I think he said he couldn't remember it and also said they weren't his going out clothes and a few other things too, like he couldn't sweat etc. He is either lying or really didn't remember it. Eg if she was introduced as a visitor from the US who would love a photo to take back etc. It was her camera and her idea to have the picture taken with her own disposable camera. I find the boasting to Carolyn that she slept with him pretty strange if she is now saying she was abused/raped. And she did recruit others, as we know, like Carolyn, who was only 14. One thing I am assuming is there wasn't enough evidence for a criminal prosecution.
I am going to give it a bit hard here but not personal, just debating and jmo....
I think it really comes down to how one looks at things. He was an older man and she was a young girl. Even if she did brag about sleeping with him (which I don't know), we are talking an older prince and a young girl. Then there is the way and expectations and where she was, what was expected, etc. and her lack of options. We aren't talking about someone Maxwell's age who was with Epstein by choice. I also don't think Maxwell was any minor, she was divorced when she started with him, Mr. and Ms. Pimp.
Maybe it is even a US difference and I entirely get an older teenaged girl may know more what she is doing than a younger one but she is still a teenager.
I mean my God, he is a royal household name throughout the world, she is a teen. He has been married. Not a young man and was an "old man" compared to her even then. He has had his playtime and playmates for decades... Could he not have something to do with any of a number of WOMEN who would welcome it? She was impressionable, stuck or probably easily led. Even if she wasn't, again by law, he is in the wrong.
As to whether he is lying or not, I have never ever seen an interview where someone was so obviously lying as his, in a lot of interviews, I waffle quite often in some of whether the person is lying or not, or lying about all. And he doesn't "recall" the photo is one thing but also suggesting it was photoshopped and that was just on that subject, hardly the only one.
Now could she have bragged, etc.? Yes. So? How stupid is he to put himself in such a position? He is a royal. He has had years of knowing he and his ex and the royal family's name and activities are of great and over the top interest. He has DAUGHTERS. And no matter how he got in it, in his position, it was far from a mature decision and she was the teen... I mean come on. And there is Maxwell in the back of the photo... If she could trust that the girls were where they wanted to be and doing what was expected... then why? I realize it is just a photo but she is to the back but present, why not step out? Or why not join them and sling an arm around the other two? It all just fits...
It isn't a criminal case and he is darned lucky in my opinion. And if he was innocent, why is the Queen not standing by him?
All that said though, we shall see. We don't know I guess. It was the same with Maxwell's trial and she was found guilty as I felt she should be and the evidence showed when reasonably put together only one conclusion could be drawn.
I can't say Andrew is guilty but he is certainly stupid for his age. Or does he feel untouchable as did Epstein and Maxwell imo?