NH HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH - Nov/Dec 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5 *GUILTY*


Girl last seen in Manchester in October 2019; police seek tips from public​

Manchester police are seeking tips from the public about the disappearance of a girl not seen in more than two years.

Harmony Montgomery, 7, was last seen in a home in Manchester in October 2019, when she was 5, police said.

Police said they first learned Harmony went missing earlier this week. Chief Allen Aldenberg did not specify who reported the girl missing but said his department has been in touch with multiple family members and will continue to speak with them.

Aldenberg said police are not searching for any adult or vehicle in connection with the case. Investigators are focusing on the whereabouts of Harmony.

"No time is a good time for a child to go missing," Aldenberg said. "I'm begging the community. I don't care if you saw this young girl a year ago and you think it's irrelevant. Call us."

Aldenberg said at a news conference Friday his detectives are working to confirm where Harmony is from and where she went to school before her disappearance.

Harmony is estimated to be approximately 4 feet tall and 50 pounds. Investigators said she has blonde hair, blue eyes and should be wearing glasses.

"We need help," Aldenberg said. "This remains a very active investigation."

MEDIA - HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH since October 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5
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Wow. Just read all of the posts. Have not had a chance to go into the links. Wanted to comment many times but made myself read all posts first so as not to jump in before being up on the conversation.

I'll start with I saw a Youtuber post about this little girl the other day but didn't have time to look into it and the headline left me feeling like it was probably a two year old case that had never got attention. Instead it is a girl missing for likely almost two years that has just come to the attention of others/authorities?

There is so much of this lately it seems, more than a few cases the last couple of years where a child has been missing for some time before reported or known. :(
It seems as mom had possibly been trying to get in touch with them for a while by reading comments and that dad had been telling people that she was with her mom for quite some time. Now the lie detector request is making sense.
Is there any chance they were still together as a couple when she went missing or is that ruled out?

One blaming the other I see the reason for a polygraph and in fact it may be just to clear her even if they feel she is not a suspect. I got the feeling in reading the posts here and parts of links that were shared (didn't read articles though) that it was some other family member that looked into this. Maybe a grandparent or aunt or something? Or questioned it... Or do I have that wrong?
I see some above were mentioned like Oakley. Some others that come to mind--Evelyn Boswell for whom they passed a law to make it a crime to not report a missing child. Her mother tried to claim her mother had her and all sorts of things. The infamous one--a missing Kaylee Anthony. I feel there is more than a little to show another is the missing West boys, we have no independent information that they did not go missing before their adoptive parents claimed the TWO went missing and that is a year in already. Then there was the little native girl who was last with two women and they were finally charged with something but last I recall it was not looking like there would be appropriate justice. I wish I recalled her name and am sorry I don't. That's a few off of the top of my head.
Is there any chance they were still together as a couple when she went missing or is that ruled out?

One blaming the other I see the reason for a polygraph and in fact it may be just to clear her even if they feel she is not a suspect. I got the feeling in reading the posts here and parts of links that were shared (didn't read articles though) that it was some other family member that looked into this. Maybe a grandparent or aunt or something? Or questioned it... Or do I have that wrong?
By reading the web of comments, the way I'm understanding it, is that both parents lost custody, mom moved to Florida and dad (or dad's family?) regained custody of her. It also appears that soon after that is when the question arises of when anybody else has seen her.
By reading the web of comments, the way I'm understanding it, is that both parents lost custody, mom moved to Florida and dad (or dad's family?) regained custody of her. It also appears that soon after that is when the question arises of when anybody else has seen her.
Thank you. So dad could easily be responsible since he is "missing" did I read? But threw it back on mom... Or he could have gotten custody, mom was upset and did something to her before he could have her? That would be not usual imo. We don't know enough but it sounds like dad is the one to start with or lean towards?
Duty Ron did a show on this one today. I haven't been able to watch it though. I suspect he mostly plays the video and shares articles but also probably gives his take on it. Here is the link.

And the first Youtuber I saw with this case up so people were notified a couple of days ago before any others, along with a couple of missing in MN is here: She generally does short informational ones, this is under 5 minutes.


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