NH HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH - Nov/Dec 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5 *GUILTY*


Girl last seen in Manchester in October 2019; police seek tips from public​

Manchester police are seeking tips from the public about the disappearance of a girl not seen in more than two years.

Harmony Montgomery, 7, was last seen in a home in Manchester in October 2019, when she was 5, police said.

Police said they first learned Harmony went missing earlier this week. Chief Allen Aldenberg did not specify who reported the girl missing but said his department has been in touch with multiple family members and will continue to speak with them.

Aldenberg said police are not searching for any adult or vehicle in connection with the case. Investigators are focusing on the whereabouts of Harmony.

"No time is a good time for a child to go missing," Aldenberg said. "I'm begging the community. I don't care if you saw this young girl a year ago and you think it's irrelevant. Call us."

Aldenberg said at a news conference Friday his detectives are working to confirm where Harmony is from and where she went to school before her disappearance.

Harmony is estimated to be approximately 4 feet tall and 50 pounds. Investigators said she has blonde hair, blue eyes and should be wearing glasses.

"We need help," Aldenberg said. "This remains a very active investigation."

MEDIA - HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH since October 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5
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The bright side of him not appearing in court is that the people who know him don’t have to look at his face. I would have a hard time being in the same room with that monster.
Considering he stuck his tongue out at reporters in front of the jury pool and based on other behavior, I'd agree with that.

Been watching Kayla testify. Horrible details and I wish I hadn't started.

She is going to be crossed hard by defense I'm sure since their angle is to try to blame her. She's unlikable as he77 for all she did or did not do for how long but she's a fairly good witness. How she will do on cross remains to be seen.

He needs to go down for what he did to Harmony. She needs to come through and the jury be convinced.

By the way, I gather too that judge gives no explanation to jury for his absence nor even acknowledges it. Not sure what a juror would think with a defendant absent...

10:18 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Harmony remained in the duffle bag while the family was at her aunt's house. The bag sat on the porch of her aunt's house.

10:14 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Another friend came and jumped the car. Kayla Montgomery says Harmony's body was in the trunk. The family spent two nights in the car. They then moved to Kayla Montgomery's aunt's house in Manchester.

10:12 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says that night, a friend who lives at Colonial Village allowed her, Adam Montgomery and their two children to sleep in his car.

10:09 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says the family then returned back to Colonial Village and Adam Montgomery put the duffle bag with Harmony's body in a snowbank to hide it.

10:08 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

At this point, Kayla Montgomery says she and Adam Montgomery tried to get the kids out of the car. She says Harmony was not waking up despite several attempts by Adam Montgomery. She says Adam Montgomery then put Harmony in a duffle bag.

Kayla Montgomery is extremely emotional, crying on the stand as she recounts what happened. She says no one called 911. She says she didn't run away because she had her two other children.

10:07 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

Crystal Sorey is crying hard now. Her anguish is not noticed by jurors.

They are focused on Kayla Montgomery.

Crystal’s hand is over her mouth. She is struggling for composure and being comforted by friends. One juror has tears in her eyes.

10:05 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says the family then left Colonial Village apartments. Their car died at the intersection of Webster and Elm streets in Manchester. She says Adam Montgomery tried to jumpstart the car, but it didn't work.

10:03 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Harmony stopped making noises when the family arrived at Colonial Village. She says she and Adam Montgomery never checked on Harmony. The two did drugs (heroin and crack) for about 20 minutes.

10:01 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery tells prosecutors she gave her children some food, but did not see Harmony because she was under a blanket. The family then went to the parking lot of the Colonial Village apartments in Manchester.

10 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Once the family reached Burger King, Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery told her he thinks he really hurt Harmony. They continued to order food and ate it in the parking lot of Burger King.

9:59 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Harmony was crying and making noises. She told the jury she never looked in the back at Harmony because she was afraid to see what she looked like.

9:58 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery was punching Harmony in the head at stop lights on the way to the Burger King. The couple's two children (ages 2 and 11 months) were also in the back seat.

9:57 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

Crystal Sorey, Harmony's mother, has arrived. She is crying softly.

The jury is stoic through very hard testimony right now.

9:56 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery said the family left the clinic and headed to Burger King. She said Adam Montgomery continued to hit Harmony along the way. She claims she could not recall how many times he hit her.

Kayla Montgomery tells the jury that at one point, she put her arm up to stop Adam Montgomery, but he gave her a look that made her afraid. She says she never saw that look in his eyes before.

9:55 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery got mad after Harmony had a bathroom accident in the car. She says Adam first hit Harmony while the family was at the methadone clinic in Manchester.

9:52 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

Lots of trial-watchers today. The gallery is full.

9:14 a.m.​

Kayla Montgomery is on the stand.

8:56 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

Kayla Montgomery's attorney Paul Garrity just arrived.

11:45 a.m.​

Kayla Montgomery is telling the jury about abuse she says she suffered at the hands of Adam Montgomery. She says there were times she tried to get help from others, but Adam would threaten her. She said she eventually was able to take her children and leave.

11:20 a.m.​

Kayla Montgomery is going into detail about how she says Adam Montgomery tried to hide and dispose of Harmony's remains.

11:10 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

The family later moved to an apt. on Union Street in Manchester on February 20, 2020.

11:08 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla tells prosecutors that Adam told her he put the bag containing Harmony's body in the freezer of the Portland Pie Company.

11:07 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery later told her to bring the bag with Harmony's body in it to his place of work, the former Portland Pie Company in Manchester. She says she put the bag in a stroller and walked it to him.

11:04 a.m.

From Tim Callery:

Back on the stand, Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery was in the shelter bathroom for a couple of hours as he tried to fit Harmony's body in a hospital tote bag.

11:02 a.m.

From Tim Callery:

Court is back in session. A word of caution: while what we've heard so far has been extremely difficult to hear, the state is about to dive into some of the most disturbing details of this case. The jury has entered the courtroom.

10:38 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

The judge has ordered a mid-morning 15-minute break. Kayla Montgomery will remain on the stand. Her testimony will continue when the jury returns from break.

10:37 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery discussed getting rid of Harmony's body. She says he wanted to use lime because it would help decay Harmony's body. She says he told her he planned to dismember the body. Judge has called attorneys to the bench.

10:33 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery told her there was blood and fluid in the ceiling. She claims Adam Montgomery put Harmony's body in a trash bag. She says he then put the trash bag in a hospital diaper bag.

10:30 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says the family lived at the shelter for about a month and a half. She says there was a horrible smell that was coming through the vents of the ceiling. She says Adam Montgomery removed Harmony's body when maintenance came to investigate the smell.

10:25 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery is once again crying as she tells prosecutors that the family then moved to the Families In Transition shelter in Manchester. She says Adam Montgomery put Harmony's body in the ceiling of the shelter.

10:23 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Harmony remained in the cooler for a couple of weeks.


From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery then placed the duffle bag with Harmony's body in it, in a cooler that was in the hallway of her mother's apartment in Manchester.

10:20 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says her mother later came to get the family. They took the duffle bag with Harmony's body in it. She says once at her mother's house, they put the duffle bag outside by the trash.

11:45 a.m.​

Kayla Montgomery is telling the jury about abuse she says she suffered at the hands of Adam Montgomery. She says there were times she tried to get help from others, but Adam would threaten her. She said she eventually was able to take her children and leave.

11:20 a.m.​

Kayla Montgomery is going into detail about how she says Adam Montgomery tried to hide and dispose of Harmony's remains.

11:10 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

The family later moved to an apt. on Union Street in Manchester on February 20, 2020.

11:08 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla tells prosecutors that Adam told her he put the bag containing Harmony's body in the freezer of the Portland Pie Company.

11:07 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery later told her to bring the bag with Harmony's body in it to his place of work, the former Portland Pie Company in Manchester. She says she put the bag in a stroller and walked it to him.

11:04 a.m.

From Tim Callery:

Back on the stand, Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery was in the shelter bathroom for a couple of hours as he tried to fit Harmony's body in a hospital tote bag.

11:02 a.m.

From Tim Callery:

Court is back in session. A word of caution: while what we've heard so far has been extremely difficult to hear, the state is about to dive into some of the most disturbing details of this case. The jury has entered the courtroom.

10:38 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

The judge has ordered a mid-morning 15-minute break. Kayla Montgomery will remain on the stand. Her testimony will continue when the jury returns from break.

10:37 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery discussed getting rid of Harmony's body. She says he wanted to use lime because it would help decay Harmony's body. She says he told her he planned to dismember the body. Judge has called attorneys to the bench.

10:33 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery told her there was blood and fluid in the ceiling. She claims Adam Montgomery put Harmony's body in a trash bag. She says he then put the trash bag in a hospital diaper bag.

10:30 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says the family lived at the shelter for about a month and a half. She says there was a horrible smell that was coming through the vents of the ceiling. She says Adam Montgomery removed Harmony's body when maintenance came to investigate the smell.

10:25 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery is once again crying as she tells prosecutors that the family then moved to the Families In Transition shelter in Manchester. She says Adam Montgomery put Harmony's body in the ceiling of the shelter.

10:23 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Harmony remained in the cooler for a couple of weeks.


From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says Adam Montgomery then placed the duffle bag with Harmony's body in it, in a cooler that was in the hallway of her mother's apartment in Manchester.

10:20 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says her mother later came to get the family. They took the duffle bag with Harmony's body in it. She says once at her mother's house, they put the duffle bag outside by the trash.
Just reminding people to read from bottom up as to sequence of testimony. I read from top to bottom. I forget with Twitter as I don' follow Twitter much.

Quite the testimony that's for sure. Cross coming up which I am guessing will be harsh.
I am absolutely unsure why i am listening to it. Should have left and quit several times. I REALLY need to get things done. BUT it is what happens, I HATE the details but got invested in this case BEFORE we knew more back when. It's like the two Noahs. I followed at the beginning when "missing" and then I'm stuck there when the horrid details come out. I avoid when I KNOW but then I'm also invested in seeing justice by then for the child.

In our case, we had warning and a chance to leave or not look when autopsy photos came for instance and that's all I am going to touch on that as it will always be raw if talking of, BUT this had no warning what would come in this testimony.

It is horrifying. Horrible. Horrid. Not even words adequate.

I avoid it but also know we can't, we may not need the horrid details but people can't stick their heads in the sand either and not see justice done or yell about such things, the cruelty, depravity, even just the drugs.

She is not one to feel sorry for but he is an absolute depraved monster.

I never went back and watched opening statements as I saw online there were awful details and I saw someone tell someone not to eat before watching. That was enough warning for me but there was none with this testimony. And they are softening it in places like when it was said he "folded" her.

I will stop there as I have this block as to thinking further on such. We all know though what terrible abuse of her body such terms mean.

I want to see cross but can say I should quit watching and should have sooner. Not just talking of me or our thing, I mean for anyone! Cuz said he wasn't going to watch because of details. None of us want to. I had no idea though some of what would come here. We knew a lot but the blender about did it.

I CARE beyond words that this child gets justice and now I want to see Kayla stand up on cross and do well, so I'm fricking stuck.

I won't be able to watch it after today. I am so invested in justice here and him GOING away and I even hate that the charge is 2nd degree and not 1st. He is a MONSTER.

It is good EST is ahead of me as I' really going to hope to have time to get laundry done at bare minimum before this ends for the day.

I am glad witnesses don't have to feel intimidated by him in court but I FULLY think he should be required to be there!

i don't doubt he has been strip searched before so what is his issue? Was he planning an escape during transport and had something on him, or drugs?

Mark my words, he is going to appeal and say he should have been in court and wanted to be but had no choice because it is wrong one should have to be strip searched or something else dumb the way things are going these days with claims of a search is a violation of rights or some such. Who knows.

What I do know is this man cared NOTHING for Harmony. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Or, I am pretty convinced,ANYONE. What he did to her and with her for time ever after without losing it in guilt is proof of that. Just matter of fact concealing her and abusing her body for time on end.

Okay. Clearly i need to stop.


I try not to completely condemn a person before they've had their day in court, but in this case, I think he's guilty as h***.
I'm the same whether anyone believes it or not but in some cases, I certainly do. We aren't the jurors. I mean like Daybell, do you have any doubt of the guilt of either Lori or Chad? Even thought here's really not much physical direct evidence quite honestly? Does almost anyone have a doubt in that one? Here too.

Some too are just so clearcut and obvious. Like Doerman. Shooting all his kids or some in the front yard.

Could name many where it would take a miracle to think they weren't guilty.

Adam IS guilty. Of course imho.

2:06 p.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Atty. Smith is pressing Kayla Montgomery about her lies. She tells Kayla Montgomery she lied to protect herself but pointed the finger at Adam Montgomery. Kayla Montgomery says that is true.

2:01 p.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Adam Montgomery's attorney, Caroline Smith, is questioning Kayla Montgomery about lies she told to a grand jury. She is currently serving time for perjury.

2 p.m.​

From Tim Callery:

We are now entering cross-examination of Kayla Montgomery. This is the defense's biggest chance to poke holes in the prosecution's argument that Adam Montgomery committed the murder.

12:10 p.m.​

From Ray Brewer:

Kayla Montgomery has been in prison for more than a year for, as she admitted, lying about what happened to Harmony. She said she went along with a story Adam Montgomery made up because she was scared.

Under questioning from the prosecution, she recounted the events leading up to the day she said Harmony was killed, including how the family went from living in a home to living in a car in a parking lot.

She told jurors about how she said Adam Montgomery repeatedly punched Harmony, causing injuries that led to her death.

"Adam was getting really angry from Harmony peeing in the car, and he repetitively kept punching her on the way to Burger King," she said. "And there were a couple of red lights, and when at red lights he would, like, go over the driver's seat in between the passenger seat, and he was just punching her repetitively in the head."

12:05 p.m.​

The trial is on its lunch break.

11:48 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Kayla Montgomery says she eventually left Adam Montgomery on March 17, 2021. She told prosecutors the two got married on Harmony's third birthday-- June 7, 2017.
So far I don't' think cross is gaining much other than that she lied which she already admitted to. Defense woman is trying to make an issue of dates ad nauseum and repeatedly. May have a point, haven't seen it yet.
This is probably the end then of my seeing any of it as back to work.

I think she is doing well and I don't think defense has gained a thing.

7:45 a.m.​

On Friday, Kayla Montgomery spent more than six hours being questioned by prosecutors and being crossed-examined by the defense. She will be back on the stand Monday morning.

Kayla said Harmony's death was the result of the violence over bathroom accidents she was having in the car that all three were living in.

She told the courtroom Adam Montgomery repeatedly punched Harmony in the head on the day she allegedly died in 2019. Adam Montgomery is accused of killing Harmony and hiding her body.

Legal expert Patricia LaFrance said she predicts the state will bring its forensic evidence forward, and the defense will likely challenge the police investigation into Harmony's disappearance and her alleged death.

"I anticipate there's going to be a lot of police officers testifying about their investigation and what happened when they found out," LaFrance said.

LaFrance told News 9 the state will get to redirect and ask Kayla Montgomery questions about some of the statements she made on Friday during cross-examination.

LaFrance said those questions will focus only on what was brought out during the defense's cross-examination of Kayla Montgomery and they won't be allowed to re-hash her entire testimony.

"After the redirect, there's the recross and again, same rules. Their recross is limited in scope to what was addressed in the redirect. So, the scope of the testimony gets narrower and narrower," LaFrance said.

11:09 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

With Kayla Montgomery being the state's star witness, this is the defense's chance to make a dent in the prosecution's case by highlighting even the smallest discrepancy in her story.

11:06 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

The defense also asks Kayla Montgomery what her other two children were doing while Adam Montgomery was hitting Harmony. She said one of her sons was screaming. The defense notes Kayla Montgomery originally told police the children were sleeping at the time.

11:04 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

The defense is going over every detail of Kayla Montgomery's testimony -- big and small, including Kayla Montgomery telling prosecutors that she fed the children as the family left the Burger King parking lot. The defense notes she told police she fed the children at the Colonial Village apartments.

10:34 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

The judge has ordered a mid-morning break. Court will resume in 15 minutes.

10:28 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

Last week, Kayla Montgomery testified that Adam Montgomery hit Harmony when he returned to the family's car from the methadone clinic and noticed Harmony had a bathroom accident. Today, she tells the defense that Harmony also had an accident around 2-3 a.m. that morning. She said Adam Montgomery hit Harmony 10-15 times.

10:27 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

The jury looks refreshed and is attentive despite a tedious portion of cross examination.

10:22 a.m.​

From Tim Callery:

The defense is highlighting discrepancies between what Kayla Montgomery told prosecutors on the stand about the day Harmony died and what she told law enforcement when their investigation was going on.

10:14 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

The defense is now pressing Kayla Montgomery on the timeline of her death.

She suggests to Kayla Mongtomery that the beating happened at 2 or 3 a.m. the day Harmony died, and when Adam Montgomery got back to the car, Harmony did not wake up.

Kayla simply answered, "No."

10:10 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

Cross examination is extensive.

We are three-ish hours into the defense's cross-examination of Kayla Montgomery and Harmony has not died yet in this timeline.

10:01 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

Crystal Sorey, Harmony's mother, is now in the courtroom.

9:33 a.m.​

From Amy Coveno:

Kayla Montgomery is back on the stand first thing this morning for further cross-examination.

Attendance in the courtroom is much lighter today.

Crystal Sorey, Harmony’s birth mother, is not here .

Adam Montgomery is absent again.
The Defense lawyer reminds me of Elaine Bredehoft. (Style wise, tries to ask questions that are akin to trying to testify, in my opinion). She has managed to trip up Kayla more than a few times, but I still don't see any real turning points in Adam's favor that will amount to an aquittal. At least not yet.

I have little to no sympathy for Kayla Montgomery. She is, to me, despicable and it upsets me that she won't be charged also.
The Defense lawyer reminds me of Elaine Bredehoft. (Style wise, tries to ask questions that are akin to trying to testify, in my opinion). She has managed to trip up Kayla more than a few times, but I still don't see any real turning points in Adam's favor that will amount to an aquittal. At least not yet.

I have little to no sympathy for Kayla Montgomery. She is, to me, despicable and it upsets me that she won't be charged also.
I agree.

Thanks so much for your work keeping the trial notes updated.

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