Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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I wish we could watch this trial because this phrase

The lawyer says she told the government in 2019 that it was in New York.

I want to know if this is in a recording or transcripts--in other words, if it was actually said ever by the victim. Or IF the defense attorney just said it and made it up because this is a common defense game/tactic I hate--it was never said perhaps but they just make something up so now it is planted in the jury's head she said this when maybe she never did...

Anyhow, I'd need to know that to decide if it means anything at all or if it is intentional planting of a defense made up thing to mislead the jury.
it says notes from unrecorded interviews, so I think that is important since it "could" have been altered by absolutely anybody and there is no trail to prove it either way.
it says notes from unrecorded interviews, so I think that is important since it "could" have been altered by absolutely anybody and there is no trail to prove it either way.
Hmm. If that's the case and this too was from jotted notes then I wouldn't give it any weight or much at all and hope jurors do the same. I so wish federal trials were televised... These two had the connections where I wouldn't doubt people in high places could have done things in this investigation, especially early on... The fact back when Epstein was charged with little of nothing has never really been adequately explained imo... Florida wasn't it?
I wish we could watch this trial because this phrase

The lawyer says she told the government in 2019 that it was in New York.

I want to know if this is in a recording or transcripts--in other words, if it was actually said ever by the victim. Or IF the defense attorney just said it and made it up because this is a common defense game/tactic I hate--it was never said perhaps but they just make something up so now it is planted in the jury's head she said this when maybe she never did...

Anyhow, I'd need to know that to decide if it means anything at all or if it is intentional planting of a defense made up thing to mislead the jury.

I took it to mean there was no recording of prior interviews with lawyers and that only manual notes were taken at those meetings. "Jane" is saying the notes were wrong. The correct way to address this is to call the note taker as a witness.
I took it to mean there was no recording of prior interviews with lawyers and that only manual notes were taken at those meetings. "Jane" is saying the notes were wrong. The correct way to address this is to call the note taker as a witness.
True and then they will have to decide who is telling the truth if the note take says one thing and she another and whose memory is better.
So if I am understanding part of this testimony, there is doubt whether Maxwell was present when Jane was abused because she said it was in New York at one time and in Florida in this testimony. She is also saying she went to see the Lion King with Epstein when in NY but the Lion King was on in NY when she was 17. Hopefully this may get resolved one way or another later in the trial. It is not in dispute that she was abused by Epstein, but it does not yet seem clear to me when exactly Maxwell was present, if she was.

If Maxwell herself or other witnesses take the stand, I guess this will be clarified.
I think it will depend how it relates to the charges against Maxwell in particular, because the girls themselves brought other girls and "massage" is not specific. It could be three foot massages a day for example.
Yeah, hard to say without hearing everything. I see a pattern for Maxwell recruiting initially to then getting the girls recruiting and the massages but they do have the burden of proof they have to meet.

I did read Adam Klasfeld's Twitter today on the case up until about 3 p.m. It sounds like the house manager or whatever he is called was a strong witness, corroborating some things. That was before cross examination though, I haven't looked at it since.
Inews also has this article from 5 days ago that includes a link to a copy of the indictment in the paragraph "what are her charges".

What are her charges?​

Ms Maxwell is being tried on six counts, including conspiracy to transport underage girls to engage in illegal sexual activity and perjury.

She is accused of helping Epstein groom four underage girls between 1994 and 2004. She has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The indictment alleges she sometimes joined in the abuse and claims she “assisted, facilitated, and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom and ultimately abuse victims known to Maxwell and Epstein to be under the age of 18”.

The perjury charges are related to statements she made before a court in New York in 2016.

If convicted she could be imprisoned for up to 80 years.

ETA my comment. So her perjury charges date from 2016 in New York. She married Borgerson in 2016. Clearly then, they have known where she was all along.
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Accepting restitution through the fund meant that victims couldn’t bring additional claims against Epstein’s estate or his alleged accomplices, such as Ghislaine Maxwell, who is currently being held in a federal jail ahead of her November trial on charges related to aiding Epstein’s abuse.
So these 4 that are now testifying against Maxwell have received restitution. (One of them got $4 million that I know of). Were federal charges exempt from this or did Vanity Fair get that bit wrong? Did this only refer to civil charges? I am confusing myself I think.
So these 4 that are now testifying against Maxwell have received restitution. (One of them got $4 million that I know of). Were federal charges exempt from this or did Vanity Fair get that bit wrong? Did this only refer to civil charges? I am confusing myself I think.
I don't know honestly. Nothing has been made public about who received restitution and most of the Federal court documents are under seal so it's hard to determine from this point. It would be wonderful if a legal expert would address these specific questions for clarity.
I'm confused too. The fund only bars lawsuits not criminal charges imo, no? It can't stop the State nor the Feds from bringing charges. 150 people paid out is a LOT of victims, with 75 denied so there must have been some level of "proof" needed is my guess that 75 could not provide?
I don't know honestly. Nothing has been made public about who received restitution and most of the Federal court documents are under seal so it's hard to determine from this point. It would be wonderful if a legal expert would address these specific questions for clarity.
It was in the opening statements I think that they had received payouts from the fund. Here is the link again.
Adam Klasfeld


29 Nov

Sternheim: Each of the witnesses who are testifying here received money from the Jeffrey Epstein compensation fund.

End of tweet

Also here is a link with some exhibits from the trial. (Don't worry - no dildos or anything nasty)

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I wish we could watch this trial because this phrase

The lawyer says she told the government in 2019 that it was in New York.

I want to know if this is in a recording or transcripts--in other words, if it was actually said ever by the victim. Or IF the defense attorney just said it and made it up because this is a common defense game/tactic I hate--it was never said perhaps but they just make something up so now it is planted in the jury's head she said this when maybe she never did...

Anyhow, I'd need to know that to decide if it means anything at all or if it is intentional planting of a defense made up thing to mislead the jury.
AFAIK it was in the FBI notes of her previous interview. I am posting a live updating link from the NY post today so we may be able to see if it goes back to this cross exam.

ETA I have found this link with more detail about the prior interview notes.

"In response, Maxwell’s attorneys used material gathered by FBI investigators in interviews from 2019 to 2021, intending to contradict anything and everything Jane said — “Misremembering details, misremembering where she lived, not being able to recognize a house, that all goes to her credibility as a witness, her believability,” is how Christian Everdell, a lawyer for Maxwell, explained it to the judge; then he said something preposterous: “Her memory of every single detail of her childhood is central to the case.”

The “I don’t recalls” from Jane began in response to a sea of questions stemming from those prior statements to the government. At first, this felt like a devastating pummeling; the defense did make Jane look like she had been inconsistent over the years. The Broadway opening year of The Lion King, in her memory of every single detail of her childhood, was off by three years. At one point, she seemed to be suffering and answered a question about the abuse in a different vocal mode, in a strangled or childlike tone; I absolutely believed everything from her after hearing that. (“When the body undergoes trauma, there are inevitable repercussions for the voice, especially in its capacity as an instrument,” wrote the soprano Lauren McQuistin in an article about the effects of sexual abuse on vocalists in the Journal of Singing.)

Finally, at last, Jane said that what she was being asked to respond to weren’t actually transcripts of her words — they were someone’s typed notes of what Jane had said. She had never seen that text herself, and her account hadn’t even been recorded.

Even so, some observers present in court this week thought Jane’s testimony was bleak for the prosecution. But people, even juries, recognize that we can’t remember the entirety of our teenage years, particularly when we are being serially assaulted.

Maxwell’s team lost its way. The lawyers fumbled down weird roads and never arrived at a destination. The lawyer asking questions later said she was suffering from low blood sugar. Then, for a while, the defense worked on describing Jane as money hungry and after an Epstein payday."

More at link.
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