JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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How did Chad and Lori blow $430k so quickly? 10 months from Oct 2019 till Chad's arrest in June 2020. Did it go on Lori's defence costs?

1:46 p.m. Chad and Tammy both had life insurance policies for $300,000 each that were established on March 19, 2002. Tammy also had a $130,000 policy through the school district. Chad received payouts for both policies.
I think it probably did. That and the cost of traveling so much! :holycow: and I wonder how much it cost for the beach wedding and the photographer?
Regarding this part of the questioning, I actually think Prior is right here. They were talking about building a structure because Lori mentioned the term 'spoil' regarding excavations. You don't do that if you are just going to put up tents IMO.

11:03 a.m. Prior asks about Lori saying, “I don’t get to pick the colors of what I want.” Prior asks if that suggests them talking about building buildings. Hermosillo says no. Prior asks if anything in the discussion is actually about building a structure. Hermosillo says no.
Yeah, I don’t know why Hermosillo said no. I’m not getting that part either.
Raccoon text was when Tammy was at work I always thought. This was still way before the paintball episode and her murder which were both in October.

I am guessing that the 8.37 pm time for Tylee back at the apartment is possibly when they all got back from Yellowstone. Their phones would all have travelled together ie Tylee, Lori and Alex. So that is probably an assumption she got back alive as they know when they left Yellowstone I believe and could track the phones moving together IMO.
I don't want to give wrong info but I guess we are wondering things all the time, was it this or that, and ask so I will just say I had it in my head she was at her familiy's when that text was sent to her by Chad. I recall thinking yes she gets away from him and he texts her a fairly long message (which they said was not typical of their text communications for him to say much to her like that) and she comes back with like one word answers or short ones. I recall thinking yes she gets away from him, is with family (even though he sent her) and she isn't that into having his attention (sure he ignored her in many ways) because she was short in her responses. HOWEVER, I also do think I have heard or thought I was when she was at work... So NOT sure. If she was at family's though it would EXPLAIN his sending her those dates and explain how Alex could have been there more than one day or so it would seem and her not know itt, etc...
There have been some people questioning Chad, him saying that she threw up when there was still contents in her stomach at the autopsy. This answered that question for me. You can still have contents in your stomach after you’ve thrown up.
You've lost me a bit here. Yes you could vomit a little and still have contents in your stomach. You aren't saying you believe him are you because of that? I take it you are saying dead bodies not falling out of bed answered things overall? However, you aren't referring to that you are referring to the vomiting more so and so I'm a bit lost (probably me, just finished a grueling week FINALLY) but I'm not clear on what you mean as to what answered which question. I don't think she vomited at all. I do wonder at her stomach contents meaning imo they likely did not sit down to dinner together.
Last night on the silver linings podcast, her family members said they heard there was a stop along the way home from Yellowstone. They wonder if they didn’t kill her then. But what about JJ? Well I know how kids can fall asleep in a car and not wake up.
I know some things about some of this and it is what I kind of don't bring in here. There WAS supposedly a stop, at LEAST one. And I don't mean to eat. I haven't caught SL in awhile and barely and haven't kept up with Nate and Linda either. Most I have but not all.

As to JJ I don't know that they would CARE what he saw, at least ot Lori, or knew. There's stuff out there from through the years wondering if she came home alive or dead after this YS trip. Imo the entire trip was odd to begin with. You not long ago thought a last nice treat or day for Tylee and I know that thinking, have wondered myself and many think such or wonder, but I don't see it. I see it otherwise when I think on it all and pick a leaning... That pic of her holding JJ where Alex is in it but not really engaged with them I looked at hard last night. He was in wrinkled jeans, never really noticed that before but I have always noticed the look on Tylee as she holds JJ. I will keep him safe, a bit determined, defiant? This child was not dumb and she had to have picked up on and seen a LOT through ALL of this up to her death. I also think Tylee went first because Tylee would have NEVER shut up or stood for a moment without probably at that point immediately telling someone if he went missing or all of a sudden was found dead.

I have not been convinced she did not die that day en route or somewhere they knew of that day on the way home. HE77 for all we know they could have met Chad at some remote area and had some casting of the demon in her and hacked away at her and he brought his tools. NOT saying I think that likely with the tools but remember they are getting rid of DEMONS.

I don't think Lori was taking Tylee for a last good day if she thought her dark and possessed. Maybe it was her last chance to help cast or change her ways...? No idea. Maybe YS was meant to scare or maybe it was the plan but they decided it was too risky or maybe the intent was always to kill her somewhere along the way home. I don't see again Lori as some nature buff. She's Hawaii, beach, restaurants, condos, bikes. Chad either nor Alex. I'm sure don't get me wrong anything like YS has plenty of kitchy tourist things in or near it and places to eat. But maybe no Del Taco or Chik-Fil-A and probably not appropriate for flip flops.

I don't think we will ever know but I do wonder if the feds AND various LE, some anyhow know or suspect more. They just aren't going to touch what they can't even prove or say solidly and had to pick and choose from so much to even dial these cases IN for juries and they are still convoluted.

Every choice imo from Charles death at least on through Tammy's had a purpose. Everything they did. Every trip. The move to Rexburg. The day to YS.

In yesterday's or today's tweets, can't recall, one of the LE on the stand, can't recall which department or if fed or who or what said when asked if Tylee came back home and he said they thought so to Lori's apartment where she lived with her. I can't recall if he said or meant alive, I took it he meant that though. I think I was skimming on break today quickly the Tweets not to fall too far behind. In other words, they don't know. We know she came home OR was moved at some point but whether dead or alive that's anyone's guess.

All they'd have had to do was stop and take a walk with her, and yes, maybe JJ was sleeping or whatever, or given "medicine" and end her and then put her in some large cooler, tote, you name it. Heck they could have given her some lethal poison. Anything is possible. I think though that trip had a purpose. I think though there was some testimony wasn't there that Tylee accessed some things that night or her accounts had been accessed.... Imo that could easily have been Lori.

I honestly think they just have to stay away from tons of things where they are unknown and they coudln't definitively find answers to stick to what they can or it would be what we've all had through the years and are doing here and wondering ourselves, a big mess with too many possibilities for a jury in some weeks to understand all and not be confused when they didn't follow the case throughout.

I'm not convinced Tylee died that day but I lean towards it.
Her skull was in the bucket and the bucket was partly melted wasn't it? It is disgusting just discussing this sh!t.
I think so. Did read though was it today or yesterday she was found buried near the fire pit which was also what I thought, not in it. WAs somewhere in the Tweets. I don't want to know or see the bucket or pictures and discussing this is beyond gruesome and yet it matters but is hard. But if the bucket was in the hot fire, it is plastic and I guess it would not totally disappear however the idiots also could have scooped hot remains and ash etc. into it and buried it. I don't know. Otherwise I guess they pulled the cooled melted bucket out of the fire pit and then buried it and the rest of everything... THEY DESERVE THE DP so BADLY. BOTH. But a DP that is actually carried out and that isn't a joke these days.

It is disgusting just discussing it. It's HORRID.

You know Chad's text to TAmmy about the raccoon and limbs, etc. is so evil and double meaning yet I think he expected it to impress Tammy too. A man that never probably cleaned up yard waste, limbs, shot a raccoon and hardly worked and was no outdoorsman was acting all proud that he'd done all this and expected I think also to impress her in some WEIRD way that he worked hard at home while she actually was the breadwinner, that he did so FOR ONCE. She barely reacted though. You know we knew Charles knew or was catching on, and whether Tammy saw his email or not, she was living with Chad who was doing all this, gone, having an affair and you name it, she KNEW at some level but not entirely probably. She like most women was probably keeping it together for the kids (much like Morphew) but...

Anyhow my point is Chad is no outdoorsman, probably never built a fire in a fire pit that he didn't need gasoline or knew one piece of wood from another, dry or green, etc. Didn't know plastic would make huge stinky smoke neighbors would notice even if not yards away. He did Google wind directions (very incriminating!). So I could see him putting a bucket in the fire pit but I also could see the idiot shoveling hot fire pit content INTO a plastic bucket. I don't see Alex much different. They are all city types, needing their hair done, their Del Taco, their nails done, their all of it. Chad drug Tammy and the kids to a rural property in Rexburg but then HE traveled. Lori traveled always and how many trips was she on during just this time with Zulema, Mel P, etc.? Of course as alibis and castings etc. while the murders were going on. I am wandering.

But my point is Chad NEVER did yard work, cut limbs, burned them, not sure he even cut grass in these years of their marriage or the last several for sure. He was no hunter, neither was Alex and from anything I've seen or know, neither were the families of either. They are all SOFT, they even before this needed their pleasures.

And so that bucket who knows...

We are seeing more pics all the time from Nate that families on both sides are providing. I've yet to see one of Lori on her side surfing, swimming, sweaty from gardening and canning to put up food for the end of the world as we know it and the Second Coming. I've never seen one of Chad chopping wood. CLogging. Hiking a mountain.

I'm so far from my point I will quit. Just saying that the one neighbor I recall noticed a lot more fires than usual or some such because Chad NEVER had any and who knows what the dumbarse did whether just him, he and Alex (who LorI and Chad said coudln't do anything right--uhm CHECK selves there)...

How many times was Lori to Hawaii... Not even in the past, just from her marriage to Chad and onward? THREE?

Okay sorry, made my point a bit about they are NOT nature people or people who know how to do real work or start a fire and not mess it up other than with Google searching wind directions and speed. I feel the same about Yelllowstone. This wasn't Alex and Lori's way. At all. And cleaning up the yard was never Chad's or burning brush/limbs or he wouldn't have thought it would impress Tammy because she knew he NEVER took care of such. We know of course the text was an excuse and explanation because she'd hear about it or come home and say you did what? You've never did that in the history of our marriage NOR taken the garbage out.. And ask what the heck is UP? I hope I've made SOME sense. Not sure I have. Sorry :(
Yep that's right. But I thought it proved Chad wrong that Tammy got up to be sick? That was the point - I thought her stomach would be empty. But peanuts and potatoes is not much - just a snack I guess. Was she a vegetarian?

3.5 oz is not very much - a small bag of crisps/chips is only 25 grams ( I oz ) and peanuts a similar weight so 3.5 oz is only a bag of peanuts and 1 large bag of chips.

I am just eating my third bag ATM so that is 75g (3oz).
She was at school that day right? I know this was over the weekend when he called her death in but was it not Friday and all said she was JUST FINE. The potato's and peanuts to me sound like what she had perhaps during the school day, also showing she never had a meal or dinner after getting home.. With potatoes I never thought of crisps (chips to us), I thought of French fries or something at school quickly at lunch for instance. It's a college and I'm guessing they have such. BUT a bag of chips makes sense to snacking during the work day. So do peanuts. Sounds like she was a go getter there and handling all she could help with. I don't eat a real meal during my ten hour plus work days, I want one but don't bother trying. I eat something before I go and I eat something late at night which isn't usually healthy but a real meal. Some pasta I have made to heat up all week, etc. Morning I try to have SOME protein but then I eat nothing but snack sh*t all day if anythiing. So to me this tells me this is the food she likely had at work.

Personally my thoughts on who Chad is and the TYPE he is, he was likely on her (especially with is new blonde goddess) and probably was throughout their marriage of she could do better, exercise, do this, do that, kind of like how Prior is shaming her or insulting her... WHAT DID MR. LAZY PANTS DO? The ones holding his Storm? Gag. Soft, white, chub, chipmunk cheeks. She was probably exercising with Emma (ugh) because of Chad's saying things. He quitting her video games per her grandma was probably also combined with grandma said get OFF your butt and get active.

I guess he likes anorexic hyper sexualized blondes whose daddy paid for their boobs as dad thought too small when what teen? Doesn't care if that's the case and as long as they can afford Boox for her and get some life insurance to do so, he's got it better than being with Tammy in his opinion. OMG. I mean Prior sounds as bad.

Forgive me--end of my week and coming down from it.

So I'm thinking there was no dinner that night... I'm not sure that means a thing but I guess it would show her and Chad did not have a nightly sit down dinner or with Garth (if even there) before he heads off to work) or she cooked for them after working all day but didn't eat herself. Or maybe like some when kids that age, all did their own thing, not unusual... Maybe Chad and Lori had ate out an hour before after sex and he was full....

Yes it is my destress come down night after the longest busiest week at work since last year this time. I would swear last year wasn't as bad but I think it was but because it was a year ago, I don't think so, THIS one is, memory is fresher lol. And a lot of new people, leaving of managers, new ones in place, a register down in the greenhouse so lines out to parking lot for the one open. Oh it has been something.

Anyhow to wrap back to the point where I've went all over from, I find peanuts and potatoes odd. Snacks, probably during the work day. And maybe it's not odd she had no meal after getting home. I'd like to know Chad's stomach contents. I'll guarantee Lori did don't cook for him... She was in Hawaii when Tammy died and I've never heard a word that she cooks anyhow. She and Mel P probably had poi and a pig roast and luau before doing a casting on Tammy as she was murdered... Like Z and Lori did on the shooting of Tammy...

Forgive me. This case is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beyond. There is sooooo much we don't know but there are tons of hints at. So MANY they haven't taken down.
But no he cannot because of the raccoon text, when he texts to Tammy that he was there all morning burning limbs and the racoon ended up buried in the pet cemetery.

Racoon = Tylee.

Hoisted by his own petard.

From yesterday mornings post.

11:16 a.m. Wright points out the spot on the map where investigators found Tylee Ryan buried near the fire pit.

11:13 a.m. The raccoon text is now on the screen – the message that Chad sent to Tammy at 11:53 a.m. “Well, I’ve had an interesting morning! I felt I should burn all of the limb debris by the fire pit before it got too soaked by the coming storm. While I did so, I spotted a big raccoon along the fence. I hurried and got my gun, and he was still walking along. I got close enough that one shot did the trick. He is now in our pet cemetery. Fun times!”

11:10 a.m. We now see an overhead image of the Daybell property. Wright points out where Alex’s device was that morning.

11:04 a.m. On Sept. 9, Alex’s device was tracked here:

Approximately 9 a.m. – leaves apartment 107 in Rexburg
9:15 a.m. – arrives at Chad Daybell’s house
9:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. – in the area of Daybell residence
9:21 a.m. – behind Daybell residence
9:22 a.m. – by gate on northwest corner of property
10:39 a.m. – behind residence
10:57 a.m. – behind residence
11:45 a.m. – leaves residence
11:52 a.m. – Del Taco in Rexburg
Oh yes, agree of course. Totally clear, always has been. I'd add one thing, the burning of limbs as also a double meaning, they were her limbs... HE is beyond evil. I'm serious. AND loved it. ALL of it.
I don't want to give wrong info but I guess we are wondering things all the time, was it this or that, and ask so I will just say I had it in my head she was at her familiy's when that text was sent to her by Chad. I recall thinking yes she gets away from him and he texts her a fairly long message (which they said was not typical of their text communications for him to say much to her like that) and she comes back with like one word answers or short ones. I recall thinking yes she gets away from him, is with family (even though he sent her) and she isn't that into having his attention (sure he ignored her in many ways) because she was short in her responses. HOWEVER, I also do think I have heard or thought I was when she was at work... So NOT sure. If she was at family's though it would EXPLAIN his sending her those dates and explain how Alex could have been there more than one day or so it would seem and her not know itt, etc...
I'm pretty sure she visited them in October, a couple of weeks before she was murdered. The racoon text was September 9th, so a month earlier.
Significant dates to compare to the testimony about Alex's phone movements and receipts in the thread reader app below.

Sep 9 Tylee's death, dismemberment, burning and burial. Raccoon text.
Sep 23 JJ's death and burial
Oct 2 failed shooting on Brandon
Oct 2 Lori purchases wedding ring
Oct 3 Tammy's dead Grandma visits Chad
Oct 4 and 5 Tammy visits Springfield
Oct 9 failed shooting by man in ski mask
Oct 19 Tammy's death
Oct 23 Tammy's funeral
Nov 5 beach wedding

Pulling my own post forward with a timeline.

This shows that the failed shooting of Tammy was just a few days after she returned from visiting her family in Springfield.

Sep 9 Tylee's death, dismemberment, burning and burial. Raccoon text.
Sep 23 JJ's death and burial
Oct 2 failed shooting on Brandon
Oct 2 Lori purchases wedding ring
Oct 3 Tammy's dead Grandma visits Chad
Oct 4 and 5 Tammy visits Springfield
Oct 9 failed shooting by man in ski mask
Oct 19 Tammy's death
Oct 23 Tammy's funeral
Nov 5 beach wedding
Last edited:
She was at school that day right? I know this was over the weekend when he called her death in but was it not Friday and all said she was JUST FINE. The potato's and peanuts to me sound like what she had perhaps during the school day, also showing she never had a meal or dinner after getting home.. With potatoes I never thought of crisps (chips to us), I thought of French fries or something at school quickly at lunch for instance. It's a college and I'm guessing they have such. BUT a bag of chips makes sense to snacking during the work day. So do peanuts. Sounds like she was a go getter there and handling all she could help with. I don't eat a real meal during my ten hour plus work days, I want one but don't bother trying. I eat something before I go and I eat something late at night which isn't usually healthy but a real meal. Some pasta I have made to heat up all week, etc. Morning I try to have SOME protein but then I eat nothing but snack sh*t all day if anythiing. So to me this tells me this is the food she likely had at work.

Personally my thoughts on who Chad is and the TYPE he is, he was likely on her (especially with is new blonde goddess) and probably was throughout their marriage of she could do better, exercise, do this, do that, kind of like how Prior is shaming her or insulting her... WHAT DID MR. LAZY PANTS DO? The ones holding his Storm? Gag. Soft, white, chub, chipmunk cheeks. She was probably exercising with Emma (ugh) because of Chad's saying things. He quitting her video games per her grandma was probably also combined with grandma said get OFF your butt and get active.

I guess he likes anorexic hyper sexualized blondes whose daddy paid for their boobs as dad thought too small when what teen? Doesn't care if that's the case and as long as they can afford Boox for her and get some life insurance to do so, he's got it better than being with Tammy in his opinion. OMG. I mean Prior sounds as bad.

Forgive me--end of my week and coming down from it.

So I'm thinking there was no dinner that night... I'm not sure that means a thing but I guess it would show her and Chad did not have a nightly sit down dinner or with Garth (if even there) before he heads off to work) or she cooked for them after working all day but didn't eat herself. Or maybe like some when kids that age, all did their own thing, not unusual... Maybe Chad and Lori had ate out an hour before after sex and he was full....

Yes it is my destress come down night after the longest busiest week at work since last year this time. I would swear last year wasn't as bad but I think it was but because it was a year ago, I don't think so, THIS one is, memory is fresher lol. And a lot of new people, leaving of managers, new ones in place, a register down in the greenhouse so lines out to parking lot for the one open. Oh it has been something.

Anyhow to wrap back to the point where I've went all over from, I find peanuts and potatoes odd. Snacks, probably during the work day. And maybe it's not odd she had no meal after getting home. I'd like to know Chad's stomach contents. I'll guarantee Lori did don't cook for him... She was in Hawaii when Tammy died and I've never heard a word that she cooks anyhow. She and Mel P probably had poi and a pig roast and luau before doing a casting on Tammy as she was murdered... Like Z and Lori did on the shooting of Tammy...

Forgive me. This case is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beyond. There is sooooo much we don't know but there are tons of hints at. So MANY they haven't taken down.
She worked at a school so I bet she ate dinner at lunchtimes during school days. Teachers and workers probably got free lunches. That could also explain only evening snacks in her stomach by late evening, when she was murdered..
Tylee's phone could still be with them and all tracked tracked together even if tylee wasn't still alive. Her being alive just because of this is quite an assumption. It just means her phone was with them.
I'm not sure we will ever know but I'm not sure Tylee came back alive. All we know is she was killed at some point.
Ok Lori mentioning 'spoil' is clearly what gave LE probable cause for the search warrant the next day. Excellent job LE. They were clearly discussing putting down a base for a home and getting rid of any remains - the 'spoil' she mentions in the call.

11:04 a.m. This call was on June 8, 2020 at 9:16 p.m. Less than 12 hours later, police were at Chad’s house searching his property for JJ and Tylee.
9:48 a.m. Chad says he thought back on the entire scenario. Chad says, “He said it wouldn’t be a problem.” Lori mentions the blueprints and plans. Lori asks Chad if he thinks it was meant to have complications or go that direction. Chad says, “At some point, yeah.” Lori: “Then we should have said this is a 99% chance that we are going to have trouble with this spoil. That’s all we are asking. Could this potentially be good or do we have to fill it with sand?” Chad says, “We sense we shouldn’t take it likely and I don’t think we did. We only discussed the matter, the trouble, once and I thought we cut it off and did well and now that problem is kind of causing it’s own trouble for itself.” Lori says, “There are other things in the project where we’re going to end up going back over it that I could have easily done or been inspired to do to avoid a lot of the issues that are going to come up with that.”

spoil definition

In the construction industry, the term 'spoil' generally refers to excavated or unwanted material that is removed from the construction site during excavation, earthworks, foundation construction and so on.
Spoil may include soil, rock or other debris that is not useful or necessary for the construction project. It is typically removed from the site and disposed of at a designated facility.

I don't know. I thought the same at first but listen to it and it can be taken to mean so many different things but it IS of note that shortly after they moved on the property with a warrant. I am still catching up but will post Nate's from last night if no one has by the time I finish. It is LONG but it is must watch and one in which hearing some of the things and more of it (and watch chat while doing so) tells far more than the Tweets. There is a LOT packed in yesterday and a lot of note. WE could discuss just yesterday and what is in Nate's video from it FOREVER with good discussion and questions but since trial goes on, probably won't happen as happens with lack of time and things proceeding. I know this, Chad is BURNT TOAST. Guilty on all counts and DP coming imo. Short of a rogue juror who doesn't see it. This has been NAILED even if some gets confusing. SHOWN repeatedly the ties and involvement and yesterday was HUGE. Prior can put on a defense but regardless, it is all THERE, so MUCH.

I started out thinking the talk in code was of the kids burial but was not so sure during the conversation listening to it and not an analogy, at the end when knowing they moved on it hours later and arrested Chad I thought it might be again. I'm not convinced that's what they were talking of and certainly not ALL they talked off (like the 3 percent thing) but IF it was what they were talking--how DID they know trouble was coming as to the kids being buried on Chad's property? Who is their inside person? They should have had NO way of knowing a search was coming or that they were even looking at such, the land, the changes, the aerials, getting a warrant, etc... HOW did they know this? And don't tell me Alex texted him lol.

I'm going to link it, again a MUST watch. Imo. if someone already has before I catch up with all posts, well then they have. I might not manage to stay on til end with time so putting up just in case plus I already had the link read to go.

Alex appears to have been the only "prophet" in this case. He said he thought they were going to use him as the "fall guy", according to Zulemma. Well..............
yeah and now Chad is texting him in heav--or is it HE77??? and Alex seems to be the one since he passed on with the power to answer, guide and help them and he is talking as if Alex was the one who reassured them, even while on earth the way it sounds? or just after? give me a break. they knew this sh*t was beling listened to and that part was making Alex the one they listened to imo, after all, Lori was jailed by now so setting it up...the other stuff though was real code for other things...

Imo this has gotten at times a bit confusing for jurors who did not follow the case and even for any of us BUT they have shown a TON of evidence and yesterday nail in Chad's coffin imo the final one except for TODAY, I am guessing it will be a total show of Chad's total involvement and even leadership.
I don't remember these calls being released in Lori's trial? But, I didn't get a chance to see/hear all of any trials, so this may have been released on a busier day for me.
If you haven't watched Nate's, you'll get the answer to that and a ton more. It packed a lot in for a tired me as well and I havent' even listened to all the questions and answers yet so am not done.
I don't remember much at all about Lori's trial but I have seen I commented along at the time. Memory like a sieve. I sometimes read a post of mine and think "that doesn't sound like me!".
Ditto. I just watched the bulk of Nate's and already it is like was that what was heard at Lori's and this was new or the other way around. I pray all the time it is from lack of time and packing too much in in a short time rather than my memory that also seems to have become sieve like as you say...

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