NH HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH - Nov/Dec 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5 *GUILTY*


Girl last seen in Manchester in October 2019; police seek tips from public​

Manchester police are seeking tips from the public about the disappearance of a girl not seen in more than two years.

Harmony Montgomery, 7, was last seen in a home in Manchester in October 2019, when she was 5, police said.

Police said they first learned Harmony went missing earlier this week. Chief Allen Aldenberg did not specify who reported the girl missing but said his department has been in touch with multiple family members and will continue to speak with them.

Aldenberg said police are not searching for any adult or vehicle in connection with the case. Investigators are focusing on the whereabouts of Harmony.

"No time is a good time for a child to go missing," Aldenberg said. "I'm begging the community. I don't care if you saw this young girl a year ago and you think it's irrelevant. Call us."

Aldenberg said at a news conference Friday his detectives are working to confirm where Harmony is from and where she went to school before her disappearance.

Harmony is estimated to be approximately 4 feet tall and 50 pounds. Investigators said she has blonde hair, blue eyes and should be wearing glasses.

"We need help," Aldenberg said. "This remains a very active investigation."

MEDIA - HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH since October 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5
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Tip line, rewards announced for information about missing 7-year-old girl​

Manchester police have created a tip line and rewards are being offered for information about a 7-year-old girl who was last seen in 2019.

Police Chief Allen Aldenberg urged anyone who knows anything about the disappearance of Harmony Montgomery to tell police what they know.

"Help us find this little girl," he said. "Someone knows something. Do what is right and call in. I cannot emphasize this enough. Someone out there knows something."

Anyone with information is asked to call 603-203-6060. Manchester Crimeline is offering a reward of $2,500, and business owners Dick Anagnost and Arthur Sullivan are offering a $10,000 reward for tips.

Aldenberg was visibly emotional as he called on people to call in with any tips, even if they're of sightings from years ago.

"Somewhere out there, this little girl is in need of help," Aldenberg said. "And I need your help in helping us to find her safe."

Investigators said they have talked with many of Harmony's family members but declined to elaborate on which ones. Aldenberg confirmed that she was in the child welfare system in Massachusetts and New Hampshire and that it was New Hampshire's Division of Children, Youth and Families that notified police last week that Harmony was missing and last seen two years ago.

The chief said a team of detectives is working on the tip line around the clock. He said about two-dozen tips have come in so far.
And it sounds like other family has been filing reports and requesting welfare checks for the entirety of that 2 years. As well as neighbors.

Uncle Says Missing Girl ‘Looked like a scared puppy’ When He Saw Her Years Ago. She Was Just Reported Missing.​

The uncle of a missing New Hampshire girl says the last time he saw her in 2019, she “looked liked a scared puppy.”

Harmony’s uncle, Kevin Montgomery, 43, lived with several family members in a Manchester home in 2019, when a family spat broke out, Daily Beast reports. Kevin’s nephew, identified as Harmony’s father, reportedly cut off all contact with numerous relatives following the feud, including blocking them on social media.

“Then the pandemic hit, and I just assumed Harmony and that side of the family was ok. I was worried, of course, but assumed everything was ok because I had not heard anything,” Kevin told the outlet.

On Sunday, police searched a home off of Gilford Street in Manchester, in connection with Harmony’s disappearance. They spent several hours searching inside and dug a hole in the backyard, according to area residents.

Some of the neighbors reportedly said they previously made complaints to city officials about the subpar living conditions at the home, but nothing was ever done about it. Others remember Harmony as a nice, quiet child who never caused any problems.
I guess there is always a chance but I don't have any good feeling with this one nor see much reason for optimism. I guess one can hope with Covid and maybe moving and not talking to family, she is somewhere with someone but it seems unlikely. Wouldn't they come forward now if so?

The bit about not being in school also does not bode well or that she allegedly was "enrolled" but they don't know where...
When asked if the parents of a 7-year-old child should know where she is, Aldenberg said that seems to be a “reasonable conclusion to draw.” He said “who Harmony should have been with, she isn’t with,” but he did not identify that individual.

A reporter pointed out that he seemed emotional and he said it was because a 7-year-old child is missing.

“Quite frankly, enough is enough. This is a 7-year-old girl. Let’s find her. Let’s come together as a community and do the right thing. I don’t think I’m asking a lot,” he said.

Police, he said, are conducting the investigation as if Harmony were still alive.

“I am in rescue mode right now,” he said. “This is not a recovery. All efforts are focused on Harmony being alive and we are going to do everything we can to find her in that condition. Until somebody shows me something that points to that she is not, then that may change my answer, my perception. But for now, we are going to operate under the assumption that she is alive somewhere and somebody knows something.”
So dad is a heroin addict and shot someone and his daughter was returned to him?? He isn't in jail?? It was said she was returned to him and not the mother is that correct? So I guess he got clean and was released from jail?

It says she is not with who she is supposed to be with but won't say who that is. I assume he means who she legally is to be with.
So dad is a heroin addict and shot someone and his daughter was returned to him?? He isn't in jail?? It was said she was returned to him and not the mother is that correct? So I guess he got clean and was released from jail?

It says she is not with who she is supposed to be with but won't say who that is. I assume he means who she legally is to be with.
I wonder if LE has spoken with the person that is supposed to be taking care if her. In that press conference they were pretty adamant that someone is covering for this person.

The biological dad is not in jail in NH or MA, I've checked. There is a lot we're not being told so I hope that she is still alive & hasn't been harmed.
I wonder if LE has spoken with the person that is supposed to be taking care if her. In that press conference they were pretty adamant that someone is covering for this person.

The biological dad is not in jail in NH or MA, I've checked. There is a lot we're not being told so I hope that she is still alive & hasn't been harmed.
Yes, there is a very lot missing and LE seems to point out they just really can't share it like custody issues, who is to have her and more which just says they exist or did as does child services involvement of course. I mean we know it does but he gives few details... Who is to have her, which family member says what, etc.
Yes, there is a very lot missing and LE seems to point out they just really can't share it like custody issues, who is to have her and more which just says they exist or did as does child services involvement of course. I mean we know it does but he gives few details... Who is to have her, which family member says what, etc.
From what i am understanding is that different people are saying she is with somebody else and when they go ask those people about her, they get a different story. I am pretty sure this is why they are asking for polygraphs.
If anyone is interested, this creator is doing a live on this case tonight. He is pretty good and the audience and chat audience members and/or guests are usually pretty respectful.

From what i am understanding is that different people are saying she is with somebody else and when they go ask those people about her, they get a different story. I am pretty sure this is why they are asking for polygraphs.
It makes me think of Evelyn Boswell. She said the child was with her mother and the mother was pretty questionable with quite a history of her own so I did wonder at first and I think many did. She then gave other stories I think. And of course Casey Anthony and her nanny claims only in that one the person was fictitious...

If this is the case, the person she was supposed to be with who had custody is most likely the perp... We did have that recent one though where a dad had his son with a "fiance" and her other boyfriend or roommate and had not seen him in how long and the child was at her residence and it was the woman who did it and the other man who helped cover, etc. I think. And dad wasn't charged I don't think and I'm not sure how I feel about that one... He also was keeping the child from the mother, etc... Sadly, the names fail me.
It makes me think of Evelyn Boswell. She said the child was with her mother and the mother was pretty questionable with quite a history of her own so I did wonder at first and I think many did. She then gave other stories I think. And of course Casey Anthony and her nanny claims only in that one the person was fictitious...

If this is the case, the person she was supposed to be with who had custody is most likely the perp... We did have that recent one though where a dad had his son with a "fiance" and her other boyfriend or roommate and had not seen him in how long and the child was at her residence and it was the woman who did it and the other man who helped cover, etc. I think. And dad wasn't charged I don't think and I'm not sure how I feel about that one... He also was keeping the child from the mother, etc... Sadly, the names fail me.
OT .. Samuel Olson was the Texas child murdered by dads girlfriend.
The cash reward for information that leads to missing seven-year-old girl Harmony Montgomery has increased. Manchester, N.H. Police first announced the reward and tip line dedicated to Harmony’s case on Monday.

The reward is now up to $33,000.

The Manchester Crimeline has offered $2,500. Dick Anagnost, the owner of Anagnost Realty and Development, and Arthur Sullivan, the owner of Brady Sullivan Properties have each offered $10,000, police said. Two anonymous Massachusetts businessmen, one from Lynn and another from Newton, have also offered reward money totaling $10,500.

Police thanked the donors who “selflessly offered up cash rewards in hopes of generating tips.”

DCYF director stands by agency as search for missing girl continues​

The director of the New Hampshire Division of Children, Youth and Families is standing by his agency's work as Manchester police search for a child who was last seen in 2019.

The case has drawn attention to DCYF, but Gov. Chris Sununu is unflinching in his support of the agency, and its director said the agency is stronger now than it has ever been.

In an exclusive interview with News 9 Investigates, Director Joe Ribsam said that when he came on board four years ago, New Hampshire's child protective system was in crisis. But now, caseloads for social workers are dramatically lower, and cutting-edge family support programs are in place. The governor agrees.

"No, the system is not in disarray," Sununu said. "We brought in a whole new team just a few years ago, revamped our quality assurance and control process, and they work very hard on all these cases all across the state."

A source close to the child told News 9 Investigates that Harmony was reunited with her father, Adam Montgomery, after spending time in foster care in Massachusetts.

DCYF officials said that says in general, once reunification happens, contact with the family is reduced gradually. Caseworkers have to focus on the active investigations, which number about 12,000 per year in the state.

"It's difficult to account for what happened when we are not engaged with the family," Ribsam said. "What's important to figure out right now is what has been happening with this young girl for the past few years."

Ribsam said thousands of reports of suspected abuse and neglect come into the agency every year, and the public never sees what action DCYF takes, which he knows is frustrating. A high-profile case like Harmony's triggers an internal review.

"These are really tough cases, to be sure," Ribsam said. "I don't think they are indicative of a system failure, per se."

Harmony's mother said she not only wants to find her daughter, but also Harmony's father, who she said she hasn't spoken with since 2019. She said she has been reporting her concerns to DCYF repeatedly since then.

25 Investigates obtained Massachusetts DCF records that reveal Harmony was bounced between her mother’s care and DCF for much of her young life. She was placed in the custody of her father Adam Montgomery in 2019, when Harmony was roughly 5 years old. The records stated “Custody of Harmony was returned to her father in February 2019. Once Harmony was returned to her father’s care/custody, her involvement with the Department ended as she does not live in Massachusetts.”

The records also state Montgomery was incarcerated during some of Harmony’s life prior to that.

A source told 25 Investigates that Harmony’s care and protection case unfolded in Essex County courts. What’s unclear is whether DCF ever conducted a home study before Harmony was placed with her father and whether any child welfare was checking in on her once that placement was finalized.

25 Investigates went to courthouses in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

We found Adam Montgomery has a criminal history dating back to 2007 in the Granite State for charges ranging from burglary to first degree assault to stalking.

In Massachusetts courts, we found a 2014 case out of Haverhill that charged Montgomery with armed robbery and assault with intent to murder. Police records indicate the shooting happened during a drug deal. Charges were later reduced but he served time in connection with the incident.

25 Investigates has also confirmed the identity of Harmony’s mother. She too had a criminal history we uncovered pulling court records in Massachusetts. DCF has been involved with this mother for many years. She has not had custody of her daughter Harmony since February, 2019. And, again, police say Harmony went missing in October of that year. It’s unclear whether she’d had contact with Harmony since Montgomery was given custody.
I don't doubt the agency maybe functions well and does a good job under tough to call cases but I think the question is why she was placed with the father and if he had to meet any criteria. Perhaps if he never had custody when there were calls to or issues with DCF on the mother, maybe as a parent he simply has a right to her? BUT if he had not been in her life (I'm unsure?) and he had a record, I don't know the rules but he should have had to have been approved I would think to take her just as anyone would have to be like an aunt, grandparent, etc. And with a record and if he was absent from her life, what did they check before placing her with him? What criteria did he have to meet? Any? As the parent who was not in trouble with DCF, was she just handed to him when he became willing to take her? That's what I'd like to know. Or were both parents not okay to place her with earlier?
I wonder if LE has spoken with the person that is supposed to be taking care if her. In that press conference they were pretty adamant that someone is covering for this person.

The biological dad is not in jail in NH or MA, I've checked. There is a lot we're not being told so I hope that she is still alive & hasn't been harmed.
If they can arrest Lori Vallow Daybell, they can arrest this guy for child abandonment, too.

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