JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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She was found in the fire pit right? So they could have burnt her and dismembered her at the same time I guess. Or dismembered in the fire pit area then set alight with branches, petrol etc. Clearly this was done by Alex and Chad based on the phone evidence.

Chad could have had plenty more fires at that same site on other days too, to further burn the remains. Especially after Tammy was killed.
The problem is that somewhere along the way, I read that it would have taken a long time to dismember in that manner. Maybe I'm remembering wrong?
Says it all really. After dismembering, burning and chopping up your niece's corpse, dont you just fancy a Taco?

11:04 a.m. On Sept. 9, Alex’s device was tracked here:

Approximately 9 a.m. – leaves apartment 107 in Rexburg
9:15 a.m. – arrives at Chad Daybell’s house
9:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. – in the area of Daybell residence
9:21 a.m. – behind Daybell residence
9:22 a.m. – by gate on northwest corner of property
10:39 a.m. – behind residence
10:57 a.m. – behind residence
11:45 a.m. – leaves residence
11:52 a.m. – Del Taco in Rexburg

Day 23, Tuesday 15th - Afternoon update


Please excuse the typos. These are live updates from the courtroom.

3:27 p.m. Prior has nothing further for today. He will continue cross-examining the witness tomorrow. Join me tonight at 6:30 MDT for ‘Courtroom Insider.’

3:26 p.m. Prior reviews the timeline of data points where Alex Cox’s phone was tracked on the Daybell property on Sept. 23.

3:24 p.m. Prior asks Wright if he is familiar with the shallow grave where JJ was found. Wright is aware.

3:22 p.m. Prior asks Wright to point to the garage on a GPS map and asks the distance from the garage to the barn in the back. Wright doesn’t know the exact size of the property, but he believes it is at least 100 yards.

3:20 p.m. Prior asks if there was any electronic information or evidence that Chad Daybell was at his property on Sept. 23 at 9:41 a.m. Wright reviewed no information showing Chad’s whereabouts that morning.

3:18 p.m. Prior asks Wright if he knows where JJ Vallow was the evening of Sept. 22. Wright says he has heard from reports that JJ was with Alex that night.

3:13 p.m. The exhibit is shown on the screen. It’s from Sept. 23, 2019 at 4:37 a.m. UTC time. It appears to be a message from Melanie Gibb to Lori. “We sent this to Chad. About 2 this morning David woke up with great pain and sorrow in his heart. He felt something big was going to happen. It was going to happen now or soon. Please call when you can. Maybe you can help him understand it. Whatever it was this was immediate. He can’t get to these people and there’s nothing he could do for them.”

3:12 p.m. Prior asks Wright if he looked into any correspondence between Lori, Melanie Gibb and David Warwick from the early morning hours of Sept. 22. Wright says he did not but believes other investigators did. Prior asks to publish an exhibit.

3:06 p.m. Prior shows the slide displaying Alex’s device activity on Sept. 22. Prior asks who was staying at Lori’s apartment on that day. Wright is aware JJ Vallow was at the apartment, and so were Melanie Gibb and David Warwick.

3:03 p.m. Prior shows the raccoon text on the screen. He asks Wright if anyone heard a gunshot in the area. Wright believes some of the neighbors were spoken to, but the police didn’t have this text until eight months later. Animal remains were found with the human remains. Wright doesn’t recall what type of animals were found in the pet cemetery. “There seemed to be at least one animal near where Tylee’s remains were found.”

3:02 p.m. Prior asks how many times Alex was at or near the property between September and November. Seven times total – four times in September and three times in October.

3:01 p.m. Prior asks Wright if he was involved in chemical testing at the apartment in Rexburg. He says the evidence response team went to the apartment at one time and took swabs of unknown substances. He does not know the results of the testing.

3 p.m. Prior asks if Wright was familiar with Chad’s habit of going to the Salem church or BYU-Idaho. Wright was not aware of Chad’s schedule. Prior asks what vehicle Alex drove to Yellowstone. He responds it was as silver/gray Ford F-150 pickup truck.

2:58 p.m. Prior asks Wright who was living at the Daybell residence on Sept. 9. To his knowledge, it was Chad, Tammy and Garth. He asks Wright if he knows their work schedules. Wright was aware that Tammy worked at the school and worked school hours on weekdays. Garth worked at two jobs.

2:52 p.m. Prior reviews the activity of Alex’s device on Sept. 9. There are gaps in the timeline, and Wright is unable to say where Alex’s device was during the gaps. Prior puts up a GPS map showing the Daybell property. There is a long driveway behind the residence.

2:48 p.m. As Wright testifies, Chad Daybell is typing on the computer and scrolling on the computer in front of him.

2:46 p.m. There were data points until 11:55 p.m. on Sept. 8 in unit 107. There were more data points in the same apartment going into Sept. 9.

2:45 p.m. Prior asks where Alex’s phone was between 11:44 p.m. and 2:42 a.m. on Sept. 8-9. Wright doesn’t recall but believes it’s in his report. Prior asks for him to review the report. Bailiff takes him the report.

2:42 p.m. We are back in the courtroom and jurors are in their seats. Prior shows a slide showing Alex’s device placements on Sept. 8-9.

2:12 p.m. Prior asks about the margin of error on the data points. We will now take an afternoon recess. Back in 20-30 minutes.

2:10 p.m. Prior asks follow-up questions about data points and the accuracy of the device movement.

2:01 p.m. Prior asks about the Yellowstone trip. He shows the cell phone activity of Alex’s device in the Old Faithful area of the park. Wright walks through the movement of the device and notes the data shows nothing of significance during the trip.

1:58 p.m. Prior asks if Wright was present when the Rexburg apartments were searched. He was not. Prior asks about items seized during that search and who was the lead detective on the case. Det. Ray Hermosillo and Det. Ron Ball were leading the case for Rexburg police.

1:56 p.m. Prior asks who was present at the search of Daybell’s property in January 2020. Wright says multiple investigators were at the home. The sheriff’s office collected 43 items at that time. Here’s the story we did at the time.

1:52 p.m. Blake has no further questions. Prior will now cross-examine.

1:49 p.m. We see an overhead GPS image of the LDS Church building in Salem. Alex’s device was there from 10:07 – 10:45 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 18.

1:42 p.m. On Oct. 18, Alex’s device was at Chick-fil-A in Ammon from 7:58 p.m. – 9:32 p.m. The device was then at the Salem church from 10:07 – 10:45 p.m. The next data point is on US Highway 20 in Rexburg.

1:39 p.m. Alex’s device takes a trip to Hurricane, Utah on Oct. 16. On Oct. 17, the device is at the Las Vegas airport. On Oct. 18, the device in back in Rexburg at the apartments. Lori flew to Hawaii on Oct. 17.

1:37 p.m. Alex Cox’s device was at Walmart the same time a new device was purchased on Oct. 8. The new device was activated the next day on Oct. 9 and there were ten text messages between the new device and a Chad Daybell device between 7:13 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.

1:32 p.m. Blake displays GPS maps showing where Alex’s device was located near the Daybell residence on the evening of Oct. 9, 2019. There aren’t a lot of places for a vehicle to pull off on the road running near the house – but there is one spot near a canal. That’s where Alex’s device registered a data point.

1:27 p.m. Pants found at the apartment complex matched the pants on the receipt. On Oct. 9, 2019, Alex’s device was in the vicinity of Daybell’s residence from 4:50-5:03 p.m. but didn’t seem to stop, Wright says. The device was then at apartment 107 from 5:16-11:53 p.m.

1:26 p.m. A Frogg Togg brand black pair of rain pants was also purchased. Warrants showed the Homerjmaximus account searched for “frog togg sizing for pants” on Google.

1:21 p.m. A camouflage beanie was purchased. We see a slide that shows a large flip mitt fingerless glove bought at the store. A dark gray three hole ski mark was also purchased.

1:13 p.m. We now see an overhead map of Sportsman’s Warehouse in Ammon, Idaho. This shows data points inside the store where Alex’s device was located. Wright retrieved receipts from Sportman’s Warehouse that showed camo pants, gloves, a Dr. Pepper and other items were purchased with cash.

1:10 p.m. The device went to the Fremont shooting range on Oct. 15 in the morning and then again in the evening. The device also went back and forth between Alex’s and Lori’s apartment – and there was a stop at Chad Daybell’s house for 15 minutes in the afternoon.

1:09 p.m. On Oct. 12 and Oct. 13, the device went to the Fremont County Sportsman’s Club shooting range. It was there for around two hours each of those days.

1:06 p.m. Alex’s device went to the Fremont County Sportsman’s Club shooting range at three different times on Oct. 7. The device also went to the Unified Sportsmen’s Club. The next day, on Oct. 8, the device went to both shooting ranges in the morning.
1:05 p.m. We are back in the courtroom. Blake continues questioning Wright about location data he examined in regards to Alex Cox’s device at the gun range.
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I read some testimony somewhere, or it might’ve been Lori‘s trial, where they said it would take a very long time to dismember the way that they did. This might come up in testimony today, in fact. From what I’m seeing, Alex was only on the property for an hour and a half. Could there have been the burial hole dug and then her body placed in it and then she was dismembered later? Trying to figure this out. At the same time, I don’t like spending too much thought on it.
Ditto on trying to figure out but not wanting to dwell on the awful details.

I have the same thoughts about the time it would take to attack her or her body they way "they" did. That testimony has mark upon Mark upon Mark on so many of her bones (now why the heck is this thing capitalizing Mark in two, now three of four places but doing it right in one instance?!! Irritating) which all required force, etc. and a tool and so on. I mean was someone on meth and crazed they did all so quickly? She was also burned and buried. I tend to think all these things did not happen in that short period of time...

Now the med examiner or whoever it was, sorry I can't keep it straight said it was not "dismembering" as typically dismembering goes on at the joints and this wasn't... Imo this was a savage attack and I FEAR whether she was alive or dead for some or all. I want to figure it out yet these thoughts are what make it hard to think about. What these kids went through is AWFUL. Of course everyone that hears it would pray they were dead already but pretty clear JJ wasn't imo. Even drugged?! It is all so wicked and horrid. I don't know HOW those that still love the kids deal with it.

There's something wrong and missing here BUT not anything that would have the jury deciding not guilty by a long shot. Plenty shows that.

There's something and someone that always makes kind of stops me from thinking the common thoughts here, that the kids were killed at the apts. or at Chad's and then buried in short order. IS ANYONE else here aware of or has watched Donna? I believe back when I probably shared about her. I can't let go of things from her. And it plays I for me. I purposely do not bring it up with the active trial on. And so I prefer not to elaborate.
Independently, two of us have the same questions. So I’m going to assume that jurors are going to also be looking at the same questions.
I think so too big time. I also saw in Nate's chat last night OTHERS had very similar questions.

For me, it would not matter to me as a juror, I see plenty to see the conspiracy and see all involved no matter the who, what, why, etc. Even if I didn't know what we all do, I've seen plenty at trial imo as a juror who knew little to be convinced. Same with Tammy, one just can't remove Chad from DOING IT AND BEING there imo, perhaps with Alex or without. I'd convict him for direct murder of Tammy and for sure conspiracy on all JUST going by what I've read and heard of this trial so far and in my opinion too he is the "leader" and so guilty on all levels where by law he can be.

but yes, you and I question the same and Nate's chat last night had several similar too.
This is why I went back for Alex's phone records. If I cannot remember the testimony from 2 weeks ago then will the jury? I don't understand the order that the evidence is being presented in. Its higgledy piggedly. Is someone going to give a summary at some point? In the summing up perhaps?

At present, it seems both Alex and Chad have been involved in all three deaths. As Alex is dead then only Chad is left to carry the can. Alex himself had no motive as he did not stand to benefit from these deaths as Chad and Lori did. Lori has already been convicted so I am pretty sure that Chad will be too but at present they don't seem to have laid everything out very clearly IMO.

For example, why bury them on Chad's property in the first place and did Tammy or anyone else become suspicious at all?
I think it is partly intentional to let the jury see it could be one, it could be the other, it could be this and it could be that BUT I get you. This is a difficult case/s to present clearly to a jury that hasn't been overloaded with details for years to where we can't even keep them straight.

There WILL be a closing and summary where they need to tie it up as best they can of course. And maybe they WANT the jury having options as to like with Tylee, when, where, who. They've proven imo a LOT of things, I think they have conspiracy nailed and this trio (if not more than). I think Chad and Tammy's death is nailed directly. However, we haven't heard defense yet or Chad's children or experts or defense side on anything BUT there's been a theme and a lot organized here throughout. When one gets into the more mixed up stuff of these times, dates, cell phones, etc., it gets much, much harder and is more confusing. And I suspect if defense puts on much they will try to confuse this further. But imo the prosecution has given the jurors MUCh if not all of what they need. He certainly won't go free on all if any....They will tie it all or what matters most at closing imo--they will say it could be this or that BUT remember, it was Chad's tools, Tylee's DNA, he activated or bought Alex's phone the day Tammy was shot at, there was all this activity between their phones and some texts but again yes, that could get confusiing, they just need to tie it up well that it is all there, all shown but that some things can't have all the answers, they just need to decide if all shows he is guilty of all. And I think it mostly does.

Most people worry about juries but I am the opposite. I have a TON of faith in them. And they almost ALWAYS get itt right. Oh yeah someone will mention OJ or CAsey but there were huge other things wrong there. It is the rarity. Any juror that shows up, doesn't try to get off jury duty, commits and makes it through voir dire, already shows they take their duty seriously. (Except for someone looking to get famous and write a book or some such) but mostly all that is culled and they don't pass through or it becomes obvious they aren't unbiased, etc. when picking a jury.

When person you worry a lot more, when it is justice, and we worried. And went the years of b.s. and delays. And they had an option of first tor SEcon dand the first came first and when we heard nonguilty, my family grabbed hands and stressed beyond belief to if we would actually have to hear another NG verdict and we didn't speak or act out but gasped, held our breaths as the jury was questioned again and then came in guilty of second. Believe me it was first degree however, I do not hold any grudge against the jury for that. We found out some after and between the case what allowed and that maybe a juror or two couldn't come to first, this I where they all DID agree and that's what came in.

I'm sidetracking but I AM saying jurors I have a lot of faith in, short of some corrupt thing where a juror has been bribed, etc. which I think is RARE. In something like OJ it may not have been such a rare thought BUT again the case and bad things like Fuhrmann did not help it.

LE failures in some cases like in Read. I don't buy the conspiracy but I do believe the didn't do the investigation they should have or handle it the right way.

Again I am kind of bouncing here.

Just saying I have great faith in juries and it generally comes out as it should for the evidence and case it is. They take their duties seriously or they wouldn't be there and would have gotten out of it to being with.

Annd there is PLENTY here already, whether it can get confusing or not, to have Chad convicted of enought to NEVER get out and hopefully get the DP.

Totally lost where I started here or my point but still mean every point. I will relook in a bit. Maybe to what I was responding to. I am on day four and we have been busier than beyond. I could be doing more OT to no end if I wanted. Ha. I can't keep up at home as it is OR with life.

So now I stopped and actually looked back at your post. Yes they are showing Chad and Alex very well in all deaths. But does get confusing as you say. But all the phone things also show the back and forth with Lori and the three in ALL. There's MORE than enough imo and even like us who cannot follow or know it all, and neither probably does LE, we know ENOUGH and so does LE and the jury sees enough too. Already imo.

Yeah, why bury them on Chad's property. Well he was the leader. He gets a kick out of it all imo, he ENJOYS these murder and people doing what he has convinced them they are meant to do. He also is the only "rural place" and I think even loved uping his wife and family.. Where else could they NEVER be happened on but at your own place, heck he's innocent, they'd need a warrant and they had LE they thought were dufuses, and he was well thought of, as was Tammy, etc. GIlbert, Chandler, AZ well they weren't so bright right off the bat were they?

Personally I think Tylee may have been killed elsewhere and moved. I think and wonder about a lot. I don't wonder about the guilt of all three and I think a few more are also guilty that may never be charged. If not more than that. But the THREE? Guilty.

But then maybe TYlee is on his property because that's where they took her, attacked her, beat her, killed her, I'll leave it at that. CHAD named these two kids dark. CHAD. It's hard to believe with Tammy and a kid or two living there and across the street that this could go on BUT Chad controlled his family, all he had to say is grandma said never enter the shed or the small pasture (back yard, lawn, whatever more like it) and she gave you permission to play your Frontiersville again so long as you stay inside. I'm wandering sorry but that many is the eviliest of all of them. Imo.

And a last thought here, the SIL, I lapse on her name right now, married to Chad's brother, SAID she said things about his beliefs and stuff and did not want them moving to Rexburg and living next to them or being part of THEIR ward and that's exactly what Chad and TAmmy did and that when she would say something to the church, everyone was all thinking she was being whatever and all LOVED him. There's so much more to this with the church and the people.

Chad felt immune imo. This is what the area thought of him and Tammy's rep probably helped. And then in his little side affair and cult, all were glomming onto his every word. Yeah, his place would be the safest as all it sounds like believed him and he was an active church goer. I can SEE why a few in the families have left the church and sadly they've left ALL religion.

I also think it is control. Jmo. He knew where they were and could keep the eye on and enjoy HIS evil and remember. This guy gets a KICK out of all these things that are horror to the rest of us. And I tend to believe he did Tylee AND JJ and/or was there and enjoyed every minute. I think he enjoyed letting Tammy know and putting her through HE77 and seeing in his opinion how stupidly trusting Ms. Vanilla had been with him. I'm not calling her that and I think she was picking up on some things...

Okay, I am bit all over but I don't think we will ever understand anything totally but maybe when all trials are over, DP given, both in prison, maybe more will come out from those that know more...

I don't think we are ever going to have all the answers but they both me and all of us clearly and many others too. At least I think we are past the point where all used to believe, I saw sooooo much of it was that Lori turned a married, perfect Mormon man into a cheater, led him on by hot sex and you name it. Has anyone else noticed that has changed. Chats used to be FULL of Lori was the worst one, the bad one, led this married, quiet nice man on and turned him? It has almost ALL disappeared and it used to be a very common opinion. Thank God. Because both are evil and Alex was too but HE is the one who takes delight in it all and the fact he can have his bidding done. EVIL. Past SK evil almost. That's what I see in him.

Okay. Yeah, long week as always, not over and have went on and on.
Behind entirely. Read NO tweets today. Ran an errand on lunch, unsure if will get to read.

Found Nate on YT though LIVE which I RARELY catch a live of anyone. But was done earlier than normal today as had to go IN EARLLY. So sharing that, not too many minutes in and am excited I am hitting a LIVE. I was going to read his Tweets here but I get to watch a LIVE. Here it is for any around.

Trying to catch up with yesterday's Tweets.

Does this mean anything (maybe I will find out if I read further)...

9:28 a.m. Prior asks about what was found in Tammy’s stomach. Marsden says she had 3.5 ounces of a substance that appeared to be potatoes and peanuts. Prior has nothing further. Blake will now re-direct.
I'm not saying it does, I have no idea. But Prior quits his cross after this question. And having maybe eaten potatoes and then eaten peanuts before or after may not be unusual but I guess I'm unsure if the mean that or this was a substance where they were eaten together? I am so not a medical person.

Probably just means she had both that day?

I know enough to know this was the stomach contents and what he last ate that day or night.

He went like a day with hardly crossing anyone and he did cross quite a bit here so maybe I'm just wondering why that question was the one he ended on. Probably no reason. Just always thinking he is up to something as all D attys are lol.

I have no real reason for thinking this odd lol. Clearly her last contents were not a meal though it would seem like sitting down to supper together with family. Maybe snacks before going to bed? How long do contents stay? And what is the whole Big Mac deal??

Recross then ends with this. PERFECT LOL. I read further before finishing this post.

9:34 a.m. Blake has nothing further but ends with this question: “In your experience, do dead bodies roll out of bed?” Marsden says no. Prior asks for re-cross but Boyce says no, the re-direct did not go beyond the scope.
10:56 a.m. Wright was trying to prepare a timeline of Tylee’s activities based on digital media, financial transactions, people who may have seen her, etc. The last known location for Tylee was at apartment 175 in Rexburg at 8:37 p.m. on Sept. 8.

I wonder how they know this. Her last photo was at Yellowstone. Anyone could have had her phone, accessed her accounts, etc. HOW is it known she made it back to the apt. alive? And this is TRIAL, wouldn't you say how you know this and based on what evidence?? I haven't finished so maybe that gets cleared up later...?

So this time window a long with Alex's phone and next day jaunt to Chad's is leaving not a long window. She either came back home dead, was killed in the apartments or the next day taken to Chad's under ruse or control and killed there...I doubt Chad's tools were taken anywhere like to the apt. or anything and so all the hacking at her, her body or bones (at least by those tools) was done at his place imo. Could such have started the night before? I mean Alex did not have to have taken his device with everywhere and in fact didn't have to even be present necessarily for all.

WHAT was going on with and where were Tammy and Garth both the 8th and 9th of September? I think I recall people figuring Tammy was at work on the 9th... Not sure if hat is fact or assumption.

No way in my opinion was she killed, body attacked viciously over and over, burned and buried in the couple hour of window. Some of this had to have occurred before or after and Alex's phone just doesn't show all, especially if Chad was doing it over the next days, etc., etc.

Am I all wet? Or getting former things wrong? Both JJ and Tammy were a type of asphyxiation basically while alive. Tammy's body though was left whole and claimed to be natural, JJ's was left whole but buried to hide and with all the plastic and all else on him. Tylee however was brutally destroyed or attempted to be.

Okay. Driving myself a bit over the edge with this. And probably won't catch up. Not even sure I have it all right.
The raccoon text was when Tammy was at her family's was it not? So was she gone? This case, man. I probably have it confused --and to me people used to think she was at worth on the 9th and these were two different times BUT that may have been before more was known that TYLEE was buried on that date, etc. We all wondered a lot of things over the years before finding out more so maybe that's where I am getting mixed up. For a long time, no one was sure about Tylee, just the point last pictured... And all speculated as to dates, how, where, when and the bodies were not found yet. So I am perhaps thinking of talk as to that.

So WAS this the time Tammy was away?

Yeah, help a jury keep it straight. Actually it is probably worse for those of us (at least clearly right now with me) who have speculated and seen things in pieces and not known all over the years but have had bits come out over time than for them to just hear the CASE KNOW NOW. Because I think I am confusing what was thought etc. with what is now said or known.
She was found in the fire pit right? So they could have burnt her and dismembered her at the same time I guess. Or dismembered in the fire pit area then set alight with branches, petrol etc. Clearly this was done by Alex and Chad based on the phone evidence.

Chad could have had plenty more fires at that same site on other days too, to further burn the remains. Especially after Tammy was killed.

ETA Ah ha - so glad they are going over the Tylee timeline again. Yellowstone/Rexburg apts/Chad's residence. Added to post #6537 above - 3 posts back only.
I don't think so was she? Didn't they find her near it? Buried in the bucket? I would agree that I have considered the could have been burning her body (just Chad or one or more) and using hoes and tools to look like they are tending the fire and hacking at it and moving debris, etc. These awful thoughts have crossed my mind. How big is this pit first of all and second of all they had to get her body into the pit at some point and at what size and how? Did these kids NEVER want to attend a nice fire with dad because I'll tell ya, mine would have been right outside with me if I had the fire pit going. Adult OR teen OR younger. And in days in between he just did not worry. Gong by if he had plenty more fires after Tammy died and did this over time...

I do recall the neighbor saying I BELIEVE he never had fires and then all of a sudden was having a few or some big ones? Isn't that the neighbor that died too unexpectedly of something heart...?

Where and when did the bucket come in because you do NOT burn plastic, I guess an idiot might with a gasoline can. Sorry but I don't think she was found in the pit, m eaning sorry I forget being we likely just all heard it in the last days? She was found (not that all of her or "she" was in a bucket buried wasn't it? I think they took what remained and shoveled (I HATE saying that) into a bucket and buried. Am I getting all mixed up? I t hink when it was clear she had been burned they also went layers through the fire pit or something on that order? Or vice versa. Found evidence in the fire pit and then dug wider for more of her?

Man just what one has to say or think of to talk of this. EVIL PERSONIFIED with this bunch and the things done to these victims or their bodies.
The problem is that somewhere along the way, I read that it would have taken a long time to dismember in that manner. Maybe I'm remembering wrong?
Well like Tresir said it could have been over days in the pit which also lends to even one day or more with thoughts I've had which is taking the implements, hoes shovels, etc. and appearing to be tending your fire and hacking and moving and burning debris down (to a neighbor's perspective maybe or to your kid glancing out the window or some such)... Or your wife. Thinking you are just playing at being a man playing with fire and being an outdoorsman (don't think Chad was, not the type I've known, way too soft looking, his hands aren't a working man's hands etc.) The one medi examiner or whoever it was, said this was not as if trying to dismember a body at the joints. They are probably careful as to some things but I think the hint is this was attacking the body, trying to destroy the body and HOPEFULLLY after death.

We did a lot of fires when I was married. I myself loved a good bonfire or fire pit. I never did as my hub did though he was constantly using a shovel, etc. to both clean it out when it got full and move things around in it while we were burning and push things down. Or a hoe. Usually a shovel. He's with a hoe now though. (LOL). I guess they are leaving it to all to decide instead of committing to saying one thing or another as it isn't definite on anything from how she died, where, etc. but I find this the most likely as to all the impact marks on her bones, etc... Did Alex like back his truck up or something and dump things into the pit because getting her into the pit if full bodied (again I HATE these thoughts) they weren't going to like carry her from shed to pit or anything I don't imagine in full view. Or was she already in parts when she went into the pit, etc. Okay, NO MORE such thoughts right now for me. These PEOPLE (NOT HUMAN) deserve torture and death themselves. And Lori sat there and spouted how JJ and Tylee tell her they are fine or whatEVER and Tammy was her friend. Conniving, manipulative, selfish. He as well and beyond I think, actually MORE hard to see through but worse. And NO, not insane although we'd all prefer that to be the answer to understand it.

Well not caught up and need to get on another work day. At least it is 9 today and not 7 thank God. I think it is one of the hardest parts, hours are all over the place different each day. You can't get into a routine for work or at home or sleep day to day like one can with a 9 to 5 or even a 3 to 11, always the same, it isn't. And long shifts. Anywho... Been on an egg McMuffin kick for breakfast minus ham as I don't have any. Mine are way better than MacDs but I am almost out of English muffins and next week probably will have to go without.... I don't think I need enough for a free grocery delivery as I just did one last week? Week before? Can't even recall but haven't used up most of what I ordered as hardly home or time to eat.

I really appreciate that this thread is up to date when I have no time but to try to review the Tweets and discussion, like watching Nate's nightly too. I try to do both but can't always.
I wouldn't have a problem with the death penalty in this case. I'm usually not a huge fan of the DP, but in cases like this, I am.
I am similar. I believe in it when well deserved and well obvious the guilt. In this one both James and Elena are beyond deserving it.

I might espouse it but I never mean it should be used when there are questions, or certain circumstances, guilt is not obvious, and so on. One can believe in it and not mean it should be used for every single murderer, etc. When beyond though and when absolute proof exists, I certainly believe in it. And why feel bad in this case? It isn't committing Chad to death anyhow, he is eternal from before the time of God almost so jury doesn't have to feel bad, they aren't killing a mortal. Eyeroll. Right?
Day 23, Tuesday 15th - Afternoon update


Please excuse the typos. These are live updates from the courtroom.

3:27 p.m. Prior has nothing further for today. He will continue cross-examining the witness tomorrow. Join me tonight at 6:30 MDT for ‘Courtroom Insider.’

3:26 p.m. Prior reviews the timeline of data points where Alex Cox’s phone was tracked on the Daybell property on Sept. 23.

3:24 p.m. Prior asks Wright if he is familiar with the shallow grave where JJ was found. Wright is aware.

3:22 p.m. Prior asks Wright to point to the garage on a GPS map and asks the distance from the garage to the barn in the back. Wright doesn’t know the exact size of the property, but he believes it is at least 100 yards.

3:20 p.m. Prior asks if there was any electronic information or evidence that Chad Daybell was at his property on Sept. 23 at 9:41 a.m. Wright reviewed no information showing Chad’s whereabouts that morning.

3:18 p.m. Prior asks Wright if he knows where JJ Vallow was the evening of Sept. 22. Wright says he has heard from reports that JJ was with Alex that night.

3:13 p.m. The exhibit is shown on the screen. It’s from Sept. 23, 2019 at 4:37 a.m. UTC time. It appears to be a message from Melanie Gibb to Lori. “We sent this to Chad. About 2 this morning David woke up with great pain and sorrow in his heart. He felt something big was going to happen. It was going to happen now or soon. Please call when you can. Maybe you can help him understand it. Whatever it was this was immediate. He can’t get to these people and there’s nothing he could do for them.”

3:12 p.m. Prior asks Wright if he looked into any correspondence between Lori, Melanie Gibb and David Warwick from the early morning hours of Sept. 22. Wright says he did not but believes other investigators did. Prior asks to publish an exhibit.

3:06 p.m. Prior shows the slide displaying Alex’s device activity on Sept. 22. Prior asks who was staying at Lori’s apartment on that day. Wright is aware JJ Vallow was at the apartment, and so were Melanie Gibb and David Warwick.

3:03 p.m. Prior shows the raccoon text on the screen. He asks Wright if anyone heard a gunshot in the area. Wright believes some of the neighbors were spoken to, but the police didn’t have this text until eight months later. Animal remains were found with the human remains. Wright doesn’t recall what type of animals were found in the pet cemetery. “There seemed to be at least one animal near where Tylee’s remains were found.”

3:02 p.m. Prior asks how many times Alex was at or near the property between September and November. Seven times total – four times in September and three times in October.

3:01 p.m. Prior asks Wright if he was involved in chemical testing at the apartment in Rexburg. He says the evidence response team went to the apartment at one time and took swabs of unknown substances. He does not know the results of the testing.

3 p.m. Prior asks if Wright was familiar with Chad’s habit of going to the Salem church or BYU-Idaho. Wright was not aware of Chad’s schedule. Prior asks what vehicle Alex drove to Yellowstone. He responds it was as silver/gray Ford F-150 pickup truck.

2:58 p.m. Prior asks Wright who was living at the Daybell residence on Sept. 9. To his knowledge, it was Chad, Tammy and Garth. He asks Wright if he knows their work schedules. Wright was aware that Tammy worked at the school and worked school hours on weekdays. Garth worked at two jobs.

2:52 p.m. Prior reviews the activity of Alex’s device on Sept. 9. There are gaps in the timeline, and Wright is unable to say where Alex’s device was during the gaps. Prior puts up a GPS map showing the Daybell property. There is a long driveway behind the residence.

2:48 p.m. As Wright testifies, Chad Daybell is typing on the computer and scrolling on the computer in front of him.

2:46 p.m. There were data points until 11:55 p.m. on Sept. 8 in unit 107. There were more data points in the same apartment going into Sept. 9.

2:45 p.m. Prior asks where Alex’s phone was between 11:44 p.m. and 2:42 a.m. on Sept. 8-9. Wright doesn’t recall but believes it’s in his report. Prior asks for him to review the report. Bailiff takes him the report.

2:42 p.m. We are back in the courtroom and jurors are in their seats. Prior shows a slide showing Alex’s device placements on Sept. 8-9.

2:12 p.m. Prior asks about the margin of error on the data points. We will now take an afternoon recess. Back in 20-30 minutes.

2:10 p.m. Prior asks follow-up questions about data points and the accuracy of the device movement.

2:01 p.m. Prior asks about the Yellowstone trip. He shows the cell phone activity of Alex’s device in the Old Faithful area of the park. Wright walks through the movement of the device and notes the data shows nothing of significance during the trip.

1:58 p.m. Prior asks if Wright was present when the Rexburg apartments were searched. He was not. Prior asks about items seized during that search and who was the lead detective on the case. Det. Ray Hermosillo and Det. Ron Ball were leading the case for Rexburg police.

1:56 p.m. Prior asks who was present at the search of Daybell’s property in January 2020. Wright says multiple investigators were at the home. The sheriff’s office collected 43 items at that time. Here’s the story we did at the time.

1:52 p.m. Blake has no further questions. Prior will now cross-examine.

1:49 p.m. We see an overhead GPS image of the LDS Church building in Salem. Alex’s device was there from 10:07 – 10:45 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 18.

1:42 p.m. On Oct. 18, Alex’s device was at Chick-fil-A in Ammon from 7:58 p.m. – 9:32 p.m. The device was then at the Salem church from 10:07 – 10:45 p.m. The next data point is on US Highway 20 in Rexburg.

1:39 p.m. Alex’s device takes a trip to Hurricane, Utah on Oct. 16. On Oct. 17, the device is at the Las Vegas airport. On Oct. 18, the device in back in Rexburg at the apartments. Lori flew to Hawaii on Oct. 17.

1:37 p.m. Alex Cox’s device was at Walmart the same time a new device was purchased on Oct. 8. The new device was activated the next day on Oct. 9 and there were ten text messages between the new device and a Chad Daybell device between 7:13 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.

1:32 p.m. Blake displays GPS maps showing where Alex’s device was located near the Daybell residence on the evening of Oct. 9, 2019. There aren’t a lot of places for a vehicle to pull off on the road running near the house – but there is one spot near a canal. That’s where Alex’s device registered a data point.

1:27 p.m. Pants found at the apartment complex matched the pants on the receipt. On Oct. 9, 2019, Alex’s device was in the vicinity of Daybell’s residence from 4:50-5:03 p.m. but didn’t seem to stop, Wright says. The device was then at apartment 107 from 5:16-11:53 p.m.

1:26 p.m. A Frogg Togg brand black pair of rain pants was also purchased. Warrants showed the Homerjmaximus account searched for “frog togg sizing for pants” on Google.

1:21 p.m. A camouflage beanie was purchased. We see a slide that shows a large flip mitt fingerless glove bought at the store. A dark gray three hole ski mark was also purchased.

1:13 p.m. We now see an overhead map of Sportsman’s Warehouse in Ammon, Idaho. This shows data points inside the store where Alex’s device was located. Wright retrieved receipts from Sportman’s Warehouse that showed camo pants, gloves, a Dr. Pepper and other items were purchased with cash.

1:10 p.m. The device went to the Fremont shooting range on Oct. 15 in the morning and then again in the evening. The device also went back and forth between Alex’s and Lori’s apartment – and there was a stop at Chad Daybell’s house for 15 minutes in the afternoon.

1:09 p.m. On Oct. 12 and Oct. 13, the device went to the Fremont County Sportsman’s Club shooting range. It was there for around two hours each of those days.

1:06 p.m. Alex’s device went to the Fremont County Sportsman’s Club shooting range at three different times on Oct. 7. The device also went to the Unified Sportsmen’s Club. The next day, on Oct. 8, the device went to both shooting ranges in the morning.
1:05 p.m. We are back in the courtroom. Blake continues questioning Wright about location data he examined in regards to Alex Cox’s device at the gun range.
They do it again. I haven't gotten through all this yet, not sure I will but want to say this is what they did the other day and I KNOW the case. They were talking at one point about the 8th and 9th re Tammy's shooting and then they were talking I'm sure at a different time and witness about Tylee's murder and desecration, also on the 8th and 9th but a month apart. For me just skimming to catch up on all Tweets it was like WHAT, that's not what happened but then I realized they were talking two different deaths and months, but same dates of the month, same year, different deaths and hit on both the same trial day and did so again here. MAYBE it is more clear to jurors with clearer delineation than rapid Tweets can show all of but the jumping back and forth.... It is a convoluted case to beging with more than one murder charged here no doubt and simplifying it is hard I'm sure but it confused me and we know the case/s....
Caught up I think. Unbelievably. Prior is going to say Alex came in that other long driveway and did this all himself unbeknownst to Chad lol. Yeah right. Good luck with that one Prior.
The raccoon text was when Tammy was at her family's was it not? So was she gone? This case, man. I probably have it confused --and to me people used to think she was at worth on the 9th and these were two different times BUT that may have been before more was known that TYLEE was buried on that date, etc. We all wondered a lot of things over the years before finding out more so maybe that's where I am getting mixed up. For a long time, no one was sure about Tylee, just the point last pictured... And all speculated as to dates, how, where, when and the bodies were not found yet. So I am perhaps thinking of talk as to that.

So WAS this the time Tammy was away?

Yeah, help a jury keep it straight. Actually it is probably worse for those of us (at least clearly right now with me) who have speculated and seen things in pieces and not known all over the years but have had bits come out over time than for them to just hear the CASE KNOW NOW. Because I think I am confusing what was thought etc. with what is now said or known.
Raccoon text was when Tammy was at work I always thought. This was still way before the paintball episode and her murder which were both in October.

I am guessing that the 8.37 pm time for Tylee back at the apartment is possibly when they all got back from Yellowstone. Their phones would all have travelled together ie Tylee, Lori and Alex. So that is probably an assumption she got back alive as they know when they left Yellowstone I believe and could track the phones moving together IMO.
Trying to catch up with yesterday's Tweets.

Does this mean anything (maybe I will find out if I read further)...

9:28 a.m. Prior asks about what was found in Tammy’s stomach. Marsden says she had 3.5 ounces of a substance that appeared to be potatoes and peanuts. Prior has nothing further. Blake will now re-direct.
I'm not saying it does, I have no idea. But Prior quits his cross after this question. And having maybe eaten potatoes and then eaten peanuts before or after may not be unusual but I guess I'm unsure if the mean that or this was a substance where they were eaten together? I am so not a medical person.

Probably just means she had both that day?

I know enough to know this was the stomach contents and what he last ate that day or night.

He went like a day with hardly crossing anyone and he did cross quite a bit here so maybe I'm just wondering why that question was the one he ended on. Probably no reason. Just always thinking he is up to something as all D attys are lol.

I have no real reason for thinking this odd lol. Clearly her last contents were not a meal though it would seem like sitting down to supper together with family. Maybe snacks before going to bed? How long do contents stay? And what is the whole Big Mac deal??

Recross then ends with this. PERFECT LOL. I read further before finishing this post.

9:34 a.m. Blake has nothing further but ends with this question: “In your experience, do dead bodies roll out of bed?” Marsden says no. Prior asks for re-cross but Boyce says no, the re-direct did not go beyond the scope.
There have been some people questioning Chad, him saying that she threw up when there was still contents in her stomach at the autopsy. This answered that question for me. You can still have contents in your stomach after you’ve thrown up.
Raccoon text was when Tammy was at work I always thought. This was still way before the paintball episode and her murder which were both in October.

I am guessing that the 8.37 pm time for Tylee back at the apartment is possibly when they all got back from Yellowstone. Their phones would all have travelled together ie Tylee, Lori and Alex. So that is probably an assumption she got back alive as they know when they left Yellowstone I believe and could track the phones moving together IMO.
Last night on the silver linings podcast, her family members said they heard there was a stop along the way home from Yellowstone. They wonder if they didn’t kill her then. But what about JJ? Well I know how kids can fall asleep in a car and not wake up.

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