JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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They had a copy of the letter sent to Chad Daybell last year telling him he was being excommunicated.
I think this is what you watched. It is well worth watching, I am just finishing the last few minutes of it. I didn't realize at first this was new news/confirmation when you first mentioned it.

I think even aside from Chad the Lori stuff is worrisome. WHY is the church and its legal counsel taking her calls??? She is allegedly not able to stand trial but she can call the church and their attorney and chat?? Is she a member yet???

Also, the fact they did not excommunicate Chad until he was charged I find a bit worrisome. I mean he was teaching this stuff long before any charges...

It is not an easy subject, religion just like race, but this case is wound throughout with church, religion and the area. As the Court TV people say, etc., this entire area is mostly LDS as is Rexburg, etc., as are judges, prosecutors and more... Maybe they should change the venue on this... I am sure they don't like it but the LDS church is inextricably linked to this case at least in the fact Chad and Lori were practicing members while they were doing their evil and their teachings...

Anyhow, I think this is the link to what you watched so everyone can watch it. It's interesting.

Just hitting the last few minutes and they also on Court TV play part of Alex's ex-wife's phone call interview with LE about the inappropriate sexual behavior between Lori and her brother Alex...
I think this is what you watched. It is well worth watching, I am just finishing the last few minutes of it. I didn't realize at first this was new news/confirmation when you first mentioned it.

I think even aside from Chad the Lori stuff is worrisome. WHY is the church and its legal counsel taking her calls??? She is allegedly not able to stand trial but she can call the church and their attorney and chat?? Is she a member yet???

Also, the fact they did not excommunicate Chad until he was charged I find a bit worrisome. I mean he was teaching this stuff long before any charges...

It is not an easy subject, religion just like race, but this case is wound throughout with church, religion and the area. As the Court TV people say, etc., this entire area is mostly LDS as is Rexburg, etc., as are judges, prosecutors and more... Maybe they should change the venue on this... I am sure they don't like it but the LDS church is inextricably linked to this case at least in the fact Chad and Lori were practicing members while they were doing their evil and their teachings...

Anyhow, I think this is the link to what you watched so everyone can watch it. It's interesting.

They have changed the venue.
Wow. Just wow. I could cry. I have never seen this. This starts out with JJ singing his ABCs on video. I am sure I have never seen that even though I would swear I had seen all in this case over time. It is heartbreaking knowing what happened to him now. It then goes into Larry Woodcock and this I think I did see once but only once.... JJ singing was sweet. Bittersweet. It is fairly short, less than 9 minutes.

Or maybe I have never heard this, now I'm not sure... I thought at first it was Larry outside of Chad's home when they found the kids but this is actually talking to Chandler PD...
Larry and Kay did not know at this point in the above talk that Tylee was a "witness" in the death of Charles... And the cop at that point called her Lori's "stepdaugther" and we know she was not Lori's step but her bio daughter. This must have been early on after Charles had died is my guess. A couple of minutes for me to finish yet...

Anyhow, it is NEW. To me anyhow so perhaps it is yet another recent release...
Wow short but it is funny now that we know a lot of the story to see these things for the first time and have that knowledge..

The pics during this show are not of the interview and there is also a sweet clip of Colby with JJ... Never seen some of these before, just like his ABCs...

So you hear the interview but the pics going across the screen are of various things through the case, times and of JJ, etc...
We get used to a case over time but sometimes it just hits you again... I cannot believe these evil people did this to these children. And to Charles. And Joe. Etc. And what Kay and Larry went through. And so much more... I can't believe totally separate individual people who lived a lot of life separately and unknown to each other until they met, etc., liek Chad, Lori, Alex, could ALL be part of this and think it okay... And the Mels, etc. or at least turn a blind eye...

I would play that ABC video in court if I were prosecutors. Or at least at sentencing...
How to word this without getting graphic?

So Alex and Lori were very inappropriately sexually as brother and sister in front of his wife, their parents, etc.... I have to wonder how Chad felt about this... If it was still that way which I wouldn't doubt it was... I mean Chad was hot for Lori, in major lust right? Was he okay with Alex wanting his own "hot" sister as well... Did they compete? Is this why Alex "died"....? Or one of the reasons....

That's as far as I will go with those thoughts...

Maybe they hid it in front of Chad but why, they didn't in front of Alex's wife or anyone else...

Point is, what an ODD bunch...
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This was on Dateline last night. I hadn't been following this case, but WOW!

It's something else. And one of the hardest ones ever to keep all the players straight and remember all of the details, deaths, attempted murders and more.
That’s why whenever anything new is published, I check it out immediately. Otherwise I get lost in the weeds real quick.
Yeah, it's not an easy one to keep up on or follow at times. There's also so much that trying to remember a detail from back when is hard.

Hard to deny though it is so twisted and huge it certainly isn't dull/holds one's interest. Tragic though.
Yeah, it's not an easy one to keep up on or follow at times. There's also so much that trying to remember a detail from back when is hard.

Hard to deny though it is so twisted and huge it certainly isn't dull/holds one's interest. Tragic though.
There’s been a couple of times I thought to myself I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t kill somebody else and we just don’t know about it. That’s how cold hearted they are, especially Lori and Alex!
There’s been a couple of times I thought to myself I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t kill somebody else and we just don’t know about it. That’s how cold hearted they are, especially Lori and Alex!
Actually way back I heard I guess it would be rumor someone say some things about Chad. It related to his side gigs, this man was also doing things long before meeting Lori. Someone who knew him or was part or one of his groupies or another one hosting a show, I can't recall, said he would get these followers, let's just say vulnerable cult members, he would take them into his room or portal or place to do whatever to them and many of them she could never remember seeing again or coming back out, etc... OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.

TOTALLY UNVERIFIED I am going to put on this post to warn of that and I might not have the details exactly right but it is something like that. Much of the stuff he wrote, was saying online, doing and teaching we really haven't heard a lot about and heard more in the early days I would say...

Could be entirely false but I will say other murders by any of these top three would not surprise me either, Lori, Alex or Chad... And I'm not sold that more than a few of the other key players did not have anything to do with the murders either... Zulema for instance was with Alex...
I had the impression they were newbies and that perhaps they were loners, drifters, homeless types or something... Wish I could recall it better... It's out there somewhere as I read it somewhere... A long time back though...

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