Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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He said it was a mirror image but that it was accurate.
Again, not accurate. There was a reason why "somebody" manipulated a video to a mirror image if it wasn't originally recorded that way, which it seems that that's not the case. Everybody that has been present in that room knows it's backwards.
Again, not accurate. There was a reason why "somebody" manipulated a video to a mirror image if it wasn't originally recorded that way, which it seems that that's not the case. Everybody that has been present in that room knows it's backwards.
At the very least, it's shows yet again how sloppy this team is.
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I'm positive it'll be brought up in direct.

That could be right. However, the defense will get to cross him. If he pleads the fifth once, that seriously hurts his testimony. I'm sure his searching for nude photos of Karen will be brought up by the defense. The prosecution may bring it up. Why not try to deflate the harmful evidence first?
Read’s defense team has pointed to a Google search for “ho[w] long to die in cold” — purportedly made by an after-party guest at 2:27 a.m. — as evidence of Read’s innocence.

The timestamp came from a Write Ahead Log (WAL) file, which temporarily stores data before it is written into the database, Lally explained. In fact, phone data actually shows a search for a youth basketball website at 2:27 a.m., according to the memo.

Read’s lawyers have also argued that O’Keefe’s phone data indicates he entered the home and climbed stairs between 12:21 a.m. and 12:24 a.m., though Lally noted that O’Keefe had been using his phone for navigation and didn’t arrive until later.

Thanks for that. It sums up both sides pretty well. I'm not sure Lally is in on the conspiracy. DA's are caught between a rock and a hard place when a cop is on trial. That's not what's happening here, but the defense is saying it does. Because DA's have to work with the police, they have to be very careful about saying a cop is dirty. So I think he's going on what he's being told by the police without any close examination of that evidence. If he's now seeing that the defense has a point, and he should shut down the charges and release her, he won't. It would be admitting that his office is incompetent.
That could be right. However, the defense will get to cross him. If he pleads the fifth once, that seriously hurts his testimony. I'm sure his searching for nude photos of Karen will be brought up by the defense. The prosecution may bring it up. Why not try to deflate the harmful evidence first?
From what I understand about what's missing from John's Ring camera footage, it's incriminating evidence against Read.
My brother has a job driving cars from one place to another. Often driving 300 miles away, and then bringing another car back. Carmax is their biggest customer. He's been listening to Dateline broadcasts as well as other true crime shows during his trips.

I just called him about this case. He's not familiar with this case. He said that before listening to hours of these shows, he believed that the cops and prosecutors were honest almost all the time. He now says that if he was a juror today, he'd be skeptical of the case the prosecution is presenting. He's just seen a lot of shenanigans being done by prosecutors in the cases he's listening to.

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