NH HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH - Nov/Dec 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5 *GUILTY*


Girl last seen in Manchester in October 2019; police seek tips from public​

Manchester police are seeking tips from the public about the disappearance of a girl not seen in more than two years.

Harmony Montgomery, 7, was last seen in a home in Manchester in October 2019, when she was 5, police said.

Police said they first learned Harmony went missing earlier this week. Chief Allen Aldenberg did not specify who reported the girl missing but said his department has been in touch with multiple family members and will continue to speak with them.

Aldenberg said police are not searching for any adult or vehicle in connection with the case. Investigators are focusing on the whereabouts of Harmony.

"No time is a good time for a child to go missing," Aldenberg said. "I'm begging the community. I don't care if you saw this young girl a year ago and you think it's irrelevant. Call us."

Aldenberg said at a news conference Friday his detectives are working to confirm where Harmony is from and where she went to school before her disappearance.

Harmony is estimated to be approximately 4 feet tall and 50 pounds. Investigators said she has blonde hair, blue eyes and should be wearing glasses.

"We need help," Aldenberg said. "This remains a very active investigation."

MEDIA - HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH since October 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5
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And the fact that they also visited AFTER she disappeared. Dad says she's with mom. They don't get a hold of mom so they just....forget about it?
and mom that says she was trying all this time so hard to find her but gets this call and doesn't return it immediately???

I do understand that she "might" not have received the call OR they might not have left a message and it was from an unknown number, which I hope is the case in this particular situation.

Harmony Montgomery supporters gather, keep her name out there​

A group gathered Saturday evening at Stark Park in Manchester to raise awareness for Harmony Montgomery, the 7-year-old missing since late 2019.

Harmony's mother, Crystal Sorey, said she wanted to keep her daughter's name on the minds of people across New England.

"The whole point in all of this is I want her to know that she is loved and we are out here for her, even in the cold weather, you know?" Sorey said.

Mom of missing girl seeks accountability​

Harmony Montgomery’s mother is disputing the findings of a report on her daughter's case that was recently issued by Gov. Chris Sununu's office.

That report said child protection workers made at least one attempt to verify that Harmony, a 7-year-old who is believed to have gone missing in Manchester, was living with her mother in early 2020, as Harmony's father claimed at the time.

But at a vigil raising awareness for her daughter’s case at Stark Park in Manchester Saturday night, Crystal Sorey said she never received that call. She said she’s trying to gather phone records from 2019 to the present to show that lack of outreach from the state.

“They didn’t call me to find out if Harmony was with me,” Sorey said. “They solely went off of what this man told them.”

Mom of missing girl seeks accountability​

Harmony Montgomery’s mother is disputing the findings of a report on her daughter's case that was recently issued by Gov. Chris Sununu's office.

That report said child protection workers made at least one attempt to verify that Harmony, a 7-year-old who is believed to have gone missing in Manchester, was living with her mother in early 2020, as Harmony's father claimed at the time.

But at a vigil raising awareness for her daughter’s case at Stark Park in Manchester Saturday night, Crystal Sorey said she never received that call. She said she’s trying to gather phone records from 2019 to the present to show that lack of outreach from the state.

“They didn’t call me to find out if Harmony was with me,” Sorey said. “They solely went off of what this man told them.”
I guess we will see but I wouldn't doubt one bit that no attempt at all was made.

Mom of missing girl seeks accountability​

Harmony Montgomery’s mother is disputing the findings of a report on her daughter's case that was recently issued by Gov. Chris Sununu's office.

That report said child protection workers made at least one attempt to verify that Harmony, a 7-year-old who is believed to have gone missing in Manchester, was living with her mother in early 2020, as Harmony's father claimed at the time.

But at a vigil raising awareness for her daughter’s case at Stark Park in Manchester Saturday night, Crystal Sorey said she never received that call. She said she’s trying to gather phone records from 2019 to the present to show that lack of outreach from the state.

“They didn’t call me to find out if Harmony was with me,” Sorey said. “They solely went off of what this man told them.”
Good! I hope if they’re lying she can prove it.
and to see what number they had that they "tried" to call and where the info came from for her contact info. Did they get it from him and did he give them a fake number?
Yes, IF they had her correct contact number and IF she didn't change phones or numbers, it should be able to be proven. If they didn't have her contact info, she moved or address changed and it wasn't provided, the argument could be made they should have tried to find her to verify the facts but I would cut them more slack. One attempt isn't enough but again, that is even if that IS true.

States seek to improve communication in child welfare cases​

Massachusetts child welfare authorities are pledging to improve communication and cooperation with their counterpart agencies in other New England states in response to the disappearance of a New Hampshire girl who was 5 when she went missing in 2019.

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families said in a statement Monday that in light of the “tragic circumstances” in the Harmony Montgomery case, it is clear that the communication processes across state lines should be improved.

The agency said child welfare commissioners are in the early stages of developing an information-sharing agreement to improve communication and collaboration concerning cases that cross state lines.
This isn't exactly a new problem. The system has failed to save so many children already on their radar. Numerous home visits. After they tell the parent when they will be there. That defeats the purpose. Several calls and nothing at all is done. So many excuses and NONE are acceptable. This little girl is another example. She isn't out there. She's dead. With her father's record of abuse, I'm sure that's what probably happened. He killed her and he knew taking her to a hospital they would know it was abuse. IMO that seems the most likely scenario. LE doesn't buy his story.
This isn't exactly a new problem. The system has failed to save so many children already on their radar. Numerous home visits. After they tell the parent when they will be there. That defeats the purpose. Several calls and nothing at all is done. So many excuses and NONE are acceptable. This little girl is another example. She isn't out there. She's dead. With her father's record of abuse, I'm sure that's what probably happened. He killed her and he knew taking her to a hospital they would know it was abuse. IMO that seems the most likely scenario. LE doesn't buy his story.
A lot of it in this case is interagency or across state lines too. That is and has happened through the years with things as simple as driver's licenses (I have known people who could never get another license EVER in their home state due to convictions and other things but they just go live in another state and walk out the door with one), serial killers, even or putting out national missing or BOLOs etc., especially in years past. There should be national databases on all such things and follow up. I also know states are more than glad if a released offender disappears off their probation and gets in trouble in another state. They could extradite for violating parole, etc. but they don't want the problem back, they are glad he is another state's problem...

I'm taking the thing into a broader concept I get it but while it is great our states have autonomy and our own laws to a great extent, it also causes a lot of problems. Look at the various Covid rules state to state. Etc. CPS in various states aren't the same nor are the rules or laws.

But yes there are so many missing children in the foster, adoption and CPS related things without followup it is ridiculous. I see all the time the answer is more workers and budget and that is far from the answer... It certainly won't solve it...
That is Adam's estranged wife, not the girlfriend.

ahhh, I thought it was one and the same. I had forgotten that she was his wife instead of girlfriend. Looking at his history in partners, my theory of od still stands at the moment.
So she just had a 2nd DUI while living at a "sober home". Probably kicked out so was living in a hotel room. Doubtful any money and facing charges. Very likely is suicide imo too, possibly OD, possibly other.

She had only dated him for just over a year it says and was living in a car with him. Why would you stay with someone like that and why would that appeal? I'd have to guess it was addiction whether drugs, alcohol or both because I just don't see why else you would.

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