JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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The jury is going to be bummed out that they didn't get to hear Cannon's reply to the accusations. At least they had Garth's co-worker! He was jaw dropping!
he was jaw dropping and entirely believable imo. I want to see Nate talking with him that you posted but Linda is actually still on and I find myself unable to quit although she is replaying stuff I already watched so I may have to cut the cord but she so rarely this past year or two is on live....
I don't think jury even knows it was requested that Cannon get to reply was it? Wasn't this all talked of with jury out of room?

I did have trouble with P dismissing some from subpoenaes at times. I mean you haven't even heard what the defense puts on yet but I guess their case in chief is over but still I'd keep some on reserve...
I meant after all is said and done and they look at the news reports on what happened that was not presented to them.
I believe him 100%. Especially after watching Nate's short interview with him.

I hardly EVER say anything about the families of accused killers, but these two are over the top. I feel so terrible for Tammy, but hopefully she can't see what they did.
I do as well. 100 percent, there was absolutely nothing else and no reason for a motive to lie. I guess Garth could have lied to him but I doubt it. I think as we all do in times of distress and grief was reeling and expressed something to someone he never thought wouldn't be safe or even thought about it for that matter...

My beliefs are that Tammy can see but what do I know. I think she can see what her kids are doing, their motives and how it came to be. Not sure they will end up where she is. Perhaps since they are a product of Chad, etc. Who knows. That's a lot of the great unknown.

You know it occurs to me that if we are fair, we don't know Tammy either other than from her sister, etc. And she also lived with and was tied to this "man" and perhaps in agreement with some of the sh*t. Hard to say. I don't believe Emma in that Tammy was rating death percentages of people for a minute. Matt's wife, can't think of her name, did say Tammy was very unfriendly and not nice to her. Tammy probably like her kids defended this arsehole and put on a front to a point... Of a good family, committed marriage and so on.

However I listen to Samantha, Tammy's sister and don't see any artifice in her and feel she is like Tammy would be like however she wasn't married to a Chad.

I guess what I mean is I can allow for the kids being brainwashed and controlled to a POINT and Tammy too having to cave to her hub and years of marriage but I don't see it when weighing it all. I think Tammy knew it and knew better and was realizing but think between the brainwashed kids and Chad's gaslighting she was stuck...

AND I don't think the kids are brainwashed, they are adults and I think they see what is what and choose to do as they are doing. LIE. Chad told many people he had a vision Tammy would die young and I don't doubt he told her and the kids quite possibly.... These kids are CHOOSING to LIE.

I am still listening to Linda as I type this and she just said a lot of liars were on the stand this week lol.

And now talking of the wind direction, most blatant lie of all.... Or most obvious.... Emma had an excuse for everything.

I probably won't catch up with previous days posts by members but I am I think more than caught up n the trial, testimony, Nate's, etc.

I've searched weather in my life for an outdoor event but never wind DIRECTION. And I can't think of more than ONE time I ever hopped on my mom's computer in my life or the last how many decades. Just one of Emma's many lies. And this woman is in charge of and teaching "children" and has three of her own. I should also put "woman" in parens.
Nate's interview with Garth's co-worker. I totally believe the co-worker!!!

Wow. I wish some of this would have come out in rebuttal that he actually forgot what he said to his parents until they mentioned it. I mean on one hand I guess it is kind of he said/he said BUT he did work with him and at that time and so forth and he has no reason for an agenda and still works the haunted house and so on. Garth also never denied it he simply claimed a lack of recall...

Like I've said actually watching the testimonies of the kids was worth it for a few reasons. Not saying all should or anything, just that I rarely get to watch any testimony and wanted to after waiting how long see the two of them (Emma and Garth) and it has put me in good stead to have a feel for this. And my feel is it is the truth and that changes everything.
Nate's interview with Garth's co-worker. I totally believe the co-worker!!!

I ALSO have to say Nate has always been but has turned into one TOP NOTCH reporter. Man does he own it and handle it.

I do wish he'd share his personal opinions at times. He gives a hint of what they are lol at times but then says well decide for yourself without going too far.

I wouldn't be up on any of it if not for Tresir sharing his tweets here and my watching his night lies and I caught a lot of Lindas too in the first couple of weeks (nightlies).
Hm. I'm making a stereotypical judgment based on the witness clothing. He appears to be your standard Mormon. White shirt and tie. It's just huge to me he would step out on a limb and testify.

There's a ton of Mormon v. Mormon here. Always has been ever since the "WHERE ARE THE KIDS". Tammy's family is. Lori's was. Some cops and judges are. I feel the church in a lot of things that have went on. Many have had to make a CHOICE. I was impressed with the juror Nate interviewed but my total instinct is she is LDS. Even so not once have I said so here when promoting the video. My point IS people in and of this church and this area/s have had to make a choice as to right and wrong, you don't protect one of your own when you have knowledge of murder of a wife and/or children.

There's a good chance the guy is LDS because any job or place Garth would be working would likely be LDS related and so on. They have extreme influence over lives and what their members are doingi and where they work and what jobs are okay.

So what is your point?

You think he's a ringer?

I don't think they could make up he worked with him when Tammy died. And Garth was very vague and noncommittal when asked about telling this guy when asked if he recalled telling this guy this (by name in fact). Garth's testimony was far from smooth. From the outset he got things wrong. And when asked about this he simply did not recall it. If you were on the stand and it was an outright lie, wouldn't you be outraged? I would be. If never heard of such. I'd be WTH are you talking about, I said no such thing.

I forget who, maybe it was him or an expert of Prior's today, can't recall but someone in Linda's chat was judging someone for inappropriately wearing blue jeans to court although the person was in shirt and tie (maybe it was him I can't recall) and I thought oh get with the freaking times already. He was't in a ball cap and tee shirt and jeans but jeans and a shirt and tie whoever it was. Packed a lot in, not sure if this guy or someone else.
My mom's family are Mormon and if you mean they are traditionally passive, I don't think they'd mind the insinuation. I also agree with you. Also, Garth did mention he's not a traditional Mormon and teaches evolution. What other Mormon traditions has he left behind? Like honesty, for example? :thinking:
Good points. And I know that about your mom's side and always think of it when commenting strongly of what I think of this religion. Never do I mean every person raised in it or who believes in it is bad or anything like that. However I will not be PC on what I have watched and seen these last years and not just in this case. Just the people in Lori's extended family who have left the church is like wow and it isn't like the church right caused this...? At least not that we are told. I never am judging all Mormons or LDS but I do think a lot of their things and ways contribute to, cause and create a lot of this. They knew of so much, all the podcasts, the books, etc. and actually all that is a huge thing, seminars, events, authoring, visions, etc. and that all stems from there. My God even the Jodi Arias trial and the LDS thing and Travis was it? And a TON more cases AND financial fraud revealed to no end of big $$$ recently and then fast disappearing from the news.

And sure break offs and twisting of religions can go on in any religion of course but this one I find a cult, sorry. Not saying any member from back when would see that or feel that but what I see these days for sure and I do put it right there with the likes of scientology. And these were not breakaways, most all were participating and practicing member OF the church. Chad was a bishop or whatever or priest, etc. and he and Tammy attended, almost all of them did. SCARY.

And I'm not saying traditions of old like honesty were not taught and certainly Garth nor Emma nor Chad know that one...

Just to be clear when I knock the faith and church, I am not knocking anyone raised in it that has never been anything but good and honest and not harmful to others, etc. I just think the entire thing is rife for such

I will say this though and attempt to stay away from as we aren't to go there, major religious or political remarks, but I have my beliefs as do you, but as far as any of our religions or the tops of any of the churches, there is a lot of power and money and fraud going on. I'm staying away from naming any one as I'd say it is all and I could get into what they do from missions to illegals but it would be a hard topic to discuss without talking of religion or politics. So in that way it is not only the LDS.

I consider myself a devout believer in Christianity and a Lutheran but I am NOT one to feel I need to go to church and that isn't just an excuse, I've seen hypocrisy in the people in church since I was a child. I don't know, we are all born and taught what we are taught and raised to believe what we believe in and some may stray from it when old enough to think this makes no sense. mean we could have been born black, poor, born in Italy and revering the Pope, born in an Arab country to anyone. Sorry if this sounds weird but I just mean we have the beliefs we were born into and raised in if we haven't used our own minds and thoughts to stray from such.

I do believe in God and I believe in something greater than us and I do not believe in the scientific boom thing etc. I do think evolution and God could be made to work together. As far though as organized religion or church, not so much. I can say I don't go much ever but when I do it can leave me with the most awesome feeling of why don't I do this more because I feel Him here but it can also leave me with watching others in church and the hypocrisy. It just depends. I will say I feel a presence any time I go that is a major religious holiday that's beyond who is there.

I'm really off track here but just trying to say I don't know what, all are out of control at the top and also say some would say there is no difference in a cult and religion, those who believe somehow we exist and nothing bigger ever did and I'd argue that one to no end if anyone wants to, in fact I'd dare it and compare it to the chicken and the egg...

I do think the LDS ways though are cultish in and of themselves. Maybe not with your mom or her family but I've followed a ton of things in these recent years and people who have left it and maybe it has become that way.

They all were in this case practicing members or families. Chad and Tammy. Mel and Mel. They weren't some breakoff that moved to Mexico. You ever hear of that one that news or powers that be shut down FAST...?

We have seen it in this case that almost anyone just claiming to have a vision is then followed or reversed. Or who authors. Or has a podcast. Or prepares the people. OR who helps fund these golden temples and power, etc.

Okay yes I have wandered.

I don't know that what I believe is right and I am certainly not judging every Mormon or LDS member or your mom and just hope you know that. Not for one minute would I class your mom as something like any of this.
I meant after all is said and done and they look at the news reports on what happened that was not presented to them.
Never thought of that. Packed a lot in. I do think Boyce had it right in that jury heard both and can decide who to believe--because I didn't watch it all with Joeyyyy Murray but some and I found him as unbelievable as Emma and Garth. I meant to get back and watch the rest of his but did not and am glad though I watched that of the two kids. May still finish Joseph's... But would have to find it again and am so far behind on life and other cases.

I can tell you if I was rich, retired, had nothing but time I would have glued to every minute of these Daybell trials and others of course. Harmony's it took a lot but I fit in listening to a LOT of the testimony tired and late at night. If off and could just do that, I'd be watching every single moment.

The remark by Garth to the coworker is huge but I think the big one for me is what is coming and that's Emma's lies about the life insurance. The coworker thing is big and his parents can back it up but it is still just people saying it but the life insurance?? Emma claimed Chad and their husbands weren't there or consulted, etc. but Chad signed it! So they can actually show she lied on this one big time. AND she then said in trying to get around it with Blake that yeah because it was just for the one but mom's choice and it was NOT. Nothing big was made during testimony by Blake or Emma who just tried to fix, act normal and like no big deal nor did Blake overblow it but it was CLEAR if watching that Emma just got caught. That day ended and I wondered WHY they weren't making a bigger deal of it, the P, and wondered if it would not come back in rebuttal. And it did and IS...

THIS has evidence and paperwork.

Emma has destroyed imo any chance her dad had if he had any. Her intent was to help but she did the opposite.

And Garth's statement to the coworker well that's great icing as well.

I'm sorry to talk mean about these kids but you know they have to live in this world and get a CLUE. And they LIE.
Since this is a few days ago you probably already know. Garth was not married yet. And he as teaching I believe part time and the haunted house was a second gig. I actually wonder now that we know he is the oldest why he was not married since in LDS dating more than a few months is long and I think it was said about TAmmy and Chad in fact. All their kids I believe are married off but there must have been some issue with Garth resisting or some such because as the oldest, you'd think that would be the example.... What case was it I learned a lot and if someone is 25 and not married they are an old maid. not sure the men are considered the same but I think that thing is still there to do so. You date someone in your ward or at least of your faith in another and then no time is wasted, marriage.

His wife was not a wife at the time but was someone supposedly per Gath told he found Tammy on the couch. It's interesting that there was a point (listen to it if any get the chance) in Garth's testimony that he wondered what the rules were or law and he wasn't sure and no one helped him out and could not and I personally think he meant whether he had to answer legally etc. since the two are now fortunately married and how convenient is that.... Been a week I may have that wrong but I think that's what the hint was at. He married the person who claimed he told a different story to and now there is spousal privilege? I am so behind here but I DID pack in both testimonies of both kids and so I may not have it exactly correct but it is still odd Garth as the oldest wasn't married, was living at home and ended up marrying someone who told a different story. Per Blake anyhow.

It might be a stretch but I am guess or wonder if Chad as he did with Zulema and Alex, himself and Lori (meant to be together and Tammy to die young) Mel P leaving Brandon and marrying a basically unknown Ian allegedly, that perhaps Garth was told he was meant to marry this person because it was their g od's plan and Chad was exalted and that Garth and she were meant to be together and were part of the 144k.

I think there is sooooooooo much here we don't know and never will. And MUCH went on we will never know of with MORE than we will ever hear of.

Anyhow no, Garth was not married then and I believe was teaching part time and had the gig of the haunted house where he dressed up in costume to scare people... Also said he was shy and an introvert and Prior tried to say that was like his dad.... HMMMMMM.
Ah ha, gotcha. Married quickly to avail themselves of spousal privilege. Devious bunch. Chad had them all under his evil spell. Will need to find out the ages of these children.
This is bullsh*t:

9:31 a.m. Prior asks about someone dying from asphyxia from having someone else sit on their chest. Raven says it would be extraordinary difficult for a healthy person to die from having someone sit on their chest.

Trust me, I know. I won't go into how I know but I know. You put someone Chad's size kneeling on her chest and darned right it would cause death and instant distress. And this comes from a doctor. Smh.
Someone kneeling on the chest while someone uses the pillow.
Ah ha, gotcha. Married quickly to avail themselves of spousal privilege. Devious bunch. Chad had them all under his evil spell. Will need to find out the ages of these children.
Honestly I think they may have been told they were special and part of the 144 just as they got Mel P to marry Ian, Alex to marry Zulema, maybe Emma to marry Joe, pretty sure that testimony was that they have been married seven years so prior to 2019 by a couple but Chad did get them all moving to Rexburg on some vision or whatever or the end times, second coming and then yes, Garth to marry the friend... I find that a bit odd. he's the oldest and wasn't married where the LDS ways and the other kids were pretty qucikly married as were Chad and Tammy back when....Garth the eldest was living at home... I mean this could just be circumstance could happen in any of our families, one needs a place or to move back home or is in school or lost a job or whatever but I just doubt it in this family's case....

I don't know if marrying saved spousal privilege because Blake came right out and asked him if he told her (by name at the time not married) he found Tammy on the couch... He did not recall or similar to what he said as to the coworker he told he found her blue and limp and dead I take it in bed with Chad no where to be found...I certainly can't watch all, none of us can but this is where watching the actual testimony was worth it in things like this...

Emma's demeanor was worth it, her quick answers, her monotone and clerk knowing of what she had to be sure to impart and then when she tried to make a 'funny" it was like some robot trying to, honest to God. When objections put things off script she couldn't quite get it or pick it up that she could not keep trying to answer as she was. I never did finish her hub's testimony but I should because there too, interesting...

Been a heckuva week and a heckuva day and packed a lot in but also my house hit the market and that took a lot of work and effort and I already have a notice about a showing tomorrow and I was not ready for that. Say a prayer it sells for its worth because I have had it with this apartment. The main light quit working and the water is now off again with no notice for the second night in a row and non explanation last night or tonight. One finally gets their day off and can't do dishes, laundry, shower or anything. it was off last night was back on their morning and now thinking it was over went to use it and off again tonight and not a single notification or explanation of what the heck is going on.

I know you have a harder load. I don't know about you but it is probably part of what following crime and detesting most perps does for me, it is somewhere and something to vent at.

I wonder about Garth honestly being the eldest and not married at that time... And then ending up married to the one he said something different to...
nate live.

so Tammy had peanuts and potatoes in her stomach but recall Garth went and got them mc Donald's... someone in chat brought it up. still live right now...

Oh, that was a fleeting moment that I had! I was going to post that in here, but I forgot.
That's where I'm at. I watch all of something and stuff it in with no time, etc. and have all these thoughts throughout I am going to share here and then I can't recall all by end. I do best when I have some time and watch a bit and then come here and say what I think then go back and watch a bit more and then come in here and mention my thoughts, etc. Haven't been able to do that lately.

Last night I did when I saw that one. Stopped and came to mention it.

Not funny but play on words that this is "food" for thought.... Potatoes in her stomach I guess could be fries... Peanuts from Mc Donald's make no sense and where is the quarter pounder, the burger, the cheese, the toppings, the bun...

Is Garth LYING about the early hours of this night or after work time for both of them....?

On the stand, again I watched it, he knew her fave was the quarter pounder with cheese so he was pretty sure he would have gotten her that, couldn't recall what else, maybe fries, thought he may have got the meal deal/combo but unsure, may have just been sandwich... Someone made a point of how far to run for this and I think Prior tried to clear it up, did Blake wonder and then Prior came back and it was made clear there were two McDonalds now in Rexburg ha ha and everything they did was running to town for something, etc... it seemed minor when I watched this part UNTIL NOW and that remark last night about her stomach contents...

I am starting to think something that I don't like thinking... I've had fleeting, very fleeting moments over time of such thoughts but always dismiss them as unlikely... I still am trying to buy it is just a bit more invasive now and I can't help but wonder and they are a bit more than fleeting and I tell myself still unlikely but why would Garth have any reason to lie about this early part of the afternoon or evening... I mean he could have just said Tammy didn't feel well or was exhausted and told him to go grab himself something or fend for self with some bowl of cereal or something and that she did not feel like cooking or eating... It was more like in testimony that she wasn't up to par and was tired, didn't want to cook but sent him to get them both (or all?) something but then she did not eat it or what? or just ate the fries and not her fave quarter pounder with cheese? Something is off here. And if this had been any kind of investigation with a young healthy woman dying out of the blue, there's have been a bag in garbage, a left over quarter pounder, etc.

I stuffed a lot in in a very hard week at night with the kids' testimonies and never did get through Joe's. I recall most but at the time the McDonald's thing did not seem like important testimony although I recall Prior on cross asking about how it was not odd was it he'd run to Mc Donald's which made me feel something was there and it sure does now and that Blake maybe was getting at something I missed. I also was doing things, had to be, while listening. It really never hit my radar even when Prior did that not on cross but whatever ya call it when they get to come back to their witness the second time. Cross would be Blake. Man am I burned out and wiped out lol.

UNTIL I saw this remark on Nate's last night and then thought of the stomach contents.... And voila and HMMMMM. A bit more, not a lot, of a brain this morning and putting that all together last night and today, I think means the prosecution does not believe the McDonald's story....

So why the need for it... And what does it cover.... Now at this very moment it is coming to me how much emphasis there has been by people about Garth's lack of emotion even that day on scene when people responded when called that there was a death...

I already had quite an opinion of these kids going in but actually watching both well... It's all subtle I guess to a point but on seeing all it just leaves you feeling or sensing something...

Chad was telling everyone Tammy was going to die young, or many anyhow and not all just the little group of the bad ones... I think he told that church lady and her hub the ones who he wanted to mortgage their home to get Lori out of jail if I have it right on both things and who... His sister in law couldn't get over how he was respected and no one believed her and it seems to me people fell for his sh*t in Rexburg... And then we have his kids, Emma mostly talking about castings and how she had someone inside her they got rid of and how they all knew the light and dark thing and percentages and so on and that Tammy did death percentages too--that was one moment on the stand I did NOT BELIEVE her and she like coudln't help herself I felt and went for it.... is it POSSIBLE, I've never went here but things are bringing me here, that Garth knew his mother needed a casting or to be exorcised and that that was the plan... That she was not his mom but was dark and inhabited by someone else, an evil spiriit.... Or knew PART and went along but didn't know ALL. And I wonder with Emma too of course. These kids are such dad groupies and weird on top of it and showed NO emotion then nor now... Mom had to go as she was not mom....

And then they get rewarded with a trip.... Joe and Emma get the truck.... Emma gets to quit paying rent or whatever they were doing and have the home...Cash was put into their accounts...

I don't like going here but it is where things are taking me. Even Emma talking to Lori... Was the Lori thing REALLY a surprise.... Looking at things this way could open a whole can of worms looking back which I can't let myself do or it would be a rabbit hole I don't have time for.

There are so many HINTS of things that one can tell prosecution for instance HINTS at but aren't allowed to quite go there... Etc...

Kind of doing what I do when I haven't fully formed thoughts and something is bothering and i'm just talking it out to see what comes together here, it helps me clear the thoughts and something else pops...

I started with McDonald's... It did not seem big to me until being reminded of her stomach contents then the rest of testimony etc. or most of it came back...

McDonalds have cams but I am going to guess since no one questioned and there was no investigation re Tammy's death at that time that no one looked for video... There'd still be a debit card or credit card record but let me guess, he paid cash or they couldn't subpoena his records...

It SEEMS so minor but what is the reason for this story... or is it TRUE and Tammy just didn't feel well or like eating when he got back... And that day had had some peanuts and potato chips or some such. Again if serious even normal questioning about a healthy woman and if true, Garth could have said hey she ate nothing, her whole meal is still in the frig but of course no one questioned anything even in a nice chatty way....

I think the kids KNOW. Not even sure they didn't know THEN. Yep that's where talking it out has taken me... I haven't said they were part of it but that's where it would next go....
Very possible. And it could be two and it could be one doing both things... Heck it could even be three...
One, just Chad kneeling on her chest and pillow over face.

Two, Chad chest, pillow over face, Alex holding legs down, etc. Or Chad on chest, Alex with pillow.

Three, Chad on chest kneeling and pillow. Alex holding down both arms, Garth holding legs.

Continue from there with possibilities.

It was an exorcism after all of a dark entity, it wasn't their mom, she was a zombie.

We have no idea what HOUR Tammy died...

Just thoughts. And maybe early on it was just "containing' and after Garth went to work something more happened, casting did not work, etc...

The McDonalds thing seems to be a lie.... Why.

Conclusion, we will never know all... But there's a lot more to ALL of it and people in it even with the kids than we shall never hear or know. BOTH sets of kids. The dead ones and the very blessed fortunate living ones of Chad's...
I'm also extremely disappointed there is no court today. RIGHT in the midst of rebuttal. And I am OFF to have seen it were it on. And then all I would miss live would be closing statements. I think finishing rebuttal before the three day holiday weekend for jurors and all would have been perfect and then closings on Tuesday as well for a court schedule. Not like I have nothing to do today, too MUCH but I would have been able to hear most while doing.

I look at the bright side or try to. Maybe witnesses needed coudln't be available today anyhow and already had plans being a holiday weekend. Imo the INSURANCE rebuttal on Emma is going to e a big one. They did the more minor today although the coworker of Garth's was BIG stuff. However, corroborating it is not something that can be done--jury has to decide who to believe and Garth NEVER said he didn't say such and wasn't pressed in testimony, it was odd. I mean why did Blake not ask him if he knew who she was talking of, if he worked with him, etc. She didn't... Me and I think most all were going when watching testimony of Garth, WHAT was the name and WHO is that? And I was never made clear in any way... I think she just wanted him on record with an answer and then she left it go and saved it for rebuttal but probably got him all worried...

and then allegedly told his wife (not wife then) and someone else he found her on the couch... Can't recall the second person. Emma? Not sure. I watched but I really packed it in WHILE having to get ready for work and so on, night and morning.

One way or another this will be over next week with a verdict in. The DP part may not be since all doesn't go back until Tuesday and with Boyce's way of time in between and such, maybe no that part but verdict will be in short of some catastrophe.

Defense was nothing outstanding, I see guilty on all counts. They tried for a variety of ways of reasonable doubt on Tammy and the kids and I suppose hope for one hold out that can't go there. I do think Prior tried for what he had. I think in closing he will pound in about Tammy's health and that it was not good and say how THREE saw it that night other than Chad--Joe, Garth and Emma I guess throughout and previously actually, not that night I don't think. He will talk of the stupid paintball thing and how she was not the target, it wasn't a gun and then he will likely talk of Alex or hint at other possibilities as to burying the kids and sneaking onto the property.... And will just say ALL of these things are just as possible so you can't know beyond a reasonable doubt. B.S. but what I'd expect.

Prosecution will nail it with all they have. I do have to say though I didn't like seeing Lindsey Blake all shaky voiced the other day and it was the day it was found the one filing on JJ had wrong dates. Presumably when shaky voiced she did not know at that time but never seen her that way before.... Now today I think it was Wixom? In rebuttal was it? Sorry I mean yesterday, my days run together BADLY, he was shaky for a bit... Not something one normally sees and I've seen it twice and don't like it. I can't imagine the pressure and changing by minute and what is going on at times behind the scenes. I mean there have been several in chambers things and sidebars constantly most of which we know nothing of.

Chad Toad DUMB BELL, get ready you are going down. Perhaps if there is less phone access on death row, you will have a break from Emma daily. You needed her and I'm sure humored her but I kind of bet you are ready for one even if not wanting this to be the way lol.

and with the insurance thing and Garth's McDonald's thing and finding ma dead and you not home and more, you may have brought your kids down with you with future perjury charges if not more... not that you care about them as I don't believe you do. they are pawns.

Okay. That's where I'm leaving this one since am as caught up as gong to be. Saw the bulk of all, might rewatch Nate's as was tired when saw it yesterday and not sure I finished and if did it was not with focus. I wanted to read all posts here from the week, did with a ton and think I was almost there but going to give that up as days have passed and all is past that now. I watched most all of everything live yesterday WHILE doing things so not with total sit down focus but caught most all.

And the end is near. Chad!! Listen, can you hear me?? The End Times/Days are near. YOURS ARE. You evil POS.
This is DIFFERENT. Kind of funny, a bit light and different. I am not the biggest Lauren and "Dr. John" fan but do watch on occasion but never gravitate to it first.

I've watched half and probably won't finish but was interesting and Aunt Vicky came in, etc.

What I took from it mostly is how the one knew everyone. She is Tammy's cousin but knew Lori, Tylee, JJ, Charles and grew up in Springville but moved to AZ. This is something else that becomes clear about the LDS to me in watching not just this case but a lot of other things, is how they ALL do know each other even if they move it is LDS community to LDS community and wards. She knew Heather, Matt, Chad, yada yada, ALL of them. Now think of that when thinking OF Tammy and thinking of LORI and any of them knowing each other. And again to me this church who keeps them all in their sight and they can only date in their ward, etc., etc. We see this over and over as to where they travel, move to or live. Even in beliefs as in maybe Rexburg being the final place...?

It is meant to be a fun story and a girls lunch out laughing their butts off and it is and Chad truly did hit her with a car however, I take more from it than that in as how they ALL know each other or of each other. That's the LDS thing.

Lauren is if I have it right and recall LDS or former herself. Again I am not the biggest fan of her and her husband but I also am not overboard about it and I have a reason that I don't need to go into, a few actually. I'm no doctor but I don't find him right on at all for one, someone else I watch calls them out and that's another reason and does not like them, and Lauren even I've gone back and forth on BUT that doesn't mean I totally dislike or won't watch them or negate them.

This is a bit of a funny true story but like I said what is interesting is HOW they or the one knew all players, all families and basically all relatives in this entire saga. And lived in two different states yet had that happen...

Watch just half... I don't intend to watch the rest, I am sure it will just be milking time after that.

Not sure why but I am rewatching Nate's from last night. I have so many things to do and fires to put out before another week but was just so behind this week on this case and others but this is the key one going on, and I packed a lot in and just wanted to hear it ag

I think I already said this but the one rebuttal witness said Emma told her they thought or knew or whatever Tammy had a blood clot. Pretty sure I mentioned this last night but not thoughts on it, etc. One reason I am rewatching is I had thoughts but by end could not recall all.

First off, obviously both Emma and Garth apparently gave different stories to people than what they testify to.

HOWEVER what I want to mention here is I don't think this is first heard for us. Pretty sure I've heard over years somewhere that Emma said this to someone at school. Not sure where but I don't think never before heard by me...

BUT WHAT I really want to get at and mention here is I think blood clots were mentioned at times with BOTH Joe and Alex. Not just in speculation but in causes or suggested as causes... I can't recall all that far back but it tickles...

So my thought is Chad put this in Emma's head OR she is more knowledgeable than known and she came up with it herself but if innocent, then Chad did...

Chad himself told varying stories...

I HOPE he is sweating and worrying. He SHOULD be. Not sure though he has that kind of human element in him.

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