Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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He has been in jail since December 2020 so apart from Prince Andrew settling, what else has happened?

My thoughts are that the PA settlement has made Virginia Roberts' testimony more powerful. I think she testified last year some time.

Here is a link about her testimony. It was behind closed doors last June, but here is a report of an interview with her.

In a 2016 deposition, made public in 2019, Giuffre reported that Jeffrey Epstein and his primary accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell had directed her to provide "sexual services" for modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, money manager Glenn Dubin, and the late Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Marvin Minsky, as well as a "foreign president" and "a well-known prime minister." During a T.V. interview for a major US network in 2019, Giuffre stated that Jeffrey Epstein told her that he had slept with "over a thousand women that Brunel brought in."

In an interview after her testimony, Giuffre stated that her court appearance was to be a voice for the Epstein trafficking networks victims and to make sure that Jean-Luc-Brunel is brought to justice. She said,"I wanted Brunel to know that he no longer has the power over me, that I am a grown woman now and I've decided to hold him accountable for what he did to me and so many others." Giuffre also put out a calling urging victims or witnesses to come forward, she said, "I'm urging more witnesses ... even if it is outside of the statute of limitations ... to come forward ... The judge is listening, the authorities are listening, I'm listening.... We want to help put this monster away where he belongs," she said. "We can't do that unless we all work together."

According to the investigative outlet Spooky Connections, "Jean-Luc Brunel is a French model scout and former modeling agency manager, and a close associate of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. He led the modeling agency Karin Models, and founded MC2 Model Management, with financing by child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, and which had offices in New York, Miami, and Tel Aviv. Jean-Luc Brunel was known being the "son of a good family" of the beautiful Parisian districts and father was a high society Parisian real estate executive; their presence and identities have been scrubbed from the internet. Brunel was a “scouting tsunami” according to the MC2 Model Management website for his access to girls from South America and Eastern Europe and has a reputation as a cocaine addict who sexually assaulted child models."

In 2019, the Paris prosecutor's office opened a preliminary investigation into charges of rape, aggravated sexual aggression and criminal conspiracy related to offenses by the Epstein trafficking network on French victims or on French territory. On December 17, 2020, Brunel was arrested at Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport, and placed in police custody in connection with the Epstein case and on charges of child rape and sexual assault, sexual harassment, and child rape slavery, while he was about to embark for Senegal. Jean-Luc Brunel has been formally charged with the rape of at least one minor and sexual harassment. A statement from Brunel's attorneys denied any wrongdoing. He has also been placed under the "status of assisted witness of aggravated human trafficking to the prejudice of underage victims for the purpose of sexual exploitation."

French prosecutors seeking more information from potential witnesses or victims, and want to speak to anyone who might have information about the Epstein trafficking network or Brunel. French authorities have set up a special email address to receive tips from the public.

Virginia Giuffre urged others to come forward, "Whether you are a witness of Jean-Luc Brunel at one place or another — and it doesn't even have to be him doing something illegal, it can just be placing him somewhere, and by doing so it can help place together another victim's story, corroborate,"

The Paris prosecutor’s office has declined to specify how many victims of rape there were.

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So there was someone else in jail in another country relating to the Epstein/Maxwell thing. I probably knew that sometime in the past but forgot. I know the name but again it wasn't something I was currently aware of. Reporting in this case leaves much to be desired. This was probably significant in Maxwell's trial I imagine and I don't recall hearing much about it.

I don't know about these suicides... And two now that aren't apparently watched closely enough and manage to have the means and items and time to kill themselves...? I guess I'd say prison coverage of inmates in France and the US leaves a lot to be desired... And high profile inmates as well.

He does this on Andrew settling or so some surmise... Not sure why, Andrew avoided deposition and all this way... It does lend to her credibility but it is doubtful she is the only one who could testify against this man, there are thousands likely and there must be others who could have.

I remember the 2x8 or 8x2 text. Was it him who supposedly procured the French twins of an even younger age like 12? I guess I do remember hearing some about it.

This just reminds me and adds to the fact there is so much evidence of this "ring" and that Maxwell and Epstein were both well aware of and part of it.

You know, this man too could probably have provided some very big names... I'm sure it wasn't only Epstein he procured for but all of them and more of his own...
He has been in jail since December 2020 so apart from Prince Andrew settling, what else has happened?

My thoughts are that the PA settlement has made Virginia Roberts' testimony more powerful. I think she testified last year some time.
An article said that but it seems kind of like a weak/poor reason to me.

Is this man convicted or facing trial? When was anything upcoming against him if still facing trial, do you know?
An article said that but it seems kind of like a weak/poor reason to me.

Is this man convicted or facing trial? When was anything upcoming against him if still facing trial, do you know?
Oh did it? Do you remember what article said it? I was just giving my opinion, so I would be interested who else thought that too. Like Epstein, I don't think it had gone to trial, or whether it had a date set but the similarity with Epstein is a bit unnerving. I don't know whether other victims have come forward in the case but the 12 year old twins he sent to Epstein came from Guiffre's memoirs iirc. Do you know what the 2016 deposition from Virginia Guiffre said? Supposedly released in 2019, but I don't think I have seen that.

ETA Found Guiffre's 2016 deposition. I am posting link here but have not yet read it so will give a warning as I anticipate it will be probably worse than her memoir. I notice that her memoir is an exhibit as well as exhibits from various Jane Does.

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Oh did it? Do you remember what article said it? I was just giving my opinion, so I would be interested who else thought that too. Like Epstein, I don't think it had gone to trial, or whether it had a date set but the similarity with Epstein is a bit unnerving. I don't know whether other victims have come forward in the case but the 12 year old twins he sent to Epstein came from Guiffre's memoirs iirc. Do you know what the 2016 deposition from Victoria Guiffre said? Supposedly released in 2019, but I don't think I have seen that.
Edwards, the attorney for Roberts and Giuffre. It was in the one kdg posted, yahoo news I think, a few posts back.
Oh did it? Do you remember what article said it? I was just giving my opinion, so I would be interested who else thought that too. Like Epstein, I don't think it had gone to trial, or whether it had a date set but the similarity with Epstein is a bit unnerving. I don't know whether other victims have come forward in the case but the 12 year old twins he sent to Epstein came from Guiffre's memoirs iirc. Do you know what the 2016 deposition from Victoria Guiffre said? Supposedly released in 2019, but I don't think I have seen that.

ETA Found Guiffre's 2016 deposition. I am posting link here but have not yet read it so will give a warning as I anticipate it will be probably worse than her memoir.

A lot of similarity with Epstein, agree. He procured the girls for Epstein and Epstein also had procurers as we know and provided girls to others as well or "shared" them.

I don't know anything at all about France's legal system, in fact, I hear little out of their country that way ever come to think of it or much news of any kind here of France. Apparently if they also can keep him in jail that long prior to trying him, it isn't much different in that way than here.

I also wonder if they put out releases asking victims to come forward? The one woman (forget who, Roberts or Giuffree) said Epstein bragged I think of having like 1,000 of this guy's girls he found for him, sent him, etc. That is a LOT of victims and grown women now some I'm sure who could testify to this man's abuse. 12 year old twins I recall as the age shocks me. What way did he get these? Same way as Epstein? Parents thought he was helping them get modeling gigs or something? I would hope the parents had no clue.

I don't know anything about the 2016 deposition, if I ever did read it, I don't recall but I doubt it.

Considering this man and these facts, I am once again not surprised Maxwell was convicted, even less so now than I already was. Juror problems and that kind of appeal aside of course.
He has been in jail since December 2020 so apart from Prince Andrew settling, what else has happened?
I was just wondering this same thing.

You probably have access to more international stories than most of us so if you find anything I'd appreciate it.
I was just wondering this same thing.

You probably have access to more international stories than most of us so if you find anything I'd appreciate it.
Same here. I realized earlier that I hear nothing from France or of some areas. I've realized that in the past too but haven't thought of it in awhile. Not a MSM news person but even when I was or see a bit (mom watches), they don't cover them at all. They pick and choose their narrative imo, and that is all cable news and most MSM.
I found Guiffre's deposition (over 200 pages) from the Maxwell defamation suit and have added it to my post 1285 above. Have just finished reading it and it gives a few new interesting points. It highlights the fact that she thought she met Maxwell in 1999 when she was 15 yet actually it was in June 2000 when she was 16 (turning 17 in the August) and she went to Thailand in 2001. It also reveals she sold the PA pic to the DM for $140k plus additional payments of $10k.

One other thing in there - it was mentioned she would get 40% of any settlement, so I guess the rest would go to lawyers. She did settle with Maxwell but I am not aware we know the amount. I think this is what kickstarted the arrests of Epstein, then Brunel and Maxwell for criminal trials.
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Sun article with some updates.

Erwan Saoudi, a prison warden trade union representative in the French capital, said: "On average, there are four to six patrols in for vulnerable people in the prison where Brunel was held."

"He chose to carry out this act between two patrols," said Mr Saoudi.

"First aid could not salvage the situation. This shows that the prisoner was determined to go through with it.

"What's for sure is that he was alone at the time."

Despite all the evidence pointing to suicide, Paris judicial police have launched an investigation into the exact cause of Brunel’s death.
Sun article with some updates.

Erwan Saoudi, a prison warden trade union representative in the French capital, said: "On average, there are four to six patrols in for vulnerable people in the prison where Brunel was held."

"He chose to carry out this act between two patrols," said Mr Saoudi.

"First aid could not salvage the situation. This shows that the prisoner was determined to go through with it.

"What's for sure is that he was alone at the time."

Despite all the evidence pointing to suicide, Paris judicial police have launched an investigation into the exact cause of Brunel’s death.
I would hope they would investigate. Any case where the answer is not a sure thing should definitely be looked into instead of just an assumption of what likely happened. Ideally anyhow. And this is on top of that high profile and not the first jail suicide and no one happened to see it, catch it or stop it.
I found Guiffre's deposition (over 200 pages) from the Maxwell defamation suit and have added it to my post 1285 above. Have just finished reading it and it gives a few new interesting points. It highlights the fact that she thought she met Maxwell in 1999 when she was 15 yet actually it was in June 2000 when she was 16 (turning 17 in the August) and she went to Thailand in 2001. It also reveals she sold the PA pic to the DM for $140k plus additional payments of $10k.

One other thing in there - it was mentioned she would get 40% of any settlement, so I guess the rest would go to lawyers. She did settle with Maxwell but I am not aware we know the amount. I think this is what kickstarted the arrests of Epstein, then Brunel and Maxwell for criminal trials.
I'm drawing a blank on what PA stands for with the photo?

It used to be (not sure of this deal) a lawyer got 1/3 of a settlement and the victim 2/3 but even back when this was deceiving as most lawyers charge expenses on top of that 1/3 like photoocopying, postage (back in the day), travel, any other fees incurred, like witness fees, expert witness fees, and all sorts of things. And then in many cases, part of the settlement goes to pay medical bills (like in a car accident or injury claim) and that NEVER comes out of the attorney's share, etc. So this actually could be a 1/3 attorney but when you add it all up, she will be lucky if she gets 30 to 40 percent which is about what it says. They may take a case for free but in such cases, they make sure it never costs them a single cent. Not saying it is wrong, just that that is how it is.
I'm drawing a blank on what PA stands for with the photo?

It used to be (not sure of this deal) a lawyer got 1/3 of a settlement and the victim 2/3 but even back when this was deceiving as most lawyers charge expenses on top of that 1/3 like photoocopying, postage (back in the day), travel, any other fees incurred, like witness fees, expert witness fees, and all sorts of things. And then in many cases, part of the settlement goes to pay medical bills (like in a car accident or injury claim) and that NEVER comes out of the attorney's share, etc. So this actually could be a 1/3 attorney but when you add it all up, she will be lucky if she gets 30 to 40 percent which is about what it says. They may take a case for free but in such cases, they make sure it never costs them a single cent. Not saying it is wrong, just that that is how it is.
PA pic = Prince Andrew photo. Her recent settlement is going to her charity, so I was wondering how her pro bono lawyer will get paid. Probably similar maybe although it will be less for her charity. This one I was referring to was her previous settlement with Maxwell as that fee was mentioned in the deposition.
Here is one by Scott. At about 6:19 into it is this case. Talking about Brunel, the suicide and how Epstein trafficked Virginia to him, how Epstein used a million dollars for Brunel to open an agency which Virginia says was to traffic underage girls into the country and more.

First part of vide is Arbery federal case, and George Floyd case-trial of officers. Haven't listened past Epstein yet but a mix of cases I'm sure.

I thought when I had posted that Scott was done talking the Esptein case but he wasn't. He goes on. So Brunel sued Epstein because Epstein's notoriety he claimed caused his modeling agency to lose business and fail. My goodness. Suit dismissed when Epstein died. Now Scott is talking about the "suicides".
I thought when I had posted that Scott was done talking the Esptein case but he wasn't. He goes on. So Brunel sued Epstein because Epstein's notoriety he claimed caused his modeling agency to lose business and fail. My goodness. Suit dismissed when Epstein died. Now Scott is talking about the "suicides".
"No honour among thieves" as the saying goes.
This is interesting. Two former models of Brunel's. One was oh good for a reaction and the other was thrilled.

These men make me sick and so does Maxwell.

This is interesting. Two former models of Brunel's. One was oh good for a reaction and the other was thrilled.

These men make me sick and so does Maxwell.

This is worth watching. And yes, Brunel had people that were going to testify. These people got off so easy and this was a "respected" well known modeling agency. The tentacles and others involved in this are out there imo and things are being shoved under the rug. That this goes on at this level and of this size and with many big names is staggering but I think some still don't believe it... Or think it is as deep as it is/was...
I just finished the 15 minutes of this I think it was. This really struck me and I highly recommend watching. All the way to the TOP... These women are GLAD this man is dead. And one dealt with Weinstein as well.

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