WI JAMES YOBLONSKI: Missing from Reedsburg, WI - 12 June 2023 - Age 13


Missing Endangered Alert Issued for 13-Year-Old Wisconsin Boy Who Took Family Van and Gun​

Wisconsin authorities have issued a Missing Endangered Person Alert for a 13-year-old boy who has now been missing for more than 48 hours.

James Yoblonski took the family fan early Monday morning and drove away from his Reedsburg home, as CrimeOnline reported. The van was later found on US 12 near Devil’s Lake State Park, and search crews found his cell phone and a campsite with some of his belongings nearby.

But they’ve not found the boy.

“It’s a very wooded terrain. The woods [are] very thick, there’s rock ledges, there’s cliffs,” Sauk Sheriff Chip Meister told WKOW. “You could be six, eight feet from another deputy and you can’t see that deputy — so that’s how thick it is.”

Meister said more than 40 officials are participating in the search along with both a helicopter and a fixed-wing aircraft from the Department of Natural Resources.

William Yoblonski, the boy’s father, told WKOW that his son “is not someone who would run away” and called the situation “dire.” He said he’s not concerned that the teen took the van — or, apparently, a gun that is missing from the home.

Rainy weather hampered ground crews searching for the boy on Tuesday, and the search ended at dark but was set to resume Wednesday morning.

MEDIA - JAMES YOBLONSKI: Missing from Reedsburg, WI - 12 June 2023 - Age 13
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I get their decision but this is still a 13 year old out alone in the wilderness, with a gun. From the little we know, he does not seem suicidal but his taking the car, taking the gun, entering dad's work place, telling no one what he was doing or where he was going, etc. certainly doesn't show maturity. He has no way of getting in contact with anyone as far as we know or anything encouraging or pushing him to come out/back home, etc.

I guess we are assuming also that he is alone. He likely is but we know not everything is shared. I am wondering who gave him such a book and why. Is dad, an uncle, an older friend into the off the grid, survivalist idea? Did he ask for such a book? It doesn't sound like a book like the old boy scout thing as to what to do if lost, build a fire with twigs, etc. but an off the grid going missing intentionally type of book.

i get not pushing him further into hiding and pulling back some but just how do they expect to get him to come out or come home? If he has no phone or other means of communication, he can't even call for help if needed and something happens. He also likely believes he is in trouble and may not be mature enough and old enough to see a way out of that trouble.. He likely knows cops have been searching, helicopters were searching, etc.

Are the cops possibly leaving him notes and/or food and such? They want no one else in there.

Of note, two officers were injured searching didn't it say and they refer to the area as dangerous so there still is plenty of reason for concern. It seems to be starting to be seen as some adventure story with romanticism and although I can see that, the fact still is this is a runaway who committed crimes to take off on his "adventure". We also don't know that he wasn't escaping something at home or in his life or what his mental state actually is.
Can't believe he is still evading police with their dogs, helis and so on!! This us not a game, it's wasting lots of money and resources that could be used elsewhere.
I hope he gives up soon, without endangering himself or others.
I can only guess they are still going in there but maybe more covertly with someone watching areas they know he has been or some such. He apparently doesn't have a phone, etc. but I'm thinking they are playing it down in the event he is getting news so he thinks they are letting it go somewhat. At the last they are not going to be as obviously searching so he isn't as aware of them looking for him. I think they want him to believe he will be in no trouble also.

They made a mention of not wanting to risk pushing him into an area he is not as familiar with which leaves me thinking this area is somewhere he is familiar with and has been before.

He most definitely is wasting a ton of resources of time, money and also causing a lot of worry.

'I hope he knows that we love him'; Father of missing teen pleads with him to come home​

The father of missing 13-year-old James Yoblonski is pleading with his son to please come home.

In an exclusive interview with 27 News, James' father Bill Yoblonski said this is unlike his son and can't wrap his head around why he would run off like this.

"He's a smart kid," Bill said. "This is uncalled for, to do something like this and not to talk to anybody about it."

Bill said not being able to search for his son has been extremely difficult and he's trying to help in any way he can.

Adding that James missing has taken a toll on his entire family including his siblings.

"I hope he knows that we love him and we just want him home and safe," he said. "He's not in trouble I just want him home."

Bill asks anyone with information to please come forward and contact the Sauk County Sheriff's Office at (608) 356-4895.

He also is pleading with people to continue sharing James' photo and keep an eye out for him.

Monday marks one week since search started for 13-year-old Reedsburg boy​

Monday marks one week since authorities started the search for a missing 13-year-old boy in Sauk County.

Sauk Co. Sheriff’s Office Lt. Steven Schram told NBC15 Monday that the family notified the agency that there was food missing from the home, leading them to believe James Yoblonski had more food than they had originally thought.

Schram said authorities are leaving no stone unturned and using every resource to try to understand what led up to Yoblonski leaving and why he left in the first place to try and understand where he may be.

Sheriff Chip Meister said that only squad patrols were occurring Monday.

Monday marks one week since search started for 13-year-old Reedsburg boy​

Monday marks one week since authorities started the search for a missing 13-year-old boy in Sauk County.

Sauk Co. Sheriff’s Office Lt. Steven Schram told NBC15 Monday that the family notified the agency that there was food missing from the home, leading them to believe James Yoblonski had more food than they had originally thought.

Schram said authorities are leaving no stone unturned and using every resource to try to understand what led up to Yoblonski leaving and why he left in the first place to try and understand where he may be.

Sheriff Chip Meister said that only squad patrols were occurring Monday.
Only certain foods are going to keep which makes me wonder if the family had a stockpile of things he could take. I mean he abandoned the vehicle, just how much could he haul with him? They said awhile back too he had access to water so they know some things we don't know, it seems clear to me. I mean we are talking survivalist kind of thing he is trying to do so maybe they mean a decent stream or river, etc. Hard to say. Or did the parents have a ton of canned goods and bottled water disappear?

This one is very unusual but I doubt somehow they have quit looking, I think they have just changed it from an all out noticeable search to something a bit less noticeable to the missing teen. I would certainly hope anyhow they haven't stopped all together.

Sauk County (WKOW) -- The father of 13-year-old James Yoblonski spent Father's Day combing through leaves and branches searching for his missing son.

In an interview with 27 News Bill Yoblonski said this has been the hardest eight days of his life.

"It is the worst feeling in the world," he said. "I don't know how to explain it, but it just hits you every which way."


Officers from all 72 Wisconsin counties participated in search efforts all week before deciding to pull back on Friday.

The decision came after investigators said they believed James might be purposely avoiding law enforcement while attempting a 'survival mission'.

Sauk County Lieutenant Steven Schram said they worry their large presence might push James further into the woods.

On day eight of the search, Schram said, while they decreased the number of officers on scene, they haven't stopped looking.

"We haven't been able to really rule anything out," Schram explained. "We're trying to keep an open mind as we continue to look for new information and follow up on every single tip and every single piece of information that's brought into us."


Sauk County Crime Stoppers is reminding the public that anyone who takes a runaway in should immediately notify law enforcement.

Sauk County (WKOW) -- The father of 13-year-old James Yoblonski spent Father's Day combing through leaves and branches searching for his missing son.

In an interview with 27 News Bill Yoblonski said this has been the hardest eight days of his life.

"It is the worst feeling in the world," he said. "I don't know how to explain it, but it just hits you every which way."


Officers from all 72 Wisconsin counties participated in search efforts all week before deciding to pull back on Friday.

The decision came after investigators said they believed James might be purposely avoiding law enforcement while attempting a 'survival mission'.

Sauk County Lieutenant Steven Schram said they worry their large presence might push James further into the woods.

On day eight of the search, Schram said, while they decreased the number of officers on scene, they haven't stopped looking.

"We haven't been able to really rule anything out," Schram explained. "We're trying to keep an open mind as we continue to look for new information and follow up on every single tip and every single piece of information that's brought into us."


Sauk County Crime Stoppers is reminding the public that anyone who takes a runaway in should immediately notify law enforcement.
My heart goes out to the family. They always mention his father which makes me wonder if he lost his mother or if she is not in the picture. I can't recall, maybe they have mentioned her.

The father mentions searching on Father's Day but I thought he wasn't allowed to search mentioned in a previous article/post.

It says officers from all 72 Wisconsin counties have participated. Wow. While that sounds wonderfully supportive and collaborative when one hears it, I don't really understand it. Officers in other counties, especially like where I live, would have absolutely no knowledge of this wooded bluff area, etc. or the area in general. Also none of these officers would have ever worked together before which also, I would think, would make it harder to coordinate searches and ways they would work it/work together. They mentioned two officers getting injured a few days back and now that makes me wonder if it wasn't officers from other counties unfamiliar with the terrain, etc. I can only think that from all 72 counties means that each county sent one or two officers because I doubt they could send a full team in many cases, they have their own county to keep covered at all times with law enforcement personnel.

This child then has cost in searching more than any would have even thought, for other counties as well. That's travel and likely overtime and possibly lodging expense. It doesn't say if they help daily, are staying there to continue helping, etc.

Interesting they mention anyone who takes him in should notify them. Usually that would be accompanied by a warning they could be charged for doing so. They are being very careful to assure the child and anyone who may be helping him (or at least make them think) that they won't be in trouble nor will he be in trouble. I have wondered if there is anyone else in this picture. I'm not convinced of it but I do wonder. Someone got him the survivalist guide or book for one and I wonder if he was on any online forums of such groups/types, etc.

I also wonder how they know the signs of things they have run into are of James. I guess they must have found items of his or that were known to be his. In the forest I mean, I know they found his celll phone, etc.

How are they sure he is still alive at this point? I think he is but unless they are still seeing daily signs or or watching him somehow, none of us can be sure of that.

It would be hard on an adult much less a child. Just how much did he bring with him? I mean it is difficult to believe he isn't missing some creature comfort or basic comfort like even his own bed, a cold drink, shampoo and soap (did he take these kinds of things), pizza, his siblings or another human voice, or SOMEthing.

It almost seems as if he is proving he can elude capture more than prove he is a survivalist. In some odd way.

Have they had a single sighting of him? I don't think so, at least not from what we know. If they know where he is or are somehow watching, I'm sure they would at some point manage to surprise and take him. I mean of course they can't do that with a huge group or presence, he'd be aware but with a few out there working together, they could. IF they knew where is is at any given point.

Not knowing where he is means to me they can't be sure of anything other than maybe daily or recent signs of life each day, a fire, some of his things, etc., his marking his trail and so forth. Even then somehow they need some way to know each time it is him doing this.

A curious and very different case. I pray he's alive. Nothing has seemed to indicate he is suicidal but then we don't know much. What was going on in his life? An adventure or proving you can do this is one thing but leaving for good as it seems like may have been his plan is another. And leaving for good with no intention of having contact with the world again is completely another deal all together. Why would he feel that need?

No idea. Was this book given to him BECAUSE he already had an interest in things? Or was it given to him and then he developed an interest in such a thing?

It may seem harmless and that he just needed a gun for protection but he stole a family car, he stole dad's gun. Is this for protection or does this kid have other plans? Does he have any other troubles or issues? Is the public safe from him? What is his real reason here/reasoning? Purpose? He is only 13, maybe he hasn't thought that all out or doesn't think that way but one has to remember to rip off the blinders that come (for me too) that this is some kind of neat story where he is smart enough to avoid LE and is doing a great job surviving on his own and realize there may be more going on with him than we know or than meets the eye and this isn't just some adventure. 13 year olds aren't dealing in the same world we were in at that age. I dont' think he is playing Huck Finn on some recent adolescent read/summer adventure. Huck isn't the best example by my tired early morning fifth day in a row brain isn't up to coming up with better right now.

To wrap up my not great post or tired thoughts, the mention of anyone who may be helping him or he may be staying with, mentioned in a general way isn't unusual BUT I wonder if they have ceased recently to find signs of him or think he now may have help or have went elsewhere... Makes me wonder if there is reason behind the mention. What would he do if feeling the need he wanted done with this little adventure? He likely is old enough/smart enough to know he may face trouble at home and have to face it all so he'd look elsewhere imo for somewhere or someone to go to. Who would that be in his world? We really know little about that--who he is close to, what his interests are, who he would hang with, if he had any troubles, did he have a girlfriend, etc.,, etc., etc. I'm not wanting to know, I am just saying all we basically know about him, his family life, his social life, etc. is that he got a survivalist book and he is playing survivalist and that he has a father who clearly cares about him.

Do we know more than that? Apologies for my wandering thoughts and probably imperfect post of trying to put them down. More COFFEE needed. If this work and life pace keeps on for me (which it will) I may have to do something I've never done and try some of those high energy drinks. Never have but I'm starting to think I may need to... On the other hand, I watch people spend a small fortune on such every single day. And I can't do that. So for now it is java.
I'd add that temps there (and in our area) have been and will be for a stretch around 90 degrees. You can also be guaranteed he is dealing with mosquitos and more. I'm glad they are sure he has access to water.

How much did he bring with for clothing? Once wet and sweaty is he washing them in a creek, river, etc. and has others? Shoes or boots? Etc.? An extra pair? How MUCH did he take with? How much food, how much anything, clothing, etc.? I'm not a survivalist but don't they travel fairly light? Was he purchasing things before leaving like multi purpose items and lightweight survival necessities? Seriously. Food, water, clothing is plenty right there... What else is on the list? Tent, sleeping bag?
Because he’s not an experienced driver, I keep thinking that he may have accidentally driven into the water somewhere.
Oh man. I didn't think of that. Granted he seemed very well prepared, But at the same time he is 13. At 13 I thought I knew everything. I ran away once with my BF because she was, And I wanted to protect her. We had a plan. It turned out to be a very bad, Dangerous plan.
Oh man. I didn't think of that. Granted he seemed very well prepared, But at the same time he is 13. At 13 I thought I knew everything. I ran away once with my BF because she was, And I wanted to protect her. We had a plan. It turned out to be a very bad, Dangerous plan.
Vehicle was located I believe. That's how they know where he went or what woods he went into. No time to look back but pretty certain.

Devil’s Lake hikers worried about missing 13-year-old​

Nearly two weeks into the search for missing 13-year-old James Yoblonski, Devil’s Lake State Park hikers are worried about his safety.

The Sauk County Sheriff’s Office started searching the Baraboo Bluffs on Monday, June 12, 2023 and still haven’t located the Reedsburg teenager.

Lt. Steven Schram sent NBC15 News the following statement on Thursday: “We have received several tips since our request went out and have detectives working to check into each of those as they come in. [We] continue to have resources ready to respond should one of the tips lead to verifiable information.”

Investigators believe Yoblonki is trying to live as a survivalist in the remote area.

Bethany Buenning is an avid Devil’s Lake hiker and high school teacher from Lodi who said she’s worried about Yoblonski’s safety.

”I know kids and that makes me really nervous. Especially because most kids are so dependent on their cell phones,” she said. “You have to really watch what you’re doing because there are so many huge boulders.”

Kathy Schultz started hiking the area in the 80s and said even the mapped out trails are tough to trek, let alone surviving off the grid.

”It would be very easy to get lost in the rocks and come to unexpected areas where you would not know what the terrain would be past the next group of rocks,” she said.

Both Schultz and Buenning said their main hope is that Yoblonski is found alive and safe.

NBC15 News reached out to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to see if they want Devil’s Lake hikers or campers to take any extra precautions over the weekend and they declined to comment.

A WDNR spokesperson deferred questions to the Sauk County Sheriff’s Office, who previously stated that Yoblonski could have a gun with him, but they do not believe he is a threat to the public.

Devil’s Lake hikers worried about missing 13-year-old​

Nearly two weeks into the search for missing 13-year-old James Yoblonski, Devil’s Lake State Park hikers are worried about his safety.

The Sauk County Sheriff’s Office started searching the Baraboo Bluffs on Monday, June 12, 2023 and still haven’t located the Reedsburg teenager.

Lt. Steven Schram sent NBC15 News the following statement on Thursday: “We have received several tips since our request went out and have detectives working to check into each of those as they come in. [We] continue to have resources ready to respond should one of the tips lead to verifiable information.”

Investigators believe Yoblonki is trying to live as a survivalist in the remote area.

Bethany Buenning is an avid Devil’s Lake hiker and high school teacher from Lodi who said she’s worried about Yoblonski’s safety.

”I know kids and that makes me really nervous. Especially because most kids are so dependent on their cell phones,” she said. “You have to really watch what you’re doing because there are so many huge boulders.”

Kathy Schultz started hiking the area in the 80s and said even the mapped out trails are tough to trek, let alone surviving off the grid.

”It would be very easy to get lost in the rocks and come to unexpected areas where you would not know what the terrain would be past the next group of rocks,” she said.

Both Schultz and Buenning said their main hope is that Yoblonski is found alive and safe.

NBC15 News reached out to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to see if they want Devil’s Lake hikers or campers to take any extra precautions over the weekend and they declined to comment.

A WDNR spokesperson deferred questions to the Sauk County Sheriff’s Office, who previously stated that Yoblonski could have a gun with him, but they do not believe he is a threat to the public.
You know, I'm not sure what it is they can do but i think they need to be doing something. This is a CHILD with a gun. He is a runaway minor at best. Others are going into the area and hiking it. They can say he isn't a danger to others and they can say he isn't one to himself (have they said that or not, not sure) but they need to be doing something. Maybe coming in from one way and looking for him will push him further in which is a concern. Well send a one or a few out there themselves apparently camping to encounter him at some point and then bring him in. Like an undercover thing in a way. He isn't entirely anti social is he? Or is he?

I don't know I guess but just seems this is getting ridiculous. The 13 year old is running the show. What are they going to do come winter, not worry about him then either? I get that seems a long way off but there is no sign yet (that we know of) that he has any intent of ever coming out/back.

I'd like to know some background as well. Whatever food and supplies he has cannot last forever. Does this kid know how to hunt and fish and skin an animal? I mean unless he is very unique and resourceful it won't be long before he can't make do as he no longer has food, water, ways to stay warm, cool down, etc., clean clothes, decent shoes or boots and so forth. OR DRY ones. We haven't had much rain, it is very dry but you know what I mean. Just morning dew, sweaty feet, etc.

Not to mention good chance he may end up with a forest fire if he isn't careful.

I can only hope they have a guy or two they are planting out there (even if they come back out each day or every so often) camping as well and acting not as an officer but another person just hiking and camping. Who is monitoring him somehow or his whereabouts and tracking where another fire was had, supplies or garbage leave evidence, etc.

This isn't CUTE.

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