WI JAMES YOBLONSKI: Missing from Reedsburg, WI - 12 June 2023 - Age 13


Missing Endangered Alert Issued for 13-Year-Old Wisconsin Boy Who Took Family Van and Gun​

Wisconsin authorities have issued a Missing Endangered Person Alert for a 13-year-old boy who has now been missing for more than 48 hours.

James Yoblonski took the family fan early Monday morning and drove away from his Reedsburg home, as CrimeOnline reported. The van was later found on US 12 near Devil’s Lake State Park, and search crews found his cell phone and a campsite with some of his belongings nearby.

But they’ve not found the boy.

“It’s a very wooded terrain. The woods [are] very thick, there’s rock ledges, there’s cliffs,” Sauk Sheriff Chip Meister told WKOW. “You could be six, eight feet from another deputy and you can’t see that deputy — so that’s how thick it is.”

Meister said more than 40 officials are participating in the search along with both a helicopter and a fixed-wing aircraft from the Department of Natural Resources.

William Yoblonski, the boy’s father, told WKOW that his son “is not someone who would run away” and called the situation “dire.” He said he’s not concerned that the teen took the van — or, apparently, a gun that is missing from the home.

Rainy weather hampered ground crews searching for the boy on Tuesday, and the search ended at dark but was set to resume Wednesday morning.

MEDIA - JAMES YOBLONSKI: Missing from Reedsburg, WI - 12 June 2023 - Age 13
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FBI joins search for missing Sauk County teen​

The FBI is now helping the Sauk County Sheriff's Office search for a teen who went missing by Devil's Lake State Park nearly two months ago.

Sheriff Chip Meister said in a release Thursday investigators have reviewed several electronic devices that 13-year-old James Yoblonski may have had before he disappeared on June 12.

Meister said the search revealed that there were two searches done on a device in early 2023 about how to travel out of state.

One of devices belonged to Yoblonski's family, and the other was one issued to James through the Baraboo School District.

Investigators followed up on the browser searches -- which included searches of several areas -- but Meister said investigators couldn't find any evidence of James being at those places.

FBI joins search for missing Sauk County teen​

The FBI is now helping the Sauk County Sheriff's Office search for a teen who went missing by Devil's Lake State Park nearly two months ago.

Sheriff Chip Meister said in a release Thursday investigators have reviewed several electronic devices that 13-year-old James Yoblonski may have had before he disappeared on June 12.

Meister said the search revealed that there were two searches done on a device in early 2023 about how to travel out of state.

One of devices belonged to Yoblonski's family, and the other was one issued to James through the Baraboo School District.

Investigators followed up on the browser searches -- which included searches of several areas -- but Meister said investigators couldn't find any evidence of James being at those places.
Well that's cryptic. And almost sounds meaningless. How do you travel out of state? You get in a car or on a bus, etc. I mean that's a strange question so I doubt it is the focus. I also don't see how they can know he isn't in any of those areas but they don't say that, just that they haven't found evidence he is whatever that means. And a pretty generic search on a school issued device and one of a family member's but none on his own?

I am glad they are involved but I think we aren't getting the real story which of course we are not. I just hope the lack of info is covering up the fact there is a very real investigation going on. It sure has seemed otherwise but maybe that's intentional. I hope.

Father of missing 13-year-old believes he was ‘coerced’ into leaving home in family van​

The father of a missing Wisconsin 13-year-old said he believes his son was possibly coerced to leave his family home by another individual.

"It's not like him to do anything like this," William Yoblonski, the boy's father, told Fox News Digital. "I mean, he's never driven my vehicle on the streets or anything. He's moved my van around my shop a couple times. That was it."

Mr Yoblonski doubts that his son spent an evening at the makeshift campsite because police dogs did not pick up his scent in the area. He believes he left the area with another individual.

"I think he left with somebody. I think he sat there and waited for a horn to honk and came out and got in the car with somebody," the father said.

He theorises that his son met someone online or in person who may have coerced or influenced his son to leave home. James reportedly posted a video to Snapchat from his father's home shortly before his disappearance.

"'I'm sorry. I don't think I'll be back for school. I don't want to hurt anybody, but I might,'" Mr Yoblonski said, paraphrasing his son's comments in the video.
I'm sorry. I don't think I'll be back for school. I don't want to hurt anybody, but I might.". What?. Wow. IMO. Why take the vehicle, Van and camping gear?. They did say they found an abandoned campsite nearby. Maybe it was a homeless person. It is a fact that homeless persons are homeless because of mental illness. Maybe that is where the answer lies.
Well the vehicle was found. I'd say he needed it to first go get the gun and then to get to where he went. Whether he did camp, planned on camping or it was an intent to throw anyone off his plans or trail who knows.

But at a certain point they thought he had plenty of access to water, food, etc. and it sounded like such was missing from the home and so why does he now not think he camped or camped for long but met up with someone.

Not that it is probably relevant or relates, but I'd like to know where this child's mother is. Is she dead? Not interested in seeing him or sharing custody? Is he kept from her or estranged?

So he did Snapchat.

He very well may have been convinced he was meeting up with some like minded survivalist individual or some such, for an adventure or a plan (but thought he wouldn't be back...?) and if so, he is likely not okay. Why though that individual wouldn't just pick him up somewhere without him needing to go get a gun, etc. not sure... OR this was a suicide thing and he just wanted his family to believe he took off with supplies and was just indulging his survivalist interest although that doesn't make much sense.

Maybe LE is hard at work behind the scenes but boy it sure doesn't seem like it.

There is also a good chance he is just staying with someone he knows, however, at this point one would think they wouldn't want to end up involved. Little is known or said about who he knew or hung around or what he did generally other than just the survivalist info and interest.

This one is a bit of a head scratcher.

This case isn't talked of or out there in any well known way. If it was or had been put out there or pushed, some of these things would likely be known because people would be scouring his SM, what they could find of it, etc. Who his friends were, who he was in contact with, what he said over time, etc. There is as we know both good and bad to such interest BUT things do get found and interest drums up.

There seems to be no widespread alert that this boy is missing or anything much at all. It's sad.
I'm sorry. I don't think I'll be back for school. I don't want to hurt anybody, but I might.". What?. Wow. IMO. Why take the vehicle, Van and camping gear?. They did say they found an abandoned campsite nearby. Maybe it was a homeless person. It is a fact that homeless persons are homeless because of mental illness. Maybe that is where the answer lies.
I take the not wanting to hurt anyone as like hurt his family, his dad, loved ones. But I guess it could be construed as I don't want to kill anyone but I might, like I have a mission I'm going on.
James is still missing. Nearly 3 months now. He should be starting a new school year and making new friends.

This case makes no sense and SEEMS to have no movement or behind the scenes investigation going on. Or searches. Or anything. It also isn't not widely known imo.

WHAT are investigators doing? This is a CHILD. In many cases we may not think so but investigators are doing things behind the scenes, I don't get any impression here they are doing a THING. They can't track a 13 year old after all of this time??? Meaning if alive, there would be info, sightings, caught on camera, etc.

Updated: 10:26 PM CDT Oct 31, 2023
Joyce Garbaciak

It's a question that has perplexed investigators and his family for almost five months – where is James Yoblonski?

The Sauk County teenager left his home in early June – and was last thought to be near Devil's Lake State Park. Officials suspected he may be living "off the grid."

But now his father shares new information with WISN 12 News about what he thinks happened to his 13-year-old son.

He starts by showing a video posted on Snapchat shortly after James went missing June 12. It shows the dashboard of the family's van, with James' voice saying: "For everyone who cares about me, it's not their fault. It's no one's fault. It's my fault."

"I just can’t figure out why he did this," Bill Yoblonski told WISN 12 News' Joyce Garbaciak.

The voice on the video continues: "I feel like I want to explain it. I don’t know how. I'm scared, and I’m sad, and I have no emotions anymore. I'm like, I’m not processing anything. My brain is – something happened to it."

Something happened on the morning of June 12. That's when Sauk County sheriff's officials say Bill Yoblonski reported his son, James, missing. James, who had just finished seventh grade, reportedly left their Reedsburg home in the middle of the night in his father's van.

Authorities found the van some 20 miles away on U.S. Highway 12 near Devil's Lake State Park. They also found a makeshift campsite – with James' things – nearby.

Bill Yoblonski shared pictures of what investigators say they found at the campsite.

"Three pairs of pants, three shirts, his backpack," Bill Yoblonski said.

"Were you actually able to see the campsite that day?" Garbaciak asked.

"No," Yoblonski answered. "They would not let me go up there."

Authorities did take K9s to search the area, but the dogs did not find James.

"The dogs never did hit on anything," Bill Yoblonski said. "And that tells me somebody, or he, went in there, set that stuff out, sat down on the ground and waited for somebody to honk a horn. He came back out the same way he went in – and got in a car."

Authorities said an analysis of James' electronics shows he had searched while traveling out of state.

While James' clothes were found, among the things still missing from the Yoblonski home after James left were survival guides and one of Bill Yoblonski's guns.

"It's a .380 semi-automatic pistol he got from one of my safes," Bill Yoblonski said. "I don’t know how he got in it."

He does know for a while, the focus was on him.

"Why do you think you’re a suspect?" Garbaciak asked Yoblonski.

"I think everybody’s a suspect until they find out differently," Yoblonski said.

The FBI helped Sauk County investigators conduct a polygraph, which Yoblonski passed.

"So when they said to you, 'Did you kill your son?' What did you say?" Garbaciak asked.

"No," Yoblonski answered. "They asked me if I had anything to do with my son missing. I said no."

But as the weeks drag on and online theories swirl, the suspicion about Bill Yoblonski's involvement grows.

"Some of them are just saying the father killed him," Garbaciak said to Yoblonski. "What do you say to the people who say that?"

"It pisses me off," Yoblonski said. "It upsets me because I love my kids and I'm doing everything I can to get him home. I had nothing to do with it. I don’t know how or how much more I can prove to everybody I had nothing to do with him missing."

Yoblonski has posted a $10,000 reward for the return of James. He pushed to get his son's information on the database of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. And he waits.


More at link ~Summer
What exactly do they mean by this?

Authorities said an analysis of James' electronics shows he had searched while traveling out of state.

Not sure how people think the father is involved if James did a video IN the family van WITH the dashboard. What he says could sound suicidal HOWEVER he had three sets of clothing with him. However, IF picked up, why did the clothing remain? Was it with just in case no one showed up? Did he think he was going on a trip but the person took him at gunpoint and was not what he expected and the clothing was left? None of it makes much sense.

WHAT electronics? What was searched for on such? And when do they mean he was out of state?
What exactly do they mean by this?

Authorities said an analysis of James' electronics shows he had searched while traveling out of state.

Not sure how people think the father is involved if James did a video IN the family van WITH the dashboard. What he says could sound suicidal HOWEVER he had three sets of clothing with him. However, IF picked up, why did the clothing remain? Was it with just in case no one showed up? Did he think he was going on a trip but the person took him at gunpoint and was not what he expected and the clothing was left? None of it makes much sense.

WHAT electronics? What was searched for on such? And when do they mean he was out of state?
This case is baffling. IDK. Yes. He would naturally be a suspect l. But I think they are grasping at straws.
This case is baffling. IDK. Yes. He would naturally be a suspect l. But I think they are grasping at straws.
He would have to have or force his son to drive and to get on Snapchat while in the truck with dash showing if that is fact. Very unlikely. Possible but pretty out there for a thought.

He also passed a polygraph, again IF true. Dad is the only one who even seems to give a sh*t if he is found. Where are the other family members and what are they doing?

This statement about electronics seems to imply he or his electronics have been known to be out of state I assume AFTER he disappeared? It is so vague and out of context i t is odd. I didn't go into the link, maybe I should, maybe it explains more. Not sure I will get a moment but doubt it explains it anyhow.

Ahead of gun deer season in Wisconsin, hunters should look out for Yoblonski evidence​

Baraboo teen James Yoblonski has been missing for almost five months, with no new information, and the Sauk County Sheriff’s Office asks hunters to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.

According to Sheriff Chip Meister, there are no updates on the investigation at this time, but law enforcement is still looking into tips submitted to their office.

Gun deer hunting season runs from November 18 to 26 in Wisconsin.

“We currently do not have any new updates,” Sauk County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Steven Schram said. “But with the increase in hunters using the woods over the next month we urge anyone spending time in that area who finds anything remotely suspicious or out of place to contact the sheriffs office immediately.”

What happened to James Yoblonski? Wisconsin father consults psychics to find missing son​

The father of a 13-year-old Reedsburg boy who has been has been missing for nearly five months says he thinks his son may have traveled somewhere out West.

William Yoblonski said he suspects his son, James, who has been missing since June 12, is in Colorado or Montana based on guesses from a psychic who claimed to have had a vision of a vehicle heading west from the location south of Devil’s Lake State Park where James was suspected to be on that day.

Yoblonski declined to identify the psychic, saying she wanted to remain anonymous, but said she “knew things that nobody else would know.”

Sauk County Sheriff’s Office Detective Sergeant Drew Bulin confirmed that investigators had spoken with “a lot of psychics and mediums,” adding that in conversations with such sources the department has heard suggestions that James may be in Colorado or Montana. Law enforcement in Colorado and Montana have been notified to be on the lookout for James, Bulin said, while underscoring that tips from psychics are often vague.

“Obviously, you have to take what they say with a grain of salt,” Bulin said. “We can’t discount it. We look into it as much as we can. If we get specific, direct information, we take action on it, but beyond that, (there’s) not much we can do. We would disagree that these are credible witnesses.”

“She told me she saw him getting into a vehicle,” William Yoblonski said, referring to the vision the psychic allegedly had, adding that she felt the vehicle had left the state on June 12. “I feel like somebody’s got him.”

Some of the clothes discovered at the rural site were items James never wore, according to his father, adding that his wardrobe at his home outside of Reedsburg is empty and some clothes from that wardrobe are still missing without explanation. Photos Yoblonski provided showed jeans, shirts and a backpack recovered from the site.

“There’s another duffle bag somewhere full of clothes of his,” Yoblonski said.

Yoblonski later said he believes his son may still be near the area that was searched in June south of Devil’s Lake State Park. He said he posted flyers about James’ disappearance throughout the area four separate times between late July and September but they were taken down the next day each time.

“I’m thinking maybe it’s him (James),” Yoblonski said. “He was tearing them down so that nobody recognized him.”

After he set up trail cameras in the area, Yoblonski said, the flyers remained up. He declined to share footage from those cameras with a reporter.

Yoblonski said he had never taken James or his other children to Devil’s Lake, but that James enjoyed exploring wooded areas during camping trips.

Deputies located a phone belonging to William Yoblonski in the van, which the Sheriff’s Office still has, according to Yoblonski. He added that James also had another cellphone with him that had no cell service but could make Wi-Fi calls. That phone remains unaccounted for, he said.

A $10,000 reward for anyone with information that leads to James’ whereabouts and return is still active.

“I just want him home,” William Yoblonski said, adding that his son’s birthday is on Dec. 3.

What happened to James Yoblonski? Wisconsin father consults psychics to find missing son​

The father of a 13-year-old Reedsburg boy who has been has been missing for nearly five months says he thinks his son may have traveled somewhere out West.

William Yoblonski said he suspects his son, James, who has been missing since June 12, is in Colorado or Montana based on guesses from a psychic who claimed to have had a vision of a vehicle heading west from the location south of Devil’s Lake State Park where James was suspected to be on that day.

Yoblonski declined to identify the psychic, saying she wanted to remain anonymous, but said she “knew things that nobody else would know.”

Sauk County Sheriff’s Office Detective Sergeant Drew Bulin confirmed that investigators had spoken with “a lot of psychics and mediums,” adding that in conversations with such sources the department has heard suggestions that James may be in Colorado or Montana. Law enforcement in Colorado and Montana have been notified to be on the lookout for James, Bulin said, while underscoring that tips from psychics are often vague.

“Obviously, you have to take what they say with a grain of salt,” Bulin said. “We can’t discount it. We look into it as much as we can. If we get specific, direct information, we take action on it, but beyond that, (there’s) not much we can do. We would disagree that these are credible witnesses.”

“She told me she saw him getting into a vehicle,” William Yoblonski said, referring to the vision the psychic allegedly had, adding that she felt the vehicle had left the state on June 12. “I feel like somebody’s got him.”

Some of the clothes discovered at the rural site were items James never wore, according to his father, adding that his wardrobe at his home outside of Reedsburg is empty and some clothes from that wardrobe are still missing without explanation. Photos Yoblonski provided showed jeans, shirts and a backpack recovered from the site.

“There’s another duffle bag somewhere full of clothes of his,” Yoblonski said.

Yoblonski later said he believes his son may still be near the area that was searched in June south of Devil’s Lake State Park. He said he posted flyers about James’ disappearance throughout the area four separate times between late July and September but they were taken down the next day each time.

“I’m thinking maybe it’s him (James),” Yoblonski said. “He was tearing them down so that nobody recognized him.”

After he set up trail cameras in the area, Yoblonski said, the flyers remained up. He declined to share footage from those cameras with a reporter.

Yoblonski said he had never taken James or his other children to Devil’s Lake, but that James enjoyed exploring wooded areas during camping trips.

Deputies located a phone belonging to William Yoblonski in the van, which the Sheriff’s Office still has, according to Yoblonski. He added that James also had another cellphone with him that had no cell service but could make Wi-Fi calls. That phone remains unaccounted for, he said.

A $10,000 reward for anyone with information that leads to James’ whereabouts and return is still active.

“I just want him home,” William Yoblonski said, adding that his son’s birthday is on Dec. 3.
From the same article that SheWho posted above:

Yoblonski said he does not know who might have wanted to take James, but he said he does not suspect any family members. He added that James and his three siblings' biological mother, Rebecca Schlitt, has not been involved in their lives in more than four years and that he has not heard from her since James went missing. Court records indicate Yoblonski and Schlitt divorced in 2018.

The sheriff's office has spoken with James' three siblings and Schlitt, along with other family members, Bulin said, adding that none of them had information that could lead to James' location. Attempts to reach Schlitt for comment were unsuccessful.

Yoblonski said James never hinted at leaving home to him or his two brothers or sister. He said he believes students at James' former school, Jack Young Middle School in Baraboo, or their family members may know something about James' disappearance. He said James was suspended twice late in the 2022-23 school year. The school district confirmed that James was a student at the middle school but did not respond to questions about the suspensions.

The sheriff's office has spoken with some of James' former classmates and other acquaintances, Bulin said, but those interviews yielded no clues to James' whereabouts.

Six-Month Search Continues for Missing Sauk County Boy​

Authorities have provided no new updates in the search for James Yoblonski, a Sauk County boy missing for six months.

Despite an ongoing investigation, no recent sightings have been reported.
Maybe they are hard at a serious investigation and have some serious info/lleads but the problem always is one never knows and such cases appear to be unimportant or languishing with no serious continuing investigation at all and that's how this one appears.

They aren't putting out notices for info in the area, searching the area or anywhere else either for either a runaway, a suicide or a murdered victim. Do they KNOW he isn't around there? Or are they just doing little to NOTHING?!
Maybe they are hard at a serious investigation and have some serious info/lleads but the problem always is one never knows and such cases appear to be unimportant or languishing with no serious continuing investigation at all and that's how this one appears.

They aren't putting out notices for info in the area, searching the area or anywhere else either for either a runaway, a suicide or a murdered victim. Do they KNOW he isn't around there? Or are they just doing little to NOTHING?!
I don't understand it. Maybe they think they know what happened and don't need the public to help? He is only thirteen... I really hope they do know more, and that they only APPEAR to be pretty clueless.

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