Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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I truly am not as I am in some others here and not convinced of anything but I am not either on where I jump on the Karen Read ship. I agree with some of the corrupton, not one argument there but don't' necessarily agree it means they killed their guy and framed her.
John O'Keefe was not necessarily 'one of theirs' The others involved are Canton police officers (Berkowitz & Higgins), Massachusettes State Police (Proctor) & Boston police officer (Brian Albert).
The Karen Read trial is being held in Norfolk County Superior Court, 650 High St, Dedham, MA 02026.

If I understand your question, the historical Boston courthouse is John Adams located at 1 Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108
So that's what what the pics were of and that's the one set up with bad jury seats and that looks old? I'd call any old and historical that are old and yeah now that you meintion it, court trial would be county and not city, wasn't thinking on that one.

Whether old or not so old(?) I'd assume any remdeling maybe had to say to certain plans based on the age..

If everyone has to deal with the same issue and I assume all have had to, then I don't agree with emu who thinks this is intentional. it does not benefit prosecutors for the jury not to see their witnesses in any way. It's more apt to benefit defense who are more likely to have lousy witnesses like paid cheesy experts and ex cons or who knows or the perp themselves who are more apt to lie and jury can't see them either. I'm of course not saying all defendants are guilty or have lousy friends for witnesses or who lie lol, etc. but I'm sure you get my meaning. It is not of benefit to ANYone.I DO wonder if they ever commonly had six person jury trials back some time ago. There was one in Dulos and that's a northeast state as well, Connecticut. Just a thought.
THIS is the part that pretty much convinced me of a coverup. If it had been KR that did this search, I would be very leery of her, but it wasn't her that made this search.

The FBI has confirmed that Jen McCabe did in fact make a 2:27 search of Google of how long her good friend would die after being left out in the cold. The MSP did not!
Agreed. The MSP investigation didn't do his due diligence from the start. What evidence can be trusted?
Did you read the link and look at the pics? Looks pretty old and like permanent builds/structures/jury seats, etc. to me. I don' always look at all links but I did at this one. I don't think they just for goodness sakes rearranged all this for Karen Read. I can't even imagine the reasoning on that one.

You know I can see some things in this case but I think with this one you are really reaching.

I was against our new justice center and jail and they wanted to go all out which was a lot of the reason not to mention the tax increases we were going to face. Most were against. For that and other reasons. They finally got it through as they do with schools or anything by just keeping at it until not enough people turn out to vote it down, etc. Ours is which is surprising me probably 20, 30 years old by now? Maybe a bit less. Not sure.

And the "new" place itself is its own story and the contractors and problems BUT for purposes of this, I'll avoid that sidetrack. We had an old historic I'd say courthouse like any of small towns and way back, not big but I think two story, basement, maybe three, think it was two. On a hill with steps but right in a small city to most in other states would be a town. Anyhow I think on it right now and yes it was sold, it was tight, never though so back at the time but it was. Jail was part of this small thing and tight. I love old buildings though.

But to revamp that one if I am honest looking back? Oh boy.

This one here is similar I'm sure. You can't reconfigure a room where maybe the wiring or electrical needs to be near the court reporter and judge and there's already likely a back way in for the jury, one needs seats for the public and near the door, etc. You can only do so much and even if you blew all out with a new footprint well you have to have funding and even then, lack of space to fit all back in and new wiring and so much more.

This simply looks like a very old historic courthouse and there's probably some that want it never torn down and some that think new and modern is the way to go.

I remember the Frazee trial and hearing and such and I think it was Teller County CO. My God. WAsn't televised still ticks me off. BUt no air hotter than heck, if they opened a few windows then the jury was hearing police sirens and just all sorts of problems. Wanst' televised but many a tweeting news or YT etc. was there. The acoustics they said were worthless, thek sight lines too just like here.

This courtroom is not about Karen Read. They are calling it out and hopefully a solution will be found. She does have a right for the jury to see her, for her to face her accusers and so on. I'm in full agreement on that. However, before you say they are doing it to do it to her maybe go find some other trials with some pics or info about this courthouse, courtroom, etc. Just saying.

Maybe all is big and newer anywhere you have been but it sure isn't the case everywhere to this day.
I'm reaching??? You even said you looked at the pics and it appears old and has been that way forever. My point is that it's been this way and it appears it has worked fine for this court. I am not saying it's right to have it designed this way, but the emu seems to think they did this arrangement just for this case for some reason.
New thought now that I have had a few minutes. Let's not forget tech, are you sure they can't see them on a monitor either at their chair or screens in the courtroom...? I am starting to wonder what is being left out here... Hey that would be a way to remedy it and fast if they don't have such and now another thought, make it even more of a close up on the monitor or screen than even the ones with a viewing line can see.

What say you? Would that not fix the problem? Or do they even already have that or have that figured out? I after Delphi just have to say the wheels are starting to turn here that we are probably getting half the story. IF that. Tech can solve it. Quickly.
Is the defense willing to pay for a remodel of the courtroom? :giggling: I would hold up the case if they agreed to do that just for their client :teehee:
I'm reaching??? You even said you looked at the pics and it appears old and has been that way forever. My point is that it's been this way and it appears it has worked fine for this court. I am not saying it's right to have it designed this way, but the emu seems to think they did this arrangement just for this case for some reason.

No, if this is how it's been for a lot of trials prior, I'd think there would be grounds for retrial. JMO
THIS is the part that pretty much convinced me of a coverup. If it had been KR that did this search, I would be very leery of her, but it wasn't her that made this search.

The FBI has confirmed that Jen McCabe did in fact make a 2:27 search of Google of how long her good friend would die after being left out in the cold. The MSP did not!

If all of that is true, why is she on trial?
If I were a defense team, I think I would be more concerned about the wiring for the tech in there. That looks like a disaster waiting to happen and definitely not very secure.

By Abby Patkin
April 23, 2024 | 2:13 PM

Opening statements in the Karen Read murder trial are tentatively slated for early next week following several marathon days of jury selection, according to The Boston Globe.

The number of seated jurors was reportedly up to 19 by the end of Monday’s session in Norfolk Superior Court — three more than the 12 jurors and four alternates sought for the high-profile trial. However, defense attorney Alan Jackson told the Globe some of the jurors may have availability issues, so the selection process will spill over into Wednesday.

Opening statements are tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 29, the newspaper reported. Judge Beverly Cannone told prospective jurors last week that Read’s trial may ultimately last six to eight weeks once a jury is seated.

In a sensational case that has gripped Norfolk County and generated national headlines, the 44-year-old Read is accused of killing her Boston police officer boyfriend, John O’Keefe, in January 2022. Prosecutors say the Mansfield woman struck O’Keefe with her SUV and left him to die outside a home in Canton following a night out with friends.

However, Read’s lawyers have alleged a widespread cover-up among witnesses and law enforcement, suggesting O’Keefe was actually beaten inside the home. Last week, Cannone said the defense team will be allowed to present “relevant, competent, admissible” evidence that others were to blame for O’Keefe’s death, though she barred Read’s lawyers from using the third-party culprit defense during opening statements.


There are still several motions on the table as Read’s trial inches closer. Her lawyers have raised concerns about the courtroom configuration, noting that the position of the jury box means some jurors won’t be able to see witnesses’ faces as they testify.

In response, prosecutors pointed out that criminal trials have been held at Norfolk Superior Court with “substantially the same [courtroom] set-up” for more than 100 years. They also suggested moving the trial to a different, smaller courtroom as an alternative.

In another motion, prosecutors pushed back on the defense team’s inclusion of Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey on their list of witnesses, requesting that Read’s lawyers show proof that Morrissey’s testimony is necessary.

According to prosecutors, Read’s lawyers said in a sidebar last week they plan to call Morrissey to testify about a “conflict” the Canton Police Department had with the investigation into O’Keefe’s death, as well as the use of the Massachusetts State Police detective unit assigned to the DA’s office.

“It is not in dispute, that pursuant to statute, the District Attorney and its law enforcement officers have exclusive jurisdiction over all death investigations in Norfolk County,” prosecutors wrote. “Further, other witnesses are expected to testify that the Canton Police Department disassociated themselves from the investigation due to a familial relationship between the homeowner and a Canton police detective.”

Morrissey previously faced scrutiny after Cannone ruled last month that some of his comments on Read’s case “crossed the line” and “undoubtedly reflected poor judgment.” The DA released a video statement last August condemning the harassment of several witnesses involved in the case.
I'm reaching??? You even said you looked at the pics and it appears old and has been that way forever. My point is that it's been this way and it appears it has worked fine for this court. I am not saying it's right to have it designed this way, but the emu seems to think they did this arrangement just for this case for some reason.
No! Don't know what I did there but that entire remark was at emu. I looked back and saw you responded to him and I apparently replied to your response but the one that I was thinking WTH about was his that was in my mind. Hopefully you figured that out even though it did look as if I said it to you but in all posts, no we agree on the courthouse thing pretty much, so no, it was not at you with the reaching lol. Not ONE BIT. It is simply where I saw that post of his and I should have went back to find it and replied.

By Abby Patkin
April 23, 2024 | 2:13 PM

Opening statements in the Karen Read murder trial are tentatively slated for early next week following several marathon days of jury selection, according to The Boston Globe.

The number of seated jurors was reportedly up to 19 by the end of Monday’s session in Norfolk Superior Court — three more than the 12 jurors and four alternates sought for the high-profile trial. However, defense attorney Alan Jackson told the Globe some of the jurors may have availability issues, so the selection process will spill over into Wednesday.

Opening statements are tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 29, the newspaper reported. Judge Beverly Cannone told prospective jurors last week that Read’s trial may ultimately last six to eight weeks once a jury is seated.

In a sensational case that has gripped Norfolk County and generated national headlines, the 44-year-old Read is accused of killing her Boston police officer boyfriend, John O’Keefe, in January 2022. Prosecutors say the Mansfield woman struck O’Keefe with her SUV and left him to die outside a home in Canton following a night out with friends.

However, Read’s lawyers have alleged a widespread cover-up among witnesses and law enforcement, suggesting O’Keefe was actually beaten inside the home. Last week, Cannone said the defense team will be allowed to present “relevant, competent, admissible” evidence that others were to blame for O’Keefe’s death, though she barred Read’s lawyers from using the third-party culprit defense during opening statements.


There are still several motions on the table as Read’s trial inches closer. Her lawyers have raised concerns about the courtroom configuration, noting that the position of the jury box means some jurors won’t be able to see witnesses’ faces as they testify.

In response, prosecutors pointed out that criminal trials have been held at Norfolk Superior Court with “substantially the same [courtroom] set-up” for more than 100 years. They also suggested moving the trial to a different, smaller courtroom as an alternative.

In another motion, prosecutors pushed back on the defense team’s inclusion of Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey on their list of witnesses, requesting that Read’s lawyers show proof that Morrissey’s testimony is necessary.

According to prosecutors, Read’s lawyers said in a sidebar last week they plan to call Morrissey to testify about a “conflict” the Canton Police Department had with the investigation into O’Keefe’s death, as well as the use of the Massachusetts State Police detective unit assigned to the DA’s office.

“It is not in dispute, that pursuant to statute, the District Attorney and its law enforcement officers have exclusive jurisdiction over all death investigations in Norfolk County,” prosecutors wrote. “Further, other witnesses are expected to testify that the Canton Police Department disassociated themselves from the investigation due to a familial relationship between the homeowner and a Canton police detective.”

Morrissey previously faced scrutiny after Cannone ruled last month that some of his comments on Read’s case “crossed the line” and “undoubtedly reflected poor judgment.” The DA released a video statement last August condemning the harassment of several witnesses involved in the case.
Tolja that thing looked ancient :teehee:
No! Don't know what I did there but that entire remark was at emu. I looked back and saw you responded to him and I apparently replied to your response but the one that I was thinking WTH about was his that was in my mind. Hopefully you figured that out even though it did look as if I said it to you but in all posts, no we agree on the courthouse thing pretty much, so no, it was not at you with the reaching lol. Not ONE BIT. It is simply where I saw that post of his and I should have went back to find it and replied.
Tolja that thing looked ancient :teehee:
I said it too. I looked at the link I do a lot in some when I have time, I just admit I haven't or can't in all. I don't think emu looked at a single pic. AT least he should admit it as I do when I have not read a link.

And I haven't read this one you responded to yet lol and admitting it so will go there next and do so.
I would hope what did not make sense is clear now lol. You had the same opinion basically so I would never have said even off my rocker that you were "reaching". I thought I was responding to him. Long days, I am telling ya. And catching up on ones that are not ones that are my biggest or that I haven't always followed takes a bit and I can't always do it or am in a rush to do it.

So no, your opinion was similar to mine. I never would have said that whole post thinking it was to you. Like I said I think I saw your reply to him then I expanded the boys to ee what you were replying to that he said and then responded to him. In my head or hurry or whatever at the time.

I know enough to believe that you know my response makes perfect sense if it was responding to what he was saying. I am guessing you can see that lol?

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