Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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I can see how a sloppy police investigation could give the jury reasonable doubt.

What I'd like to see is if there's evidence that they planted evidence which would lead to the arrest and conviction of all those involved.

The defense has not had their side of the case begin yet. So maybe they'll be able to do that when they start calling their witnesses. If an expert on dog bites is allowed to testify that scratches on O'Keefe's body were caused by a dog's nails and that other injuries could be attributed to dog bites, that would go a long way to saying evidence was planted.

There is also an issue as to whether or not O'Keefe even went into the house. Using the same technology that helped convict Alex Murdaugh, he did enter the house when he arrived. Right there is planting evidence. If he actually went into the house, there is no way Karen backed into him and killed him while dropping him off. So they must have killed him in the house and dragged his body out to near the curb.
The defense has not had their side of the case begin yet. So maybe they'll be able to do that when they start calling their witnesses. If an expert on dog bites is allowed to testify that scratches on O'Keefe's body were caused by a dog's nails and that other injuries could be attributed to dog bites, that would go a long way to saying evidence was planted.

There is also an issue as to whether or not O'Keefe even went into the house. Using the same technology that helped convict Alex Murdaugh, he did enter the house when he arrived. Right there is planting evidence. If he actually went into the house, there is no way Karen backed into him and killed him while dropping him off. So they must have killed him in the house and dragged his body out to near the curb.
If the defense presents evidence of a dog attack that would go to show that the prosecutions theory is wrong. I don't see it as proving evidence was planted.

What technology that can prove O'Keefe went into the house are you talking about?
If the defense presents evidence of a dog attack that would go to show that the prosecutions theory is wrong. I don't see it as proving evidence was planted.

What technology that can prove O'Keefe went into the house are you talking about?

Apple iPhones have a feature that can help find you in an emergency. They can pinpoint the number of steps you took from one place to another. They can also tell if you change elevation. This evidence was used to help convict Alex Murdaugh. It proved that Murdaugh wasn't where he said he was when the shootings occurred. I think it tracked him from his house to 18 steps away. That put him at the murder site at the same time the murders were taking place.

In this case, that technology says that O'Keefe went into the house and at one time changed elevation. I think he went upstairs.
If the defense presents evidence of a dog attack that would go to show that the prosecutions theory is wrong. I don't see it as proving evidence was planted.

What technology that can prove O'Keefe went into the house are you talking about?
There's also evidence that nearly all of those at the party deleted texts, searches and calls and they all "mysteriously" had "butt dials* to each other that none of them will admit to. The prosecution gave a disc of surveillance footage to the defense in discovery that had 3 minutes missing that would have shown her drive by after leaving that should have shown her driving by with or without a damaged taillight. The people that provided it to the prosecution testified that they were given a link and there were no minutes missing. That "evidence" got booted. That disk was also not turned over to the defense until way after the link that was given to them had expired and written over.
Also, we have a police force that while investigating the death of their fellow officer, proceeded to contaminate a crime scene, instead of calling in the CSI team they called in a search and rescue team, gathered evidence in a neighbors red solo cups and grocery store plastic bags. No documentation on those of what they were or where they were from other than a generic note. ... The list goes on and on...
Apple iPhones have a feature that can help find you in an emergency. They can pinpoint the number of steps you took from one place to another. They can also tell if you change elevation. This evidence was used to help convict Alex Murdaugh. It proved that Murdaugh wasn't where he said he was when the shootings occurred. I think it tracked him from his house to 18 steps away. That put him at the murder site at the same time the murders were taking place.

In this case, that technology says that O'Keefe went into the house and at one time changed elevation. I think he went upstairs.
I guess we will have to see if there's convincing testimony about the IPhone data. This article shows the defense saying one thing and the prosecution another.

In an April 2023 court filing, the defense asserted that O’Keefe’s Apple Health data indicated he took 80 steps and climbed the equivalent of three flights of stairs at the Fairview Road property.

“To call this data unreliable is an understatement,” prosecutors responded in a subsequent memo, asserting that those steps were recorded before O’Keefe’s cellphone location data showed him arriving at the home.

I guess we will have to see if there's convincing testimony about the IPhone data. This article shows the defense saying one thing and the prosecution another.

It was also found out that the prosecution got their evidence by using cut rate software instead and plugged in their own data manually.
It was also found out that the prosecution got their evidence by using cut rate software instead and plugged in their own data manually.
I think that I'll wait for the testimony about it.

Right now from what I've read about this case I don't know what happened. She could be guilty of killing O'Keefe. Or she's innocent.
I think that I'll wait for the testimony about it.

Right now from what I've read about this case I don't know what happened. She could be guilty of killing O'Keefe. Or she's innocent.
The problem is we have really no RELIABLE evidence if she really did with their shoddy work. I would not be able to vote for guilty because of all the reasonable doubt the prosecution has made with their evidence. We'll never know if she did or not because of it. This was a fellow cop that they believed was murdered. I don't know about where you live but here there would be all hands on deck and only the best work done for the investigation on one of their own. The way these guys went about it, it only leaves speculation that they were covering something up. That or the people of Canton are screwed with these guys in charge. Or both.
I think that I'll wait for the testimony about it.

Right now from what I've read about this case I don't know what happened. She could be guilty of killing O'Keefe. Or she's innocent.

It's funny how evidence is looked at by the prosecution and defense. The prosecutors in the Alex Murdaugh case presented it as fact. Now this prosecutor wants to call it unreliable.

Figures don't lie, but liars figure. - Mark Twain
I don't know where you get a bunch of people in power but regardless, it wasn't that way at all.
Brian Albert and Higgins were LE but so what? They're human beings first and they were good friends.
And anyone within earshot was invited to stop by the Albert's home that night. Even the young people who came to pick up Julie Nagel were invited to come in.
This case irritates me and it is why even with two days off I have not been back in here of all threads I have made a point of catching up with.

What I mean by a bunch in power is anyone who is even LE or a girlfriend of LE (Karen) out publicly in a bar and drinking and driving. And of course we can go up from there with what some think is the corrupt of higher placed individuals. When the average citizen would be arrested for what Karen was doing, etc. or the others but apparently they felt immunity.

I believe she killed him and I believe she even did I intentionally but I won't sit here and say they didn't botch this case or that they handled it perfectly because they did not. Had they made sure their **** didn't stink or couldn't, they wouldn't be in this situation and there would be nothing to make an issue of.

Those are the facts, IMHO.
Didn't read all but enough. Doesn't relate to a certain case or no evidence that it does. I never have said there aren't guys abusing position here, not necessarily with THIS case, like charging their donuts and padding their paycheck or who knows. Like I said this case irritates me. Karen does. Even sadly he victim does. And yes,, Proctor and that side does as well.

I have had my long and hard earned two days off and ignored this thread. I'm just not into cases where all involved think they are just SOOOO special and different that the average pop. Karen included. OK included.
If the defense presents evidence of a dog attack that would go to show that the prosecutions theory is wrong. I don't see it as proving evidence was planted.

What technology that can prove O'Keefe went into the house are you talking about?
Apple health data from Officer O'Keefe's phone is the evidence that shows he went into the home. In the spreadsheet linked refer to the last tab for reference.

The whole case is about a broken rear taillight. So by inverting the picture and video, which taillight is being seen in, makes the driver's side to be flipped. It's a total lie.
The purpose of the video was to show when and where and how the vehicle was secured at the BPD.
The video of the vehicle as it was loaded onto the flatbed trailer from Read's father's house shows that the taillight was missing pieces.
This case irritates me and it is why even with two days off I have not been back in here of all threads I have made a point of catching up with.

What I mean by a bunch in power is anyone who is even LE or a girlfriend of LE (Karen) out publicly in a bar and drinking and driving. And of course we can go up from there with what some think is the corrupt of higher placed individuals. When the average citizen would be arrested for what Karen was doing, etc. or the others but apparently they felt immunity.

I believe she killed him and I believe she even did I intentionally but I won't sit here and say they didn't botch this case or that they handled it perfectly because they did not. Had they made sure their **** didn't stink or couldn't, they wouldn't be in this situation and there would be nothing to make an issue of.

Those are the facts, IMHO.
It appears to me that Read's the only one who drank too much.
And re power, it was Read who boasted to Higgins that her "husband was a Boston Police Officer" and then later, when things were headed south with John- after the Aruba trip- she set her sights on Higgins, lol!
My point is, it appears to me that if anyone in this scenario used their relationship with LE to their advantage, it was Read.
The purpose of the video was to show when and where and how the vehicle was secured at the BPD.
The video of the vehicle as it was loaded onto the flatbed trailer from Read's father's house shows that the taillight was missing pieces.
That's not the point though. He was asked specifically if i that image was the real representation of what went on and he said it was when it obviously wasn't.

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