JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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I know Janice talks to her. Summer said she doesn't or at least these days they have no contact, not saying that couldn't ever change. Pretty positive Adam doesn't. I don't think Colby would. I can't think of many who would or do other than mom and dad.

It was always said by Adam though that it is surface stuff talked of and not Chad, her crimes, etc. I GUESS her own attorney could have told her and probably callsl. They may have been allowed to watch it, who knows... It is county with TV I'm sure, do they allow things like Court TV on or have those channels... Hard to say.

She isn't a typical inmate though or one wouldh't think under the same freedoms. She is a convicted murderer simply awaiting another murder trial and attempted one in their county jail...
Have you had a chance to watch Summer‘s interview with Nate? She said she is in contact with her sister at this point. It’s pretty limited though.
I watched about half of this last night. Colby and his wife are now starting to talk about everything. I thought it most interesting that his wife said she started noticing Lori’s passive aggressive behavior soon after she met her. I’ve always wondered if that would pop out with me too if I ever met her.

I hope to watch the rest of this today.

Have you had a chance to watch Summer‘s interview with Nate? She said she is in contact with her sister at this point. It’s pretty limited though.
I watched all of her interview yes and very timely I did so when just out. There was more though that was going to come through Crime Con.

I recall her saying she HAD been in touch with Lori and Lori was all of a sudden wanting to talk to her once she couldn't talk to Chad any longer when he was arrested and I took that to mean she felt Lori was only wanting to talk to her as no Chad around because she didn't care to then. But then I am pretty sure she said they are NOT in contact right now or talking. So I recall it differently.
I watched about half of this last night. Colby and his wife are now starting to talk about everything. I thought it most interesting that his wife said she started noticing Lori’s passive aggressive behavior soon after she met her. I’ve always wondered if that would pop out with me too if I ever met her.

I hope to watch the rest of this today.

I watched all of it last night. And I think they have grown a lot compared to when I used to sometimes watch them, and matured, and have lived and learned a few things. If you finish the other half, she says another thing or two about Lori as well. Not a lot but one was that the dog LOVED her. She talked of Lori's jealousy.

Mostly though they talked not of the case but life but they did answer more than a few questions about it and intend to share about it all.

I want to see Colby make his grilled cheese lol. He finally did explain or tell how he makes it and sound pretty interesting lol. If I followed right he melts the cheese in the pan off the bread for a bit and then puts it on the bread and some other tweaks that aren't the typical way of doing so. Of course it is Kerry Gold butter and Tillamook sharp cheddar, BOTH very pricey. Lots of stuff just about life and family, they have a boy on the way. Already have two girls. I wasn't sure I was going to stick it all out but I did and just played it while jumping back and forth to here catching up.

There have been a few things in the past n their shows that didn't always set right with me but I have to remember where they were at in life and I think they've come far past it, and how he lost any support he would ever have had and that support was pretty bad and dysfunctional.

I don't know if you saw their prior one but after the trial, the DP day I believe it was, they did a show from their room in Rexburg, first time I'd seen them on in a long time. I think I may have come into that one after it started so didn't see it all, yes, I know I came in late. But--and now I completely lost my point. I was going to share something I think he said in it and can't recall what it was... It wasn't a huge thing but was a natural next remark to what I was just talking of or thinking about... Like losing support and dysfunction, but I can't bring it back at the moment. Darn it. I do recall some other things he said in it though and one were that Tylee and he were just becoming close and forging a relationship now that she was older and he was around a bit more, I think she was younger and he had went off to school, etc. This was NOT the thing I was going to talk of though.

It wasn't anything HUGE it just kind of fit in with things being talked about in this post. Not sure if I will remember or not, if I do, I will come back and share it.

Neither is LDS and wife never was at any point in life. GOOD for them imo. They are however Christian. That's not it though either lol.

It likely had to do with Lori or Kelsey and how Lori was again...

I HATE it that I can't recall. Anyhow whatever it was was in that show. And again wasn't anything huge.
Nate promised an interview with Rob Wood and Detective Hermasillo, Lieutenant I guess he is actually, and here it is!

I'm watching now. Did I know they went to Hawaii and Rob Wood went with to help Hawaii LE with the paperwork, etc.? Not sure, can't recall.

I think I did know this, they intended to serve a search warrant on the Hawaii residence but were told they were on the move and changed plans to make a traffic stop as no idea if they were fleeing or what...
Not going to share all as all should watch it.

It gets better and more meaningful as it goes along by far. They share a lot and good questions are asked and it is clear as we know how convoluted this case was (of all crimes) and info coming at them and how huge and different areas and more, that they hardly touch on the tip of the iceberg of what they were going through, experiencing and one person doing one thing being able to put it together with someone doing something else LIKE the finding of JJ and Tylee and how that came to be. They talk personally of the fears of are they right or wrong in that last search for the kids, and a ton more. If they think Alex died of natural causes. Lots of topics...

A GOOD watch, as always with Nate who pretty much just put out questions and let them talk.

The effort by ALL it took to bring this through to fruition and completion.

Just interesting.
Nate promised an interview with Rob Wood and Detective Hermasillo, Lieutenant I guess he is actually, and here it is!

I'm watching now. Did I know they went to Hawaii and Rob Wood went with to help Hawaii LE with the paperwork, etc.? Not sure, can't recall.

Great interview. I really enjoyed it.

They really didn’t bring up anything I didn’t already know about, but it was interesting to see that they felt about it the same way we did.
Great interview. I really enjoyed it.

They really didn’t bring up anything I didn’t already know about, but it was interesting to see that they felt about it the same way we did.
Nothing newly earth shattering I agree but I wonder at the things uncovered they didn't need or use or as I think Rob said there is a point of overkill, saturating the jury too much, going on too long when enough is enough, I am VERY much paraphrasing.

I agree most was known but the behind the scenes what was going on and even their fear they were wrong on the last search and they wouldn't find the kids and Hermasillo being convinced Chad would show something when he read the warrant and what they were there to do but he didn't and his hopes got dashed. Their own ups and downs that day and more. Rob said he had a good idea of where Chad was fleeing to but then declined to state it. Understandable, they are still LE and prosecutor... They played safe with the was Alex natural causes question and yes as you say they showed they see things much as we all do. Hermasillo made it clear that jurisdiction and ME were very careful and went over EVERYTHING, no stone left unturned and did a solid job but it's also clear just like us without them quite saying it, it is hard to believe in the picture of all this, that it was natural and make that work in one's head. Again I am paraphrasing big time.

What this all must have took I can't imagine and hearing of Hemasillo's relief for one emotion when hearing Alex died, among other things, was a personal insight because of course he was dark, and needed to be sidelined and they were talking OF him. And he felt he and his family's safer. I thought that was quite a personal admission.

Yeah it was just GOOD. No new revelations of course but more their personal and work journey as all the crazy different things came fast and furious as they did to us too but more so to them i'm sure. More deaths with Alex and Tammy in the midst of the initial months of the investigation and that was before kids found and so on.

I'd like to see him snag Lindsey Blake too. She did talk to someone briefly, I forget who but I saw it. Not nearly as in depth as here. Probably just after trial.
I think the only thing I really learned from those interviews was that Chad and Lori talked to each other every single day on and on and on for hours and like the detective said, all of it was “silly”. Immature murderers. Strange indeed.
I think the only thing I really learned from those interviews was that Chad and Lori talked to each other every single day on and on and on for hours and like the detective said, all of it was “silly”. Immature murderers. Strange indeed.
Yeah like junior high school students. I have thought the same many a time. Like you said their thoughts mirrored our in many ways but that's good confirmation that we read it right imo.

It is such a contradiction they are like immature children but are plotting, planning and murdering with their little hit man Alex. And yet it's not. Isn't that what many a murderer is, someone who never grew up, adulted, can do real life, were either raised sheltered OR so naive and unsympathetic to others due to not being taught anything or spoiled or left to own devices, etc. This entire thing has struck me more than once like grade school lkids with a clubhouse where they have their own purpose, own rules with a grade school mind and it says on the door no LE allowed nor anyone who is not a club member, with a big "Stay Out" where they go after school.... Some of it imo is the LDS thing, sorry but I see it. Just never raised in a REAL world and of course taught to be the 144 is special and only LDS will be in the 144 and so on. The rules of those in it are sheltering, and very specific.

I don't know. I mean every single one of them wanted special. Alex. The two evil ones who though I don't believe for a moment believed their own sh*t, Chad certainly didn't. Mel wanted special was trying to find it herself, both Mels actually... To have visions, to be special, to have perfection. Alex was the PERFECT doormat.

I thought it was interesting when Hermasillo talked about Alex's 100 yard or whatever it was stare and started advancing towards him....

It wasn't over the top with new info but it was interesting to hear their thoughts at the time and so on.

It was limited in time and such but Nate could have also asked a thousand more questions and still could at another time and that is if this is even all of it. We know how they hold things back to have another interesting and viewable portion.

I just liked hearing it from their perspective and the little nugget of how they felt here and there.

The part about Chad and Lori talking to each other every day sounding silly was not a bit new to me. That one was the least new lol. Heard that more than once and how they had to listen to all and hours and hours of it. What was new was that he dind't have to do it all and the put many on it so no one had that duty.

Also the putting together of the raccoon text. And how many could have missed its importance but the one reviewing thought it may be. They had NO reason to think the kids were there. Then someone had to take that and not dismiss it and look at it with other things when you have a HUGE task force for lack of another term or team, that could have EASILY not come together...

Look at Delphi with the missed thing for more than five years about the now alleged perp who was interviewed back then and no one ever connected the dots and it just got lost.

The fact that text was taking note of and it got to the right people who said let's look at the other stuff from people working on other parts and see where Alex was, etc. is very fortunate and good work.

Lori and Chad's love you crap all day every day is nothing new. It does show, which we already new, her being arrested didn't have him bailing on her and turning on her but of course he may have been managing her.... I mean if either turned on the other, it would have been a different cases in each case all together... Neither really did.... And hasn't to date...
I haven't watched this yet and in fact I think I have only watched him once, maybe twice but have been aware of him for a long time just never went and found HIS channel or maybe he was only on Twitter, unsure but what all should know about him is he is responsible for the documents and info we see in a LOT of cases. He gets them and he lets other channels and all link them and so on. He does a lot of this and work and is the reason we have seen some things, far more than news ever accesses in many, etc.

I am linking and again I haven't watched yet. Not sure what it is about but am guessing with both trials over, more things are now accessible as to information and documents... That is a GUESS.

I ALSO have NOT watched this yet but this is a question many have as awful as it is to talk of. I have my own thoughts on this I have never shared and I have reason for them. I don't think Tylee was killed at Chad's but some of her remains were taken there... Or the remaining remains. Again I haven't watched. Many like Linda or I know a few follow her as I do so sharing.

And as only she seems to have the talent to do, I am sure yet again she packs a punch of info into a short 20 minutes. She does that ALL of the time. I could never lol and most are aware of that but not could anyone pack what she does in that amount of time. I CERTAINLY couldn't and should not even bother trying... Lol.
I had to go back and just look at this picture of the home at 2:28 in Linda's and stop the video. This is a SMALL house and if it were not brick would probably in as much disrepair as CB's in LISK and decrepit looking. Roof may be newer everything else from garage door to basic windows of not much size are probably original. I'd again point out how SMALL and if Garth's room was right near mom and dad's well looking at this you can kind of picture how close. CLOSE. Of course it is one level which Prior tried to make a deal of but that pitched roof in the back building must be the upstairs they talk about and called the Cozy Cone which is a strange name, was it ever explained why....

The garage like in many small ranch homes takes a big portion of the structure, like a third.

Don't get me wrong, many people live in such and they are decent homes. Where I raised my kids was a three br ranch, this may be a two from the looks of it, but I had a big back addition that was just one large old room but it saved us. Nothing fancy. And the home I have up for sale now is just an old double wide, no garage, etc. My point though is what did Tammy and the kids move from do we know? Also she worked her butt off and no money can be spent on it? But I think what is REALLY significant is ANYONE in that home would hear ANYTHING that went on especially if notable or loud or if the parents ever argued or ANYTHING. And the were still raising kids when they moved there. And to hear Emma she was over every day and almost lived there a long with Joe and then kids. I dont' know what my point is but I just still am taking some good looks at this picture and thinking of many a thing in the case. Then if you look to the right, you can get some proximities...

Buying a four acre parcel and a home like that for the 144K lol. We know why he was showing David land, etc. I'm sure it was all they could swing or he talk Tammy into and that probably took some effort or vision so her grandma who talked to Chad. Now Emma has this home to raise her kids in and all I can say is that's already overcrowded.

I dont' even know all I mean I am tired but I just think of all the things said of the night Tammy died and so on and hmmm.

Garth lied of course. And am I wrong in thinking no adult parents who sleep together (although Emma said of course their romantic relationship was gone he still valued her but they were still in a marital bed) leaves their door open so adult son sees them sleeping in bed when he gets home. I know of NONE. I did so a a single divorced mom when my kids were YOUNG, not adults. never as a married adult with adult kids visiting, etc.

But then his coworker said Chad found mom dead and dad gone didn't he. Now THAT makes more sense than he saw them both asleep because the door was open when he walked by...

It is just a flat on picture of the home as to size and more and I guess it stopped me and I wanted to look at it and think on a lot and things we recently heard int his trial and size them up... Even Alex entering, well Garth wasn't home so I guess possible but Tammy was... Chad told Samantha he was downstairs working and his stories change but he said that and Prior got after her that it is a one level home... But the Cozy Cone is two stories... So was Tammy killed in that addition which would definitely make more sense and then moved...Wasnt' it Samantha's hub, not sure I have it right, that said when asked if it was one level or there was an upstairs that he should know since he owned it LOL. That is the best LINE of the trial. It was someone, thinking it was him...

Tammy lived her life with her husband and whichever kids at whatever times in this small home. NOTHING wrong with that, many of us have, still do, etc. or whatever. But the odds of everyone home not knowing everyting going on in the home are slim and I just picture Tammy in a far than perfect marriage having to come home to such every day, but then Chad was gone a lot...

Long HARD week I guess it is my nonsensical rambling one.

Fee hurt like heck the last few days and then today was just so long and yet I knew just get through it and I hit my two days off although working til 9 tonight which always ends up way past, and at about 7 a storm came in and the power at the store went totally out. We had one power outage last year and I was there for that two. In both, power never came back up in minutes which is often the case in these states. Or even an hour. Or two.

They should have just let anyone who wanted to go home to go although torrential rain and small hail was going on for quite awhile but it quit by like 8. Power still not back on. You can't do anything to speak of, they get the backups going and the tills on and I can't believe the people that still stay to shop or still come in in the dark in a power outage lol. It was he longest two hours waiting not res my feet and me ever and just get to the end of a long week. they stay open and I'm really not sure why as when slow they send people home to save money and they didnt' do that but even though like I said there were shoppers and some just got caught there needing stuff and didnt' want to leave in the torrential rain and hail but it was not BUSY so why not send all they could home? I normally work front end which was the only thing they get operational so people can check out and pay for purchases but today was sent to a department to help out and in the last two hours I coudn't find anyone in any department and you coudln't do anything. It was dark in the bulk of the store but front end has windows and doors so that was lighter. It was daylight yet outside but not light because of storming, the rest of the store you couldn't see sh*t. yeah I kind of got two hours to do nothing nor find anyone to know what to do, I went back to front end to ask but I was punched in to the other department and just said to check with them, none of who I found after the power went out lol. I'd rather be busy that get to slack off doing nothing but stuck in the store waiting for two hours to pass.

My feet almost failed me yesterday and I went after work hardly able to walk to buy new Hokas. It has been a long hard week. I wore them today and thought it would change things but while some better apparently my old 1.5 year old pair isn't the entire problem... Working out in the departments on is walking all day and on concrete all day and two days ago I was in a department all day and then yesterday was excruciating. Today was better for awhile but in a department again all day... When I get home each night and get shoes and socks off, my feet are FINE and also the next morning until back with clad feet and through he work day.

Yeah I'm on another vein and off topic. Sorry.

ANYHOW Linda is already packing a lot in and have not finished it yet but I had to go back and just looks at the picture of that home and the buildings one can see a roof of etc. and wha one can see and just stop it on that picture. And think of Tammy who we know died here. And the kids who we know were buried there...And it's all just so small and not out in the middle of nowhere either..
Oooh now there is a pic of the back of the house and their Cozy Cone. I think it should be called he Daybell Crazy Cone quite honestly.... Seems to be no back door other than what enters that thing that is NOT shaped like a cone but an A frame. The lack of adequate sized windows and almost no doors on this home and lack of light therefore would drive me nuts. I need daylight... Soi have paused the pic again just when been listening to Linda's insight for some minutes, the pic of the home STOPPED ME...
weird. yeah what would a person like Chad do with an attached odd building like that with an upstairs.... Hmmm. Is this where castings and exorcisms took place... Half in jest... Kids were punished. It makes me think of CB's basement with their small home and how many living in it....
Forgive my stuck on the home thing as I say Linda's video is quite good too. WHY is Prior asking about all Tylee's missing parts?? That should be the LAST THING he wants to point out but all I can think is he is doing it to show all of her was not found on his property and Alex only brought what was left and make it seem Chad was not involved because why else would he be so stupid?

Part of her head, a lot of her ribs, part of arms and legs all missing...

I feel I know why and have never shared it and will never put it here. Because it is AWFUL, and TERRIBLE. I do think this was done elsewhere after the time at Yellowstone, same day most likely.

I don't agree with Linda on everything where she talks funeral pyres and Chad's beliefs. Chad never believed one thing he was convincing others of imo. NONE of it. He is as sadistic as LISK/CB and loved getting others to fall in line to where they'd let such happen to their own loved ones or children and even get them to DO SUCH.

Oh Chad was present for what happened to TYlee elsewhere imo but even if he wasn't, he had them doing what he said needed to be done.

Also funeral pyre and she is talking of how only legal in some places in CO and talks Morphew. Nope. Not going there. She is just looking into funeral pyres. There is a difference in a major bonfire, campfire and a funeral pyre. I've been at/we had several huge bonfires. We aren't talking what city folk would think means bigger than a campfire in a ring, we are talking huge. We have piled things up for like a year and then on the right weathered day lit it and cars stop on the road to watch. Chad had no such thing at his place. And it would take a lot more than that to burn Tylee to the point she was.

I've watched plenty of other cases of the temp it would take, time it would take and more.

Tylee came there already burned or reduced imo. And from the Yellowstone day. Jmo.

I won't go into the rest of the missing parts... Be glad I'm not.
Okay now another picture of the three small sheds side by side. I do not know if I've ever seen some of this before and again it shows how not that major this property was... Linda aired and followed all the trial, are the pics from there? Don't get me wrong they maybe have been out there, I've seen like more of overviews and such but not these. That I recall.

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