Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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I just finished the 15 minutes of this I think it was. This really struck me and I highly recommend watching. All the way to the TOP... These women are GLAD this man is dead. And one dealt with Weinstein as well.
What do you think about the other implications made by Zoe? These two women actually escaped Brunel's clutches, from what I understood.

Also, in Guiffre's memoir the Brunel section is Chapter 14 I believe, for anyone interested.
What do you think about the other implications made by Zoe? These two women actually escaped Brunel's clutches, from what I understood.

Also, in Guiffre's memoir the Brunel section is Chapter 14 I believe, for anyone interested.
Which ones specifically? I found all both said very believable. The part about spiking the punch was something else... You could see these women identified with each other. Even though they got out, the one's life I think was affected more than the other's. Zoe was the brunette correct?
"All the way to the top". This article just made me LOL.

LOL, I too think it is hilarious. He's just joking of what many do think, that there are a lot of dead people around the Clintons through years... I'm not deep into what some think with it as to what it means or how far it goes but I sure know there are enough to be notable. He though is just riding those coattails of people who get deep into that theory and using it like all politicians do with everything. The connections to Epstein and Maxwell are certainly there. Bill was certainly with Esptein and Maxwell was invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding wasn't she? Very chummy all of them.

One has to laugh. And Hillary's staunch supporters can rest assured because Twitter and FB only lean in one political direction and it is very likely those whining on Hillary's behalf will cause it to be taken down.

As far as I can see, Epstein, Maxwell and most likely Brunel were equal opportunity for both democratic and republican presidents and politicians alike... I'm sure there are no shortage of people who wanted or would like each of them to keep their mouths shut...
This too is interesting. Probably a bit tabloidish but enjoyed watching it. Calling for the end of the monarchy, the money the Queen likely gave towards Andrew's settlement, Prince Charles wanting Andrew distanced and wanting a more "modern" monarchy. That one throws me for a loop, I think of him as anything but modern..

Which ones specifically? I found all both said very believable. The part about spiking the punch was something else... You could see these women identified with each other. Even though they got out, the one's life I think was affected more than the other's. Zoe was the brunette correct?
I don't want to repeat Zoe's statement as I thought it could be defamatory but she mentioned bus loads going to a specific location.
I don't want to repeat Zoe's statement as I thought it could be defamatory but she mentioned bus loads going to a specific location.
Oh yes, forgot that one, I think I know where you mean. Florida I believe...? Well, the name of that place where I imagine anyone can stay has come up before... Busloads I don't think I've heard of... Sounds like a convention of perverts... I think I am thinking of the right place, I watched a few of these including the one about the monarchy and Andrew.

She did seem to want to hit on one or another more than others, I mean they both centered heavily on Brunel, and she made sure she got Weinstein in there... These women seem to of course have come in on the French end of this and some of what they know is hearsay, like the spiked punch, I can't remember if the other location thing you are talking about was something told her or that she personally knew...
This too is interesting. Probably a bit tabloidish but enjoyed watching it. Calling for the end of the monarchy, the money the Queen likely gave towards Andrew's settlement, Prince Charles wanting Andrew distanced and wanting a more "modern" monarchy. That one throws me for a loop, I think of him as anything but modern..

I better not watch it as I am a Royalist but I think our Queen is brilliant. If we did not have her we would have to have a President who gets elected. The Royal Family brings in money from Tourism and the Crown Estate. She brings stability between our PM's and is a great source of information for new PM's. She is totally non partisan also and is the head of the Commonwealth. That all said I will take a look when I can.

ETA we did get rid of the monarchy once before when Charles Ist was beheaded and we just had parliament. It didn't last long and we asked Charles 2nd to return and rule alongside Parliament. Spain was another European country who asked the monarchy to return.
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Oh yes, forgot that one, I think I know where you mean. Florida I believe...? Well, the name of that place where I imagine anyone can stay has come up before... Busloads I don't think I've heard of... Sounds like a convention of perverts... I think I am thinking of the right place, I watched a few of these including the one about the monarchy and Andrew.

She did seem to want to hit on one or another more than others, I mean they both centered heavily on Brunel, and she made sure she got Weinstein in there... These women seem to of course have come in on the French end of this and some of what they know is hearsay, like the spiked punch, I can't remember if the other location thing you are talking about was something told her or that she personally knew...
She didn't say if she witnessed it or if it was hearsay. Also the spiked punch and the journalist who was hit on the head? Did the journalist survive? I did not quite follow that.
I better not watch it as I am a Royalist but I think our Queen is brilliant. If we did not have her we would have to have a President who gets elected. The Royal Family brings in money from Tourism and the Crown Estate. She brings stability between our PM's and is a great source of information for new PM's. She is totally non partisan also and is the head of the Commonwealth. That all said I will take a look when I can.

ETA we did get rid of the monarchy once before when Charles Ist was beheaded and we just had parliament. It didn't last long and we asked Charles 2nd to return and rule alongside Parliament. Spain was another European country who asked the monarchy to return.
It probably wouldn't bother you too much because most of it is the two women who are expert at admitting things and yet protecting the Queen, etc. in what they say. It is about Andrew at first and how Charles wants distance and does not want him back or causing any damage to the modern monarchy he wants to create (paraphrased by me). It then goes into the Queen having to make the Andrew thing go away and couldn't let it proceed but how it also is hard for the Queen as this is her son and her favorite but that she like gave 2 million (or whatever it is) towards his settlement of her own money which then it is pointed out still "is" the taxpayers' money and that they are NOT happy about it so Andrew is out and not coming back in and has to be out for good and the royals know this.

It then goes on into of all timing, Charles and some foundation he is in or of his and some Saudi person and it being investigated and the last thing the royal family needs right now. And then the Queen's Covid, etc.

Overall though the two ladies strike a balance of toning down any sensationalism and bring it back to a real thing of yes, it isn't great but not the worst either kind of attitude...

So I don't think there really is much in it that would bother you.

Quite honestly though, I'm about where I think monarchies are something that truly don't fit any longer with today's world but then I don't know all the ins and outs as you do of monarchy and having to have a president otherwise, etc. but just the idea you are born into something with "blue blood" well... It really doesn't fit the all people being "even" and should be treated alike premise of today does it...?

Personally I think the Queen is the last one of the reign who will and has earned a respect. I can't see Charles doing it. Jmo though and I'm not British so again don't have the same knowledge of it you do.
Interesting. So if the juror confirms to the judge under oath what he said to the press, it sounds like there will be a retrial.

“Juror 50’s post-trial statements are ‘clear, strong, substantial and incontrovertible evidence that a specific, nonspeculative impropriety’ — namely, a false statement during jury selection — has occurred,” Nathan wrote.

In the order, Nathan shot down — for the time being — Maxwell’s request for a new trial because doing so would require her to take unsworn statements the juror made to the press as fact.

She therefore called the March 8 hearing to question him under oath.

Nathan also ordered Maxwell’s attorneys to publicly file by Friday their motion for a new trial, which has been sealed until now.

Federal prosecutors will also be forced to file their response to the motion, Nathan ordered.
Just came across this Victoria's Secrets ad. Is this brand still going after all the bad publicity that these cases have exposed?

Yes, Victoria's Secret is still promoted here in the US. Leslie Wexner stepped down from L Brands & as far as what I've read in MSM. He hasn't been a party to any lawsuits that I can recall.
Yes, Victoria's Secret is still promoted here in the US. Leslie Wexner stepped down from L Brands & as far as what I've read in MSM. He hasn't been a party to any lawsuits that I can recall.
But didn't Epstein recruit models for the brand ? Also Wexner did give a deposition in Dershowitz case but it was not public.

A link with some detail about the Dershowitz v Guiffre case from last month for our reference.

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But didn't Epstein recruit models for the brand ? Also Wexner did give a deposition in Dershowitz case but it was not public.

A link with some detail about the Dershowitz v Guiffre case from last month for our reference.

I was under the impression he portrayed himself as a recruiter to lure young women however he was not a employee of Victoria's Secrets.
For me there is a lot about Victoria's Secret that doesn't and hasn't sat quite right for years... I don't know what it is but kind of even like the Playboy thing where it is glamorized to youth as is their calendar and runway events. The connections, different rumors and those in it or close to it including what is mentioned here...

They have some beautiful things and are definitely a popular store but....

I guess when we see so many false fronts and facades with modeling, trafficking and more and the glamorization of young females and looks, underwear/lingerie, etc., it just brings certain thoughts to mind...

A juror in Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal trial who apparently did not disclose childhood sexual abuse during jury selection will invoke his fifth amendment right against self-incrimination at an 8 March hearing.

This juror, who is named Scotty David, was on 24 February ordered to appear in court for questioning about his answers on a screening questionnaire for then-prospective jurors.

David’s completed questionnaire, which was made public last week, shows that he marked the “no” box in response to the question that asked: “Have you or a friend ever been the victim of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or sexual assault?”

A juror in Ghislaine Maxwell’s criminal trial who apparently did not disclose childhood sexual abuse during jury selection will invoke his fifth amendment right against self-incrimination at an 8 March hearing.

This juror, who is named Scotty David, was on 24 February ordered to appear in court for questioning about his answers on a screening questionnaire for then-prospective jurors.

David’s completed questionnaire, which was made public last week, shows that he marked the “no” box in response to the question that asked: “Have you or a friend ever been the victim of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or sexual assault?”
That's not a good look.

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