Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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That's not the point though. He was asked specifically if i that image was the real representation of what went on and he said it was when it obviously wasn't.
To me, that's the point.
Before that video, there was video of Read's vehicle as it arrived at her father's home showing that as they exited the vehicle, they immediately went to the passenger rear taillight.
Anyway, the vehicle was towed from the father's home on a flatbed trailer from Dighton at about 4:15/4:20 PM and arrived at BPD at about 5:30 PM where it was secured.
To me, that's the point.
Before that video, there was video of Read's vehicle as it arrived at her father's home showing that as they exited the vehicle, they immediately went to the passenger rear taillight.
Anyway, the vehicle was towed from the father's home on a flatbed trailer from Dighton at about 4:15/4:20 PM and arrived at BPD at about 5:30 PM where it was secured.
He was asked a point blank question for a reason and he purposefully answered as a lie.
If he was asked if it was a mirror image and he answered no, then that would have been a lie but that isn't what he was asked.
He knew it was reversed. Everybody familiar with that place would know that. He was asked it for a reason. The point was made for the jury to decide. From looking at tweets from people covering it, they understood the point and were supposedly shaking their heads. That's all that matters is what the jury understands.
There's also evidence that nearly all of those at the party deleted texts, searches and calls and they all "mysteriously" had "butt dials* to each other that none of them will admit to. The prosecution gave a disc of surveillance footage to the defense in discovery that had 3 minutes missing that would have shown her drive by after leaving that should have shown her driving by with or without a damaged taillight. The people that provided it to the prosecution testified that they were given a link and there were no minutes missing. That "evidence" got booted. That disk was also not turned over to the defense until way after the link that was given to them had expired and written over.

The dog was taken out of state very soon afterwards. I think it might have been the next day.

It appears to me that Read's the only one who drank too much.
And re power, it was Read who boasted to Higgins that her "husband was a Boston Police Officer" and then later, when things were headed south with John- after the Aruba trip- she set her sights on Higgins, lol!
My point is, it appears to me that if anyone in this scenario used their relationship with LE to their advantage, it was Read.

I interpreted Read's texts as trying to build Higgin's confidence. IIRC, she turned him down when he asked her to get together.
If he was asked if it was a mirror image and he answered no, then that would have been a lie but that isn't what he was asked.

He was asked by Lally if those were fair and true representations of the vehicle. He answered "yes". Then when the defense called him on it, he said he didn't know?
There's also evidence that nearly all of those at the party deleted texts, searches and calls and they all "mysteriously" had "butt dials* to each other that none of them will admit to. The prosecution gave a disc of surveillance footage to the defense in discovery that had 3 minutes missing that would have shown her drive by after leaving that should have shown her driving by with or without a damaged taillight. The people that provided it to the prosecution testified that they were given a link and there were no minutes missing. That "evidence" got booted. That disk was also not turned over to the defense until way after the link that was given to them had expired and written over.

Last night they discussed a Ring video of Karen's that was missing three minutes. Ring told the prosecution that nothing had been deleted on the video. Is that what you're talking about?
Last night they discussed a Ring video of Karen's that was missing three minutes. Ring told the prosecution that nothing had been deleted on the video. Is that what you're talking about?
Maybe??? I don't think so I can't remember now. If it's the one they were given a link to and then made a recording of to give you the defense, it is.
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What I'm talking about never made it to trial because it got denied getting admitted into evidence when the jury was out due to those missing minutes. I'm pretty sure that's what happened. It's on my computer and a storm overnight took my power and Internet
The dog was taken out of state very soon afterwards. I think it might have been the next day.

I interpreted Read's texts as trying to build Higgin's confidence. IIRC, she turned him down when he asked her to get together.
Per Julie Albert's testimony Chloe (It) was rehomed in May 2022 to Vermont allegedly because she got out of the backyard and attacked another dog and two women in front of the Albert's residence.
Regarding missing Ring footage;

Bukhenik was back on the stand Thursday morning and was asked about Ring video from O'Keefe's home. Bukhenik said missing from the video footage that night was Read getting home after dropping O'Keefe off at 34 Fairview, as well as Read showing Jennifer McCabe and Kerry Roberts her damaged taillight the next morning. The prosecution has insinuated that the videos were deleted by Read.

Defense attorney Jackson started cross-examination by asking Bukhenik if there was any evidence showing that Read logged into O'Keefe's Ring camera account. Bukhenik acknowledged there was not.
Per Julie Albert's testimony Chloe (It) was rehomed in May 2022 to Vermont allegedly because she got out of the backyard and attacked another dog and two women in front of the Albert's residence.
And that was probably caught on Ring type camera...just saying. Plus, uninfluenced witnesses. I wonder how many people that dog has attacked or if it was really attacking the dog and the women got hurt trying to break it up.
And that was probably caught on Ring type camera...just saying. Plus, uninfluenced witnesses. I wonder how many people that dog has attacked or if it was really attacking the dog and the women got hurt trying to break it up.
On 2/2/23 the Defense filed a motion to the Canton Animal Control for records regarding Chloe however the records were suddenly gone.
He said it was accurate, which to me means that who and what I see is who and what was there, lol!

Not to me. It means that everything is the way it was. Obviously, it was not. The lawyers I saw talking about this said the Jury was handed a major piece of reasonable doubt.
Last night they discussed a Ring video of Karen's that was missing three minutes. Ring told the prosecution that nothing had been deleted on the video. Is that what you're talking about?
There's not yet testimony as to what Ring informed investigators.
(The judge wouldn't allow Bukhenik to testify as to what Ring informed as to the missing data from John's Ring camera.)

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