when your loved one is missing, publicity! This guy is digging a hole.
He is a narcissistic pig that cared less about his wife. And I don't use those psych terms, I think they are so overused that I avoid them generally... Suzanne's brother has been quite careful with who he has trusted and used for media to get the word out and Barry could have DONE THE SAME and SHOULD HAVE BEEN all along! You are right, publicity is needed to find someone. And others have stayed in the spotlight to find a loved one even when doubted themselves!

What a weak man. I don't think I have to explain weak to anyone here as to what I mean. He is all surface and nothing more. He has no real character or strength. He is used to being a bully and a fake and getting his way imo...

Her brother, all of the way from another state, months later, is doing what Barry and her family should have been doing from day one!!! They took money to do so but not one sign of any search ever organized nor attempted nor publicized!

I do not judge the daughters and will cut them a break and not touch on them other than to say, it is odd to me even if they have reason to know or think she is dead, I would think they would want her found. And they are old enough to call their own grandpa unless under total lock and key.

Sorry for the vent but this man angers me and the case irks me! Where IS her nuclear Colorado family in trying to find her?? And I still don't know what to think of that nephew... Instantly PR for Barry and raising $$$. Hopefully the younger set is just victim to falling for his initial bull...

Rant over...
He will help "if asked"?????? Excuse me? He should be out there searching every day regardless of being "asked". He should be organizing his own searches.

Just makes me think of a significant other of a missing hiker up here. He literally searched for months on end, daily, until the mountain and weather forced him away. He did not leave the mountain for days and weeks on end. He still returns every summer when the snow melts to continue his search. --- I know not everyone can do that. But to not even bother trying? Come on.
He will help "if asked"?????? Excuse me? He should be out there searching every day regardless of being "asked". He should be organizing his own searches.

Just makes me think of a significant other of a missing hiker up here. He literally searched for months on end, daily, until the mountain and weather forced him away. He did not leave the mountain for days and weeks on end. He still returns every summer when the snow melts to continue his search. --- I know not everyone can do that. But to not even bother trying? Come on.

Good points and many compare him to other cases where the parents of a child or someone who lost a spouse, also was wondered about as well but they stayed front and center despite suspicion, and went out of their way to clear themselves quickly and get publicity to help find the person. Mark Klaas is often compared as is Elizabeth Smart's dad. I can honestly say when both were abducted from their own homes, it did cross my mind in each case how odd it was someone would take either from their home (not all that common) with other people present. I in no way thought it was the parent or decide that in my mind but I did think it highly unusual--home abductions and with Klaas during a sleepover with friends--I even wondered about a friend's parent. But both fathers got right out there, took polygraphs, said do what you have to do to clear me and stayed at it and kept it in the news.

The man you mention, that is heartbreaking and I do wonder how people quit searching when they have no answers but still have to make an income and get back at some point to take care of the rest of life and family and how hard it must be watching life go on fearing your loved one may be out there, alive or dead... I think of how hard that must be for Michael's parents in Kimster's local case...

This man is not right in this case. I also forgot to mention above that not only has he said the brother is looking for publicity, and his own employees a felon and two meth heads, the local cops are also inept and messed up what I consider probably a staged bike scene anyhow, let me see who else has he said negative things about?

Ya know what?? If he is at odds with LE and puts them down then get out there on social media and on the news and tell the public where you were and when and about your week with Suzanne, your life, your receipts, video, when you booked the motel, when you were there, what you both did that weekend, her habits, etc. and convince the public if you think the cops are inept! Why would he hold back, he has no reason to as he thinks their investigation has gone wrong anyhow. Wouldn't you say if someone thinks he himself is being framed the best way to fight that nowadays would be to go to the internet, because there are some crooked LE, politicians and more, look at what Vanessa Guillen's family got going! It took them some time and some effort, it looked like it was fading and then they picked up support... Barry, nope. Not organizing his own searches, not working with LE, not helping with this search.

I don't know if he is guilty (I have my opinion) but I do know his behavior is one of a guilty man and there is good reason many are looking at him.

He was invited many times, right on podcasts and I believe with Lauren Scharf by Suzanne's brother as well on the news... It also was made clear just to find Suzanne and no other issues would arise if he would like to help. Does Barry need an engraved invitation or what to go search with these tons of volunteers and the biggest search that will likely occur and many volunteers from his town of Salida and a bunch from his town in Indiana for HIS OWN WIFE? I am sure the way this is being handled that even if the girls wanted to at least be there and hand out water or posters but be protected from media, etc., it would be arranged for them. Imho.

Okay. Enough from me. Clearly one of those days...
"My sister was murdered," Moorman said. "And she was hidden within a three-and-a-half-hour window. So that — I can draw a circle on that and tell you she's within that circle. And that's what I know happened."

"I'm out there to find my sister," Moorman said. "I think everybody probably knows what happened. I'm literally just there to search — I need to find her, need to bring her home, give her a proper burial and closure for my family. And that's my point. I'm not about finding somebody guilty or trying to inflict punishment on anyone. That's not my job. That's the law enforcement's job."

He said he's extremely sad and misses his little sister, and his two nieces are worried and need closure about what happened to their mother. Morphew was a wonderful person, he said, and attended church every Sunday and beat low-grade lymphoma twice.

"My entire family has suffered for four months," he said. "We've had enough. I stayed quiet as I was asked to. I bit my tongue for three months. Not doing it anymore. I'm coming out there."

"My sister was murdered," Moorman said. "And she was hidden within a three-and-a-half-hour window. So that — I can draw a circle on that and tell you she's within that circle. And that's what I know happened."
That's gonna be a big-*** circle. Unfortunately, a 3.5 hour window (even if you halve that for the return trip), is a LONG time and a LOT of ground to cover. Could literally be almost 100 miles in any direction. Less if you're on country roads. But still. You're looking, at least, at a 50 mile radius. Hopefully they're able to narrow that down.
I know there has been bigger circles. Literally states apart. And they've still found people. So I'm going to try to be optimistic.
That's gonna be a big-*** circle. Unfortunately, a 3.5 hour window (even if you halve that for the return trip), is a LONG time and a LOT of ground to cover. Could literally be almost 100 miles in any direction. Less if you're on country roads. But still. You're looking, at least, at a 50 mile radius. Hopefully they're able to narrow that down.
I know there has been bigger circles. Literally states apart. And they've still found people. So I'm going to try to be optimistic.
They do have a lot of help, quite a bit of organization and are ready to go for up to six days. They also have an app etc. to track where searchers have been and where they may miss. I am not saying it is not a huge job and in no way saying it would be easy but her brother keeps saying and I can understand he needs to feel he did this and that he really tried regardless of the results. And again it should be her husband doing this!

I am trying to be positive hoping they find her for her brother's sake and her family but in this case, I just don't feel for some reason she is going to be found just out in the wilderness. I am not sure why. Perhaps because Barry tried to point them to the woods, etc. per a mountain lion? And just saying if he possibly is the culprit, they don't typically point to where the victim would be found...

You are right though, it is quite a radius. The brother said when he first found out she was missing and headed up there, he looked out the window the first morning at the vastness of the mountains and the area and I believe he said he cried at the sheer amount of area to search and how impossible it seemed.

It is so close mouthed by LE and I don't really have a sure thought of what was done and where she is. I do have thoughts of who did it and when and where she died. I have had thoughts that if he wanted her found for say life insurance that he would point in the right direction like the mountain lion story BUT if not or worried about evidence with her body, you would NOT point in the right direction. He seems to have gained enough money and freedom without life insurance in my opinion that that motive is off the table so I think he is pointing away from where she would be found...

All jmo...
Andy Moorman says for some reason there are a lot of nervous people and they are stirring up a hornet's nest. I don't think he means the good citizens because they thanked them to no end.

Barry Morphew was hanging trail cams around his property with a rifle over his shoulder telling searchers it was private property if they came close. I find this maddening. This man could not even keep security cams working when his wife went missing! And no, he is not helping.

Andy claimed today is going to be very interesting. Both with information and search and that he has received some interesting info.

He also says some things they found lead closer to the house than he anticipated. That was an interesting remark.

This all came from the PE podcast. Andy is going to be very tired I bet. The long drive out, search all day and then he is informing everyone at night on the podcast
and back at it in the morning.
One thing I do not understand is Andy Moorman saying that Suzanne was hidden within a 3.5 hour window so that has to do with his search parameters.

I can't decide if this is his opinion or he knows something we do not--he almost has to.

From what we know her last contact with anyone was Saturday when discussing a wedding with a friend when she abruptly stopped communicating--and that is IF it was truly her doing the communicating. She was not reported missing until I thought Sunday night... So unless there is info I missed, he knows something--that window does not even fit Barry claiming he left at 5 a.m. Sunday...

I did get a hint somewhere, I can't recall where--it was a podcast I think--where someone asked if it would be typical for Suzanne to stop communicating like that. I know I have done it on rare occasion, someone stops by or I get tired and I leave the conversation--not often but I have done it. I also have someone in my family who does that quite a bit with texts. The response was something to the effect of no, this woman was alarmed actually (paraphrasing) when Suzanne stopped responding for some reason that was not really gone into and was then somewhat avoided...

So.... Was/is Barry known to have been to that hotel Saturday night possibly at a certain time...? And not Sunday morning...? There has to be something giving this 3.5 hour window... And nothing we know fits that or even close to my knowledge...
One thing I do not understand is Andy Moorman saying that Suzanne was hidden within a 3.5 hour window so that has to do with his search parameters.

I can't decide if this is his opinion or he knows something we do not--he almost has to.

From what we know her last contact with anyone was Saturday when discussing a wedding with a friend when she abruptly stopped communicating--and that is IF it was truly her doing the communicating. She was not reported missing until I thought Sunday night... So unless there is info I missed, he knows something--that window does not even fit Barry claiming he left at 5 a.m. Sunday...

I did get a hint somewhere, I can't recall where--it was a podcast I think--where someone asked if it would be typical for Suzanne to stop communicating like that. I know I have done it on rare occasion, someone stops by or I get tired and I leave the conversation--not often but I have done it. I also have someone in my family who does that quite a bit with texts. The response was something to the effect of no, this woman was alarmed actually (paraphrasing) when Suzanne stopped responding for some reason that was not really gone into and was then somewhat avoided...

So.... Was/is Barry known to have been to that hotel Saturday night possibly at a certain time...? And not Sunday morning...? There has to be something giving this 3.5 hour window... And nothing we know fits that or even close to my knowledge...
I've been wondering if LE gave him that information based on cell phone records.
I've been wondering if LE gave him that information based on cell phone records.
That is certainly a possibility. The other thing that is possible is her brother did say I think that the GPS on his truck did not match up with I think what Barry said or some such of where he was when. It is interesting he can say or share the 3.5 hour window info but nothing further. If this is true, then it has to worry Barry that somehow they know this... However, maybe Barry knows they know from former interviews with LE...

I personally lean towards something happened Saturday...

FOX31 and Channel 2 asked Moorman if he thinks Barry Morphew was involved in Suzanne’s disappearance.

“I’m afraid this is domestic abuse,” shared Moorman.

Moorman said he learned while searching for Suzanne that she was “working with domestic abuse meetings.”

Moorman also said he believes police are trying to “fill their envelope before they seal it.”

WATCH: Moorman’s interview with Channel 2:
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Watched all of the podcasts I could find during this search when I had a chance. More to come tonight I am sure, search winding up.

I know who I think "disappeared" Suzanne and the more he does and what he acts like, the more I feel for her. She lived with and covered for a very warped individual imo. I know the type, so long as they get their way and can do as they like, you might be able to keep things on a somewhat (not really but somewhat and at your own personal expense day after day and year after year) normal keel or cover to not concern parents, children and more...

There is even a chance she did not see how bad it was or the person was until later years or more recently... Or maybe finally saying "no"... Or going through her own health issues...

My heart goes out to Suzanne's family, kudos to her big brother for his tireless work. Praying for answers❤🙏
I am hopeful the cadaver dog hits result in something, however, not sure why, I am not getting the hope too far up there...

I know a lot of people put a lot of faith in dogs but I myself can't think of a case in quite awhile or any off of the top of my head where dogs led to a body or missing person. Perhaps that is not due to the dogs but the case and the perp covering the tracks, I don't know, I just have not seen it often I guess. But even so, let's hope...

Also, I go back and forth on what he did with her. I think it likely he would go with an area that has no connection to him and in no way close to their home. However, I could see him burying her in concrete or something on private property... I just don't know.

I go back to wondering about the concrete they did take up some of at that same "beach" property from the foundation of the home being built. Now how and why...? Did HE or someone they feel in on it with him pour concrete after Suzanne went missing? They had to have had a reason and a pretty darned good one I would think... Or did they think he may have buried her in the dirt there or items before the concrete was poured because he KNEW concrete was soon to be poured...? And they only took a small sampling of the entire concrete so huh....?

There is just so much we don't know.
I am hopeful the cadaver dog hits result in something, however, not sure why, I am not getting the hope too far up there...

I know a lot of people put a lot of faith in dogs but I myself can't think of a case in quite awhile or any off of the top of my head where dogs led to a body or missing person. Perhaps that is not due to the dogs but the case and the perp covering the tracks, I don't know, I just have not seen it often I guess. But even so, let's hope...

Also, I go back and forth on what he did with her. I think it likely he would go with an area that has no connection to him and in no way close to their home. However, I could see him burying her in concrete or something on private property... I just don't know.

I go back to wondering about the concrete they did take up some of at that same "beach" property from the foundation of the home being built. Now how and why...? Did HE or someone they feel in on it with him pour concrete after Suzanne went missing? They had to have had a reason and a pretty darned good one I would think... Or did they think he may have buried her in the dirt there or items before the concrete was poured because he KNEW concrete was soon to be poured...? And they only took a small sampling of the entire concrete so huh....?

There is just so much we don't know.

I used to be a great believer in all kinds of search dogs, but as you said, they can be misled( and for example especially bleach can throw them off). I just hope the pressure can be kept up on her SO and that there will be more clues. Since we don't know what LE knows, maybe we are closer to the solution than we think...
I used to be a great believer in all kinds of search dogs, but as you said, they can be misled( and for example especially bleach can throw them off). I just hope the pressure can be kept up on her SO and that there will be more clues. Since we don't know what LE knows, maybe we are closer to the solution than we think...
Yes, I am not knocking the hard working dogs by any means, I just think many people think they are foolproof almost and if that was the case, we would see far more success than we do imo.

I don't know what to think here lately, the recent podcasts seem to be hinting at some things coming but seem to be purposely cryptic. I can't decide if there is anything to it or not... My gut feeling is and has been since before this search and even more so during it now, is that there is a strategy and cat and mouse game being played out here... Whether that strategy will work is hard to say...

I hope it is not simply hype. Talk of documents that are game changers, tree invoices (which I do not take to be those same documents), cadaver dog hits (they tell of one place but not where the other is where the hits occurred), the number 5... The cryptic things are starting to irritate me but if it means something is about to break in the next day or so, then I understand they just have to hold it back for a little bit... Yet now there is a Dr. Phil thing I guess coming up and while I have nothing against ANY publicity for a missing woman or to keep attention on a case, that seems to negate any knowledge something like an arrest is coming imminently or why bother doing such if you knew that...

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