Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Does anyone wonder why witness statements/interviews in this case were not recorded? Also, doesn't it raise red flags when witness statements change several times throughout the investigation?
Not sure I knew that. None of them? That is one thing you will get no argument from me on, they ALWAYS should be imo, just as BODYCAM by officers should always be on and recording. I'm not saying it is a rule everywhere or the law yet but it SHOULD BE. There's no excuse for not doing so. Just as I believe which also doesn't happen all trials should be recorded. I don't even mean televised live (which I think also should be the case) but there should at least be FULL video of what exactly went on and was said at every single trial, NOT a court reporter transcript, at least not only. Not in this day and age.

Changing of statements could have many reasons. It would depend on how, why and if more recalled or memory lost or something jogged it or so on.

I've been in a car accident or two in life and my instant reaction and what I say I've regretted not stopping to give all info and then not uncommon for LE not to ask for more and then that's that or it looks like you are adding later. I don't think it's that unusual for changes or adds depending on what asked and a host of other reasons. Now if some major fact changes that they were adamant about or something, that's a different story. That's a harder one to opine on without more details.

Back to recording, in my opinion it is downright STUPID for LE not to record all especially these days when it is beyond difficult to explain why would wouldn't when even if you have to use cheap technology, it exists. And in this day and age any HONEST cop should be protecting self against false claims.

It's in large part why I think these days it just isn't as easy or smart to try to railroad someone or say they said this or that when they did not, or that the officer did, BECAUSE the capability is there and MOST are smart enough to record, not to mention anything you've done bad in your life where a cop, defendant or witness if it can get dug up, will be.

Yeah I don't disagree on that one. What's their reason for it they claim and was it all?
@GrandmaBear Norfolk DA Morrisey is the same who is charging Brian Walshe. In saying that they used cellebrite to get an arrest warrant.

The same officer is under an IA investigation and the outcome could jeopardize many cases.


The defense also says text messages analyzed in the federal investigation revealed that one of the other witnesses offered to buy Proctor a gift when the case against Read was over.

Proctor is the lead investigator in the Read case.

When one looks at the practices this one investigator has taken doesn't it make you wonder what is true and what is not?

By FLINT MCCOLGAN | flint.mccolgan@bostonherald.com
PUBLISHED: April 4, 2024 at 10:22 a.m. | UPDATED: April 4, 2024 at 6:31 p.m.

The judge in the Karen Read murder case approved the prosecution’s plan to set up a “buffer zone” around the courthouse during a trial later this month, but found also that the proposed 500-foot setback was “excessive” as proposed, and would be adjusted.

Despite unseasonably cold weather and sleet, more than a dozen pro-Read demonstrators were at their usual place on the sidewalk in front of the Norfolk Superior Court Thursday morning ahead of the hearing where Judge Beverly Cannone made her ruling. They spoke to all media who would listen about their disdain for the ordered rules and were joined by First Amendment-specialist attorney Marc Randazza after the hearing, who reiterated his strongly worded points included in a Wednesday memo opposing the measures.

Cannone at around 4 p.m. issued a formal order indicating the buffer zone would be limited to 200 feet around the courthouse and the parking lot behind the county Registry of Deeds across High Street from the court in Dedham.

“It is further ORDERED that no individuals will be permitted to wear or exhibit any buttons, photographs, clothing, or insignia, relating to the case pending against the defendant or relating to any trial participant, in the courthouse during the trial. Law enforcement officers who are testifying or are members of the audience are also prohibited from wearing their department issued uniforms or any police emblems in the courthouse,” Cannone wrote.

The 500-foot buffer zone was proposed by the state to be in place during the trial of Read, accused of killing Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe, 46, on the night of January 22, 2022, after a night of drinking and partying during a snowstorm. O’Keefe was Read’s boyfriend of two years at the time.

Judge approves unsealing of additional documents in Karen Read case​

A judge agreed to unseal some - but not all - of the documents regarding a failed motion to dismiss in the high-profile Karen Read murder case Tuesday.

During Tuesday's hearing the judge considered arguments from The Boston Globe, which has requested the court unseal a previous motion to dismiss from the defense.

Read's lawyers had attempted to have the murder case against her dismissed, but a judge ruled against that motion last month. Her attorneys had also pushed to have Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey disqualified from the case, which was also denied by the judge.

The Globe's argument centers on the idea that the public has a presumptive right of access to materials surrounding those motions, which were impounded. The case and the questions the defense has attempted to raise about the way the investigation has been handled have captured public attention and become a point of contention in Canton and beyond.

Among the concerns surrounding the release of the documents are that they contain sensitive information about grand jury testimony, and a separate concern over a protective order.

The judge on Tuesday agreed to release some of the documents tied to the motions, giving the Commonwealth instructions to redact certain information and a deadline of Wednesday afternoon.

The trial is scheduled to begin on April 16.

Federal probe of Karen Read murder case highly unusual, legal experts say​

A federal investigation into allegations of a police coverup involving the 2022 death of Boston police Officer John O’Keefe in Canton is highly unusual and will likely have an impact on the upcoming murder trial of his girlfriend, Karen Read, according to several legal experts.

Read’s case appears to mark the first time in recent memory the US attorney’s office in Massachusetts convened a grand jury to investigate the state’s handling of a murder prosecution while the trial is pending, according to several prominent criminal defense attorneys and former federal prosecutors.

“It’s highly unusual, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the power and right to do it if they think there are federal crimes occurring,” said Brian T. Kelly, a former federal prosecutor who served as chief of the public corruption unit at the US attorney’s office in Boston.

The yearlong federal investigation into the state’s prosecution of Read has not led to any federal charges.

Now, the burden is on the Norfolk district attorney’s office to prove that Read, 44, of Mansfield, killed O’Keefe. Jury selection is scheduled to begin April 16, in Norfolk Superior Court in the case that has drawn national attention and made her a cause célèbre among supporters who believe she was framed.

Read has pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree murder, manslaughter while operating under the influence, and leaving the scene of an accident resulting in personal injury or death.

Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey wrote letters to the Justice Department last year raising concerns about “the unprecedented use of federal power to interfere with a state homicide investigation,” according to court filings.

The investigation presents Read’s attorney’s with an unusual advantage: They may use evidence that was gathered by federal prosecutors, and recently turned over in the state case, to attempt to challenge the credibility of some of the state’s key witnesses at trial.

It’s “very rare” and “very messy” to launch a federal investigation into the handling of an active state murder investigation, said Zachary Hafer, a former federal prosecutor who served as chief of the criminal division at the US attorney’s office in Boston.

By Kristina Rex
Updated on: April 12, 2024 / 5:33 AM EDT / CBS Boston

DEDHAM - Karen Read, the woman accused of killing her boyfriend, Boston Police officer John O'Keefe, in 2022 by hitting him with her car, is set to face trial Tuesday.

But that trial has the potential to be delayed again, according to legal analysts, because of dozens of filings this week.

Judge to rule on 30 different motions​

A pre-trial hearing, which is standard procedure, is set for 9 a.m. on Friday. This week alone, both the prosecution and defense teams have filed 30 different motions in limine - or motions to either permit or exclude evidence at trial.

One of those motions is a motion to preclude the defendant from raising a third-party defense. In other words, prosecutors are asking the judge to prohibit Read's team from suggesting that a third party murdered John O'Keefe. "The defendant has yet to provide any evidence as to whom they suggest is the third-party culprit responsible," the motion from the Commonwealth reads.

Legal analysts tell WBZ this motion is a longshot and largely untrue. The defense team has suggested on numerous occasions that O'Keefe died in the cold outside after a fight inside a house party at which Karen Read was not present.

Motion to prohibit mention of "Turtleboy"​

Other motions include a motion to prohibit any mention of blogger Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney during the trial, to prohibit any reference to the federal investigation into the case, and the defense's motion to exclude bad character evidence.

At a pre-trial hearing Friday, the judge will have to hear oral arguments on most or all of these motions and will need to rule on them before trial begins Tuesday. There are no business days on which the court is open between the pre-trial hearing and the trial start date. For that reason, legal analysts say there's a potential that the judge could delay the start of trial if she doesn't have time to rule on all of the motions.

Jury selection could take a long time​

There are additional factors that will extend the length of this trial - including that jury selection could take a long time.

The jury pool will be people from Norfolk County. "I mean you almost have to have lived under a rock to not have heard about this case so there's going to be a lot of questioning of the potential juror about what do they know? How did they learn about it?" Roman explained.

"With the information that you have seen or heard at this point affect your ability to be impartial?" attorney Ben Urbelis added. "That's where the difficulty is going to come in."

Read will be in Norfolk Superior Court on Friday at 9 a.m.
I'm not the biggest legal analysts/talking heads fan. That said, it is a lot of motions and it does not sound as if the judge left any time before pretrial hearing and trial to hear arguments on such. None in fact. Unsure why you would do that unless this was figured on. Not really sure how that works.

I can't say I'm surprised.

In Delph, they are flooding with motions and filings but Gull is kicking through them and if defense thinks it will delay, it hasn't happened yet. Of course here, prosecution is filing too and it is quite typical in trials to have hearings on what evidence will or will not be allowed but again why this would be left until the last minute or day, I have no idea?

The talking heads say the claim of a third party killing the victim and having such a defense denied is a long shot, however, I'm not sure why other than everything these days tends to pander to ever chance given the defense for fear of appeal and so on. In Delphi, I think the should do similar or file similar with the O defense because defense cannot place an O at the scene or prove any likelihood of such committing the murders. But I'm sure some will disagree in both cases and it is just my opinion.

I will be surprised if this one goes off on time. In Delphi, I'm unsure. Judge has yet to be derailed by all the filings and again they are being scheduled and handled, etc. and I feel she intends to have it go off on time. We will see. Is there no limit or time frame as to when motions have to be in by and heard by?

I'm not as decided in this one as I am in Delphi but as most know, I am not fully on board by any means with the defense claims. They've done one heck of a job of creating doubt however and used the public quite well to help do so, or swayed the public I guess I'd say. I DO believe and AM on board with the dirty and corrupt player or two in the system, however, for me that does not mean they framed Karen Read or killed the victim.

In both cases, the public has been used and played to cause and bring a lot of doubt and heat, in Delphi much of it has been with leaks despite a gag order. The very team that claims to not want the tainiting of jury pools, publicity, and so on is the one using the public and playing to them. At least in Delphi it is.

Both cases are using things like the internet and people like Turtleboy and in Delphi YT channels/creators, etc.

It is a new day and age that is creating a lot of issues and more than are maybe being addressed and talked about in these cases. It is causing in my opinion rather than addressing and change, courts to largely seal everything in even less openness for the public and such only leads to more suspicion and doubt. Imo.

I'm not fully invested in this one. I have seen a ton on it though. I am left at the point that she did this and the other is very unlikely. I think they can prove it and have more evidence just as in Delphi than yet fully shown or heard. In both cases it is only defense showing their cards and creating the smoke and playing to the public, and I think we need to remember that. I think both cases need to be tried to see all that both sides have or do not have, etc. Prosecutions generally don't share or tip their hands. Defenses are not going to tout evidence in discovery from the prosecution that goes towards their client's guilt. For these reasons what we have been seeing and hearing is all from one side and is not an actual trial with facts presented, and certainly not facts presented or arguments from both sides.

It is JUST my opinion. The both need to be tried and facts seen and shown. However, whether either goes off on time is anyone's guess. Gull seems intent on doing so but they are not at one day to decide all. Why did the judge here do that? I admit I did not read the link. I GUESS this judge too could kick through 30 motions in one day and give five minutes each for each on arguments lol. OR the judge could say we are simply staying all weekend. Gull as well has trial running through Saturdays. Maybe other judges could heed such an idea with the backed up courts and trials taking no kidding some times ten years to come about. Then we have Daybell where Boyce in less than a week has already taken and given how many days off and does not hold trial on Fridays and takes a break or gives one for every unnecessary reason both during the day and between days.

And so I guess we will see on this one. Trial is what? Three days off and today is the last business day as they say before such because apparently they won't do a weekend. There have also been some judges whoi do trial beyond the typical govt hours of 4 p.m. each day and some that cut early every day. The ones that go beyond I give kudos to for doing so to keep things on track and try to stop the messed up bogged down calendars that create such back logs. In some we can see why as they themselves take and milk the minutes or days off. I've said before and will again a business would be defunct if it was run such a way. Or bankrupt. Of course in some it is all the filings and intended delays. Anyhow, I am starting to go into other things and a bit sideways so I will stop. However, it does relate as why is the schedule in this one the way it is? It all comes in now like the day before it has to be all heard and argued? That's a load of b.s.

If she is innocent, I hope she goes free. I don't think she is but being a juror and having that proven to me beyond a reasonable doubt would be different for me to be able to convict. However, I've heard that there is plenty that shows such that we haven't seen yet. A dirty apple does not make for an entirely dirty tree and a huge conspiracy and in cahoots large number of people that would have to align and keep their mouths shut much less manufacture evidence, then add in a brawl or fight and many other things they have to explain or make make sense or likely. Defense in that case. When you have to explain away too many different things, in various ways to explain away each, I don't buy it. And that is what is being done here by Read's defense. Imo. Again I don't doubt there is corrupt and abuse of power in general by a person or two but I don't think everyone involved killed the victim and framed her and are all lying about it. It is too much with too many various explanations for different things needed.

I know not all will agree by a long shot and I don't expect that. And respect that opinions differ. I though think when clearing all the smoke that only one side creates, both her and in Delphi, the facts that remain show otherwise and of course that we haven't seen all the evidence yet and this lead up is not the actual trial.

It was said this one would be going on at the same time as Daybell. Well if the talking heads are correct, it won't be as it is on the eleventh hour today. Again why was this allowed and set so tight to begin with? I say they should got the weekend, run efficiently and start on Monday as planned. Lol, likely won't happen.

By Kristina Rex
Updated on: April 12, 2024 / 5:33 AM EDT / CBS Boston

DEDHAM - Karen Read, the woman accused of killing her boyfriend, Boston Police officer John O'Keefe, in 2022 by hitting him with her car, is set to face trial Tuesday.

But that trial has the potential to be delayed again, according to legal analysts, because of dozens of filings this week.

Judge to rule on 30 different motions​

A pre-trial hearing, which is standard procedure, is set for 9 a.m. on Friday. This week alone, both the prosecution and defense teams have filed 30 different motions in limine - or motions to either permit or exclude evidence at trial.

One of those motions is a motion to preclude the defendant from raising a third-party defense. In other words, prosecutors are asking the judge to prohibit Read's team from suggesting that a third party murdered John O'Keefe. "The defendant has yet to provide any evidence as to whom they suggest is the third-party culprit responsible," the motion from the Commonwealth reads.

Legal analysts tell WBZ this motion is a longshot and largely untrue. The defense team has suggested on numerous occasions that O'Keefe died in the cold outside after a fight inside a house party at which Karen Read was not present.

Motion to prohibit mention of "Turtleboy"​

Other motions include a motion to prohibit any mention of blogger Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney during the trial, to prohibit any reference to the federal investigation into the case, and the defense's motion to exclude bad character evidence.

At a pre-trial hearing Friday, the judge will have to hear oral arguments on most or all of these motions and will need to rule on them before trial begins Tuesday. There are no business days on which the court is open between the pre-trial hearing and the trial start date. For that reason, legal analysts say there's a potential that the judge could delay the start of trial if she doesn't have time to rule on all of the motions.

Jury selection could take a long time​

There are additional factors that will extend the length of this trial - including that jury selection could take a long time.

The jury pool will be people from Norfolk County. "I mean you almost have to have lived under a rock to not have heard about this case so there's going to be a lot of questioning of the potential juror about what do they know? How did they learn about it?" Roman explained.

"With the information that you have seen or heard at this point affect your ability to be impartial?" attorney Ben Urbelis added. "That's where the difficulty is going to come in."

Read will be in Norfolk Superior Court on Friday at 9 a.m.

Why can't they introduce evidence that someone else may have done it? That's hinky to me.
Why can't they introduce evidence that someone else may have done it? That's hinky to me.
No one said they can't. Hasn't been ruled on.

I don't entirely disagree. They have to have some basis or every trial could be Martians came to earth that weekend. There should be some real basis.

I know you and @kdg411 are on the she is innocent wagon and I respect that. I've never seen a thing though that shows me there was some fight that night at this well attended party.

Believe it or not, I'd say they have more in Delphi just with that one's remark of what if I spit on Abby and that's not much and they can't place a single one there and that imo should not be allowed either.

Same Idea I would say though. Defense should be allowed a defense but not just any no proof theory with little basis or evidence. Imo.
No one said they can't. Hasn't been ruled on.

I don't entirely disagree. They have to have some basis or every trial could be Martians came to earth that weekend. There should be some real basis.

I know you and @kdg411 are on the she is innocent wagon and I respect that. I've never seen a thing though that shows me there was some fight that night at this well attended party.

Believe it or not, I'd say they have more in Delphi just with that one's remark of what if I spit on Abby and that's not much and they can't place a single one there and that imo should not be allowed either.

Same Idea I would say though. Defense should be allowed a defense but not just any no proof theory with little basis or evidence. Imo.

It's hinky that they'd even ask for that.
It's hinky that they'd even ask for that.
Well I can't say I recall ever seeing such or can bring osuch a motion to mind so I can agree on that, however it is only recently I've seen much for defenses coming up with and actually in cases basically naming who really did it with no proof or evidence whatsoever either.

I don't try to be opposed in views, there are plenty of people who I agree with in some and not in others.

And I just don't in this one. I do allow and will say I am not convinced but that I need to see trial and the prosecution's evidence and so on. Because this kind of thing is always only the defense. One side.

In Delphi and here, no one can remove the defendants from where they were. That alone of course does not make them guilty but it sure would be a whole lot easier to believe had she went home and left him to walk or ride with someone else. Of course I get that is what it is and can't be changed.

I do not KNOW if I were a jury if I could find her guilty and of what charge. As all I've heard for the most part is the defense bluster and public campaign. The bit I hear about the rest when I rarely hear it from anyone is there is a lot of evidence here no one has heard yet. And despite corruption, I have explained that too in how that does not automatically mean to me everyone framed one of their own officer's girlfriends and killed their own officer and I sure haven't heard any why.

So anyhow, as long as you are all right with it, I am fine always with having different opinions in cases and I'm not going to change mine for other than what shows me reason to and I form them for the same reason. I would be bored if we all always agreed and I wouldn't follow crime. Honestly.

But, like I said, I'm not sold either. I think personally it is very likely she hit him and I used to think not intentionally but I've changed that thought for the worse not the better recently too in learning a bit more.

I DO think the corrupt and crooked need to go down for what they have done. However, I'm not convinced that relates to killing him and framing her in any way and it also would take a pretty big conspiracy. Over WHAT? And WHY? And for what PURPOSE? They'd frame some unknown lowlife first. It doesn't make any sense to me but it's been a heckukvan attempt and it may even work.

That's my opinion, I'm sorry I'm not in agreement but I wouldn't be me if I simply agreed when I don't.
Jose Baez used it to great effect. For Casey. However, his was :blue: :poop:

There is a lot here to actually be true. The fact that the prosecution is doing this makes me think they know there's something to it. They're trying to shut down the FBI agent testifying and the guy who called them and told them they arrested the wrong guy. They don't want the defense to put on a decent defense.
Jose Baez used it to great effect. For Casey. However, his was :blue: :poop:

There is a lot here to actually be true. The fact that the prosecution is doing this makes me think they know there's something to it. They're trying to shut down the FBI agent testifying and the guy who called them and told them they arrested the wrong guy. They don't want the defense to put on a decent defense.
Sometimes it is just egos hanging on and having to give it back to someone not aligning with them which rightfully so isn't happening here as a defense IS being put on , I will say that. And of course just your own arse, rep, and if you are one of the ones who has abused your power, that would do it too.

Yeah in Scott Peterson too, Geragos had the other guys was it theives and some sh*t but that is't mounting a full on accusatory name giving no evidence defense. I guess in CAsey it sort of was with her dad, etc.

Well sh*t has changed a lot that I am not sure any of us have even kept up with and we keep finding out. Certainly defenses are doing and can do a ton more at least when they care and it is high profile... Or seem to be able to. And I don't know if this type of motion or argument always existed (not being able to use a third party with no evidence) but maybe there has been little need to use it until now OR prosecution doesn't like to do and file tons of things as defense does and just do their case. Don't know. Do you?

Also things like having to provide notice of an alibi defense is a bit of a new one to me. Which in Kohberger defense has tried to avoid and is waiting and hoping to get one imo as they have to base times and alibi around the evidence...

Poor Kaylee's justice and Casey's case had other issues too. So did OJ's. Imo Mark Fuhrman was a huge part of that loss. Not all of it though but a bitg part. Yet they go on to be on TV etc. SMDH.

Don't know. I do know I have not seen anything that convinces me someone at this party killed this officer. Or a reason. Or a reason to frame her. I have even asked that here, more than once.

Imo as I think I've also said both sides need to just deal. She needs to take some time and they need to lower that time but she isn't going to either. Neither is. And that is up to both sides I guess. So it needs to be tried.

However, the likelihood of that happening and trial starting next week per the flurry of filing of last minute motions and a judge leaving no time for the last hearing, from legal "analysts" it sounds unlikely it will go off on time. That term I have to laugh at. They are talking heads. I am an analyst, we all are. I overanalyze to death and it is actually a flaw of mine imo. Lol.


David R. Smith
The Patriot Ledger
April 12, 2024

DEDHAM – Karen Read was in court Friday for the final time before she stands trial for second-degree murder and other charges in the 2022 death of her boyfriend, Boston police officer and Braintree native John O'Keefe, WCVB reports.

The judge, defense attorneys and prosecutors needed to work through 40 motions ahead of the trial, which begins Tuesday, April 16, in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham, according to WCVB.

The station said dozens of supporters of Read had gathered outside the courthouse in the heavy rain to continue their show of support for the 44-year-old Mansfield resident.

The courtroom was filled with people in support of Read, who has been charged with second-degree murder, motor vehicle manslaughter while driving under the influence and leaving the scene of a collision causing injury and death following her indictment in June 2022.

Family members of O'Keefe, whose Jan. 29, 2022, death is the center of the case, were also present for the hearing, WCVB said.

The hearing focused on what evidence will be included at trial.

Prosecutors allege Read backed into O'Keefe with her SUV during a snowstorm, leaving him to die in front of a Canton home owned by another Boston police officer.

The defense said Friday they will argue someone else killed O'Keefe that night.

"It is not our job to solve this case for the prosecution," WCVB reported defense attorney David Yannetti as saying in court Friday. "It's our contention they had the opportunity to do that, but they failed. It is not our job to name a specific third-party culprit. We do not have to prove that Brian Albert or Collin Albert or Brian Higgins or some combination of them, intended to kill John O'Keefe. We don't have to prove that any of them attacked John O'Keefe, such that he eventually died. They have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they didn't."

The prosecutors say they need more specific information about Read's defense, that someone else killed O'Keefe.

"I'm not seeking to preclude counsel from making arguments or from counsel asking questions. What I'm seeking clarification on is what exactly, and again, this is from a position of operating without any information whatsoever, as to what a defense may be," prosecutor Adam Lally said.

David R. Smith
The Patriot Ledger
April 12, 2024

DEDHAM – Karen Read was in court Friday for the final time before she stands trial for second-degree murder and other charges in the 2022 death of her boyfriend, Boston police officer and Braintree native John O'Keefe, WCVB reports.

The judge, defense attorneys and prosecutors needed to work through 40 motions ahead of the trial, which begins Tuesday, April 16, in Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham, according to WCVB.

The station said dozens of supporters of Read had gathered outside the courthouse in the heavy rain to continue their show of support for the 44-year-old Mansfield resident.

The courtroom was filled with people in support of Read, who has been charged with second-degree murder, motor vehicle manslaughter while driving under the influence and leaving the scene of a collision causing injury and death following her indictment in June 2022.

Family members of O'Keefe, whose Jan. 29, 2022, death is the center of the case, were also present for the hearing, WCVB said.

The hearing focused on what evidence will be included at trial.

Prosecutors allege Read backed into O'Keefe with her SUV during a snowstorm, leaving him to die in front of a Canton home owned by another Boston police officer.

The defense said Friday they will argue someone else killed O'Keefe that night.

"It is not our job to solve this case for the prosecution," WCVB reported defense attorney David Yannetti as saying in court Friday. "It's our contention they had the opportunity to do that, but they failed. It is not our job to name a specific third-party culprit. We do not have to prove that Brian Albert or Collin Albert or Brian Higgins or some combination of them, intended to kill John O'Keefe. We don't have to prove that any of them attacked John O'Keefe, such that he eventually died. They have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they didn't."

The prosecutors say they need more specific information about Read's defense, that someone else killed O'Keefe.

"I'm not seeking to preclude counsel from making arguments or from counsel asking questions. What I'm seeking clarification on is what exactly, and again, this is from a position of operating without any information whatsoever, as to what a defense may be," prosecutor Adam Lally said.

The defense doesn't have to tell them :poop:
So what are the judge's decisions or will they come this weekend or Monday I wonder?

It is not the prosecution's job to prove these other guys did not kill the victim, I disagree with that, it is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did. I guess in some weird way that is the same thing but it is a strange way to put it. So it's also saying they don't have much (defense) that shows they did or which one did. And that's fine but sure isn't what has been touted as what happened.

So looks like thus far it will go off on time despiate all the talking heads prediction otherwise. So much for them lol. Have to say that, can't help it.

I would also agree with these days both sides (which I don't necessary agree with) have to provide the other side with their plan and defense. Souinds like defense isn't doing so per the prosecutor. And if that's the case, corrupt or not (prosecutor), that isn't the rule. I also don't think it is a lie as defense said in this post that they dont' have to say who or prove who. However, they do have to provide their plan of defense. AGain I don't necessarily agree with these rules these days but then is the rules folks no? AS is providing an alibi if you plan to use one and so on. Perry Mason moments are largely nonexistent any longer because of such rules.

So can they just use the what is it Tresir said in some cases that SODDIT? and not be more specifici? Is that the acronym? Some Other Dude Did It? I had to ask what it stood for lol.
I did forget to say one thing here or at least I think I did and something I have asked before and that is if his parents/family think she did this. Their view is important to me. I noted that they were in attendance with all this motion stuff. Do they buy the defense alternate story? I do not know the ansser but I am asking. She was their son's gf. Like ka parent to their grandchildren he took in/adopted. I think I have that right?

Editor’s note: This story has been updated with a judge’s decision on a pair of motions after the hearing resumed at 2 p.m.

Arguments about the evidence that will be presented to jurors during the murder trial of Karen Read, set to begin this upcoming Tuesday, dominated the final pretrial hearing on Friday morning.

With nearly 40 motions filed in the last few days, Judge Beverly Cannone of Norfolk Superior Court took dozens of those motions under advisement as attorneys argued whether topics referenced in two years’ worth of court proceedings could be admissible as evidence at trial.

Cannone took a majority of motions under advisement. When the hearing resumed at 2 p.m., she said she would allow prosecutors’ motion to get criminal offender record information of jurors.

As for a motion prosecutors made to prevent mentioning a federal grand jury investigation involving interviews with witnesses of Read’s case, Cannone said, “That will come into evidence the way it typically does here in Massachusetts. You can question as to a date where the statement was made under oath, and we can discuss it as it gets closer in more detail.”

Read, 44, of Mansfield, is charged with the killing of her boyfriend John O’Keefe, a Boston police officer, on Jan. 29, 2022. Norfolk prosecutors claim she struck O’Keefe while driving under the influence of alcohol after dropping him off at a Canton home during a snowstorm.

Some of the most significant motions revolved around whether Read’s defense team could pursue a third-party culprit defense in which they would argue that others were responsible for O’Keefe’s death, not Read.

Towards the end of the nearly three-hour hearing on Friday morning, Norfolk prosecutor Adam Lally described a number of the defense team’s arguments as “rank speculation,” and opinions not supported by evidence regarding its pursuit of a third-party defense.

“What I’m concerned about is whatever is acceptable as far as believability when it comes to arguing things in pretrial motions, shouting things from courthouse steps or bandying about on Twitter is not what we do here,” Lally said. “And so now is a time where counsel is going to be relegated to what is actual admissible, relevant evidence.”

David Yannetti, an attorney for Read, countered that the basis for the third-party defense is that a forensic medical examiner provided a sworn affidavit to the court that stated that O’Keefe’s injuries were consistent with him being in a fight and not consistent with being hit with a car.

“The federal authorities have provided us with their reports whereby FBI experts also corroborate that John O’Keefe’s injuries are not consistent with having been hit by a car,” Yannetti said. “If he was not hit by a car, then there is a third party culprit or culprits.”

Other topics addressed during the hearing included a trip to Aruba in December 2021 by O’Keefe and Read that prosecutors said led to a prolonged issue between the couple; whether a federal investigation that has overshadowed the Read case can be discussed at trial; and whether Read’s extrapolated alcohol levels on the night of Jan. 28 could be entered as evidence.
Lally said the trip to Aruba is “highly relevant” to the case since it goes to the motive of the alleged killing.

“This is not as the defendant seems to continuously try to pose it as some sort of temporary or isolated incident,” Lally said. “It literally continues from the Aruba incident all the way through to the murder’s occurrence.”

The arguments stemmed from Read’s belief in O’Keefe’s infidelity in their relationship, according to Lally.

Elizabeth Little, an attorney for Read, said the attempts to admit the “inflammatory” evidence served no purpose other than to “assassinate Ms. Read’s character in the eyes of the jury.”

Alan Jackson, another attorney for Read, argued that jurors were entitled to know that a federal grand jury — a “neutral” agency, he said — was able to uncover evidence that Norfolk prosecutors did not.

Lally argued that since the federal materials produced to the defense, prosecution and court make no reference to a specific target and only state an investigation into “unnamed criminal activity,” it would be unfair to specifically mention the federal grand jury investigation.

Cannone said she would likely rule on that motion on Friday.

Jackson also argued that an extrapolation of Read’s blood alcohol levels, which an expert estimated to be between .13 and .29, could not be reliable since the range is so large.

Lally said the testimony from an expert from the office of alcohol testing about the analysis and how he came to that conclusion about what Read’s blood alcohol level likely was at 12:45 a.m. on the night before O’Keefe’s body was found should be allowed at trial.

Cannone asked Lally to write up a memo about the blood alcohol testing.

Read’s trial is scheduled to start on April 16 with jury selection.

Read pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder, motor vehicle manslaughter while driving under the influence, and leaving the scene of a motor vehicle crash causing death. Her attorneys claim other people are responsible for O’Keefe’s death and that alleged conflicts of interest have compromised the case.
I saw a little about this case on CourtTV tonight. Efferdently, there will be two defense witness' that will testify that the phone search for how long it takes for a body to die in the cold of hypothermia, took place at, or around, 2:07am. That's all she needs to get a not guilty verdict, in my opinion.

This isn't what I forgot, but there will be an expert to testify that the injuries sustained on the victim were not indicative of being hit by a car.

This isn't the conversation I saw tonight, it's from the night before, but I'm posting it anyway.

This is something I hadn't heard before. (It's in this video) The chief of police was driving by two days later when he found a piece of her car's taillight. That's not suspicious. :rolleyes:

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