Four students murdered at University of Idaho *ARREST*


Got my Masters degree from here. :(

Killer who stabbed 4 Idaho students to death still at large​

The killer — or killers — who stabbed four University of Idaho students to death remained at large Tuesday, prompting many students to leave the campus in the idyllic small town despite police assurances that there was no imminent risk to the community.

So many students had left the scenic tree-lined campus in Moscow, Idaho, by Tuesday that university officials said a candlelight vigil scheduled for the next day would instead be held after the Thanksgiving break.

The students, all close friends, were found dead in an off-campus rental home around noon on Sunday, and officials said they likely were killed several hours earlier. Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt told the Spokane, Washington-based television station KXLY that her preliminary investigation showed the students were stabbed to death. There is no indication that substance use was involved in the deaths, Mabbutt said.
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Exactly what I've been saying all along.

Well, I have to admit. This is completely plausible and makes a lot of sense.

simon cowell facepalm GIF
That's really strange. I've never heard of having to file a notice of alibi before.
Yeah it is one of those things that have changed in our system than I never knew of and can believe you have never heard of either. We saw such in some other case here and it was new to me or in a couple, drawing a blank on which. Delphi maybe? Not sure. If defense is going to raise an alibi they have to claim it and give it or some such. Kind of goes along where both sides are to keep nothing to selves and share all. So the case and if any alibi is known ahead as is what defense is going to claim, or prosecution and so on. No more Perry Mason type moments.

Anyhow in this one and all there is a date for it and Ann Taylor said they coudln't share their alibi yet basically or whether they had one until they found out what all was known. In other words imo CRAFT one around the facts. It was unheard of to say that or try to pull that.

I don't know if it was missed or we don't know but they hadn't provided and I can only guess the deadline hit that maybe the judge extended undeserved and she had to file one OR they found an expert willing to lie or corroborate the one they came up with, etc.

19-519. NOTICE OF DEFENSE OF ALIBI. (1) At any time after arraignment before a magistrate upon a complaint and upon written demand of the prosecuting attorney, the defendant shall serve, within ten (10) days or at such different time as the court may direct, upon the prosecuting attorney, a written notice of his intention to offer a defense of alibi. Such notice by the defendant shall state the specific place or places at which the defendant claims to have been at the time of the alleged offense and the names and addresses of the witnesses upon whom he intends to rely to establish such alibi.
(2) Within ten (10) days after receipt of the defendant’s notice of alibi but in no event less than ten (10) days before trial, unless the court otherwise directs, the prosecuting attorney shall serve upon the defendant or his attorney a written notice stating the names and addresses of the witnesses upon whom the prosecution intends to rely to establish the defendant’s presence at the scene of the alleged offense and any other witnesses to be relied on to rebut testimony of any of the defendant’s alibi witnesses.
(3) If prior to or during trial a party learns of an additional witness whose identity, if known, should have been included in the information furnished under subsection (1) or subsection (2) of this section, the party shall promptly notify the other party or his attorney of the existence and identity of such additional witness.
(4) Upon the failure of either party to comply with the requirements of this section, the court may exclude the testimony of any undisclosed witness offered by such party as to the defendant’s absence from or presence at, the scene of the alleged offense. This section shall not limit the right of the defendant to testify in his own behalf.
(5) For good cause shown the court may grant an exception to any of the requirements of subsections (1) through (4) of this section.

If the defendant intends to rely on the defense of alibi, the defendant must comply with Idaho Code § 19-519.
yeah and she was totally outside the time frame and wanted to wait until they knew they had one etc. lol.
If you had an alibi, you would use it at the beginning, not the end and beyond the last minute. Then you offer your "alibi" and it basically says nothing and offers no proof. Quoting Bugs Bunny "what a maroon".
Pretty much. All I know is she insisted on waiting or at least said they shouidl be able to basically until she came up with one and they saw what they needed one to cover and time and so on and evidence lol. One of the stupidest things I ever saw. As you or any of us who employ common sense would say and you said here, if you had one you'd use it and you'd have the case dismissed no? And be out of jail pronto lol.
Pretty much. All I know is she insisted on waiting or at least said they shouidl be able to basically until she came up with one and they saw what they needed one to cover and time and so on and evidence lol. One of the stupidest things I ever saw. As you or any of us who employ common sense would say and you said here, if you had one you'd use it and you'd have the case dismissed no? And be out of jail pronto lol.
I think I said it in the Delphi thread about this case but never got to saying it here, they keep filling in and have the alibi just a bit more. Watched a pretty good update/recap on it by one of the lawyers I watch on YT.
MOSCOW, Idaho — The judge overseeing the case of the man accused of killing four University of Idaho students sided with the prosecution in deciding to close a motion hearing on May 14, overriding adamant objections from the defense.

"Challenging thing is that both sides have agreed to seal discovery, that we need to pay attention to it going forward... if we start arguing about the case itself and the trial and the evidence that you're going to present it gets more complicated and potentially prejudicial to the state or Mr. Kohberger," Latah County District Court Judge John Judge said.

State prosecutors also said the right to a fair hearing and trial outweighs the right to a public hearing.
The state argued that the hearing should be closed to the public because things are going to discussed in the case regarding investigatory procedures as well as specific evidence that could include names of witnesses or local businesses.

Kohberger's defense team said Kohberger's right to a fair and public trial outweighs the concerns of the state in this case, especially because previous evidentiary and discovery hearings have been open to the public before.

The judge ultimately ruled in favor of the prosecution, saying that he just couldn't grapple with these hearings being held open to the public because of the different nuances and that it's just going to be a little bit easier to keep things in closed doors. That way it wouldn't unintentionally create an unfair hearing if something accidentally slips out.

MOSCOW, Idaho — The judge overseeing the case of the man accused of killing four University of Idaho students sided with the prosecution in deciding to close a motion hearing on May 14, overriding adamant objections from the defense.

"Challenging thing is that both sides have agreed to seal discovery, that we need to pay attention to it going forward... if we start arguing about the case itself and the trial and the evidence that you're going to present it gets more complicated and potentially prejudicial to the state or Mr. Kohberger," Latah County District Court Judge John Judge said.

State prosecutors also said the right to a fair hearing and trial outweighs the right to a public hearing.
The state argued that the hearing should be closed to the public because things are going to discussed in the case regarding investigatory procedures as well as specific evidence that could include names of witnesses or local businesses.

Kohberger's defense team said Kohberger's right to a fair and public trial outweighs the concerns of the state in this case, especially because previous evidentiary and discovery hearings have been open to the public before.

The judge ultimately ruled in favor of the prosecution, saying that he just couldn't grapple with these hearings being held open to the public because of the different nuances and that it's just going to be a little bit easier to keep things in closed doors. That way it wouldn't unintentionally create an unfair hearing if something accidentally slips out.

Absolutely not sure what It think of this but I know I generally think OPEN court is best and open INFO etc. For me to think that is going along with the D here which is definitely NOT my norm. WTH is going on here? Different businesses, witnesses, etc.? And WHY would D want it known? And out there

Judge couches it in more fair for D so something doesn't slip out etc. as to witnesses and so on and nuances. WHAT?!

I can't help but think this relates to the two surviving roommates.Evertything seems to be and they protected info and them by going to a GJ and more. However, businesses also could relate...

WTH is this? Secrecy is NOT the best practice imo with the justice system ever. Daylight and sunshine is. We are now seeing secrecy in case after case after case with no real shown cause. It may be to protect but all it does is breed wild rampant speculation. I'm really concerned with this new norm.

The fact here the D wanted it heard seems to say something... So I should be against it and want it sealed as they want it open (because as all know I am GENERALLY against he D) but I generally agreed with an open justice system.... WTH is going on here? 'And for that matter going on generally these days? Nothing good comes from secrets I don't care if one is talking cases or life. Unless you are nice enough t tell someone their new hair style is nice when you think WTH was she thinking. Meaning minor tactful thingw.
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They’ve kept secrecy around this case since the very beginning! That’s what was driving Kaylee’s dad to anger. The trial in this case is going to reveal a LOT that we don’t know.
I am starting to see a pattern. What has changed in our system that we again don't KNOW ABOUT?

This sealing and secrecy with no cause shown is becoming the norm I swear!
But this is as it should be. WE shouldn't have all the info before trial. Her dad needs to understand that for the sake of his daughter.
I don't entirely agree with this. At all. No, they don't have to share everything BUT secrecy and sealing is BS. And something has changed as it is rampant these days with no legit reasons.

It also lets the defense go nuts and do a total PR case while prosecution stays silent while people and the jury pool get entirely contaminated.

It isn't nearly as big but it is to is--our case about killed us while we watched the perp etc. tell a false story. I will NEVER forget the day when we all were about destroyed and falling apart and even told not to share with others in our own fam that was told they had an arrest and could share only WHEN the presser hit the next day. At around like 5 a.m. or such. I waited. I refreshed. And the MINUTE I saw it I let the news loose at that time I was on FB. And OMG everyone in our community because we had to be hush and they thought it was long not a murder and past was like WHAT???? WHATTTT??? ANd his family and he had had MONTHS of talking and telling their BS where WE were to stay quiet and NOT even tell all of our own family.

All I can say is I understand it but don't entirely agree with it. It's almost inhuman to expect it for one and they need to change it to get with the times. In Delphi and Read this practice allows one side, the defense imo, to put out a totally false narrative. WE KNEW MORE and could have corrected but were advised not to and who wants to ruin justice for their own loved one?

Or worry that THEY did so?

Our family about imploded over those months. It is why I understand Dylan Rounds' mom and others. Just try being in that situatiion while who you know did it and family runs around free and saying this and that.

I have criticized dad here and Dylan's mom at times but I GET IT. The system and prosecutors etc. need to get it. They aren't or grief counselors and have a job to do but they need to realize families can lose it when not handled or told justice will come and hang in there. I HAD TO MAKE contact myself. I could see the sh*t small community going on with b.s. on FB constantly this was over, wasn't a murder, etc. while they schmoozed common friends and so forth. I about lost it many a time. Once I made contact I had weekly contact with a detective. My daughter of course was in her own grief. Our entire family was. I had a sister that got in her own contact at one point and had a second detective who argued with me hers told her this where "mine" told me this for a heck of a lot longer than her one contact. Not sure I am making any sense here but my family was ALL on the same page but when someone murders someone in your family and you are told to stifle, I can only say you have to live it. I've been through the loss of a dad, two brothers and a grandchild and I won't even go into the number of aunts and uncles, cousins, so forth. And I didn't think ANYTHING could be worse than my dad and brothers BUT murder is. It is so different. And justice. You are NOT allowed to grieve.

I know I am on a vent. But I am just saying it should not be LE's job but someone needs to handle families and the grief. I won't get into victim advocates in counties. WE had one and love her but you don't get that UNTIL the perp is charged and even then well... the detective I had contact with kept me sane and spent an hour and sometimes hours a week doing so.

Once charged it went to talking to her victim advocate and the prosecutor. And no longer the detective who I did not talk to again until trial... First time I ever saw him in person as well.

The system needs things and those doing their jobs need to understand families. Like Kaylee's dad. Like Dylan Rounds' mom. People do not live this every day and then have a murder in their family. I'm serious. Try living it.

I slipped. I wanted so bad, my family did, sisters did at times to go back on FB with his family's b.s. or his and every time I lived in fear I would ruin the case or investigation. THIS is what victims' families live. I cannot even IMAGINE all the years and silence of anything important the families in Delphi have lived.

I get the reason and I get it all but I think it needs to change. In our case a big one was he would still willingly talk to LE and was not lawyered up. They also wisely did not push it or seek him out much over that time. However as the victim's family? I'm sorry but I can't even begin to tell you what it does and THEN you are told not to share with your family either. I was finally okayed to tell my mom. This isn't a demand but a recommendation. And I had to tell her not to share with other family, friends, etc. It just is AWFUL.

The night they finally got the autopsy results and arrested him I got a call and it was "this is the call you have been waiting for"... My daughter knew of course, first. I was told I could le my mom know. OMG she so needed it as I did. And to wait early more when press release went up and then I was told I could FB it!

It just needs to change is all I can say. I know I have went on a tangent here and sidetracked. I've lived that struggle. My family has. I get Kaylee's dad. And this is a case already that is huge, national with bigger b.s. going on. I can identify. The system needs to get the families and what they are forced to deal with. But you know what? It should not be the investigator's or sheriff's job imo to hand hold the victim's families either. They need to arrest and solve the case. But family members also need to know about and reach such. What kept me from losing it was that detective. Week after week for months. He could not share all but he did enough. I'm sure most can imagine me--I asked him a kazillion questions each week and I was told I could share with my mom plenty much only. So you can imagine my other sisters and such not knowing such. Not because lol they were bad but to keep us all from leaking or talking to people etc. The more shared with the more likely someone would share with someone or too many etc.

I entirely forget my point except I guess to say I get Kaylee's dad. And Dylan's mom. I also admonish them in don't say this, you don't want to wreck justice for your child. I will tell you though it is almost impossible and expecting too much.

Back to your post of how her dad needs to understand for his daughter's sake--believe me he does and has been told. While they watch the other side sell or push a narrative that drives them crazy and I'd say they haven't fully grieved and can't yet.

I'm not a fan of our system or my own county but I will say the team in ours I have not a bad word to say about BUT we also had to seek it and so much more.

LOOK at what defenses are doing these days with leaking and the internet while prosecutions keep the cases close to vest. We went through that. My GOD her murderer was some stellar gy and he and his family went on showing such. While we had to stay SILENT. It needs to change.

Okay I AM AWARE of my longwinded diatribe. I just would not wish it on anyone and I bet myself up anytime I lost it a bit which I did once or twice, just a little and then panicked that I destroyed the case. My family lived like that. For four months to arrest. Then three more years and the stupid delay and court b.s. LIves were on hold through ALL of it and interrupted and stalled.
But this is as it should be. WE shouldn't have all the info before trial. Her dad needs to understand that for the sake of his daughter.
Exactly. These hearings are closed because they will be discussing information that has not been made public / sealed items closed via the gag order.
The last thing this case needs is the media releasing MORE information that is supposed to be sealed. You're already worried about getting a fair trial in Latah County and having an impartial jury pool? Yet you want the public to be made aware of MORE information prior to trial?
Exactly. These hearings are closed because they will be discussing information that has not been made public / sealed items closed via the gag order.
The last thing this case needs is the media releasing MORE information that is supposed to be sealed. You're already worried about getting a fair trial in Latah County and having an impartial jury pool? Yet you want the public to be made aware of MORE information prior to trial?
Plus, they probably aren't sharing much with him because they know he'll blast that info everywhere. He's created this distrust himself, mostly.
Oh. Father of a victim/dead child. Long day. I should have caught that and realized. I was more focused on the perp and the ridiculous defense and ingested too much in too many cases and threads.

Yes they can be a bit reactive but on the other hand, why not? Daughter is dead and not coming back so go ahead.

It is so unnatural and hard being advised to stifle especially if no one is helping and guiding and such just is not there. I've said it and I've said it about Dylan Rounds' mom BUT I get it. It needs to change. Look at what we are seeing in Kohberger here and Delphi, etc. Read is another. Defenses are putting out a whole media blitz and one sided story while prosecutions and families have to stay mum. Or is the way. While all gets tainted AND people think the case basically has been tried from ONE side.

The times need to be caught up with. Defense attorneys are sure using such.


What does her dad or mom have to lose? Justice I guess perhaps but you know speaking up just like Dylan's mom isn't going to bring their kids back or get them murdered, they already were. We played by the book but I will tell you it is not as it should be. And it is not understood that it expects way too much of families. And for years on end. This case has barely gotten started as to the years and b.s. they are going to deal with.

Whether right or wrong, you know what, go for it. He cares and is passionate about his daughter and grieving. The one I will NEVER understand or comprehend is the mother of the only male victim here. Not saying she is wrong but wow, such strength. Take it, face it, over it, care less about the criminal process. I can readily admit that isn't me and I can't identify. I can identify with Kaylee's parents. And Dylan's mom. ANd I myself have criticized them but only because I know the advice--do not wreck the investigation, do not talk. Etc. I don't agree with it though. It lets one side play a narrative for months is not years to the public.

I also would say the prosecution side hates that they cannot counter it and have to watch it...


Agree on some disagree on others lol.

This man's daughter was slaughtered. I know he goes against the flow and can be a bit whatever and even have said so myself but so what. I can also say and bet they don't know a thing that will destroy the case. They are just parents that are reeling. The system sucks and the lack of helping someone navigate it does as well and that's nothing against LE or the prosecution. I have nothing but good to say of ours. It is though how it is. THEY have to be on the case and take it professionally. FAMILIES however are REELING. If you want them not reacting, reeling, talking to news, etc. then there is a missing step and help. However that's okay, mostly these days it is all about the poor defendants.

Not a post at you for sure. I just am reacting to what I don't get time to and did an overload today with cases. Still am listening to much.

I don't wonder at like the ones mentioned here, Dylan's mom or Kaylee's dad here. Just for examples. Most of us are like we are told to be, do not cause ripples if you want justice, etc. but it is so unnatural and unfair. It's just my opinion and a minor one. But D's parents actually ended up with their son's remains. And really other than justice, if they tell how it is what do they risk? They sure don't risk their child's life. They are already gone and nothing can change it... Not everyone can be Ethan's mom.

And kudos there, don't get me wrong. That's not who I could ever be is all. Could you?

Okay. I don't get a lot of time and had no time off last week etc. that wsn't tied to dealing with stuff rather than real time off. I seriously am happy to see you back on cases, etc.. Whether we agree or disagree.

Yes I rambled on here. As my hours tick down to back to work arggghhh.

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