JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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How did Chad and Lori blow $430k so quickly? 10 months from Oct 2019 till Chad's arrest in June 2020. Did it go on Lori's defence costs?

1:46 p.m. Chad and Tammy both had life insurance policies for $300,000 each that were established on March 19, 2002. Tammy also had a $130,000 policy through the school district. Chad received payouts for both policies.
I don't think it matters but we know little about the debt of both other than I'd guess it was fairly massive. Colby made a remark lack of money was a constant them with Charles and Lori and Lori had a divorce attorney as well and they aren't cheap. Travel constantly both before and after the deaths, Botox, hair, bikinis, trips. I have to wonder how Tammy and Chad were doing also. Sounds like she may have kept somewhat of a tight rein on him over finances BUT probably because he blew through money any chance he got. He traveled plenty while she worked. Two apartments at least being paid for in Rexburg, and who knows with Mel P, she had a divorce attorney as well and an apartment. Storage units, the jeep (was it paid off?), and more. Who knows? Not saying Tammy's blood money paid for all of these things but I have no problem believing they paid some things off and blew a lot of the rest. Had some left to pay an attorney when Lori was arrested and then Chad. Who knows how much. That would NOT last long. It was just in something that Lori paid for one of Chad's trips, was it the one to AZ to her house? We know Lori used Charles' accounts after he died to purchase things. Neither of these two were financially responsible in their marriages nor after imo or had a pot to pee in other than that life insurance. Lori never got any and I doubt ever lived within her means and Chad did and they both went hog wild imo. Were they paying for the flights etc. of all the others as well? Who knows.

I would suspect a chunk was left and it went right to attorneys.
Regarding this part of the questioning, I actually think Prior is right here. They were talking about building a structure because Lori mentioned the term 'spoil' regarding excavations. You don't do that if you are just going to put up tents IMO.

11:03 a.m. Prior asks about Lori saying, “I don’t get to pick the colors of what I want.” Prior asks if that suggests them talking about building buildings. Hermosillo says no. Prior asks if anything in the discussion is actually about building a structure. Hermosillo says no.
I listened to this conversation on Nate's from last night. It can be taken many different ways... I took it various ways throughout as did many in the chat...

I used to work with another female who fast became a very good friend. We worked in a very small office. She and I were in one open room and three three men, all our bosses, worked right around us with open doors in their offices. We wanted to talk about personally stuff and one day without even having to explain it to each other, knowing they listened, we just started using the word HOUSE for something not even CLOSE to a house. The color red then came in. We added the term boat. Etc. It was fun and we laughed out loud and all the older male bosses I am sure wondered why we were so excited about having seen a red house.... Let me tell you, it was not even CLOSE to what we were talking of...This is what Chad and Lori are doing. Now it is interesting the search came right after this conversation so it COULD be definitely BUT I think several things were being talked of in this conversation and that was one. Tell me though how they KNEW? And why they were worried about such as if it was already trouble? The search hadn't happened yet.

I DO think it is what they were likely talking of in some of the conversation. I think they were talking of whether they buried them well enough, covered well enough, things like that... But I'm not certain.... Chad had done that thing about wanting to put up a trailer for him and Lori on his property (********) which is hinted was an excuse for him to excavate and bury deeply and put cement over, a foundation... This seems to hint towards them talking of such still or something like that...

Why IS it we are in trial and some of these things are not coming out though? LIKE BAM what he said here is the reason the search warrant was granted? Have we been told what a judge was told and why it was granted? The raccoon text we know is part, the aerial photos on different dates and changes in the ground, the fact the kids WERE missing, maybe him wanting to build them a home (so he could bury forever) BUT what really was the BAM? And DID this conversation give them some final thing to get one granted?

I would suggest listening to Nate's. It gets a bit tiresome listening to Chad and Lori but it is worth it to hear it all and see how you think from one end to the other of their conversation AND watch chat. Of course you would be going in with an opinion now where I watched it before reading the Tweets and conversation about it here. STILL so did many and many interpreted it in different ways as did I off and on throughout. They also know they are being recorded. I think like my friend and I they were hitting to a different point here and there to throw off. We would talk about a red house for so long and then just thrown some other kink in (and we sooooo got each other lol., so much fun) and for lack of recalling what all of a sudden start talking of our moms and how the rhubarb was up (which meant nothing at all lol). Again they know they are being listened to and as dumb as they are, not sure anything was the term for obvious stuff. Blueprint of course we are all going to assume is code for a plan. But again they know that. AT least she was not baby voiced in this one, her little whispering, lovey dovey worry about Chad voice. There are a lot of interesting things in it. Still haven't went back and listened to questions and answers for the rest of fit with Nate. He's good ut I swear he is better all the time--Nate. Man is he on it all. A great show.
You've lost me a bit here. Yes you could vomit a little and still have contents in your stomach. You aren't saying you believe him are you because of that? I take it you are saying dead bodies not falling out of bed answered things overall? However, you aren't referring to that you are referring to the vomiting more so and so I'm a bit lost (probably me, just finished a grueling week FINALLY) but I'm not clear on what you mean as to what answered which question. I don't think she vomited at all. I do wonder at her stomach contents meaning imo they likely did not sit down to dinner together.
You’ve read way too much into my comment. All I said was that you can vomit and still have things in your stomach. It was a question that people were having. I didn’t say if I question Chad or not.
Nate said there’s one more witness from the prosecution today and then court will end early today.

I think there’s going to be a medical examiner that’s going to debate Tammy‘s cause of death, and Prior promised at least two of Chad‘s kids were going to testify. That’s going to be quite interesting. The defense should start tomorrow, I would think.
Prosecution just has one more witness tomorrow then will rest their case.

Do we know how many the Defense are going to have? Bearing in mind Lori had none right?
I don't know but I don't think he is going to go overboard or too crazy. He isn't the attys in Delphi. Not to compliment Prior but I think he will have the kids, some experts like a doctor on Tammy, or coroner, maybe someone on the cell phone stuff, may put up an LE or two to question in his version (doubt it though). He could call back like Mel P, G or Zulema but I kind of doubt he will... BUT I may be surprised.... I think he will center on showing there is no proof he had anything to do with the kids and no proof Tammy did not die of natural causes. I disagree and I think he will fail miserably as to a verdict but that's really all they have. The connections here have been shown a millionfold by the prosecution, the connection, the reason, the plan, the trio at least (Alex Lori and Chad).

They've both now heard this all too, Chad and Prior, and have to evaluate imo as to what the P has said, shown, picked out. If Prior ever thought or Chad either he will get him off on ALL of these charges, I'd say they were dreaming and have to know by now, probably not going to happen.

I could be wrong but I don't think he will go overboard. Maybe a week? Long time on stand for some perhaps, their experts on Tammy maybe... Putting those kids up imo is a huge risk. They will be crossed of course.
Yeah, I don’t know why Hermosillo said no. I’m not getting that part either.
Because even if it is about that, they aren't talking of building, they are talking about whether the kids are deep enough, hidden enough, etc. imo. Did he do enough layers. Should they have filled in with sand.... IF it is even about that. Listening to it, one could take it to be about various subjects in code. Seriously listen to Nate's AND watch the chat as you do. If I get a chance I may have to listen and watch twice. Nate even said rehearing it he picked up on more than the first time in court. Jmo.
I'm pretty sure she visited them in October, a couple of weeks before she was murdered. The racoon text was September 9th, so a month earlier.
Yes, I ran into it in watching I think Nate. Was October 4th or 5th. So it wasn't when Tylee was murdered, buried, etc. Thank you. This case. I know it well but ya all know we all do and so much to keep straight. it does make it interesting to me though if Tammy was in town that all of this went on when kids were home or Emma across the street, Tammy home even if at work, neighbors, etc... Imo he texted because it was a typical of him to do any yard work or shoot any critter, be home, or give a sh*t.
HERE WE GO WITH THE LAST WITNESS! Hadn't totally caught up but did with Tweets just not all posts by members. Was close I think.
She worked at a school so I bet she ate dinner at lunchtimes during school days. Teachers and workers probably got free lunches. That could also explain only evening snacks in her stomach by late evening, when she was murdered..
A college. Not sure if free lunches but guessing she could access anything just as the college kids can if they want to pay for it from vending to French fries to bags of chips to peanuts. I think not that it matters my point was that they didn't sit down to dinner most likely and weren't a "couple" having a typical routine after she got home, sit down to supper/dinner. It's a small thing but I just wonder what the evening was like I guess far earlier in the evening. Another thing I was getting at and not sure I said is that if she ingested this food many hours earlier, she's unlikely to vomit it 6 to 12 or whatever hours later, or have anything much to vomit. Meaning her vomit attack (false anyhow) may have been minor, some liquid or some such) NOT that I buy she vomited at all.

Yes these sound like snacky foods, not sure about the potatoes, I guess I thought potatoes until you mentioned chips/crisps. Which makes more sense actually. I don't eat anything "real" all day at work and I am guessing she may have been similar. No meals I mean.

Again not the hugest thing but just saying she didn't go home each night to a family that sat down to dinner and Chad being less engaged in work hadn't cooked a meal for her/them nor had she for him/them most likely. Not sure of my point other than trying to get a feel for the evening overall and prior to her death. And their daily lifestyle. I am thinking at this point there wasn't one, he was cheating and she likely had begun to wonder about a lot of things... Who knows though.
Yeah I just saw that.

Thursday May 16th - morning update.


Please excuse the typos. These are live updates from the courtroom.

12:31 p.m. Boyce says there is a filed amended indictment that has the wrong dates for JJ Vallow’s death. He is giving the state two hours to prepare for argument. We will be back at 2:30 p.m.

12:28 p.m. Boyce says the language varies on the indictment from “on or about” and “on or between.” On the JJ Vallow murder, it says, “on or between Sept. 8-9.” Prosecutors ask to come back on Monday morning and argue. Prior says the state has had plenty of time to change the indictment and they had already amended it. He doesn’t think they should be able to amend it any further.

12:25 p.m. Boyce is prepared to make a ruling but says he has an issue with part of the indictment. The indictment was amended on Feb. 20, 2024 and says JJ Vallow was killed Sept. 8-9, 2019. Boyce says JJ Vallow was clearly alive on those days.

12:22 p.m. Batey mentions that Chad told numerous people in his life that Tammy was going to die, Chad sent texts to his mistress that he felt trapped, Lori was shopping for wedding rings before Tammy died, Chad told conflicting stories about Tammy died and at her funeral, Chad said he had miraculously asked Tammy for all the financial passwords just days before her death.

12:17 p.m. Batey says there is ample evidence of the murders of Tylee and JJ because the bodies were found buried on Chad’s property. A reminder of the charges Chad is facing:

trial of chad daybell charges 2

12:15 p.m. Batey lists out the evidence the state presented in relation to each charge. She mentions the overt acts relating to the charges.

12:13 p.m. Ingrid Batey argues the jury should determine the weight of the evidence. She lists out the charges and says the state has presented evidence on all aspects of the charges.

12:11 p.m. Prior says there is no indication that Chad was present in the murders of JJ or Tylee. Prior says in regards to the conspiracy charges, there is no indication that Chad was involved. For the fraud charge, Prior says the only testimony he heard was the insurance was raised. “At this point I don’t think the state has met its burden regrading the fraud, all the conspiracy charges and they have not met their burden in the murders.”

12:09 p.m. We are back in the courtroom. Prior will now argue for a directed verdict – “a ruling from the judge after determining that there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable jury to reach a different conclusion.”

11:38 a.m. Boyce says we will take a break and a defense motion will be heard in 30 minutes.

11:36 a.m. Sidebar is over. Blake says the state rests its case.

11:31 a.m. Blake says the state has no further witnesses. Boyce asks if the state is resting. Blake asks for a sidebar.

11:29 a.m. Blake shows a slide showing the texts where Chad indicates a plan is being orchestrated. Blake asks where Tammy’s body was located. In her bed. She asks where JJ and Tylee were located. On the pasture of Chad Daybell’s property. Blake has nothing further.

11:26 a.m. Blake will now re-direct. She asks about manipulation by Lori. “Thought your investigation, did you also find manipulation from Chad Daybell?” Hart says he did. He found it throughout the entire course of the investigation. Chad determined someone was dark, a zombie and dark percentages.

11:25 a.m. Prior suggests this is an example of Lori trying to manipulate Chad. Hart agrees. Prior has nothing further.

11:24 a.m. Lori to Chad, “If you really loved me u wouldn’t want that either.” Chad to Lori, “I could have talked, but the girls were there. I truly love you with all my heart.” Lori to Chad, “U should give all your love and your attention to your wife and family. I’m just a distraction. Go have fun with your family. I really do want you to. I just can’t be in the way anymore. If things change then we can talk. But we have nothing until things change anyway.”

11:22 a.m. Chad to Lori, “I’m just so frustrated. I’m sorry, honey.” Lori to Chad, “U can’t just keep tearing my heart out. I really can’t take it any more. I’m sorry.” Chad to Lori, “It is tearing both of our hearts out. Please look beyond the next two days.” Lori to Chad, “What about the past 2 days? I didn’t even get to talk to you on your birthday. I’m clearly not a priority. I just don’t want to eb so sad all the time. And so heart broken.”

11:21 a.m. Prior asks if this is an example of Lori manipulating Chad. Hart says, “Absolutely. They both manipulated each other.”

11:18 a.m. Prior shows a text from Chad to Lori on Aug. 11, 2019. “No, but the next two days will be torture. Thankfully I will be alone more of Wednesday and beyond.” Lori to Chad, “Is that what He wants? For me to sit around waiting for you endlessly. And you miserably wasting time? Is just doesn’t feel right!” Chad to Lori, “I agree. It feels so drawn out.”

11:15 a.m. Prior asks Hart if Chad having spiritual gifts is unusual. Hart says he doesn’t believe it’s common. Prior asks about a breakup between Lori and Chad. He moves to admit an exhibit containing four text messages between Lori and Chad from Aug. 11, 2019.

11:12 a.m. Prior asks if the FBI ever uses a medium to try to locate or talk to children who have passed on. Hart says it’s extremely common for mediums to come forward during investigations but the FBI does not employee mediums. Prior asks about a person named Allison Dubois. Hart says she is a spiritual medium but he doesn’t know what specific abilities she has. Prior asks if a medium has ever been utilized to get information about missing children. Hart has never spoken with Allison Dubois and has never requested her services. “Many times these people come forward offering their services and offering what they claim to have seen.”

11:10 a.m. Prior asks if it would be fair to say that you would look at a new husband if children are missing. Hart says yes but you can’t put blinders on and have to keep an open mind.

11:09 a.m. Blake has nothing further. Prior will now cross-examine.

11:05 a.m. Blake asks Hart if Alex would do what Chad asks. Hart says yes. Tammy Daybell did not know Alex. The only connection was Chad. The next slide shows texts from Oct. 23, 2019. Lori to Chad, “I had a bad dream about Al. Make sure he is still him and protect him. He would be the one they use to get to us both. All this along time is not good for him.” Chad to Lori, “I will try to reach out to him later today.” Around 20 minutes later, Chad wrote, “I just cleared all of Al’s weapons, curses and cords, and filled him with malachite healing balm. I also put angels around him.”

11:03 a.m. The next text from Lori to Chad on Oct. 20 at 8:20 a.m.: “That’s true. I do feel you. I feel love sick. I don’t want to eat. I just want you. It’s so consuming.” Chad to Lori, “I know exactly how you feel. I’m feeling sad, but it isn’t for the reason everyone thinks!”

11 a.m. Next slide is text from Chad to Lori: “I want t get going full steam on the Lili workout plan. Tighten the abs, get a full-body tan, grow my hair out. This could be really good for both of us.” Lori to Chad, “I love that plan. It’s not soon enough though. This is torture. Maybe you need to clear my mind so I can’t remember how much I love you.” Chad to Lori, “I will try, but it feels like Raphael and Lil are together about 100 percent. Not sure it will ever be lower again.”

10:59 a.m. Next slide shows text from Lori to Chad on Oct. 20. “Need you to hold me tight! That would be great. What about the idea or you coming here Thursday or Friday? Or do u want me to come home?” Chad to Lori, “Their apartment is haunted and we can’t clear the place. So they are looking to move anyway, and I have the perfect place for them. I need to be here to get sorting the financial stuff, and I truly need your help. So please come home Thursday so we can spend the night together. Then as soon as I have things under control, we can return. I seriously want you to look for a condo for us while you are there that we could return to at the first of the month.”

10:55 a.m. The next slide is from Oct. 20 – the day after Tammy died. Chad to Lori, “Percetange in body – Holsor 24, Kola 11, Grisone 14.” Chad to Lori, “Great job on lowering them! I loved talking with you! It is baby night, so come get me later!” Chad to Lori: “Missing you so much! I can feel you in bed with me, though. Can’t wait to truly hold you tightly every day and night.” Lori to Chad, “I’m missing you more!! I need you desperately. I can’t wait!”

10:54 a.m. Lori texts Chad at 9:52 p.m. that day. “Not fun without you. Can u call me?” Another from Lori to Chad: “How are you doing is the question.” Chad responds, “I’m hanging in there. My parents are staying here and we are still getting visitors, but I will call you soon.”

10:50 a.m. Four days later, the first attempt on Tammy Daybell’s life happened in her driveway. The next slide shows text messages from Oct. 19 – the day Tammy died. An unknown person texts Lori at 10:33 a.m., “I’m not sure if you heard but Chad’s wife died last night.” Lori responds, “Oh my gosh, I did not hear that. I’m in Hawaii and it’s 6 a.m. Do you know what happened?” The unknown person responds, “Yes, she awoke in the night coughing, threw up, collapsed and passed away.”

10:49 a.m. Chad continues, “Sam is much like Brandon. She has been my biggest enemy over the years. She refuses to read my books and threw the biggest fit when we moved to Idaho. She has only visited us when the kids got married and always fled Idaho within hours, like she was being burned. She’s definitely comparable to Brandon and Summer. Not really sure of the timing for removal, but once her actions verify the differences, I don’t want to wait.”

10:45 a.m. The next slide shows a text from Chad to Lori on Oct. 5. “The short version is that she has been switched. Tammy is in Limbo, and a level 3 demonic entity named Viola is in her body. It happened at about 10 p.m. and was done by Tammy’s sister Sam, who I always knew was 3D, but it turns out she is multiple creation…Viola has been attached for about a year to my niece Danica, who is Sam’s 12 year old daughter. I have connected with Tammy in Limbo, and she is very frustrated and upset. She wants Viola removed as soon as possible. Viola seems to be similar to Penelope. The personality differences from Tammy should be evident quickly. Please seek a confirmation on this, but I have now checked three times since I got home and get more affirmative answers each time.”

10:41 a.m. The next slide shows a message from Chad to Lori on Oct. 3. “Good night, angel Lili. So excited to go on our date!” Lori to Alex on Oct. 4, “We are supposed to go on a real date tonight but we are discussing it. Perhaps an evening at home would be better so we are not out and about. I’ll let you know. But u could come and sing with us after your shower.” Chad to Lori on Oct. 5, “Hello, sweet angel. Big news about Tammy. Please let me know if you are awake and can talk. I love you.” This was during the timeframe Chad encouraged Tammy to go to Utah to see her family.

10:39 a.m. The next slide if a text from Sidney Woodbury, the babysitter, to Lori on Sept. 24. “Hi Lolo! Are we still good for me coming today?” Lori responds, “Hi Sidney. I hope the wedding was good. So JJ’s grandparents came this weekend and they took him for a few weeks to give me a break. So he won’t be back until probably the end of October. I wish I had other work for you to do. You are such a darling girl. I understand if you need together another job :)” Lori sent another follow up message. “Of course. I’m not sure when he will be back but I’m going to do some traveling while he’s gone. Probably to see my friends in Hawaii but I’ll let you know for sure when we are both back in Rexburg. You are great!”

10:38 a.m. The next slide shows the last known video of JJ Vallow. It was on Sept. 22 at 10:46 a.m. He is sitting on the couch in an apartment wearing red pajamas playing with a cup. Blake plays the short clip.

10:36 a.m. In the videos section on the lori4style iCloud, the last known video of Tylee was taken on Sept. 8. 2019 at 2:49 p.m. She is holding JJ while they stand next to Alex at Yellowstone National Park. It was taken five days after the messages about eliminating zombies completely.

10:34 a.m. Hart says these texts help explain Alex Cox’s role in the relationship with Chad and Lori. Alex was not included in the messages regarding death percentages, Hart says.

10:32 a.m. Tylee Ryan’s last known sighting was a few days later – Sept. 8. Alex continues to Lori, “And I can change it to whatever u want if you wanna change it. I am proud of you. No more Zs.” Lori responds, “We r trying to get to the bottom of what we need to do to eliminate them completely. I’m sure you will be told also.” Alex says, “Excellent.”

10:30 a.m. Back in the courtroom. Blake continues to show slides with text messages. On Sept. 3, Alex texted Lori, “Wifi is on. Whatcha doin?” Lori says, “Working on Z’s. What did u decide on user name and password?” Alex to Lori, “Network name is anti-laman pw is 2manykids.” Lori responds, “Funny!”

10:05 a.m. Hart says the finish line was this plan they had without Charles, Tammy, JJ and Tylee. Mid-morning break time. Back in 20-30 minutes.

10 a.m. The texts continue. Chad to Lori, “You’re so incredible. In many ways, your mission has barely begun.” Lori to Chad, “As long as it ends with you…it’s all good.” Chad to Lori, “Yes, cheek to cheek. Loin to loin.” Lori to Chad: “I wish I could be with you check to cheek.” Chad to Lori: It is very far away, my love. I seriously cannot stop crying. I was allowed to feel my own emotions. I will experience as you sing to them, and the love, admiration and reverence I have for you are indescribable. Everything we do together is going to be spectacular.” Lori to Chad, “I cannot wait. I have no patience…I want you now.” Chad to Lori, “I’m certainly your biggest fan! I love you, Lili! Hold on, my sweet angel. We’re so close to the finish line!” Lori to Chad, “I’m trying.” Chad to Lori, “We’ll make it.”

9:58 a.m. Lori to Chad, “What should I be doing?” Chad to Lori, “You are doing everything right, my love. The Lord told me, ‘She is right on track.’ He said to just keep resolving the telestial issues so you are unencumbered and fully free. That actually feels good that JJ was talking to the real Blake. Getting close. When I was sitting across from him eating bacon, I sensed he was barely attached to his body.”

9:56 a.m. Blake asks where Tylee and JJ’s remains were ultimately located. Hart says, “On Chad Daybell’s property.”

9:55 a.m. Again – Blake is Melani Boudreaux’s child. Texts continue. Lori to Chad, “Do u think there is a perfectly orchestrated plan to take the children? And we just have to wait for it to be carried out? I feel lost. Like I should be doing something to help.” Chad to Lori, “There is a plan being orchestrated for the children. I was shown last night how it fit together, but it has been taken from my mind of course.”

9:53 a.m. Charles had been dead for a month when these messages were exchanged. He had been a big help in caring for JJ, Hart says. Chad responds to Lori, “Yes, he’s at zero. He probably was partly through the veil, talking to people, both light and dark.” Lori responds, “Maybe he was talking to the real Blake.” Chad says, “Yes, that was the real Blake.”

9:50 a.m. On Aug. 10, Lori texts Chad at 1:18 a.m., “Please check JJ. He just woke up saying crazy stuff and won’t go back to sleep. He is talking to Blake. It’s weird.” Chad responded at 7:24 a.m. “JJ is still JJ. I am told his spirit recognizes Blake is evil and is unsettled by him.” An hour later, Chad texts, “Hi, my love. How is JJ now?” Lori responds, “He’s better. He was just up talking nonsense for like 2 hours later night. I’m sure they were bugging him. Is he at zero yet? I miss you.”

9:48 a.m. These photos were taken on Aug. 7, 2019. Tammy Daybell was still alive. The next screen shows messages from Aug. 7. Lori to Chad, “I love you. taking braxy home now. I’ll check on her. She is asleep. She put a bunch of holes in the walls and doors. Definitely had demons helping her. Probably 1000. Mel wants us to come up there tomorrow but I said next Thursday to Sunday. What do u think? We r both so tired of taking care of demons. We are weary. Please ask the Lord to take them!”

9:45 a.m. The next slide shows a photo of Chad standing by a picture of Jesus Christ hanging on a wall in an old LDS church. Alex sent it to Lori with caption, “Look at the bubbies.” There is also a photo of Alex standing by the same picture of Jesus Christ. Chad texted Lori the image with the caption, “Two exalted beings.”

9:44 a.m. Hart could never find the actual percentage chart.

9:41 a.m. The message from Chad to Lori shows he is the source of what is happening, Hart says. Next slide if a texts from Chad to Lori, “Yes, we might need to release a little steam when we talk. Anyway, this is the chart that checks what percentage mortals are still in their body. It worked for my friend’s wife who died, my neighbor, George Bush, Stan Lee, etc. I kind of forgot about it because we’ve been dealing with zombies and demonic entities. But this afternoon Tammy said she felt lightheaded, as if her body and spirit weren’t connected.” Chad follows up seven minutes later, “I will update the list and figure out Brandon, Adam and others.”

9:37 a.m. Next slide starts with Lori to Chad. “2 and 3 percent? Not zero?” Chad to Lori, “I will explain when we talk.” Lori to Chad, “Ok. still feeling hot for you.”

9:34 a.m. Hart says this is the first we time we see the full phrase “death percentages” and that they are Chad’s – he says “my original death percentages.”

9:33 a.m. On July 30, Chad texts Lori, “I got the inspiration to go back to my original death percentages that helped us track Charles, Ned, etc. Tammy is very close. Her percentage has fallen steadily since Hippos left. It is encouraging!” Lori to Chad, “What is the percentage now? What about JJs too?” Chad to Lori, “Tammy is at 3. JJ is at 2. Both ar being heavily shielded to stop intruders.”

9:31 a.m. These texts were sent as Lori and Melani B. were traveling to California with their kids. The two 3s are referring to two of the kids who are in the car with them. Chad wrote that he would “give them a reason to scream” – indicating he could cause physical pain to the children. Chad sits stoic and shows no reaction as these texts are read.

9:30 a.m. The next slide is from July 29. Chad to Lori, “One question: Do you want me to cause pain yet to those two 3s you’re riding with?” Lori to Chad: “Probably hold off on them till we arrive. They will be mistake to deal with. But I’ll text you if they start acting up and we can zap them. Miserable – not mistake.” Chad to Lori, “Sounds great. Yes, if they are going to act up, we’ll at least give them a reason to scream. I love, cherish, treasure and adore you. The wonderful memories just keep coming back. You are mesmerizing. Raphael is one lucky guy.”

9:29 a.m. Brighton is another one of Melani Boudreax’s sons. Mel refers to Melani.

9:27 a.m. The next slide shows texts from the same day. Chad to Lori, “Missing you too! It is still JJ. I’m told she is lying about him being calm and watching movies.” Lori to Chad, “Mel knew. She called me. She felt the real Brighton last night and knew she was different. She was told I didn’t want to tell her. She is taking well and knowing it is part of a big plan. She is amazing! although I’m still pretty upset over it. I love you. trying to ‘hang in there.’ Missing your kisses.”

9:25 a.m. On July 26, 2019, Chad texted Lori, “How are things at home?” Lori responds, “She’s fine. Need you to check JJ. She said he was calm and he watched moves all day which he would never do. Missing you!!” Most of these messages have lips, kiss, fire emojis.

9:24 a.m. There is an 11 hour gap of time between Lori asking Chad to check JJ and her asking him to check Tylee. Chad then responds two hours later. “Chad Daybell is the one who will explain to Lori Vallow. Lori Vallow is making inquires to Chad Daybell, and Chad Daybell tells her, ‘I will explain it,'” Hart says.

9:20 a.m. This is a conversation about a child, Hart notes, and Chad talked about “greatly increased his pain.” The other message referred to Chad turning up Tylee’s pain. The next slide is from July 23. Lori to Chad: “Good morning. Missing you. Didnt’ sleep much. Need you to check JJ. Weird stuff happened in the middle of the night. It’s like they distracted us with Blake. When u get home, Check Tylee. She is being super sweet and helpful and she cleaned her room. See if she got switched. Totally not her.” Chad to Lori, “Yes, she was switched. Please let me know when you can talk, and I will explain it.”

9:18 a.m. On July 20, Lori texted Chad. “What’s Blake’s percentage?? He drew three crosses on the wall in his bedroom. We just finished painting over them. Like he was marking it for the dark side to find him.” Chad responds: “Blake is at 7. I took my sword of light and sliced his aura vertically in several places. You should be able to now rip and burn it. I also decreased his pain tolerance to 1 percent and greatly increased his pain. His desire to depart is at 80 percent.” Blake was 3-4 years old at the time and is Melani Boudreaux’s son. (She is Lori’s niece and is now Melani Pawlowski.)

9:17 a.m. Blake asks Hart what Chad meant by “extreme changes” in the text message. “Within three months of this date, Tylee, JJ and Tammy are all dead.”

9:15 a.m. Hart says Lori repeatedly went to Chad for guidance and answers. These messages were one week following Charles Vallow’s death.

9:13 a.m. Tammy Daybell was still alive during this time. The next slide shows the messages continue. Lori to Chad: “And Then what?…Back to crying and saying goodbye, back to the box??” Chad to Lori, “This trip to Utah had a lot of finality to it. I was told extreme changes are coming for me and to Utah. I welcome them both.”

9:11 a.m. That same day, Chad texts Lori, “You are so adorable, beautiful, wonderful, heavenly, luscious, and angelic. So many divine attributes rolled into one dynamic, desirable package. I want you even more desperately than you want me!” Chad to Lori, “Just grab me by the storm and I will follow you to the ends of the universe!” Lori to Chad, “When might that be??” Chad responds, “Wednesday evening, and then repeatedly and gloriously until Friday.” Blake asks what the storm is in reference to. Hart says, “That’s Chad Daybell’s penis.”

9:10 a.m. Hart says this is the first time in messages that he saw references to death percentages but there are several that follow in the next three weeks. Later on, there are conversations regarding Tammy.

9:04 a.m. Hillary was a reference to Tylee. Raphael was a name for himself. Hart could never determine who Amy was. He noted that Chad said he was “instructed” to focus his efforts on Tylee Ryan. Lori asks Chad to find out the death percentage of Tylee and JJ. Hart says this is the first in a series of texts over three weeks between Lori and Chad where they discuss death percentages of Tylee, JJ and Tammy.

9:01 a.m. Hart noticed that Lori had to check everything with her “source.” The next slide shows Chad to Lori on July 18, “I have been instructed to focus my efforts on Hillary, so I will.” Lori to Chad, “Ok. Find out her percentage from me and JJs.” Chad to Lori, “She is at 0.13 I turned up the pain to 10 and placed a spiritual virus in her. He is at 99.99. Raphael visited him and told him to follow Amy into the light. I also assured him that James would love and take care of his mommy, which he will do with all of his heart and soul.” Lori says, “That is sweet! I miss you desperately.”

9 a.m. Jurors are brought back in. The first slide shows a text message from Lori to Alex on March 20, 2019. “I’m finding out some great stuff about you. I’m gonna do some sealings. Can’t wait to share all the things I learned about you. wow! U r gonna like it. It explains a lot.” Alex responds, “Ok. hurry up. Please.” Lori responds, “Going to check everything with my source tonight to make sure I got this all right but it’s really good. We can talk about it tomorrow hopefully.”

8:54 a.m. Blake says the exhibit is part of the iCloud accounts that have already been admitted by stipulation. Prior is aware but worries the contents may have been altered. Boyce says he’s going to allow the exhibit, but Prior can object if he has a problem during the presentation.

8:52 a.m. There is an evidentiary ruling the court needs to take up outside the presence of the jury. Jurors are being excused.

8:48 a.m. Hart spent over 100 hours reviewing the lollytime and lori4style iCloud accounts. Both belonged to Lori. “It’s a tremendous amount of information. Tens of thousands of text messages, multimedia messages, voicemails, thousands upon thousands of photographs, videos, emails – everything you would find on a modern smartphone.”

8:47 a.m. On the night of June 9, Hart and another agent went to speak with Chad’s children. The agents explained they wanted to talk with them about some things and asked if the kids would meet with them. Initially the children agreed to meet but the next day, they said they wouldn’t meet after they spoke to their dad.

8:45 a.m. Blake shows more photos of the ground above where JJ was found. Investigators used probing sticks on the property, and the first layer of sod in this area was removed. That’s where they uncovered four rocks lined up in a row. Under the rocks, investigators found wooden planks. Beneath the wood was JJ’s body.

8:43 a.m. Blake shows a photo and Hart describes it as JJ’s burial site. There is consistent shrubbery/plant growth but in the middle of the photo, there is a rectangular area that is a different color and length.

8:40 a.m. Several other agents became involved in the investigation for the missing kids. Hart previously worked on Native American reservations and identified clandestine grave sites. He helped process and exhume grave sites. Hart was present when JJ and Tylee were found. Blake moves to admit an exhibit.

8:36 a.m. Hart retired from the FBI and currently works for the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office. When he was with the FBI, Hart was brought in to help with the search of JJ and Tylee.

8:33 a.m. Jurors are in their seats and Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake calls Doug Hart to testify. He walks into the courtroom and is sworn in.

8:29 a.m. Four jurors who served in Lori Vallow’s trial are in the courtroom today. Larry Woodcock is also here and there are around 30-40 people in the gallery. Chad is seated next to his attorney, John Prior, and prosecutors are at their table.

8:20 a.m. It’s day 25 of the Chad Daybell trial, and the prosecution will call retired FBI agent Doug Hart as its final case-in-chief witness. Judge Steven Boyce has said it will be a short day today. John Prior, Daybell’s attorney, likely won’t start his defense case until tomorrow or Monday.
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Yeah I just saw that. Today's update.

Thursday May 16th update.


Please excuse the typos. These are live updates from the courtroom.

11:38 a.m. Boyce says we will take a break and a defense motion will be heard in 30 minutes.

11:36 a.m. Sidebar is over. Blake says the state rests its case.

11:31 a.m. Blake says the state has no further witnesses. Boyce asks if the state is resting. Blake asks for a sidebar.

11:29 a.m. Blake shows a slide showing the texts where Chad indicates a plan is being orchestrated. Blake asks where Tammy’s body was located. In her bed. She asks where JJ and Tylee were located. On the pasture of Chad Daybell’s property. Blake has nothing further.

11:26 a.m. Blake will now re-direct. She asks about manipulation by Lori. “Thought your investigation, did you also find manipulation from Chad Daybell?” Hart says he did. He found it throughout the entire course of the investigation. Chad determined someone was dark, a zombie and dark percentages.

11:25 a.m. Prior suggests this is an example of Lori trying to manipulate Chad. Hart agrees. Prior has nothing further.

11:24 a.m. Lori to Chad, “If you really loved me u wouldn’t want that either.” Chad to Lori, “I could have talked, but the girls were there. I truly love you with all my heart.” Lori to Chad, “U should give all your love and your attention to your wife and family. I’m just a distraction. Go have fun with your family. I really do want you to. I just can’t be in the way anymore. If things change then we can talk. But we have nothing until things change anyway.”

11:22 a.m. Chad to Lori, “I’m just so frustrated. I’m sorry, honey.” Lori to Chad, “U can’t just keep tearing my heart out. I really can’t take it any more. I’m sorry.” Chad to Lori, “It is tearing both of our hearts out. Please look beyond the next two days.” Lori to Chad, “What about the past 2 days? I didn’t even get to talk to you on your birthday. I’m clearly not a priority. I just don’t want to eb so sad all the time. And so heart broken.”

11:21 a.m. Prior asks if this is an example of Lori manipulating Chad. Hart says, “Absolutely. They both manipulated each other.”

11:18 a.m. Prior shows a text from Chad to Lori on Aug. 11, 2019. “No, but the next two days will be torture. Thankfully I will be alone more of Wednesday and beyond.” Lori to Chad, “Is that what He wants? For me to sit around waiting for you endlessly. And you miserably wasting time? Is just doesn’t feel right!” Chad to Lori, “I agree. It feels so drawn out.”

11:15 a.m. Prior asks Hart if Chad having spiritual gifts is unusual. Hart says he doesn’t believe it’s common. Prior asks about a breakup between Lori and Chad. He moves to admit an exhibit containing four text messages between Lori and Chad from Aug. 11, 2019.

11:12 a.m. Prior asks if the FBI ever uses a medium to try to locate or talk to children who have passed on. Hart says it’s extremely common for mediums to come forward during investigations but the FBI does not employee mediums. Prior asks about a person named Allison Dubois. Hart says she is a spiritual medium but he doesn’t know what specific abilities she has. Prior asks if a medium has ever been utilized to get information about missing children. Hart has never spoken with Allison Dubois and has never requested her services. “Many times these people come forward offering their services and offering what they claim to have seen.”

11:10 a.m. Prior asks if it would be fair to say that you would look at a new husband if children are missing. Hart says yes but you can’t put blinders on and have to keep an open mind.

11:09 a.m. Blake has nothing further. Prior will now cross-examine.

11:05 a.m. Blake asks Hart if Alex would do what Chad asks. Hart says yes. Tammy Daybell did not know Alex. The only connection was Chad. The next slide shows texts from Oct. 23, 2019. Lori to Chad, “I had a bad dream about Al. Make sure he is still him and protect him. He would be the one they use to get to us both. All this along time is not good for him.” Chad to Lori, “I will try to reach out to him later today.” Around 20 minutes later, Chad wrote, “I just cleared all of Al’s weapons, curses and cords, and filled him with malachite healing balm. I also put angels around him.”

11:03 a.m. The next text from Lori to Chad on Oct. 20 at 8:20 a.m.: “That’s true. I do feel you. I feel love sick. I don’t want to eat. I just want you. It’s so consuming.” Chad to Lori, “I know exactly how you feel. I’m feeling sad, but it isn’t for the reason everyone thinks!”

11 a.m. Next slide is text from Chad to Lori: “I want t get going full steam on the Lili workout plan. Tighten the abs, get a full-body tan, grow my hair out. This could be really good for both of us.” Lori to Chad, “I love that plan. It’s not soon enough though. This is torture. Maybe you need to clear my mind so I can’t remember how much I love you.” Chad to Lori, “I will try, but it feels like Raphael and Lil are together about 100 percent. Not sure it will ever be lower again.”

10:59 a.m. Next slide shows text from Lori to Chad on Oct. 20. “Need you to hold me tight! That would be great. What about the idea or you coming here Thursday or Friday? Or do u want me to come home?” Chad to Lori, “Their apartment is haunted and we can’t clear the place. So they are looking to move anyway, and I have the perfect place for them. I need to be here to get sorting the financial stuff, and I truly need your help. So please come home Thursday so we can spend the night together. Then as soon as I have things under control, we can return. I seriously want you to look for a condo for us while you are there that we could return to at the first of the month.”

10:55 a.m. The next slide is from Oct. 20 – the day after Tammy died. Chad to Lori, “Percetange in body – Holsor 24, Kola 11, Grisone 14.” Chad to Lori, “Great job on lowering them! I loved talking with you! It is baby night, so come get me later!” Chad to Lori: “Missing you so much! I can feel you in bed with me, though. Can’t wait to truly hold you tightly every day and night.” Lori to Chad, “I’m missing you more!! I need you desperately. I can’t wait!”

10:54 a.m. Lori texts Chad at 9:52 p.m. that day. “Not fun without you. Can u call me?” Another from Lori to Chad: “How are you doing is the question.” Chad responds, “I’m hanging in there. My parents are staying here and we are still getting visitors, but I will call you soon.”

10:50 a.m. Four days later, the first attempt on Tammy Daybell’s life happened in her driveway. The next slide shows text messages from Oct. 19 – the day Tammy died. An unknown person texts Lori at 10:33 a.m., “I’m not sure if you heard but Chad’s wife died last night.” Lori responds, “Oh my gosh, I did not hear that. I’m in Hawaii and it’s 6 a.m. Do you know what happened?” The unknown person responds, “Yes, she awoke in the night coughing, threw up, collapsed and passed away.”

10:49 a.m. Chad continues, “Sam is much like Brandon. She has been my biggest enemy over the years. She refuses to read my books and threw the biggest fit when we moved to Idaho. She has only visited us when the kids got married and always fled Idaho within hours, like she was being burned. She’s definitely comparable to Brandon and Summer. Not really sure of the timing for removal, but once her actions verify the differences, I don’t want to wait.”

10:45 a.m. The next slide shows a text from Chad to Lori on Oct. 5. “The short version is that she has been switched. Tammy is in Limbo, and a level 3 demonic entity named Viola is in her body. It happened at about 10 p.m. and was done by Tammy’s sister Sam, who I always knew was 3D, but it turns out she is multiple creation…Viola has been attached for about a year to my niece Danica, who is Sam’s 12 year old daughter. I have connected with Tammy in Limbo, and she is very frustrated and upset. She wants Viola removed as soon as possible. Viola seems to be similar to Penelope. The personality differences from Tammy should be evident quickly. Please seek a confirmation on this, but I have now checked three times since I got home and get more affirmative answers each time.”

10:41 a.m. The next slide shows a message from Chad to Lori on Oct. 3. “Good night, angel Lili. So excited to go on our date!” Lori to Alex on Oct. 4, “We are supposed to go on a real date tonight but we are discussing it. Perhaps an evening at home would be better so we are not out and about. I’ll let you know. But u could come and sing with us after your shower.” Chad to Lori on Oct. 5, “Hello, sweet angel. Big news about Tammy. Please let me know if you are awake and can talk. I love you.” This was during the timeframe Chad encouraged Tammy to go to Utah to see her family.

10:39 a.m. The next slide if a text from Sidney Woodbury, the babysitter, to Lori on Sept. 24. “Hi Lolo! Are we still good for me coming today?” Lori responds, “Hi Sidney. I hope the wedding was good. So JJ’s grandparents came this weekend and they took him for a few weeks to give me a break. So he won’t be back until probably the end of October. I wish I had other work for you to do. You are such a darling girl. I understand if you need together another job :)” Lori sent another follow up message. “Of course. I’m not sure when he will be back but I’m going to do some traveling while he’s gone. Probably to see my friends in Hawaii but I’ll let you know for sure when we are both back in Rexburg. You are great!”

10:38 a.m. The next slide shows the last known video of JJ Vallow. It was on Sept. 22 at 10:46 a.m. He is sitting on the couch in an apartment wearing red pajamas playing with a cup. Blake plays the short clip.

10:36 a.m. In the videos section on the lori4style iCloud, the last known video of Tylee was taken on Sept. 8. 2019 at 2:49 p.m. She is holding JJ while they stand next to Alex at Yellowstone National Park. It was taken five days after the messages about eliminating zombies completely.

10:34 a.m. Hart says these texts help explain Alex Cox’s role in the relationship with Chad and Lori. Alex was not included in the messages regarding death percentages, Hart says.

10:32 a.m. Tylee Ryan’s last known sighting was a few days later – Sept. 8. Alex continues to Lori, “And I can change it to whatever u want if you wanna change it. I am proud of you. No more Zs.” Lori responds, “We r trying to get to the bottom of what we need to do to eliminate them completely. I’m sure you will be told also.” Alex says, “Excellent.”

10:30 a.m. Back in the courtroom. Blake continues to show slides with text messages. On Sept. 3, Alex texted Lori, “Wifi is on. Whatcha doin?” Lori says, “Working on Z’s. What did u decide on user name and password?” Alex to Lori, “Network name is anti-laman pw is 2manykids.” Lori responds, “Funny!”

10:05 a.m. Hart says the finish line was this plan they had without Charles, Tammy, JJ and Tylee. Mid-morning break time. Back in 20-30 minutes.

10 a.m. The texts continue. Chad to Lori, “You’re so incredible. In many ways, your mission has barely begun.” Lori to Chad, “As long as it ends with you…it’s all good.” Chad to Lori, “Yes, cheek to cheek. Loin to loin.” Lori to Chad: “I wish I could be with you check to cheek.” Chad to Lori: It is very far away, my love. I seriously cannot stop crying. I was allowed to feel my own emotions. I will experience as you sing to them, and the love, admiration and reverence I have for you are indescribable. Everything we do together is going to be spectacular.” Lori to Chad, “I cannot wait. I have no patience…I want you now.” Chad to Lori, “I’m certainly your biggest fan! I love you, Lili! Hold on, my sweet angel. We’re so close to the finish line!” Lori to Chad, “I’m trying.” Chad to Lori, “We’ll make it.”

9:58 a.m. Lori to Chad, “What should I be doing?” Chad to Lori, “You are doing everything right, my love. The Lord told me, ‘She is right on track.’ He said to just keep resolving the telestial issues so you are unencumbered and fully free. That actually feels good that JJ was talking to the real Blake. Getting close. When I was sitting across from him eating bacon, I sensed he was barely attached to his body.”

9:56 a.m. Blake asks where Tylee and JJ’s remains were ultimately located. Hart says, “On Chad Daybell’s property.”

9:55 a.m. Again – Blake is Melani Boudreaux’s child. Texts continue. Lori to Chad, “Do u think there is a perfectly orchestrated plan to take the children? And we just have to wait for it to be carried out? I feel lost. Like I should be doing something to help.” Chad to Lori, “There is a plan being orchestrated for the children. I was shown last night how it fit together, but it has been taken from my mind of course.”

9:53 a.m. Charles had been dead for a month when these messages were exchanged. He had been a big help in caring for JJ, Hart says. Chad responds to Lori, “Yes, he’s at zero. He probably was partly through the veil, talking to people, both light and dark.” Lori responds, “Maybe he was talking to the real Blake.” Chad says, “Yes, that was the real Blake.”

9:50 a.m. On Aug. 10, Lori texts Chad at 1:18 a.m., “Please check JJ. He just woke up saying crazy stuff and won’t go back to sleep. He is talking to Blake. It’s weird.” Chad responded at 7:24 a.m. “JJ is still JJ. I am told his spirit recognizes Blake is evil and is unsettled by him.” An hour later, Chad texts, “Hi, my love. How is JJ now?” Lori responds, “He’s better. He was just up talking nonsense for like 2 hours later night. I’m sure they were bugging him. Is he at zero yet? I miss you.”

9:48 a.m. These photos were taken on Aug. 7, 2019. Tammy Daybell was still alive. The next screen shows messages from Aug. 7. Lori to Chad, “I love you. taking braxy home now. I’ll check on her. She is asleep. She put a bunch of holes in the walls and doors. Definitely had demons helping her. Probably 1000. Mel wants us to come up there tomorrow but I said next Thursday to Sunday. What do u think? We r both so tired of taking care of demons. We are weary. Please ask the Lord to take them!”

9:45 a.m. The next slide shows a photo of Chad standing by a picture of Jesus Christ hanging on a wall in an old LDS church. Alex sent it to Lori with caption, “Look at the bubbies.” There is also a photo of Alex standing by the same picture of Jesus Christ. Chad texted Lori the image with the caption, “Two exalted beings.”

9:44 a.m. Hart could never find the actual percentage chart.

9:41 a.m. The message from Chad to Lori shows he is the source of what is happening, Hart says. Next slide if a texts from Chad to Lori, “Yes, we might need to release a little steam when we talk. Anyway, this is the chart that checks what percentage mortals are still in their body. It worked for my friend’s wife who died, my neighbor, George Bush, Stan Lee, etc. I kind of forgot about it because we’ve been dealing with zombies and demonic entities. But this afternoon Tammy said she felt lightheaded, as if her body and spirit weren’t connected.” Chad follows up seven minutes later, “I will update the list and figure out Brandon, Adam and others.”

9:37 a.m. Next slide starts with Lori to Chad. “2 and 3 percent? Not zero?” Chad to Lori, “I will explain when we talk.” Lori to Chad, “Ok. still feeling hot for you.”

9:34 a.m. Hart says this is the first we time we see the full phrase “death percentages” and that they are Chad’s – he says “my original death percentages.”

9:33 a.m. On July 30, Chad texts Lori, “I got the inspiration to go back to my original death percentages that helped us track Charles, Ned, etc. Tammy is very close. Her percentage has fallen steadily since Hippos left. It is encouraging!” Lori to Chad, “What is the percentage now? What about JJs too?” Chad to Lori, “Tammy is at 3. JJ is at 2. Both ar being heavily shielded to stop intruders.”

9:31 a.m. These texts were sent as Lori and Melani B. were traveling to California with their kids. The two 3s are referring to two of the kids who are in the car with them. Chad wrote that he would “give them a reason to scream” – indicating he could cause physical pain to the children. Chad sits stoic and shows no reaction as these texts are read.

9:30 a.m. The next slide is from July 29. Chad to Lori, “One question: Do you want me to cause pain yet to those two 3s you’re riding with?” Lori to Chad: “Probably hold off on them till we arrive. They will be mistake to deal with. But I’ll text you if they start acting up and we can zap them. Miserable – not mistake.” Chad to Lori, “Sounds great. Yes, if they are going to act up, we’ll at least give them a reason to scream. I love, cherish, treasure and adore you. The wonderful memories just keep coming back. You are mesmerizing. Raphael is one lucky guy.”

9:29 a.m. Brighton is another one of Melani Boudreax’s sons. Mel refers to Melani.

9:27 a.m. The next slide shows texts from the same day. Chad to Lori, “Missing you too! It is still JJ. I’m told she is lying about him being calm and watching movies.” Lori to Chad, “Mel knew. She called me. She felt the real Brighton last night and knew she was different. She was told I didn’t want to tell her. She is taking well and knowing it is part of a big plan. She is amazing! although I’m still pretty upset over it. I love you. trying to ‘hang in there.’ Missing your kisses.”

9:25 a.m. On July 26, 2019, Chad texted Lori, “How are things at home?” Lori responds, “She’s fine. Need you to check JJ. She said he was calm and he watched moves all day which he would never do. Missing you!!” Most of these messages have lips, kiss, fire emojis.

9:24 a.m. There is an 11 hour gap of time between Lori asking Chad to check JJ and her asking him to check Tylee. Chad then responds two hours later. “Chad Daybell is the one who will explain to Lori Vallow. Lori Vallow is making inquires to Chad Daybell, and Chad Daybell tells her, ‘I will explain it,'” Hart says.

9:20 a.m. This is a conversation about a child, Hart notes, and Chad talked about “greatly increased his pain.” The other message referred to Chad turning up Tylee’s pain. The next slide is from July 23. Lori to Chad: “Good morning. Missing you. Didnt’ sleep much. Need you to check JJ. Weird stuff happened in the middle of the night. It’s like they distracted us with Blake. When u get home, Check Tylee. She is being super sweet and helpful and she cleaned her room. See if she got switched. Totally not her.” Chad to Lori, “Yes, she was switched. Please let me know when you can talk, and I will explain it.”

9:18 a.m. On July 20, Lori texted Chad. “What’s Blake’s percentage?? He drew three crosses on the wall in his bedroom. We just finished painting over them. Like he was marking it for the dark side to find him.” Chad responds: “Blake is at 7. I took my sword of light and sliced his aura vertically in several places. You should be able to now rip and burn it. I also decreased his pain tolerance to 1 percent and greatly increased his pain. His desire to depart is at 80 percent.” Blake was 3-4 years old at the time and is Melani Boudreaux’s son. (She is Lori’s niece and is now Melani Pawlowski.)

9:17 a.m. Blake asks Hart what Chad meant by “extreme changes” in the text message. “Within three months of this date, Tylee, JJ and Tammy are all dead.”

9:15 a.m. Hart says Lori repeatedly went to Chad for guidance and answers. These messages were one week following Charles Vallow’s death.

9:13 a.m. Tammy Daybell was still alive during this time. The next slide shows the messages continue. Lori to Chad: “And Then what?…Back to crying and saying goodbye, back to the box??” Chad to Lori, “This trip to Utah had a lot of finality to it. I was told extreme changes are coming for me and to Utah. I welcome them both.”

9:11 a.m. That same day, Chad texts Lori, “You are so adorable, beautiful, wonderful, heavenly, luscious, and angelic. So many divine attributes rolled into one dynamic, desirable package. I want you even more desperately than you want me!” Chad to Lori, “Just grab me by the storm and I will follow you to the ends of the universe!” Lori to Chad, “When might that be??” Chad responds, “Wednesday evening, and then repeatedly and gloriously until Friday.” Blake asks what the storm is in reference to. Hart says, “That’s Chad Daybell’s penis.”

9:10 a.m. Hart says this is the first time in messages that he saw references to death percentages but there are several that follow in the next three weeks. Later on, there are conversations regarding Tammy.

9:04 a.m. Hillary was a reference to Tylee. Raphael was a name for himself. Hart could never determine who Amy was. He noted that Chad said he was “instructed” to focus his efforts on Tylee Ryan. Lori asks Chad to find out the death percentage of Tylee and JJ. Hart says this is the first in a series of texts over three weeks between Lori and Chad where they discuss death percentages of Tylee, JJ and Tammy.

9:01 a.m. Hart noticed that Lori had to check everything with her “source.” The next slide shows Chad to Lori on July 18, “I have been instructed to focus my efforts on Hillary, so I will.” Lori to Chad, “Ok. Find out her percentage from me and JJs.” Chad to Lori, “She is at 0.13 I turned up the pain to 10 and placed a spiritual virus in her. He is at 99.99. Raphael visited him and told him to follow Amy into the light. I also assured him that James would love and take care of his mommy, which he will do with all of his heart and soul.” Lori says, “That is sweet! I miss you desperately.”

9 a.m. Jurors are brought back in. The first slide shows a text message from Lori to Alex on March 20, 2019. “I’m finding out some great stuff about you. I’m gonna do some sealings. Can’t wait to share all the things I learned about you. wow! U r gonna like it. It explains a lot.” Alex responds, “Ok. hurry up. Please.” Lori responds, “Going to check everything with my source tonight to make sure I got this all right but it’s really good. We can talk about it tomorrow hopefully.”

8:54 a.m. Blake says the exhibit is part of the iCloud accounts that have already been admitted by stipulation. Prior is aware but worries the contents may have been altered. Boyce says he’s going to allow the exhibit, but Prior can object if he has a problem during the presentation.

8:52 a.m. There is an evidentiary ruling the court needs to take up outside the presence of the jury. Jurors are being excused.

8:48 a.m. Hart spent over 100 hours reviewing the lollytime and lori4style iCloud accounts. Both belonged to Lori. “It’s a tremendous amount of information. Tens of thousands of text messages, multimedia messages, voicemails, thousands upon thousands of photographs, videos, emails – everything you would find on a modern smartphone.”

8:47 a.m. On the night of June 9, Hart and another agent went to speak with Chad’s children. The agents explained they wanted to talk with them about some things and asked if the kids would meet with them. Initially the children agreed to meet but the next day, they said they wouldn’t meet after they spoke to their dad.

8:45 a.m. Blake shows more photos of the ground above where JJ was found. Investigators used probing sticks on the property, and the first layer of sod in this area was removed. That’s where they uncovered four rocks lined up in a row. Under the rocks, investigators found wooden planks. Beneath the wood was JJ’s body.

8:43 a.m. Blake shows a photo and Hart describes it as JJ’s burial site. There is consistent shrubbery/plant growth but in the middle of the photo, there is a rectangular area that is a different color and length.

8:40 a.m. Several other agents became involved in the investigation for the missing kids. Hart previously worked on Native American reservations and identified clandestine grave sites. He helped process and exhume grave sites. Hart was present when JJ and Tylee were found. Blake moves to admit an exhibit.

8:36 a.m. Hart retired from the FBI and currently works for the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office. When he was with the FBI, Hart was brought in to help with the search of JJ and Tylee.

8:33 a.m. Jurors are in their seats and Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake calls Doug Hart to testify. He walks into the courtroom and is sworn in.

8:29 a.m. Four jurors who served in Lori Vallow’s trial are in the courtroom today. Larry Woodcock is also here and there are around 30-40 people in the gallery. Chad is seated next to his attorney, John Prior, and prosecutors are at their table.

8:20 a.m. It’s day 25 of the Chad Daybell trial, and the prosecution will call retired FBI agent Doug Hart as its final case-in-chief witness. Judge Steven Boyce has said it will be a short day today. John Prior, Daybell’s attorney, likely won’t start his defense case until tomorrow or Monday.
This is a lesson in how far a man will go to please his storm.
What I mean is, he's dead. So much focus on him.
Yes but he is the murderer of possibly all three. Killed Tylee and JJ as well as assisting with Tammy. He is the link and the conduit - he was Chad and Lori's paid assassin. Paid with eternal blessings and everlasting life blah blah blah.
Ditto. I just watched the bulk of Nate's and already it is like was that what was heard at Lori's and this was new or the other way around. I pray all the time it is from lack of time and packing too much in in a short time rather than my memory that also seems to have become sieve like as you say...
I think that our minds automatically wipe out bad memories so that's why we don't remember the bad stuff maybe?

We would have constant nightmares otherwise.
Yeah I just saw that. Today's update.

Thursday May 16th update.


Please excuse the typos. These are live updates from the courtroom.

11:38 a.m. Boyce says we will take a break and a defense motion will be heard in 30 minutes.

11:36 a.m. Sidebar is over. Blake says the state rests its case.

11:31 a.m. Blake says the state has no further witnesses. Boyce asks if the state is resting. Blake asks for a sidebar.

11:29 a.m. Blake shows a slide showing the texts where Chad indicates a plan is being orchestrated. Blake asks where Tammy’s body was located. In her bed. She asks where JJ and Tylee were located. On the pasture of Chad Daybell’s property. Blake has nothing further.

11:26 a.m. Blake will now re-direct. She asks about manipulation by Lori. “Thought your investigation, did you also find manipulation from Chad Daybell?” Hart says he did. He found it throughout the entire course of the investigation. Chad determined someone was dark, a zombie and dark percentages.

11:25 a.m. Prior suggests this is an example of Lori trying to manipulate Chad. Hart agrees. Prior has nothing further.

11:24 a.m. Lori to Chad, “If you really loved me u wouldn’t want that either.” Chad to Lori, “I could have talked, but the girls were there. I truly love you with all my heart.” Lori to Chad, “U should give all your love and your attention to your wife and family. I’m just a distraction. Go have fun with your family. I really do want you to. I just can’t be in the way anymore. If things change then we can talk. But we have nothing until things change anyway.”

11:22 a.m. Chad to Lori, “I’m just so frustrated. I’m sorry, honey.” Lori to Chad, “U can’t just keep tearing my heart out. I really can’t take it any more. I’m sorry.” Chad to Lori, “It is tearing both of our hearts out. Please look beyond the next two days.” Lori to Chad, “What about the past 2 days? I didn’t even get to talk to you on your birthday. I’m clearly not a priority. I just don’t want to eb so sad all the time. And so heart broken.”

11:21 a.m. Prior asks if this is an example of Lori manipulating Chad. Hart says, “Absolutely. They both manipulated each other.”

11:18 a.m. Prior shows a text from Chad to Lori on Aug. 11, 2019. “No, but the next two days will be torture. Thankfully I will be alone more of Wednesday and beyond.” Lori to Chad, “Is that what He wants? For me to sit around waiting for you endlessly. And you miserably wasting time? Is just doesn’t feel right!” Chad to Lori, “I agree. It feels so drawn out.”

11:15 a.m. Prior asks Hart if Chad having spiritual gifts is unusual. Hart says he doesn’t believe it’s common. Prior asks about a breakup between Lori and Chad. He moves to admit an exhibit containing four text messages between Lori and Chad from Aug. 11, 2019.

11:12 a.m. Prior asks if the FBI ever uses a medium to try to locate or talk to children who have passed on. Hart says it’s extremely common for mediums to come forward during investigations but the FBI does not employee mediums. Prior asks about a person named Allison Dubois. Hart says she is a spiritual medium but he doesn’t know what specific abilities she has. Prior asks if a medium has ever been utilized to get information about missing children. Hart has never spoken with Allison Dubois and has never requested her services. “Many times these people come forward offering their services and offering what they claim to have seen.”

11:10 a.m. Prior asks if it would be fair to say that you would look at a new husband if children are missing. Hart says yes but you can’t put blinders on and have to keep an open mind.

11:09 a.m. Blake has nothing further. Prior will now cross-examine.

11:05 a.m. Blake asks Hart if Alex would do what Chad asks. Hart says yes. Tammy Daybell did not know Alex. The only connection was Chad. The next slide shows texts from Oct. 23, 2019. Lori to Chad, “I had a bad dream about Al. Make sure he is still him and protect him. He would be the one they use to get to us both. All this along time is not good for him.” Chad to Lori, “I will try to reach out to him later today.” Around 20 minutes later, Chad wrote, “I just cleared all of Al’s weapons, curses and cords, and filled him with malachite healing balm. I also put angels around him.”

11:03 a.m. The next text from Lori to Chad on Oct. 20 at 8:20 a.m.: “That’s true. I do feel you. I feel love sick. I don’t want to eat. I just want you. It’s so consuming.” Chad to Lori, “I know exactly how you feel. I’m feeling sad, but it isn’t for the reason everyone thinks!”

11 a.m. Next slide is text from Chad to Lori: “I want t get going full steam on the Lili workout plan. Tighten the abs, get a full-body tan, grow my hair out. This could be really good for both of us.” Lori to Chad, “I love that plan. It’s not soon enough though. This is torture. Maybe you need to clear my mind so I can’t remember how much I love you.” Chad to Lori, “I will try, but it feels like Raphael and Lil are together about 100 percent. Not sure it will ever be lower again.”

10:59 a.m. Next slide shows text from Lori to Chad on Oct. 20. “Need you to hold me tight! That would be great. What about the idea or you coming here Thursday or Friday? Or do u want me to come home?” Chad to Lori, “Their apartment is haunted and we can’t clear the place. So they are looking to move anyway, and I have the perfect place for them. I need to be here to get sorting the financial stuff, and I truly need your help. So please come home Thursday so we can spend the night together. Then as soon as I have things under control, we can return. I seriously want you to look for a condo for us while you are there that we could return to at the first of the month.”

10:55 a.m. The next slide is from Oct. 20 – the day after Tammy died. Chad to Lori, “Percetange in body – Holsor 24, Kola 11, Grisone 14.” Chad to Lori, “Great job on lowering them! I loved talking with you! It is baby night, so come get me later!” Chad to Lori: “Missing you so much! I can feel you in bed with me, though. Can’t wait to truly hold you tightly every day and night.” Lori to Chad, “I’m missing you more!! I need you desperately. I can’t wait!”

10:54 a.m. Lori texts Chad at 9:52 p.m. that day. “Not fun without you. Can u call me?” Another from Lori to Chad: “How are you doing is the question.” Chad responds, “I’m hanging in there. My parents are staying here and we are still getting visitors, but I will call you soon.”

10:50 a.m. Four days later, the first attempt on Tammy Daybell’s life happened in her driveway. The next slide shows text messages from Oct. 19 – the day Tammy died. An unknown person texts Lori at 10:33 a.m., “I’m not sure if you heard but Chad’s wife died last night.” Lori responds, “Oh my gosh, I did not hear that. I’m in Hawaii and it’s 6 a.m. Do you know what happened?” The unknown person responds, “Yes, she awoke in the night coughing, threw up, collapsed and passed away.”

10:49 a.m. Chad continues, “Sam is much like Brandon. She has been my biggest enemy over the years. She refuses to read my books and threw the biggest fit when we moved to Idaho. She has only visited us when the kids got married and always fled Idaho within hours, like she was being burned. She’s definitely comparable to Brandon and Summer. Not really sure of the timing for removal, but once her actions verify the differences, I don’t want to wait.”

10:45 a.m. The next slide shows a text from Chad to Lori on Oct. 5. “The short version is that she has been switched. Tammy is in Limbo, and a level 3 demonic entity named Viola is in her body. It happened at about 10 p.m. and was done by Tammy’s sister Sam, who I always knew was 3D, but it turns out she is multiple creation…Viola has been attached for about a year to my niece Danica, who is Sam’s 12 year old daughter. I have connected with Tammy in Limbo, and she is very frustrated and upset. She wants Viola removed as soon as possible. Viola seems to be similar to Penelope. The personality differences from Tammy should be evident quickly. Please seek a confirmation on this, but I have now checked three times since I got home and get more affirmative answers each time.”

10:41 a.m. The next slide shows a message from Chad to Lori on Oct. 3. “Good night, angel Lili. So excited to go on our date!” Lori to Alex on Oct. 4, “We are supposed to go on a real date tonight but we are discussing it. Perhaps an evening at home would be better so we are not out and about. I’ll let you know. But u could come and sing with us after your shower.” Chad to Lori on Oct. 5, “Hello, sweet angel. Big news about Tammy. Please let me know if you are awake and can talk. I love you.” This was during the timeframe Chad encouraged Tammy to go to Utah to see her family.

10:39 a.m. The next slide if a text from Sidney Woodbury, the babysitter, to Lori on Sept. 24. “Hi Lolo! Are we still good for me coming today?” Lori responds, “Hi Sidney. I hope the wedding was good. So JJ’s grandparents came this weekend and they took him for a few weeks to give me a break. So he won’t be back until probably the end of October. I wish I had other work for you to do. You are such a darling girl. I understand if you need together another job :)” Lori sent another follow up message. “Of course. I’m not sure when he will be back but I’m going to do some traveling while he’s gone. Probably to see my friends in Hawaii but I’ll let you know for sure when we are both back in Rexburg. You are great!”

10:38 a.m. The next slide shows the last known video of JJ Vallow. It was on Sept. 22 at 10:46 a.m. He is sitting on the couch in an apartment wearing red pajamas playing with a cup. Blake plays the short clip.

10:36 a.m. In the videos section on the lori4style iCloud, the last known video of Tylee was taken on Sept. 8. 2019 at 2:49 p.m. She is holding JJ while they stand next to Alex at Yellowstone National Park. It was taken five days after the messages about eliminating zombies completely.

10:34 a.m. Hart says these texts help explain Alex Cox’s role in the relationship with Chad and Lori. Alex was not included in the messages regarding death percentages, Hart says.

10:32 a.m. Tylee Ryan’s last known sighting was a few days later – Sept. 8. Alex continues to Lori, “And I can change it to whatever u want if you wanna change it. I am proud of you. No more Zs.” Lori responds, “We r trying to get to the bottom of what we need to do to eliminate them completely. I’m sure you will be told also.” Alex says, “Excellent.”

10:30 a.m. Back in the courtroom. Blake continues to show slides with text messages. On Sept. 3, Alex texted Lori, “Wifi is on. Whatcha doin?” Lori says, “Working on Z’s. What did u decide on user name and password?” Alex to Lori, “Network name is anti-laman pw is 2manykids.” Lori responds, “Funny!”

10:05 a.m. Hart says the finish line was this plan they had without Charles, Tammy, JJ and Tylee. Mid-morning break time. Back in 20-30 minutes.

10 a.m. The texts continue. Chad to Lori, “You’re so incredible. In many ways, your mission has barely begun.” Lori to Chad, “As long as it ends with you…it’s all good.” Chad to Lori, “Yes, cheek to cheek. Loin to loin.” Lori to Chad: “I wish I could be with you check to cheek.” Chad to Lori: It is very far away, my love. I seriously cannot stop crying. I was allowed to feel my own emotions. I will experience as you sing to them, and the love, admiration and reverence I have for you are indescribable. Everything we do together is going to be spectacular.” Lori to Chad, “I cannot wait. I have no patience…I want you now.” Chad to Lori, “I’m certainly your biggest fan! I love you, Lili! Hold on, my sweet angel. We’re so close to the finish line!” Lori to Chad, “I’m trying.” Chad to Lori, “We’ll make it.”

9:58 a.m. Lori to Chad, “What should I be doing?” Chad to Lori, “You are doing everything right, my love. The Lord told me, ‘She is right on track.’ He said to just keep resolving the telestial issues so you are unencumbered and fully free. That actually feels good that JJ was talking to the real Blake. Getting close. When I was sitting across from him eating bacon, I sensed he was barely attached to his body.”

9:56 a.m. Blake asks where Tylee and JJ’s remains were ultimately located. Hart says, “On Chad Daybell’s property.”

9:55 a.m. Again – Blake is Melani Boudreaux’s child. Texts continue. Lori to Chad, “Do u think there is a perfectly orchestrated plan to take the children? And we just have to wait for it to be carried out? I feel lost. Like I should be doing something to help.” Chad to Lori, “There is a plan being orchestrated for the children. I was shown last night how it fit together, but it has been taken from my mind of course.”

9:53 a.m. Charles had been dead for a month when these messages were exchanged. He had been a big help in caring for JJ, Hart says. Chad responds to Lori, “Yes, he’s at zero. He probably was partly through the veil, talking to people, both light and dark.” Lori responds, “Maybe he was talking to the real Blake.” Chad says, “Yes, that was the real Blake.”

9:50 a.m. On Aug. 10, Lori texts Chad at 1:18 a.m., “Please check JJ. He just woke up saying crazy stuff and won’t go back to sleep. He is talking to Blake. It’s weird.” Chad responded at 7:24 a.m. “JJ is still JJ. I am told his spirit recognizes Blake is evil and is unsettled by him.” An hour later, Chad texts, “Hi, my love. How is JJ now?” Lori responds, “He’s better. He was just up talking nonsense for like 2 hours later night. I’m sure they were bugging him. Is he at zero yet? I miss you.”

9:48 a.m. These photos were taken on Aug. 7, 2019. Tammy Daybell was still alive. The next screen shows messages from Aug. 7. Lori to Chad, “I love you. taking braxy home now. I’ll check on her. She is asleep. She put a bunch of holes in the walls and doors. Definitely had demons helping her. Probably 1000. Mel wants us to come up there tomorrow but I said next Thursday to Sunday. What do u think? We r both so tired of taking care of demons. We are weary. Please ask the Lord to take them!”

9:45 a.m. The next slide shows a photo of Chad standing by a picture of Jesus Christ hanging on a wall in an old LDS church. Alex sent it to Lori with caption, “Look at the bubbies.” There is also a photo of Alex standing by the same picture of Jesus Christ. Chad texted Lori the image with the caption, “Two exalted beings.”

9:44 a.m. Hart could never find the actual percentage chart.

9:41 a.m. The message from Chad to Lori shows he is the source of what is happening, Hart says. Next slide if a texts from Chad to Lori, “Yes, we might need to release a little steam when we talk. Anyway, this is the chart that checks what percentage mortals are still in their body. It worked for my friend’s wife who died, my neighbor, George Bush, Stan Lee, etc. I kind of forgot about it because we’ve been dealing with zombies and demonic entities. But this afternoon Tammy said she felt lightheaded, as if her body and spirit weren’t connected.” Chad follows up seven minutes later, “I will update the list and figure out Brandon, Adam and others.”

9:37 a.m. Next slide starts with Lori to Chad. “2 and 3 percent? Not zero?” Chad to Lori, “I will explain when we talk.” Lori to Chad, “Ok. still feeling hot for you.”

9:34 a.m. Hart says this is the first we time we see the full phrase “death percentages” and that they are Chad’s – he says “my original death percentages.”

9:33 a.m. On July 30, Chad texts Lori, “I got the inspiration to go back to my original death percentages that helped us track Charles, Ned, etc. Tammy is very close. Her percentage has fallen steadily since Hippos left. It is encouraging!” Lori to Chad, “What is the percentage now? What about JJs too?” Chad to Lori, “Tammy is at 3. JJ is at 2. Both ar being heavily shielded to stop intruders.”

9:31 a.m. These texts were sent as Lori and Melani B. were traveling to California with their kids. The two 3s are referring to two of the kids who are in the car with them. Chad wrote that he would “give them a reason to scream” – indicating he could cause physical pain to the children. Chad sits stoic and shows no reaction as these texts are read.

9:30 a.m. The next slide is from July 29. Chad to Lori, “One question: Do you want me to cause pain yet to those two 3s you’re riding with?” Lori to Chad: “Probably hold off on them till we arrive. They will be mistake to deal with. But I’ll text you if they start acting up and we can zap them. Miserable – not mistake.” Chad to Lori, “Sounds great. Yes, if they are going to act up, we’ll at least give them a reason to scream. I love, cherish, treasure and adore you. The wonderful memories just keep coming back. You are mesmerizing. Raphael is one lucky guy.”

9:29 a.m. Brighton is another one of Melani Boudreax’s sons. Mel refers to Melani.

9:27 a.m. The next slide shows texts from the same day. Chad to Lori, “Missing you too! It is still JJ. I’m told she is lying about him being calm and watching movies.” Lori to Chad, “Mel knew. She called me. She felt the real Brighton last night and knew she was different. She was told I didn’t want to tell her. She is taking well and knowing it is part of a big plan. She is amazing! although I’m still pretty upset over it. I love you. trying to ‘hang in there.’ Missing your kisses.”

9:25 a.m. On July 26, 2019, Chad texted Lori, “How are things at home?” Lori responds, “She’s fine. Need you to check JJ. She said he was calm and he watched moves all day which he would never do. Missing you!!” Most of these messages have lips, kiss, fire emojis.

9:24 a.m. There is an 11 hour gap of time between Lori asking Chad to check JJ and her asking him to check Tylee. Chad then responds two hours later. “Chad Daybell is the one who will explain to Lori Vallow. Lori Vallow is making inquires to Chad Daybell, and Chad Daybell tells her, ‘I will explain it,'” Hart says.

9:20 a.m. This is a conversation about a child, Hart notes, and Chad talked about “greatly increased his pain.” The other message referred to Chad turning up Tylee’s pain. The next slide is from July 23. Lori to Chad: “Good morning. Missing you. Didnt’ sleep much. Need you to check JJ. Weird stuff happened in the middle of the night. It’s like they distracted us with Blake. When u get home, Check Tylee. She is being super sweet and helpful and she cleaned her room. See if she got switched. Totally not her.” Chad to Lori, “Yes, she was switched. Please let me know when you can talk, and I will explain it.”

9:18 a.m. On July 20, Lori texted Chad. “What’s Blake’s percentage?? He drew three crosses on the wall in his bedroom. We just finished painting over them. Like he was marking it for the dark side to find him.” Chad responds: “Blake is at 7. I took my sword of light and sliced his aura vertically in several places. You should be able to now rip and burn it. I also decreased his pain tolerance to 1 percent and greatly increased his pain. His desire to depart is at 80 percent.” Blake was 3-4 years old at the time and is Melani Boudreaux’s son. (She is Lori’s niece and is now Melani Pawlowski.)

9:17 a.m. Blake asks Hart what Chad meant by “extreme changes” in the text message. “Within three months of this date, Tylee, JJ and Tammy are all dead.”

9:15 a.m. Hart says Lori repeatedly went to Chad for guidance and answers. These messages were one week following Charles Vallow’s death.

9:13 a.m. Tammy Daybell was still alive during this time. The next slide shows the messages continue. Lori to Chad: “And Then what?…Back to crying and saying goodbye, back to the box??” Chad to Lori, “This trip to Utah had a lot of finality to it. I was told extreme changes are coming for me and to Utah. I welcome them both.”

9:11 a.m. That same day, Chad texts Lori, “You are so adorable, beautiful, wonderful, heavenly, luscious, and angelic. So many divine attributes rolled into one dynamic, desirable package. I want you even more desperately than you want me!” Chad to Lori, “Just grab me by the storm and I will follow you to the ends of the universe!” Lori to Chad, “When might that be??” Chad responds, “Wednesday evening, and then repeatedly and gloriously until Friday.” Blake asks what the storm is in reference to. Hart says, “That’s Chad Daybell’s penis.”

9:10 a.m. Hart says this is the first time in messages that he saw references to death percentages but there are several that follow in the next three weeks. Later on, there are conversations regarding Tammy.

9:04 a.m. Hillary was a reference to Tylee. Raphael was a name for himself. Hart could never determine who Amy was. He noted that Chad said he was “instructed” to focus his efforts on Tylee Ryan. Lori asks Chad to find out the death percentage of Tylee and JJ. Hart says this is the first in a series of texts over three weeks between Lori and Chad where they discuss death percentages of Tylee, JJ and Tammy.

9:01 a.m. Hart noticed that Lori had to check everything with her “source.” The next slide shows Chad to Lori on July 18, “I have been instructed to focus my efforts on Hillary, so I will.” Lori to Chad, “Ok. Find out her percentage from me and JJs.” Chad to Lori, “She is at 0.13 I turned up the pain to 10 and placed a spiritual virus in her. He is at 99.99. Raphael visited him and told him to follow Amy into the light. I also assured him that James would love and take care of his mommy, which he will do with all of his heart and soul.” Lori says, “That is sweet! I miss you desperately.”

9 a.m. Jurors are brought back in. The first slide shows a text message from Lori to Alex on March 20, 2019. “I’m finding out some great stuff about you. I’m gonna do some sealings. Can’t wait to share all the things I learned about you. wow! U r gonna like it. It explains a lot.” Alex responds, “Ok. hurry up. Please.” Lori responds, “Going to check everything with my source tonight to make sure I got this all right but it’s really good. We can talk about it tomorrow hopefully.”

8:54 a.m. Blake says the exhibit is part of the iCloud accounts that have already been admitted by stipulation. Prior is aware but worries the contents may have been altered. Boyce says he’s going to allow the exhibit, but Prior can object if he has a problem during the presentation.

8:52 a.m. There is an evidentiary ruling the court needs to take up outside the presence of the jury. Jurors are being excused.

8:48 a.m. Hart spent over 100 hours reviewing the lollytime and lori4style iCloud accounts. Both belonged to Lori. “It’s a tremendous amount of information. Tens of thousands of text messages, multimedia messages, voicemails, thousands upon thousands of photographs, videos, emails – everything you would find on a modern smartphone.”

8:47 a.m. On the night of June 9, Hart and another agent went to speak with Chad’s children. The agents explained they wanted to talk with them about some things and asked if the kids would meet with them. Initially the children agreed to meet but the next day, they said they wouldn’t meet after they spoke to their dad.

8:45 a.m. Blake shows more photos of the ground above where JJ was found. Investigators used probing sticks on the property, and the first layer of sod in this area was removed. That’s where they uncovered four rocks lined up in a row. Under the rocks, investigators found wooden planks. Beneath the wood was JJ’s body.

8:43 a.m. Blake shows a photo and Hart describes it as JJ’s burial site. There is consistent shrubbery/plant growth but in the middle of the photo, there is a rectangular area that is a different color and length.

8:40 a.m. Several other agents became involved in the investigation for the missing kids. Hart previously worked on Native American reservations and identified clandestine grave sites. He helped process and exhume grave sites. Hart was present when JJ and Tylee were found. Blake moves to admit an exhibit.

8:36 a.m. Hart retired from the FBI and currently works for the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office. When he was with the FBI, Hart was brought in to help with the search of JJ and Tylee.

8:33 a.m. Jurors are in their seats and Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake calls Doug Hart to testify. He walks into the courtroom and is sworn in.

8:29 a.m. Four jurors who served in Lori Vallow’s trial are in the courtroom today. Larry Woodcock is also here and there are around 30-40 people in the gallery. Chad is seated next to his attorney, John Prior, and prosecutors are at their table.

8:20 a.m. It’s day 25 of the Chad Daybell trial, and the prosecution will call retired FBI agent Doug Hart as its final case-in-chief witness. Judge Steven Boyce has said it will be a short day today. John Prior, Daybell’s attorney, likely won’t start his defense case until tomorrow or Monday.

Because I don't have the time, waiting for a second realtor call, and more, not going to read the Tweets today as I heard most of it and had it on all day on Linda's live. So think I am up on all for most part. Now I just MOSTLY listened to Prior's motion for directed verdict and Lindsay Blake's great argued response. I am saying it now Chad is burnt toast. So long as every juror sees what can be seen and can commit to such.
The judge has said they will break for 2 hours and for the state to prepare for arguments.

Prior wants a directed verdict from the judge. Plus there are some wrong dates of death for JJ on some documents. I just updated my post above but listing it below too. Is this going to cause any problems? Basically they put Tylee's death date down for JJ.

12:31 p.m. Boyce says there is a filed amended indictment that has the wrong dates for JJ Vallow’s death. He is giving the state two hours to prepare for argument. We will be back at 2:30 p.m.

12:28 p.m. Boyce says the language varies on the indictment from “on or about” and “on or between.” On the JJ Vallow murder, it says, “on or between Sept. 8-9.” Prosecutors ask to come back on Monday morning and argue. Prior says the state has had plenty of time to change the indictment and they had already amended it. He doesn’t think they should be able to amend it any further.

12:25 p.m. Boyce is prepared to make a ruling but says he has an issue with part of the indictment. The indictment was amended on Feb. 20, 2024 and says JJ Vallow was killed Sept. 8-9, 2019. Boyce says JJ Vallow was clearly alive on those days.

12:22 p.m. Batey mentions that Chad told numerous people in his life that Tammy was going to die, Chad sent texts to his mistress that he felt trapped, Lori was shopping for wedding rings before Tammy died, Chad told conflicting stories about Tammy died and at her funeral, Chad said he had miraculously asked Tammy for all the financial passwords just days before her death.

12:17 p.m. Batey says there is ample evidence of the murders of Tylee and JJ because the bodies were found buried on Chad’s property. A reminder of the charges Chad is facing:

trial of chad daybell charges 2

12:15 p.m. Batey lists out the evidence the state presented in relation to each charge. She mentions the overt acts relating to the charges.

12:13 p.m. Ingrid Batey argues the jury should determine the weight of the evidence. She lists out the charges and says the state has presented evidence on all aspects of the charges.

12:11 p.m. Prior says there is no indication that Chad was present in the murders of JJ or Tylee. Prior says in regards to the conspiracy charges, there is no indication that Chad was involved. For the fraud charge, Prior says the only testimony he heard was the insurance was raised. “At this point I don’t think the state has met its burden regrading the fraud, all the conspiracy charges and they have not met their burden in the murders.”

12:09 p.m. We are back in the courtroom. Prior will now argue for a directed verdict – “a ruling from the judge after determining that there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable jury to reach a different conclusion.”
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This is a lesson in how far a man will go to please his storm.
Or manipulate,control and get men and women to do his evil bidding and laugh inside at the power he has as they murder innocent children, their own loved ones, their spouse, etc. And he chuckles every time it works.... Or someone calls him for a rating, etc. or the underlings ask her and she goes to him...


Lori though was not his first cheating from all accounts.... This man was never faithful and always took glee in screwing a married church woman or so "rumors" go...

The Toiad is a total SK director, cult leader, manipulating controlling type and he met a psychopath named Lolo, or Elena, sometimes Lori. Sometimes Vallow. Sometimes Daybell. Etc. Jmo.
Yes but he is the murderer of possibly all three. Killed Tylee and JJ as well as assisting with Tammy. He is the link and the conduit - he was Chad and Lori's paid assassin. Paid with eternal blessings and everlasting life blah blah blah.
Yes, Alex is far from blameless. He'd be on trial with the rest right now if not for the fact he's dead. Although IS he? I mean per the jail phone call Chad can text him and receive answers. OMG. God save us.

I will say he was manipulated and believe so, don't get me wrong.

He was the hitman though so of course he comes in and his phone. Not hitman but I'm sure all get what I mean. That was HIS JOB. But I think Chad had a physical hand in most murders as well. Certainly of Tammy. Possibly of both kids as well imo. ALL KNEW THOUGH of the BLUE PRINTS. Surprised they didn't use "schematic". Maybe one or the other wouldn't have followed in their code language....Jail call.

And by the way, I'm sure some may disagree but why should inmates even in county be allowed to call and talk all damned day? They are IN JAIL. Not that the recordings don't help on occasion....

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