Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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Since when do convicted felons get to choose where they serve their time?

WHY is she going to a minimum security prison?

So it's known as Club Fed and has cushy programs for prisoners in music, crafts, exercise, etc. a track, ball field and more but has maggots? On one had it sounds luxury and on the other hand, a dive? Doesn't make much sense or match up...

Why does the; former prisoner say she will have a rough six to eight months? What changes after that time that it's just for that long?

They have a "camp counselor"? Sounds like fun times, summer camp.

Why would she apply to finish her term in the UK after three years? The husband she stole lives here but she'd leave him?

She and her legal team "claim" a prisoner threatened to strangle her and was offered pay to kill her. Pretty serious allegation so what was done about that threat and what charges were brought? And who did the prisoner say offered that or was behind it? Don't tell me that has went no further??

"The convicted sex trafficker, who is vegan, previously complained about the 'inedible' food at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, but now she may have to eat the same food as every other inmate."

What do they mean "now"? Does that mean they gave in to her complaints before??

She filed over 100 complaints?? Wow like 4 to 5 every single month that would be. That's ridiculous.

And then the jail staff threatened her but she won't provide more info. Okay...

I don't doubt she may have had some threats but who knows either... Not a bit of proof of any of it so far as I can tell but a lot of "claims".

I also kind of doubt some of the numerous complaints are anything but what other prisoners also deal with and is the norm...
I absolutely agree that the "johns' should not go nameless or without prosecution and shame. Let's see if they do or not. And I hope media AND the public does not shut up about it if it seems to go sliding under the rug...

Well she takes pretty much no responsibility does she? No surprise I guess. Imo she basked in her role and took joy in it and loved her power. Sick woman, just as sick as he was I think.

BUT the sick perverted powerful men most definitely need to be addressed as well. Looking like a very one sided deal thus far...
Why haven't these rapes been prosecuted? Presumably these men are still around.
Why doesn't Ghislaine name them? Why don't the victims name them? Why doesn't LE and the prosecution name them and/or the judge let them all name them, etc., etc.?

A few are but why isn't the whole WORLD yelling about it...

I thought too that one her remarks at sentencing almost sounded like she was sending a "subtle" or not so subtle? message to them that she would be keeping her mouth shut... Jmo though.
Why doesn't Ghislaine name them? Why don't the victims name them? Why doesn't LE and the prosecution name them and/or the judge let them all name them, etc., etc.?

A few are but why isn't the whole WORLD yelling about it...

I thought too that one her remarks at sentencing almost sounded like she was sending a "subtle" or not so subtle? message to them that she would be keeping her mouth shut... Jmo though.
I think she will only keep her mouth shut until both her sentence and conviction appeals are over. That is her last resort .

Why isn't everyone (including the victims who would know best) yelling about it? That is what I am asking too. The perps are very powerful people, as Epstein himself was. Some people think he was a blackmailer. He had recordings everywhere and a lot went missing, I believe. Someone could even still be sitting on them, who the heck knows, prior Presidents, PMs and Princes. Funny that they all begin with P (for perps). MOO.
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I think she will only keep her mouth shut until both her sentence and conviction appeals are over. That is her last resort .

Why isn't everyone (including the victims who would know best) yelling about it? That is what I am asking too. The perps are very powerful people, as Epstein himself was. Some people think he was a blackmailer. He had recordings everywhere and a lot went missing, I believe. Someone could even still be sitting on them, who the heck knows, prior Presidents, PM's and Princes. Funny that they all begin with P (for perps. MOO.
yet it could have been her 1st resort before her conviction and should have been.
yet it could have been her 1st resort before her conviction and should have been.
I guess she was hoping they would all testify for her, like Eva Dubin did. IIRC at the last minute there were some defence witnesses that did not show despite being issed with a subpoena. There was a mad scramble by the judge to get the trial finished due to Covid getting worse.
I think she will only keep her mouth shut until both her sentence and conviction appeals are over. That is her last resort .

Why isn't everyone (including the victims who would know best) yelling about it? That is what I am asking too. The perps are very powerful people, as Epstein himself was. Some people think he was a blackmailer. He had recordings everywhere and a lot went missing, I believe. Someone could even still be sitting on them, who the heck knows, prior Presidents, PMs and Princes. Funny that they all begin with P (for perps). MOO.
It is isn't it... Funny but not...

We very likely won't see it which is sad but I think it very likely he did blackmail etc. and use men's weaknesses against themselves etc. or bait them, treat them, tempt them, etc. and then record them and blackmail them... And her too, aware of all of it...

I do think she deserves her conviction and sentence but I also think we are very much seeing or MAY be seeing the dog and pony show... I think she is letting them know she won't say anything so long as they do their maneuvering to get her out, etc. OR to ensure her life isn't taken.... Ghislaine went along with the men against women and boy she enjoyed it when she was the "captain" but now it is her lifeline... She is alive because she has NOT (apparently) provided info and evidence...

What sickens me is how weak and sick these men are BUT because people bow to power and influence of names and positions or families, or fear them, it allows such to go on... it isn't like they are BRAVE... For me, the sychophants almost sicken me more... They can rape or control but they are weak types like Andrew who use WHO they are to feel they can do anything they like...
As expectected, an appeal is submitted against conviction and sentence.

"It remains unclear on what grounds Maxwell plans to appeal. Her lawyers were not required to give a reason in Thursday's legal filing."
Just attorneys doing their job. They have the right to appeal and they wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't file, whether they even think she's guilty or not.
Just coming to post similar. Article about "Angels and Demons".

"Alongside the examination of Victoria's Secret as a culture-making brand, "Angels and Demons" also delves into the company's links to the late Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier charged in 2019 with sex trafficking underage girls. According to the documentary, Epstein had been a close business partner and personal friend of Wexner's and allegedly used the brand's cache to meet young women under the false pretense of recruiting for shows and campaigns. The series includes an interview with Alicia Arden, a woman who said she believed she was interviewing for a job as a Victoria's Secret catalog model in 1997 but was instead assaulted by Epstein at a hotel in California.
Wexner's attorney issued a statement to the filmmakers saying that Wexner "confronted Epstein and was clear it was a violation of Company policy for him to suggest he was in any way associated with Victoria's Secret and that Epstein was forbidden from ever doing so again." "

I wonder when Wexner actually confronted Epstein, especially as evidence came up in Maxwell's case that indicated Epstein sent VS lingerie to victims IIRC. Epstein was Wexner's power of attorney so that meant he would have authority to act on Wexner's behalf. Also, Maria Farmer was assaulted at the Wexner's property in the 90's and they would not let her leave so Wexner was aware of Epstein's behaviour early on.

This is another article about Victoria's Secrets, this time from the New Yorker.

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Following up on some of the points in Maria's interview above. This twitter thread discusses a statement from an FBI agent mentioned by Maria.

This is an interview with another victim that wants some answers about Epstein's plea deal.

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Following up on some of the points in Maria's interview above. This twitter thread discusses a statement from an FBI agent mentioned by Maria.

This is an interview with another victim that wants some answers about Epstein's plea deal.

You and I may not see eye to eye on everything but Epstein\'s deal was outrageous. I as well as many were not happy and any outrage was ignored as if "Florida" had every right to do such. It was blatant and corrupt imo. Clearly there is no explanation other than there was influence, blackmail or connections there. No surprise I guess with Epstein's playing with powerful people in powerful circles. My guess is someone was protecting self or others more than the reason was to help Epstein. Money also has a lot of sway with corrupt types.
You and I may not see eye to eye on everything but Epstein\'s deal was outrageous. I as well as many were not happy and any outrage was ignored as if "Florida" had every right to do such. It was blatant and corrupt imo. Clearly there is no explanation other than there was influence, blackmail or connections there. No surprise I guess with Epstein's playing with powerful people in powerful circles. My guess is someone was protecting self or others more than the reason was to help Epstein. Money also has a lot of sway with corrupt types.
Well I have been complaining about Epsteins lenient deal all along, because I just couldn't understand it. Now it is becoming clear to me there was a cover up as well as illegality in the deal itself, even according to a judge. Maybe one day it will be revealed why that happened.

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