JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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They are right to the edge of the paved driveway area which I actually found a bit odd , one thing they do have, doesn't look overly professional and it doesn't really fit with the home and buildings. You'd expect gravel imo. Maybe it was important to Chad, couldn't hear what time he came home from his rendezvous by the crunch of gravel...
At 16:57 and I've stopped to look at this one too... Not much great for buildings either... In the meantime Linda has been as I predicted packing it in. She then goes into the neighbor who died, the timing and some other things about it... Agree. All too coincidental.

I think what Rob Wood and Det. Hermasillo didn't say in Nate's interview but did say without saying it, like many of us, with all that is known here, it is hard to believe ANYTHING is a coincidence considering the number of known murders attempts, etc. They did NOT say this but I feel that is what we all feel and what they think as well... Alex was not a coincidence. Neither was Chad's neighbor. I wonder if Emma.... Okay, I had better not go there... Or Chad of course...
At the end of Linda's she was talking of the neighbor dying within a week... And mentioned how he would walk the fence line between the properties... And that he sold and was an agent for the same life insurance company Chad defrauded!! Did we know that last part...??? I forget. I know his death just like Alex's in the realm of all this was too coincidental for me, and the timing....
I watched almost all of it last night and as predicted Linda got in a LOT into a 20 minute video as she always magically does. I just rewatched the ending as I was fallen asleep last night when trying to.

I get the feeling she thinks the "rest" of Tylee is elsewhere on the property if I took to right, still did not have a ton of focus, listening while mopping. I don't. I think the rest of Tylee is elsewhere and what came to Chad's property was the remainder and already bucketed probably burned remainder. Horrible imo unspeakable things were done to Tylee's body. Elsewhere. The witness asked about the ribs and if all or most were missing was like no but then most or a large portion yes... Linda speculates the part of the head missing was a bullet wound and a few other things. Some I agree with, none do I disagree with necessarily but I don't think the rest of her is on Chads property which I think she does think.

We will NEVER hear what is really personally thought by the detective, etc. and I am not going to share what I think either but I am pretty convinced of it. And it is awful.

And I do get it from somewhere and have reason to believe it. And always have and the info on her lack of some parts fits right into it.

RIP Tylee, JJ, Tammy and Charles. Possibly Joe, RIP whatever the case is. I won't say it for Alex as he perpetrated.

Justice has arrived and more is coming in one of he most wicked cases ever seen imo.

That mugshot of Chad as Linda says, here is the real Chad Daybell.

A good watch and she packed it in as always. Linda is BACK!!
I did not think Colby and wife had been doing any videos until recently but perhaps it is the YT algorithm because since watching two after the trial now this one popped up for me from abut a month ago. It is nothing about the case, just part of a day in the life with their girls. I think of the girls as babies back when in my head but my goodness, they are not. It left me with a pretty good feeling, they are in a good place I think in hearts and life, I did not used to feel that way at times when watching them back when.

I would however put a kibosh on that boyfriend plan of the eldest daughter lol.

You can eat as a family of four for $30 anywhere these days? That was amazing in itself to me.

Just as light family day video of church, eating out, shopping and home to the back yard. He is NOT going to be his mother imo or follow any similar path or troubles. I feel or sense a new strength here. I hope. With a family dedication.

It's short just 14 minutes.

There are things here we and the public will likely never hear nor know nor do we want to that are far beyond what already was enough for the public to take in and the jury.

I want to word this carefully and right and I sure don't need it either, I hate the thoughts it brings.

So to put it mildly you could just drug your kids to death to have an easy and painless death. Not the case here. Even shooting them in the head, and then you can go live n the beach in Hawaii.
Not the case here.

As Linda said a few months back, think it was her, you don't duct tape and plastic bag a kid that is dead... ENOUGH SAID. I don't want to go there either NOR think about it.

And then we have not all of Tylee was there. And did they just send her to some peaceful sleep/death either? NO.

Nor did they Tammy...

There is more known that may never be shared imo because they as Rob Wood kind of said in the interview with Nate, you could add to no end but where do you stop and where is much saturation for the jury etc. I am much paraphrasing.

Chad didn't only get a mother and uncle to kill their own kids/nieces/nephews or go along, he, I don't know, had them convinced they weren't the kids but some demonic entity and the kids were gone already....

I think the same somewhat with Tammy and his kids although is are magically alive and not dark. I think Emma is Chad's Alex and beware. Alex was put here on a mission and to protect Lori but so was Emma, at all costs....She is special, it is her role and it is the plan of g od. It keeps capitalizing so I split the word their g od is not mine guaranteed.

EMMA LISTEN UP you had it right with your insult to Colby that you and our sibs aren't Colby daddy you were raised right (gag). You are not Colby, you are SO right, he struggle I think but he has a great chance in this world and I think is finding it, you on the other hand are close to a lost cause if you don't get some deprogramming and start back from square one with a LOT of help. He has NOT stayed to mom's apron strings as you have to your dad's. You lie for him and for goodness sakes live in and raise your kids in the same home your dad murdered your mother in and walk the property of where two brutally murdered and tortured kids were buried! WAKE UP.

I don't really have an overall point other than I've realized Emma is a female Alex. There is nothing she wouldn't do for dad just as nothing Alex would not do for Lori or the two of them including killing his own niece and nephew or being part of such Emma is dangerous. Unlike Alex she's been programmed her entire life most likely...

Again I don't really have a point or know where I am headed other than to say for profit and a beach life, they didn't kill these three or Charles either in some easy painless quick fashion. There was revenge, fear, pain, torture, they were heinous and beyond, even sadistict the kids for SURE. Chad as Linda has always felt and I do too and always have, takes great pleasure from it just like a SK, just like CB and he takes pleasure from his minions being willing to do this to their own children, to their own niece and the power and control he gets from that, etc. I think he thinks Lori stupid and gullible and I wonder if she will get that... Ever.

Okay. Again no real point but maybe somewhere in here I made one, not sure. Just had to talk it out. I think Garth is conflicted. Thank God I believe he is and may struggle but
find his way OR NOT, he lied just as much as Emma. Emma though? Hmmm. There is nothing she would not do imo. Just like DAD.... I'm serious. And I have not an ounce of sympathy for her and she may have been programmed but she well knows it... Watch out, she's convinced as Lori was that she is one of the tops of the 144K. She is in the home, she is in Rexburg and she will continue the mission... Personally I also think she was Tammy's keeper and that was part of her job...

Okay take it as you will anyone. All are just things I had to get out and down and clear my head of that have been swirling.

Lori too but more than she, Chad is as EVIL as they come and as we have ever seen. And we don't know the half of it.
I haven't seen Scott in FOREVER. I don't think it's because he isn't on, I think it's because even though I am subscribed his shows don't pop up for me these days.

I'm parking it here because of the title of course and the fact this case is covered on it. Not sure if I'll have time to go cross ref it in others it relates to like trafficking and just the current one because what else do you do with one that coves more than one case...

Anyhow he starts out with where he was I believe yesterday. Yesterday one of his clients, big case, got sentenced to more than 440 some years, he says dubious honor of having a client with the longest sentence ever in CO history for trafficking and perhaps in the US even, etc. How DO they represent such types I tell ya, I will never get it... He said six of the 12 jurors showed up for sentencing and you know it is going to be bad then... Not that they influence I don't think is meant so much that the case was so major to them, and so bad, that they feel the need to see sentencing. That's my GUESS anyhow.

Anyhow I just started it, it will cover a few as his do, including worst parents and dumbest criminal and Chad, etc. So here's Scott:

So even though the lead in was Chad's "smile" and a bit about that, he then talked of the appeal Prior filed. And the years this will go on, how we will be given an appellate attorney etc. Reminds us that the appellate court nor any attorney for Chad does not have to go through all discovery, evidence and so on, appeals are just about any legal mistake and what can be found on the record and was recorded for the record. Only about 2 percent ever make it back to the trial court, etc., etc. Mentioned which point or two by Prior were good and others that were just whatever and how regardless this will go on for years.
Posting for everyone. I haven't watched yet, just about to start. Never seen one from Nate with a guest that relates to a case not worth watching yet, whether prosecutor, detective, juror, family....

Interesting tidbit. Nate's guest, Doug Hart, worked on the case of Dylan and Shasta Groene. Most of us know of that awful case, a long time ago now. She survived, her brother did not.
Some interesting things about Yellowstone that I knew but some may not or have forgotten including the massive search effort they were planning.

Also he was trained in identifying clandestine graves and pretty quickly knew that day that where JJ was buried was man made, disturbed, not the same vegetation, etc. and zeroed in on it.

Other interesting things including the pieces that came together and how many from different people and different things that led to thinking the kids may be on Chad's property.

And more.
There were tons of things in the I Cloud account that related but they did not use. I can understand that to not oversaturate the jury. He gets into the discussions and nitty gritty a bit of decisions and he offers his opinion a fair amount...
It's clear to me he doesn't think they bought into their own b.s. especially Chad and that matches my opinion, total cons, he believes none of what the espouses. They had so much THEY could have included and did not.
He was basically last in both cases but to this day he has no seen the testimony of all the other witnesses, LE or otherwise. Wow. He followed the rules, couldn't look a anything before he testifiedi and still hasn't. Said his family, etc. had a better idea of the entire trial than he does and he still hasn't had time or taken time to watch all the other testimony yet today.

He's pretty forthcoming and the sheer volume of info there is that they did not use is something else.

Good watch.
Not going to judge the judge but was disappointed when the cases were severed. Should have been tried together as conspirators. I am not sharing all and clearly did not finish this last night but am now. Some good and different things and questions in here and info. Imo.
Like any LE person from any agency he is careful to a point just as Wood and Hermasillo were but I think he was more forthcoming with his opinions and more info or maybe the questions too were different. I wish he'd have given his opinion when Nate asked him who he thinks killed Tammy, Chad or Alex, clearly he has his own opinion but didn't share it. it was a great watch. I tried last night but quit as I was doing other things and did not have the focus on listening I wanted to have and this morning I do and so I listened to it without being distracted. I did not share every interesting thing either, just some, because one should watch it. And do their own take. I'd love to know his opinion on the Tammy thing! He did give some of his personal opinions throughout.
So at the end of part one, Nate said he will have part 2 tonight and I am linking it and said Hart will be talking more Daybell and some on the Dylan and Shasta Groene case. Nate also has an interview confirmed with prosecutor Amanda Blake and I believe tonight will be sharing some from Prosecutor Ingrid Batey and a journal entry he's been allowed to share by someone named Nick that I think was with the AG's office, don't recall clearly but was a part of this case as well. Apparently after the verdict, he made a journal entry in his hotel room in Rexburg as to his feelings.

I found Agent Hart to be a lot more down to earth and real than I expected. Since I couldn't watch much of either trial, I've never seen him just know he was a VERY important witness. I dont' think I saw any of his testimony anyhow. And more of his interview tonight. He was also more forthcoming with his own opinions than Wood or Hermasillo were imo. But then they are still the prosecuting agency and detective so probably feel a need to be a bit more careful. They shared some but not as much as this guy did imo. However he did stay away from his opinion of who killed TAmmy but seems like he has one... So he was careful in some ways I guess but just a reallky good solid informative interview, very likable man.

Anyhow here is part two and we have more to come of Blake, etc.

OH and Nate visited Chad's prison!!

I haven't watched yet, going to start now, brought it to all here first.

Okay. I didn't get to starting Nate right away and just did and in the first minutes he said Judge Boyce ordered yesterday the Daybell trial exhibits will be sealed FOREVER. What??!! Can one judge that won't sit forever do this? Don't get me wrong, I don't need nor would I fight having the finding of the kids bodies photos or autopsy photos released even THOUGH I think sealing at all is wrong in what is OUR PUBLIC COURTS but EVERY EXHIIBIT? This I would assume would be tons of things, phone records, texts, results on testing of like Tylee's DNA on Chad's tools and you name it.! Now some of this is out there and known to be fact BUT the proof of such is NOT in many a case.

No one saw this in any news yesterday?

News to me.

I do NOT agree with this in any way, shape or form. I've also never heard of such a thing nor do I think a county judge has the power to do such a thing FOREVER after his death even, really? Who does he think he is, the feds and those in power on the Kennedy assassination? That's controversial enough but put down to the safety of the public etc. sure, yeah right, but what county judge have you EVER heard of DOING this?

Of course who would know, or wonder that in Idaho, that is the way things may be allowed to go, that the public doesn't get to know.

Don't ask me why I went for a rhyme but this I haven't even mulled over yet, but is flat out wrong.
I will say if this is just pics of the dead kids and autopsies, I have no beef but that isn't what was said. I just started, we will see if it gets clarified to not being "all" exhibits. His chat is already asking such...
Well I was just about finished with a not that long post on Groene with Nate when the site went wild. Not going to retype it and it's a shame because it was about the Groene case and what first Nate and Agent Hart discussed on it, then what Nate was sharing from her 2022 People interview, what I and most of us probably recollect and things I either never knew or had forgotten.

I talked of how this girl saved herself and apparently got to him, this evil molestor and murderer. Oh well.

This happened the other day as well.

I'lll leave it at that most probably remember the Groene case but I had forgotten some things and a few here probably never knew of it.

It can be listened to I guess in Nate's show I linked above. Just had some comments about it, what she went through and what I had forgotten OR we never knew... Then the site went haywire just as about done. Probably this Chrome thing and Google.

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