JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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From what I heard Nate say on a YouTube video last night, it’s because she is not waving her right to a speedy trial, and they won’t be able to get all the evidence in that needs to be in a death penalty case.

They just reinstated the firing squad in Idaho. That’s what Chad is looking at.
I was going to watch Nate's last night but was just too wiped to commit to watching it all.

Meaning the prosecution won't have what is needed to try it you mean? Or that the defense didn't get it in time?

Winning a DP case I would think would take some pretty solid evidence. I wonder just what all they have or do they have it if they say they can't get all the evidence in time?

Yeah I heard about the firing squad thing. Kohberger will also be looking at it I would think.

Most people would say Chad's chances are better than Lori's and that he might be able to make it work by blaming Alex and/or Lori. I hope they know what they are doing making it DP. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that way, I think Chad may well be worse than Lori and for sure comparable and I think they deserve the DP but it really depends on what they have for evidence imo and how well the prosecution does their job. I DO think there is a ton of evidence from phones, marriage plans BEFORE deaths (buying rings, etc.), bodies, lies and more. We still don't know causes of death for JJ and Tylee and I'm sure other things are held we don't know most likely but more than any other trial, I think getting 12 jurors to vote for death is hard. Do we know if they can't get that decision will it automatically default to life in prison on a guilty verdict or does it lose the entire trial IF they go DP and the jury doesn't go for it? I think they'd have a life option BUT ID has some funny (not humorous) laws.

It really is big news on Lori as we found out yesterday that this evil killer of her own children and husband(s) will get to live. She was given a win and that BITES that a killer (imo) WINS in a case against them for murder of innocents. The strategy worked didn't it? And her attorneys did their job. I don't LIKE THAT.
It could also be said that the laws were actually able to be USED to the defendant's favor by working them. I don't like Boyce as a judge on this but both defendants and their attorneys imo worked things to get this. Chad got his severance and delay and Lori just won NO DEATH. This shouldn't have been possible. Our system needs serious help. Rest assured other attorneys and other defendants will try this. They tossed in some mental health delays and Chad's side filed motion after motion after motion tying up the court and prosecution, etc. and worked it all imo.


Interesting. We know her alibi is b.s. and she sure waited a long time to remember she "had one". Lol.

Linda has a new video up that was good. In it she showed a post by Lori's former counsel Mark Means who said Judge Boyce showed the prosecution the yellow brick road to a conviction (paraphrasing but close). I take it to mean by Boyce taking the DP off the table he helped the prosecution, leaving them to convince a jury now and a road without the DP? Personally I think there is more behind this all and I am irate at the bumbling in this case which I'm not sure at all is unintentional.

Linda also played part of a News Nation interview with Kay and Larry so I went and found the News Nation video. My apologies if it has been posted before. Larry in particular does not mince words or an opinion on this decision (removing the DP) and says he no longer considers Boyce a judge even though he tried to stay and be in support of him until NOW. He calls on the supreme court justices and the attorney general to do something and he calls for cameras in the courtroom. He asks who appointed Boyce, etc. I agree with all he thinks and all he said. He also wonders if the church is behind it. Prior to this, they from all I saw said the church is not involved but that tune has changed and he wonders... Considering they are Mormon, that's a huge thing. I have always thought that... There is a LOT of influence there and many are of the faith and it is really hard to believe it isn't throughout the court system and elsewhere. Jmo...

Anyhow, here is their interview, not long and worth watching.

Interesting. We know her alibi is b.s. and she sure waited a long time to remember she "had one". Lol.

Linda has a new video up that was good. In it she showed a post by Lori's former counsel Mark Means who said Judge Boyce showed the prosecution the yellow brick road to a conviction (paraphrasing but close). I take it to mean by Boyce taking the DP off the table he helped the prosecution, leaving them to convince a jury now and a road without the DP? Personally I think there is more behind this all and I am irate at the bumbling in this case which I'm not sure at all is unintentional.

Linda also played part of a News Nation interview with Kay and Larry so I went and found the News Nation video. My apologies if it has been posted before. Larry in particular does not mince words or an opinion on this decision (removing the DP) and says he no longer considers Boyce a judge even though he tried to stay and be in support of him until NOW. He calls on the supreme court justices and the attorney general to do something and he calls for cameras in the courtroom. He asks who appointed Boyce, etc. I agree with all he thinks and all he said. He also wonders if the church is behind it. Prior to this, they from all I saw said the church is not involved but that tune has changed and he wonders... Considering they are Mormon, that's a huge thing. I have always thought that... There is a LOT of influence there and many are of the faith and it is really hard to believe it isn't throughout the court system and elsewhere. Jmo...

Anyhow, here is their interview, not long and worth watching.

I don't get the big deal between life in prison and death. Personally, I'd prefer the death penalty. However, I get some people think it's the only correct justice. Since the DP is off the table, then make her spend life in prison as Jodie Arias' cellmate.
I don't get the big deal between life in prison and death. Personally, I'd prefer the death penalty. However, I get some people think it's the only correct justice. Since the DP is off the table, then make her spend life in prison as Jodie Arias' cellmate.
Keeping them on death row costs sooooooo much more than life. I like the idea of "prison justice" being able to take place for some of them that aren't in death row solitary.
I don't get the big deal between life in prison and death. Personally, I'd prefer the death penalty. However, I get some people think it's the only correct justice. Since the DP is off the table, then make her spend life in prison as Jodie Arias' cellmate.
It costs.

Some people feel rightfully so that their victims never get to take another breath so neither should they.

Nowadays they get things like tvs in cells, ability to use a tablet, etc. pizza parties and more and most don't want murderers having any enjoyment of any kind.

Nowadays there is always the chance one day someone will let them out. It goes on now. Politics change, power changes, one never knows.

Life many times doesn't mean life any longer.

Some people no one in the public is safe from. These people should be put to death as they don't belong in society or even a prison society (death row).

I don't know about the Arias idea. Charles and Lori were a bad combo that led to bad things and I think Lori and Jodi would be a duo no one could trust either as to what they'd get up to together...
It costs.

Some people feel rightfully so that their victims never get to take another breath so neither should they.

Nowadays they get things like tvs in cells, ability to use a tablet, etc. pizza parties and more and most don't want murderers having any enjoyment of any kind.

Nowadays there is always the chance one day someone will let them out. It goes on now. Politics change, power changes, one never knows.

Life many times doesn't mean life any longer.

Some people no one in the public is safe from. These people should be put to death as they don't belong in society or even a prison society (death row).

I don't know about the Arias idea. Charles and Lori were a bad combo that led to bad things and I think Lori and Jodi would be a duo no one could trust either as to what they'd get up to together...

The death penalty is more expensive than housing a prisoner for life. The number of appeals that need to be filed because they need to be 100% sure this is the guy/girl responsible. Which I completely support. People have been released from prison while they were on death row when evidence is reexamined, and it's realized a mistake was made.

Published at 11:58 am, March 29, 2023 | Updated at 12:25 pm, March 29, 2023

Karen Lehr, KIVI TV​

BOISE (KIVI TV) — A last-minute hearing was scheduled in the Lori Vallow Daybell case and held at the Ada County Courthouse Wednesday morning.

Judge Steven Boyce called the hearing to publicly discuss the legal definition of a “victim” and who it would apply to in this case.

The issue would impact who is allowed to sit in and listen to certain portions of testimony and evidence in the case if they will be then called as witnesses to take the stand.

Judge Boyce issued an order that would exclude witnesses from sitting in on certain testimony, but victims in the case could be exceptions. The question is, who is legally considered a victim?

The concern is whether listening in to certain evidence or testimony could change a person’s testimony if they are later called for questioning.

Lori Vallow Daybell was present for the hearing with her attorneys Jim Archibald and John Thomas. This is the first time she has appeared publicly in Ada County.

Published at 11:58 am, March 29, 2023 | Updated at 12:25 pm, March 29, 2023

Karen Lehr, KIVI TV​

BOISE (KIVI TV) — A last-minute hearing was scheduled in the Lori Vallow Daybell case and held at the Ada County Courthouse Wednesday morning.

Judge Steven Boyce called the hearing to publicly discuss the legal definition of a “victim” and who it would apply to in this case.

The issue would impact who is allowed to sit in and listen to certain portions of testimony and evidence in the case if they will be then called as witnesses to take the stand.

Judge Boyce issued an order that would exclude witnesses from sitting in on certain testimony, but victims in the case could be exceptions. The question is, who is legally considered a victim?

The concern is whether listening in to certain evidence or testimony could change a person’s testimony if they are later called for questioning.

Lori Vallow Daybell was present for the hearing with her attorneys Jim Archibald and John Thomas. This is the first time she has appeared publicly in Ada County.
Could Chad be called as a witness in Lori's case and say HE is a victim? Of course, he can't sit in the audience because he's incarcerated. I really think being a victim is going to be his defense.
The death penalty is more expensive than housing a prisoner for life. The number of appeals that need to be filed because they need to be 100% sure this is the guy/girl responsible. Which I completely support. People have been released from prison while they were on death row when evidence is reexamined, and it's realized a mistake was made.
I think innocent and on death row has happened but is not common. I think far more are guilty and the facts were there. Should it happen without solid facts, no, I agree. But if the facts and evidence are there, as is the case with so many, I believe they belong there. Actually they don't, they should be executed.

There should be a basic appeal time, not years on end, to have any questions or problems or unfairness seriously looked at and that's it.

It is only more expensive due to the fact it goes on forever, the housing and appeals process, and the fact that they can't just use a cheap bullet and be done with it but it has to be an entire extravaganza.

It shouldn't take years and years or decades on end of appeals. THAT is the bigger problem. Red tape and bullsh*t and money.

Convicted BY a jury. Given death by a JURY. Already you have 12 people who feel there was enough for both. HOWEVER, i agree things can be wrong, maybe a judge erred or something was wrongly allowed into trial or NOT allowed in and there should be a chance for appeal. Give a year, their attorney files all they feel should be looked at, the court looks at it all and decides, and that is decided by more than one judge ALSO. Then execute. A year's worth of housing and meals and guards, etc. versus. 20,30, 40 or never.

The time and b.s. and even b.s. appeals last desperate ones are the problem. NOTHING is done in the time it should take in our legal system.

I DO agree the DP should be reserved for certain cases and ones where enough evidence that is almost undeniable exists.
What I should add or mean is that innocent ones are not the norm. Yes there is the innocence project and SOME known cases, etc. but there are far more that are guilty and plenty of evidence showed it imo. And there SHOULD be evidence in DP convictions.

It's like saying when one worries about a jury look at OJ and Casey who walked. Yes, it comes up a lot but people can only name a few where they believe that or see such happened. MOST of the time the jury gets it right. AND although I believe OJ and Casey are both guilty, I also believe there were real reasons they walked and the jury decided as they did because of other things.

Would I want to be innocent, framed and find myself on death row with no help or recourse? Of course not. Could I vote death myself? I'm not sure. Could I be the executioner? No. I'm sure of that. Can I support a belief in the DP? Yes, I can.

Lori and Chad deserve death. Letecia deserves death. Charles Manson deserved death. Ted Bundy. BTK deserves death. Aidan Fucci if he wasn't a minor, only factor that plays in imo, deserves it. Kohberger, if guilty, deserves it. I could go on and I don't think it would be wrong in a one of these cases nor do I think anyone I mentioned who is already convicted (not all) was innocent. Some got if, face it and some didn't. Lori got a reprieve thanks to I guess an inadequate judge and prosecution...
I think innocent and on death row has happened but is not common. I think far more are guilty and the facts were there. Should it happen without solid facts, no, I agree. But if the facts and evidence are there, as is the case with so many, I believe they belong there. Actually they don't, they should be executed.

There should be a basic appeal time, not years on end, to have any questions or problems or unfairness seriously looked at and that's it.

It is only more expensive due to the fact it goes on forever, the housing and appeals process, and the fact that they can't just use a cheap bullet and be done with it but it has to be an entire extravaganza.

It shouldn't take years and years or decades on end of appeals. THAT is the bigger problem. Red tape and bullsh*t and money.

Convicted BY a jury. Given death by a JURY. Already you have 12 people who feel there was enough for both. HOWEVER, i agree things can be wrong, maybe a judge erred or something was wrongly allowed into trial or NOT allowed in and there should be a chance for appeal. Give a year, their attorney files all they feel should be looked at, the court looks at it all and decides, and that is decided by more than one judge ALSO. Then execute. A year's worth of housing and meals and guards, etc. versus. 20,30, 40 or never.

The time and b.s. and even b.s. appeals last desperate ones are the problem. NOTHING is done in the time it should take in our legal system.

I DO agree the DP should be reserved for certain cases and ones where enough evidence that is almost undeniable exists.
That is not only why it costs more. Individuality of everything is also what costs more, plus more security.
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Could Chad be called as a witness in Lori's case and say HE is a victim? Of course, he can't sit in the audience because he's incarcerated. I really think being a victim is going to be his defense.
Even though he still faces the DP as of now, they have a total advantage imo. They will get to see how Lori's trial goes, evidence presented, strategy, how well the prosecution does, etc. to make their own decisions and strategize for when it is Chad's turn down the line. Or to deal if they think it would be wiser...

I HOPE the prosecution astounds us because I am far from impressed at what has went on lately. Even though they have had expert Rachel Smith on board and are paying her and have been for some time, they flubbed discovery, now the DP for Lori has been dismissed, etc. They themselves agree on no cameras which I can't get over, etc. Why do you bring on an attorney from another state by the way instead of asking for help from your own AG's office/state...?
Even though he still faces the DP as of now, they have a total advantage imo. They will get to see how Lori's trial goes, evidence presented, strategy, how well the prosecution does, etc. to make their own decisions and strategize for when it is Chad's turn down the line. Or to deal if they think it would be wiser...

I HOPE the prosecution astounds us because I am far from impressed at what has went on lately. Even though they have had expert Rachel Smith on board and are paying her and have been for some time, they flubbed discovery, now the DP for Lori has been dismissed, etc. They themselves agree on no cameras which I can't get over, etc. Why do you bring on an attorney from another state by the way instead of asking for help from your own AG's office/state...?
Do you suppose it will be harder to try them separately? It doesn't seem like they can put Chad on trial in advance of his actual trial.

Anyone know how the evidence will work in separate trials?
Do you suppose it will be harder to try them separately? It doesn't seem like they can put Chad on trial in advance of his actual trial.

Anyone know how the evidence will work in separate trials?
I think it will be easier for the defense cases. Would have been far harder together for the defenses. She can blame him, he her, etc. totally separate juries with neither who theoretically should know anything about the other case or outcome. One or both could blame Alex, he could blame her and Alex, she blame Alex, etc.

Chad has an advantage imo even though death is still on the table for him. But they will know what happened in the first show, her trial. Same prosecutors, likely same facts, etc. BUT prosecution will also see how it turns out and know it going into Chad's trial later...

That's my take.

They are TOTALLY separate things now/trials. However, doesn't mean can't have same witnesses etc. but to each jury it is a case on its own, other unknown to them, doesn't affect it.
Sad thing is now the victims' family has to go through a longer process by far and Chad and counsel could still delay his or things could by more time. Not even talking Tammy's trial yet. Family is in for a far longer road.
Maybe Chad will plead guilty in exchange for LWOP after Lori is found guilty. Save another trial.
Many think that and if she is found guilty it is sure possible but I'm not so sure. He has the best chance probably of putting this on a bad woman he was enamored with and they were HER kids. He does have the fact they were on his property and other things that will connect it but not so sure he won't roll the dice. Pretty sure he has his naive children believing he was led astray by Lori and would say the same to the world...

The other thing I think may happen is IF as the mother of her murdered kids, who she is accused also of murdering, she isn't facing the death penalty, they may have to take it off the table for him... If he isn't facing death, but LWOP he would roll the dice wouldn't he as he'd get no worse....?
Less than 6.5 minutes. While I don't like it I understand it to a point but don't agree with it, here goes Lori's defense team saying Larry and Kay are not victims to sit in the courtroom per the defense. That Kay is really JJ's aunt, "legally", not grandma that she named herself because their son gave up rights to him so they have no legal right once Lori and Charles adopted him per ID laws on adoption. So as Charles' sister she is his aunt in that respect. It isn't said in this but Charles of course is gone and even if here, Kay would be an aunt by this, not covered as a member of victims' families. I hate defense sh*t and it should be who was closest and affected but by law they are arguing.... Colby belongs in the courtroom, right to a seat but they say not Larry and Kay, Chad's kids yes, they say, but don't think they plan to attend Loris' trial. Here is the thing though, unsaid is they are the BIO grandparents, just not the "legal" ones by that theory.... Maybe that will come up in further filings and hopefully prosecution is on their game Per the usual, Boyce didn't decide and gave both sides til 5 today (wow not weeks since trial is upon, he can't take his usual weeks' long thing to decide something) to submit arguments....

As Scott ends with (who is a defense atty) says, hopefully prosecution is on their game and argues this and wins (paraphrasing( or even puts Kay and Larry up first so they can then be in courtroom. And also says no surprise that this is really them doing their jobs and filing this motion just puts the prosecution having to research and respond to it rather than prepping for trial. Honestly it does it to the judge too.

Can't say her attorneys aren't doing their job but it is maddening. Short video, worth hearing.


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