Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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This was a paramedic that witnessed it so why would it be in a police or prosecution report?

Emu asked for a link to the paramedic statement and I found and produced that link to the testimony.
Because police were there at the time "investigating" including cops that lived right there. You're telling me all these people supposedly heard her say that and nobody thought it was important at the time??? Cops and cop's wives and none of them thought that was important enough to have documented? It was not entered into any witness interview??? Come on!
Because police were there at the time "investigating" including cops that lived right there. You're telling me all these people supposedly heard her say that and nobody thought it was important at the time??? Cops and cop's wives and none of them thought that was important enough to have documented? It was not entered into any witness interview??? Come on!
I am not telling you anything. Emu asked for a link to Regina's statement, so I provided a link. End of.
Man. I have said before some were even in here that the investigation was not perfect or ideal.

I have also said that I was not sure as a juror whether I could find her guilty. Before trial. And depending on evidence.

Now that trial occurred. And was a hung jury. For a reason i'd say.

Not even going to an opinion as to all that.

However, her own reaction and behavior does it for me. I have to take out the other sh*t and look at what is left. I suspect that;s what many did as far as manslaughter.

And I've never suspected anything is so much about politics in my life. Well I have but it screams here.

And they've certainly got all on board or overboard.

There's no balance at all in here on this one. Never has been.

But that's jmo. And opinions can differ.

And never once I don't think have I ever said the rare time I have been in here that the investigation was perfect and in fact I brought in a STS episode the emu raved about and I also brought in Melanie Little.

My point there is that this was not to "support" any opinion I had, I did not have one at that time and both were embraced as I recall. I was trying to determine what I thought still.

All I have to say is when people fall for a total campaign it scares me. And maybe she is innocent, maybe she's not. Strip all the BS away and look at her actions, statements, hysteria, etc., calling the very people to help that are now bad people per her and her attys. The GPS and some other things and use some logic.

Again I will remind I said above and many times that I can see the other sh*t and believe me, cops like Proctor who exist everywhere their time and day is done or should be. It doesn't mean he did not do his job and wasn't mad about a cop dead. Doesn't make it right. NO DOUBT. I can tell something about one of our detectives in our case and before our trial. A former thing that cops vent about look at what they do and have to deal with.

I love a good debate but imo this is to the point of heated and mean.

Here's a report of the testimony.

“I asked her if there had been any significant trauma that happened before this,” McLaughlin said. “She said, ‘I hit him.’ She repeated it.”
How Thursday's proceedings unfolded
A woman standing next to Read outside the Fairview Road home told her she was “hysterical” and had to calm down, McLaughlin said. But Read repeated that she had hit O’Keefe, prompting a police officer standing nearby to ask “you what?” McLaughlin said.
“She repeated it one more time,” McLaughlin testified. “And that officer then signaled to somebody, ‘get Goode down here,’ which I’m assuming would be the sergeant,” Canton police Sgt. Sean Goode.
Court ended for the day before Read’s lawyers could begin their cross-examination of McLaughlin, which will proceed Friday morning in Norfolk Superior Court.

Yes, he did testify to that, however farther down the article is what @Guess Who is referring to:

Jackson accused Saraf of changing his story when he testified in front of the grand jury, which Saraf denied.

“I testified to what I remember happening, sir,” Saraf told Jackson.

Saraf said the omission of Read’s statement was “an oversight.”

When Saraf testified during direct examination in the trial Monday, Saraf also added an additional statement that Read said that he did not include in the initial police report nor during his grand jury testimony. He testified that Read said “It’s all my fault. I did this.”

More coverage: ‘Karen Read was framed’: Defense attorney says investigation into cop boyfriend’s death was ‘shoddy’ and ‘biased’

Jackson questioned why Saraf did not include those statements in his police report.

“It’s an oversight that a woman that you made contact with standing over the body of a fallen police officer said to you ‘this is my fault?’ Just missed that one?” Jackson asked.

Seraf reiterated he just testified as to what he remembered.

“If you were to testify in two or three weeks do you think your statement would just keep evolving?” Jackson asked.

Norfolk County Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally objected and the judge sustained the objection.

Nobody on scene, in their on scene reports, ever mentioned her saying that. It was weeks to a year or so after that that got added. I believe that everyone saying she said it did so well after the reports for the day were filed.
Yes, he did testify to that, however farther down the article is what @Guess Who is referring to:

Nobody on scene, in their on scene reports, ever mentioned her saying that. It was weeks to a year or so after that that got added. I believe that everyone saying she said it did so well after the reports for the day were filed.
Yes. I'm finding it very hard to believe that in interviewing all those witnesses that either NONE of them mentioned this to the investigators or if they did, none of the investigators thought it was worth putting in a report, yet it was sooooooo important when it came to trial. Not buying it
I look at her and her behavior and actions.

My leaning if I can say it is at first they may have meant to protect all of them and her, and the when realizing what happened knew this was something that could not be shoved under the rug and were upset hse did this.

And then tried to help the case, ensure the case, etc. while most worried about their own image, drinking and driving.

She called and was with the two women for a reason.

This imo makes fare more sense than what either side claims.

As most know by now, I likely won't stay in her e but I've watched plenty and even some that I think some claim they have and likely have not or won't share both things.

I've rarely in years of crime folllowing been as disgusted or felt such a game player as Karen Read. I class her right there with Lori Vallow. And Leticia Stauch although status, the level of dumbness and the PR campaign differ wildly.

It's great to see debate here but on the other hand it isn't friendly. I don't know that I could convict her but what I have seen of this and trial I think I would have come t manslaughter.

And my God she is not the poster child.

I think this is so far over it is no even funny.

Do people here REALLY think she did not hit him and there is some multiple times ten conspiracy?

There are SOME clear facts in the case. Just take those and eliminate all else. IMHO.
Here's a report of the testimony.

“I asked her if there had been any significant trauma that happened before this,” McLaughlin said. “She said, ‘I hit him.’ She repeated it.”
How Thursday's proceedings unfolded
A woman standing next to Read outside the Fairview Road home told her she was “hysterical” and had to calm down, McLaughlin said. But Read repeated that she had hit O’Keefe, prompting a police officer standing nearby to ask “you what?” McLaughlin said.
“She repeated it one more time,” McLaughlin testified. “And that officer then signaled to somebody, ‘get Goode down here,’ which I’m assuming would be the sergeant,” Canton police Sgt. Sean Goode.
Court ended for the day before Read’s lawyers could begin their cross-examination of McLaughlin, which will proceed Friday morning in Norfolk Superior Court.
She's a different witness, separate time than what I was referring to. That was after FF/paramedics Flematti and Nuttall had heard her repeatedly say she'd hit him.
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Latest news -

Not surprising.

I guess this will keep happening till all 12 have finally come forward.
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I am not going to stay in her for obvious reasons. And I've said it before and will again, I certain have not read all posts and don't plan to. I see a small handful the rare time I come in.

I don't read it all and haven't as most is in a very one way bias which I've said and will again is understandable if that's where people stand on it.

But yes, I can strip it all away and her own actions and words do it for rme.

Take away all the other stuff and her own actions, statements, the known facts are PLENTY.

I will not argue though that Proctor needs to go. Even though I can get it to a point, he is not where things should be today. And those days need to end. What I mean is being upset that another cops is dead does not excuse his sh*t. However, I do not agree that personal texts are necessarily something that should come in. All is on a very slippery slope these days. And I the bigger picture really needs to be looked at.

Also not going to go into politics but one has to consider that.

I will also say this cops judges or people in power who abuse it I totally do not agree with. But Karen imo thought she was ONE of them and it boomeranged on her. She called the very women that everyone goes on about....

I can see the problems with the case and not sure I could convict but I believe she killed him but by law, well yes, it would have to be proven to me as a juror. Yet I strip as I said all of it a way and I find enough. But then I'm not a juror.

However the very charge i've said fits the rare time I have been in here is the one they had issue with and that's manslaughter, I've also said it was overcharged for what they probably had or could prove.

The huge idea of some big conspiracy is ridiculous to me. Ludicrous.

I don't really care other than this needs a balance imo of all sides. It's like the YT stuff and news about going nuts over the O filing in Delphi.

I don't think a single person set out to "frame" Karen. At WORST one maybe helped with evidence as they knew she had killed a fellow cop. That's far more likelky. It is still not right don't get me wrong. And I'm not even sure I believe that and I have watched and read a ton on this what I feel stupid case that's gone ballistic.

And I don't mean that and apologize to his siblings and parents in that way. I just feel most have lost their collective minds.

Believe me, I want to see corrupt, good ol' boys and you name it go down for more reasons than anyone knows.

But the defense mistake imo was putting out they killed him and some huge conspiracy was it and they set out to frame her but note, they did not have to place her there reversing, she truly was. And initially said she was not.

It's a political year. And this case turned huge. That is all I will say about that. I don't bait with politics as some might. That isn't only presidents but goes all the way down t judges, prosecutors and more.

Imo Karen killed her bf whether intentionally when drunk or accidentally and then entirely went into a panic a bit later and was worried to end he was dead is so very clear to me. She showed it. Repeatedly.

Now the jurors that ran to the defense, etc. no one can tell me this case is normal with no agenda and now we have a juror/s worried about harm.

You don't as a juror base your vote on things you are told not to. But she is about the yuckiest smirky uncaring thing I've ever seen and I class her with Lori Daybell as to smirks and falseness.

If I were his parents I'd file a civil suit where she has no choice but to answer questions and can't refuse to.

You know, believe me, if there is anyone who should want a good ol' boys network to go down, it is me. Or I am one with reason to want that I guess is what I mean. But one can also come to realize some things like well they didn't run around or murder him, etc. which to me is ridiculous.

I don't seek it out. I don't seek it out and watch it. But it's hard to avoid.

With JFK there's a reason to wonder. With Karen Read? I don't think so. I will end with it is just so ridiculous to me.

And end with yes, Proctor needs to go.

She though KILLED imo OKeefe.

@Cousin Dupree - I've moved your duplicate posts to a thread in the basement. That way, you can continue to copy case information posts over to this new thread if you'd like. And anyone else who'd like to catch up on the case info can do so easily in one place.

Karen Read Case Info thread: https://www.crimewatchers.net/threads/karen-read-case-information.3568/

Let's keep this thread with current information. Of course you can continue to discuss things that happened in the trial, but pulling the entire case history forward is not necessary.

@Cousin Dupree - I've moved your duplicate posts to a thread in the basement. That way, you can continue to copy case information posts over to this new thread if you'd like. And anyone else who'd like to catch up on the case info can do so easily in one place.

Karen Read Case Info thread: https://www.crimewatchers.net/threads/karen-read-case-information.3568/

Let's keep this thread with current information. Of course you can continue to discuss things that happened in the trial, but pulling the entire case history forward is not necessary.
Thanks Shewho. And of course there could be a retrial too, to consider, even if only for manslaughter.
She's a different witness, separate time than what I was referring to. That was after FF/paramedics Flematti and Nuttall had heard her repeatedly say she'd hit him.
Ok. There was a police officer heard her say it too wasn't there IIRC?

The prosecution and defense are expected back in Dedham’s Norfolk Superior Court for a status hearing on setting a date for Read’s second trial.

Deadlocked jurors sent a note to Judge Beverly Cannone on July 1 indicating they were at an “impasse” and future deliberations would be futile, ultimately bringing an end to Read’s two-month trial.

Read’s legal team has filed motions to dismiss two of the three criminal charges that she faces in connection with the death of O’Keefe, including the second-degree murder charge and leaving the scene of a fatal crash.

Read’s attorneys have claimed in the filings that five separate jurors have come forward to notify them that the jury found Read “not guilty” during their deliberations.

The Norfolk District Attorney’s Office has repeatedly said that it plans to retry Read and a new trial date could be scheduled as soon as July 22.

Prosecutors in the murder case filed documents last week in opposition to the defense’s post-trial motions to dismiss Read’s criminal charges.

Defense attorneys said Tuesday in a new filing that the retrial of Read “should not be allowed,” calling the state’s continued push for a conviction in the death of her Boston police officer boyfriend John O’Keefe “grossly unfair.”

Cannone on Thursday indefinitely extended an order impounding the jury list from Read’s murder trial on Thursday, citing one juror’s “credible” and “reasonable” fear for their safety.

Read is accused of killing O’Keefe by striking him with her SUV and leaving him in a snowstorm in Canton in January 2022.

Prosecutors said Read and O’Keefe had been drinking heavily before she dropped him off at a party at the home of Brian Albert, a fellow officer. They said she hit him with her SUV before driving away.

The defense sought to portray Read as the victim, saying O’Keefe was actually killed inside Albert’s home and then dragged outside and left for dead.
Not even the guy who was on duty and attended the scene?
Those comments that were "supposedly" said out loud, supposedly in front of many witnesses, made it into absolutely no report. Sure seems like at least one of them would have thought that was very important, doesn't it? Yet not one mentioned it in their witness interviews or nobody doing the interviews thought it was important enough to enter into their report. That either means that those words were not uttered at the time or the investigators interviewed absolutely no witnesses. Take your pick.
Tired Good Night GIF

Those comments that were "supposedly" said out loud, supposedly in front of many witnesses, made it into absolutely no report. Sure seems like at least one of them would have thought that was very important, doesn't it? Yet not one mentioned it in their witness interviews or nobody doing the interviews thought it was important enough to enter into their report. That either means that those words were not uttered at the time or the investigators interviewed absolutely no witnesses. Take your pick.
There was at least one witness testimony to her saying it though that I already posted.
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Tired Good Night GIF

There was at least one witness testimony to her saying it though that I already posted.
And still in absolutely no report from ANY witness. Why would something supposedly so important that the prosecution is making it a major part of their case not be mentioned even once in any witness interview? There were supposedly several witnesses that testified that said she said that yet absolutely no mention of that at the time.
So are you picking that it never happened or that the " investigation" did not interview ANY witnesses that were there? It has to be one of those or both.
Yes. I'm finding it very hard to believe that in interviewing all those witnesses that either NONE of them mentioned this to the investigators or if they did, none of the investigators thought it was worth putting in a report, yet it was sooooooo important when it came to trial. Not buying it
So you think they all committed perjury at the trial?

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