JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Did anyone catch this tonight?

Dateline NBC airing new 2-hour program on Daybell case, including first interview with Melani Pawlowski

Dateline NBC will air a two-hour program Friday with new information and interviews in the case of two missing Rexburg children.

Dateline aired an episode about the investigation on Feb. 14. Since then, there have been numerous developments and has been working with NBC producers and correspondent Keith Morrison on the upcoming program.

“It’s a shocking story and a remarkable story,” Morrison tells “I’ve seen public interest in cases before but this really is far more than anything I’ve seen in a very long time – since maybe Michael Jackson or OJ Simpson.”

Morrison interviewed several people who are closely tied to Lori and Chad, including Lori’s niece Melani Pawlowski and her new husband Ian. The couple has not spoken publicly about the case but sat down with Dateline for hours and no questions were off the table.
Did anyone catch this tonight?

Dateline NBC airing new 2-hour program on Daybell case, including first interview with Melani Pawlowski

Dateline NBC will air a two-hour program Friday with new information and interviews in the case of two missing Rexburg children.

Dateline aired an episode about the investigation on Feb. 14. Since then, there have been numerous developments and has been working with NBC producers and correspondent Keith Morrison on the upcoming program.

“It’s a shocking story and a remarkable story,” Morrison tells “I’ve seen public interest in cases before but this really is far more than anything I’ve seen in a very long time – since maybe Michael Jackson or OJ Simpson.”

Morrison interviewed several people who are closely tied to Lori and Chad, including Lori’s niece Melani Pawlowski and her new husband Ian. The couple has not spoken publicly about the case but sat down with Dateline for hours and no questions were off the table.

I did. I found it well worth watching. There were things I either forgot or did not know in the detail they provided. They did an excellent job of putting together pieces. Where the cult thing and beliefs have been attempted to be played down at times, this brings it all front and center again with their strange beliefs. Here is what I said in the basement a few minutes ago:

That's about what I caught. I was having trouble keep my eyes open in the last hour but think I managed to catch most of it and fought through to stay awake. It was pretty good. Sadly, a couple of things really rang through for me. One is I am left with basically no doubt these children are dead. After listening to it all be put together from all sources, etc. I never thought they were alive to begin with but I had some room to hope, I have less now. Second, I found her niece very unbelievable and to be hiding something or many things. For many weeks now, I have believed this is about money and marriages for life insurance, etc. and/or assets, perhaps with the money allegedly to be for the cult and end times. Listening to the one woman tell how one is groomed and what one starts to believe was also quite interesting, as were the strange things they believe. I had start leaning towards Chad and his quietness and the fact he had led this kind of thing before ever meeting Lori as probably the worst one, while she is a loony tune that eats it up hook, line and sinker, but is just as responsible for what she has done/they have done. This show convinced me even more that he is the leader of the two but it could be equal also.

All in all, worth watching and a very good overall recap of this convoluted mess of these two people and what "happens" around them. Imo.
Here is what I wonder, are they still searching actively for these children?? I suppose they are and we are just not hearing about it but it almost feels as if they are forgotten while things focus on Lori, and this out there odd case.
I think the pandemic and "stay at home" orders are delaying the search of Yellowstone. MOO.

What stood out to me were several things: Family members mentioned several times that Tylee was very independent, very bright, and was used to making her own decisions. She finished high school early. She probably saw through all the doomsday crap and wasn't buying any of it. It wouldn't surprise me if she and Lori had arguments about the whole doomsday cult beliefs.
Alex's friends mentioned that he "would have done anything anyone ( aka friend or family member) asked." Family and friends mentioned that Lori kept telling them that JJ and Tylee had been taken over by zombies. M mentioned that she saw no evidence of Tylee and JJ at Lori and Chad's rental townhome when she (M) arrived in November in Rexburg.
A very small part of me has a tiny hope that Tylee took JJ and they left to go start a new life, but sadly, I think they are both deceased and will be found in or near Yellowstone. It would be interesting to know if there were life insurance policies on JJ and Tylee, how much, and who besides Lori would benefit from those policies.
Those same things stood out to me too but I mentioned the others, Lori's niece I felt was a big one. Maybe she is guarded because she is cooperating, I don't know but she did not come across as credible to me. She could come across as trying not to judge her aunt until she knows more, but I don't think so. Her husband was shot at for instance... And then she remarried fairly quickly to someone she hardly knew. Just odd.

I agree though. The same things you mention stand out to me. Tylee was described as very independent and that leaves me thinking too that she saw through some things. Yet I look at her in the police cam video when Charles dies and she seems almost unconcerned there too.

I can see a different twist on it that Lori sent Tylee off first to get somewhere ready for JJ just going by how their last dates seen differ. However, I just really do not believe they are alive and haven't in some time.

The zombie thing you mention, yep, another one that really stood out. And M saying she never saw the kids and others saying at least Tylee I think by Chad was said to be a zombie?

I don't know if it was all life insurance but assets and getting rid of anyone in the way as well. If Tylee died before 18, she had some assets, like her father's vehicle, and Lori could take them and/or sell them no?

I think they may be searching where we are unaware of it or I hope anyhow. Other than Lori and what not coming out and Hawaii, etc. LE has been fairly close lipped really in this case. I think anyhow. Even when they put out for video from Yellowstone, etc. or people who may have been there it seemed like a careful consideration.

Sadly these children are dead I feel and I think most of us do. However, me too, I try to have some hope.
I'm so sorry I was unaware of the Dateline show last night! I'm going to try to pull it up on Xfinity if at all possible!

While y'all were watching the show, I found this last night. No bombshells, but just an interesting conversation:

I'm so sorry I was unaware of the Dateline show last night! I'm going to try to pull it up on Xfinity if at all possible!

While y'all were watching the show, I found this last night. No bombshells, but just an interesting conversation:

What stood out to me is investigators are investigating BOTH Chad and Lori for conspiracy, attempted murder and murder.
he will likely be arrested next. Lori is already a DL. And Melanie is a liar. Ian will be dead next OR he is a member of the cult too. Both were lying. Let them all go to prison.
I feel so sorry for Charles and Tammy.
Of course the children are dead.
What stood out to me is investigators are investigating BOTH Chad and Lori for conspiracy, attempted murder and murder.
he will likely be arrested next. Lori is already a DL. And Melanie is a liar. Ian will be dead next OR he is a member of the cult too. Both were lying. Let them all go to prison.
I feel so sorry for Charles and Tammy.
Of course the children are dead.
I don't disagree with one bit of that. I want Chad arrested for one reason we shall see how fast one turns on the other and any money he has left runs out. Maybe then and only then they will find out what happened to these poor children.

Melanie in Dateline came across sooooo false although they clearly showed just clips and edits. I do wonder if these two are cooperating. It sure does not seem so where she is concerned at least...

You have picked up the case and gotten up to speed very well Oot. It is something else, isn't it? One could not make this stuff up.
I don't disagree with one bit of that. I want Chad arrested for one reason we shall see how fast one turns on the other and any money he has left runs out. Maybe then and only then they will find out what happened to these poor children.

Melanie in Dateline came across sooooo false although they clearly showed just clips and edits. I do wonder if these two are cooperating. It sure does not seem so where she is concerned at least...

You have picked up the case and gotten up to speed very well Oot. It is something else, isn't it? One could not make this stuff up.
If I am at speed it’s because of you. Thank you so much. Loris lawyer is a moron. But she and Chad are so sly I think that particular attorney represents them for one reason only. So they can claim incompetence after sentencing. I’m going to see Kimsters video,

it was eye opening to see all the players on video. I bet Alex wished he had a do-over!!
Unless he was brainwashed and then the Lord will have mercy. Who am I to judge?
I think Lori was never brainwashed. She had used her sexuality to gain every husband. She likes money. I think she was bored with Charles and by now she is bored with Chad.
If both went free today, it would be a race to see who died first, Lori or Chad. Bet it would be Chad. Lol.
If I am at speed it’s because of you. Thank you so much. Loris lawyer is a moron. But she and Chad are so sly I think that particular attorney represents them for one reason only. So they can claim incompetence after sentencing. I’m going to see Kimsters video,

it was eye opening to see all the players on video. I bet Alex wished he had a do-over!!
Unless he was brainwashed and then the Lord will have mercy. Who am I to judge?
I think Lori was never brainwashed. She had used her sexuality to gain every husband. She likes money. I think she was bored with Charles and by now she is bored with Chad.
If both went free today, it would be a race to see who died first, Lori or Chad. Bet it would be Chad. Lol.

Oh yes you are up to speed and it wasn't me. You asked me a few questions after watching a podcast. You put it so well about Lori. Using her looks, etc. to get husbands. I don't even see Chad as her type quite honestly. It would just have been a matter of time before he was next OR he took her out when he found a new groupie/younger one. You have this case pegged perfectly imo.
Saw the Court TV video. I love Ashley Banfield from YEARS ago. I wouldn’t have known her. She has had plastic surgery and eye surgery. She used to wear glasses and have very short hair. She has always been pretty. She just looks very different. She should look 25 years older but looks younger.
Just an observation.

Its funny how I thought Casey Anthony was the most hated woman in the world. She still is. Then in AZ it was Jodi Arias. Then in CO, it was KK Lee. Now it's Tbag and I suppose Lori Vallow a close second. Lots of very evil women. And sex has been a motivator in all.
Money not far behind.
Oh yes you are up to speed and it wasn't me. You asked me a few questions after watching a podcast. You put it so well about Lori. Using her looks, etc. to get husbands. I don't even see Chad as her type quite honestly. It would just have been a matter of time before he was next OR he took her out when he found a new groupie/younger one. You have this case pegged perfectly imo.
Guess it would have depended on who bought the life insurance policy first. Maybe they can kill each other.
Poor Colby!
What stood out to me is investigators are investigating BOTH Chad and Lori for conspiracy, attempted murder and murder.
he will likely be arrested next. Lori is already a DL. And Melanie is a liar. Ian will be dead next OR he is a member of the cult too. Both were lying. Let them all go to prison.
I feel so sorry for Charles and Tammy.
Of course the children are dead.
I think the only reason Chad hasn't been arrested is that they don't have quite enough evidence yet. I also got the impression that M was lying and she knows what happened to Tylee and JJ, where, and when. Who was waiting in Yellowstone for Lori and the kids to arrive there on a specific day and time?
Saw the Court TV video. I love Ashley Banfield from YEARS ago. I wouldn’t have known her. She has had plastic surgery and eye surgery. She used to wear glasses and have very short hair. She has always been pretty. She just looks very different. She should look 25 years older but looks younger.
Just an observation.

Its funny how I thought Casey Anthony was the most hated woman in the world. She still is. Then in AZ it was Jodi Arias. Then in CO, it was KK Lee. Now it's Tbag and I suppose Lori Vallow a close second. Lots of very evil women. And sex has been a motivator in all.
Money not far behind.

Great observations, never even thought of it that way. But you are right. We could not stand KK now my "hatred" has transferred to TBag mostly, more than Lori so far I guess because there is no hope for Gannon and we know what she did and with Vallow, we don't know where the kids are yet, but she is right behind her. And yes, it goes the same way with men as well. OJ way back, Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson, Chris Watts, Jake Patterson, etc.

I will say where are all these women coming from? Were there always so many?

I was going to Court TV a lot when it came back online, I don't think I have it in my TV line up. Then I get out of a habit and maybe get into podcasts for awhile, now I need to get back to Court TV as I haven't been there much lately. I think I told you about that one WI case that was recorded that is fairly recent that Court TV has. She would remind you of Arias big time as the recorded trial goes on. She too stabbed a guy in overkill and her explanation and story is very unbelievable.
I think the pandemic and "stay at home" orders are delaying the search of Yellowstone. MOO.

What stood out to me were several things: Family members mentioned several times that Tylee was very independent, very bright, and was used to making her own decisions. She finished high school early. She probably saw through all the doomsday crap and wasn't buying any of it. It wouldn't surprise me if she and Lori had arguments about the whole doomsday cult beliefs.
Alex's friends mentioned that he "would have done anything anyone ( aka friend or family member) asked." Family and friends mentioned that Lori kept telling them that JJ and Tylee had been taken over by zombies. M mentioned that she saw no evidence of Tylee and JJ at Lori and Chad's rental townhome when she (M) arrived in November in Rexburg.
A very small part of me has a tiny hope that Tylee took JJ and they left to go start a new life, but sadly, I think they are both deceased and will be found in or near Yellowstone. It would be interesting to know if there were life insurance policies on JJ and Tylee, how much, and who besides Lori would benefit from those policies.
Good post.
I can agree with all this, except I think the children are deceased.
RE: stay at home order. Ugh!! Guess I would offend people to say what I think so I won’t go there.
I think the only reason Chad hasn't been arrested is that they don't have quite enough evidence yet. I also got the impression that M was lying and she knows what happened to Tylee and JJ, where, and when. Who was waiting in Yellowstone for Lori and the kids to arrive there on a specific day and time?
I wonder if M is as involved as Alex was and maybe she killed the kids? She looked and came across as fake. As fake as Lori in fact. Brandon better stay in hiding.
And Ian? I don’t know about him. If he is really innocent you would think he would have left immediately.
Guess it would have depended on who bought the life insurance policy first. Maybe they can kill each other.
Poor Colby!

Neither Chad nor Lori would be a big loss to society in my opinion. Colby sure seems like a very mature together young man with good values. He has his entire life ahead of him too and I hope he makes the most of it. He clearly loves his mom but is standing on the right side of things and doing the right thing.
Great observations, never even thought of it that way. But you are right. We could not stand KK now my "hatred" has transferred to TBag mostly, more than Lori so far I guess because there is no hope for Gannon and we know what she did and with Vallow, we don't know where the kids are yet, but she is right behind her. And yes, it goes the same way with men as well. OJ way back, Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson, Chris Watts, Jake Patterson, etc.

I will say where are all these women coming from? Were there always so many?

I was going to Court TV a lot when it came back online, I don't think I have it in my TV line up. Then I get out of a habit and maybe get into podcasts for awhile, now I need to get back to Court TV as I haven't been there much lately. I think I told you about that one WI case that was recorded that is fairly recent that Court TV has. She would remind you of Arias big time as the recorded trial goes on. She too stabbed a guy in overkill and her explanation and story is very unbelievable.
Oh I can’t do another case. No time! How can I find court tv on my iPad? I found dateline.
Tbag is the worst because she tortured him.
I think the only reason Chad hasn't been arrested is that they don't have quite enough evidence yet. I also got the impression that M was lying and she knows what happened to Tylee and JJ, where, and when. Who was waiting in Yellowstone for Lori and the kids to arrive there on a specific day and time?

I agree and wonder that too. I tend to think they were meeting someone or, if not, then Alex took Tylee "out" somewhere in the park or area but meeting someone there "camping" or otherwise has crossed my mind. M just struck me so wrong. And if one thinks about it, she was Lori's and Alex's niece, what was their influence on her through her growing up and young adult years....?
I wonder if M is as involved as Alex was and maybe she killed the kids? She looked and came across as fake. As fake as Lori in fact. Brandon better stay in hiding.
And Ian? I don’t know about him. If he is really innocent you would think he would have left immediately.

Boy you have picked up this case very well! All so on point with all of these remarks. And I don't disagree with a one of them.

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