GA LEILA CAVETT: Missing from Georgia - July 2020 - Age 21 - Son found wandering alone in Miramar, FL *ARREST*



Police search for family of little boy found wandering Florida neighborhood

Police in South Florida are asking for the public's help to find the family of a young boy who was found wandering alone in a Broward County neighborhood.

Miramar police said the child, who appears to be 2 to 3 years old, was seen walking near SW 68 Ave and 18th Street on Sunday morning.

Investigators said officers spent hours canvassing the area and knocking on doors, but said no one recognized the toddler.

Officers are asking anyone who recognizes the boy or has any information on who his parents or guardians are to call Miramar police at 954-602-4000.

Police are searching for parents of a Florida toddler who was found wandering around a neighborhood in a soiled diaper and without shoes

A toddler who was found wandering around a Florida neighborhood in a soiled diaper and without shoes over the weekend has still not been claimed by a parent or guardian, police said Monday morning.

Authorities said officers have been going door-to-door in a bid to locate someone who may know the toddler or his parents are.

She told the station that aside from his diaper being soiled, the toddler looked like he was in good health.

In an update Monday morning, police said: 'His family has NOT been located. Officers spent hours canvassing the area, knocking on doors, speaking w/ neighbors.

'No one recognizes the child,' police said.

Footage of the adorable toddler shows him interacting with police officers at the station and pushing around a chair.

The toddler is now in the custody of Child Protective Services as police continue their investigation.


MEDIA - LEILA CAVETT: Missing from Georgia or Alabama since July 2020 - Age 21 - Son found wandering alone in Miramar, FL
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Boy found in Miramar will finally see his family, and the FBI involved in search for his mom

After seeing so many unfamiliar faces — police offers, social workers, foster parents — the 2-year-old found alone in Miramar last week will be excited to finally see his family Wednesday, Gina Lewis, an aunt, said Tuesday.

While police, and most recently the FBI, continued the search for Kamdyn’s mother, 21-year-old Leila Cavett, his aunts, uncle and grandmother hired a lawyer to begin a custody battle that could last months.

“They are only allowing Zoom calls,” Lewis said, “but I think he’ll be excited to see everybody.”

The family’s Chicago-based lawyer, Javaron D. Buckley Sr., said the judge granted the family visitation without a hearing Tuesday. But Buckely predicts that getting the boy back home to his family won’t be as quick.

“It will be a while before anybody can get custody of Kamdyn because there are multiple states involved: Florida, Georgia and Alabama,” Buckley explained.

On Aug. 14, Buckley will return to court to begin the legal process for custody, which he said will certainly run into more legal complications involving the man listed as Kamdyn’s “legal father” on Kamdyn’s birth certificate, Levi Arnol.

Daniel Lee West, 35, came forward last week as the biological father and tried claiming custody of Kamdyn himself. The Florida Department of Children and Families told him he might have to take a DNA test to prove that he is the father, he told the Miami Herald last Wednesday.

He has since joined the family in Florida, according to Buckley. However, it was unclear whether he had taken the DNA test Tuesday.

The headline says the FBI is now involved and honestly I wondered why that did not happen sooner but glad to hear it.

I feel for the child with the foster care and custody mess.

Where IS his mother? I don't even know what to think in this one.
Now entered into Namus. This part is interesting and I am unsure why it is entered if it is not a certainty... Never heard a hint of Fort Lauderdale before nor of her being in the company of a black male.

"but was possibly in the area of Ft. Lauderdale Beach before her disappearance in the company of a black male."

The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Interesting... I wonder who entered her case. Family or LE? Either way LE/NamUs has a chance to edit it before it becomes public. Wonder if this is the man she "met online"?
Interesting... I wonder who entered her case. Family or LE? Either way LE/NamUs has a chance to edit it before it becomes public. Wonder if this is the man she "met online"?
I do too. A lot of speculation out there but then some seems to have some basis like her father saying she met someone on line who sent her money to come to Florida. Lot of rumor out there too.

Families don't always agree in high stress situations like this. Maybe that is why the info is mixed. One may want info out there, all of it to find her, and others maybe feel if he is named or looked at as a suspect but she is possibly still alive, he may have reason to hurt her or "ditch" her... LE may have similar reasons...

Yeah, the Namus thing kind of threw me especially since it shows it is not necessarily a "fact"...
Sharing this one because there is footage in the video of Kamdyn that I had not seen before. Perhaps others have but I hadn't. I assume he is following an LE officer or an employee and one can hear his voice. Still in T shirt and barefoot... At first I thought it was a pic in a hotel or other place... From surveillance or something, following someone with a piece of luggage I thought but on a second watch figured it must be after he was at the Police Dept. or somewhere. He is such a cutie, wish they could find his mom.

ETA: Some more footage after that and a look at the apartment buildings or so it appears.

Wow, there is nothing new on this case. I found a couple of articles that are recent but they still are just a remix of the things we have already heard including that her dad thinks she was meeting someone she met on an online dating site.

People are remarking that her FB accounts have now disappeared is the only thing new I have seen. Would the FBI have done that?

IF she was meeting someone from a dating site, what would possess an allegedly devoted mother to take her child with on a "date" out of state? Did she have reason to trust the person or the money and assurances were too good to turn down? I mention money because in some articles, the father talked as if someone sent her money to come down, etc. Was she assured of somewhere or someone she could leave Kamdyn with while on this date or she was taking the chance of taking him with, maybe thinking it would be broad daylight and public?? She had to know she would need to sleep at some point after a long drive.

I just don't get it. Clearly they have things we don't know though, or I sure hope they do.

There is also discussion out there of the black male and Fort Lauderdale... Many seem to feel they know who the man is and probably have already had contact with him...

On the other hand, there are also things out there I am not so sure are true. It seems to have become fact in some places that her truck was found at that Walmart near that intersection and I don't think that is fact at all unless I missed it... I think some media assumed it and it became "fact".

The only thing I am a bit convinced of, and it is mostly instinct, is I think this young mother was between a rock and a hard place as to supporting her son, herself, putting a roof over their head and having a life. Just reading everything, it appears that way but I could be entirely wrong. Driving that truck as a vehicle makes no sense to me unless she needed something to buy and haul things or something on that order. I look at it and see a gas hog for one thing. To this day, there is no confirmation of the name the truck is in to my knowledge but people keep asking.

If she was or is with a back male, and assuming they have video, they have not put it out so apparently they do not need help locating him and honestly LE does not seem to put much out to the public about trying to locate her either...

I have to wonder, maybe she was carjacked? I can't seem to think beyond that though, so it's probably not a good theory.
I have to wonder, maybe she was carjacked? I can't seem to think beyond that though, so it's probably not a good theory.
Could be but I don't picture it. I don't see why anyone would want that truck, if they had choices I mean, and it certainly wouldn't be easy to hop into and take... Of course, someone that just needs a vehicle or money would carjack anything I suppose. I think there are too many hints of her heading there to meet someone or for some reason relating to someone, even to buy or sell something.

Her dad is convinced she was meeting a man and claims to have even talked to one who met her online allegedly...

I keep every so often going back and watching this. I am not sure why. For one, I guess I notice Kamdyn seems to be in a t-shirt and shoeless just as he was found although it appears a different T shirt. Most assumed (myself included) he may have just woken up, slipped out of an apartment and been dressed for bed and not dressed yet that day when he was found. Here though we have her in a store with him that way and wide awake. It appears to be the way she typically has him or dresses him.

It surprises me some because he is two and unless you are going to carry him all of the time upon entry, leaving, etc., most stores would not be okay with anyone barefoot. I guess she may grab a cart outside and put him in it so he is never down on the floor.

While dressing him this way at that age makes sense to me, comfortable, easy and even affordable, easy to change his diaper, just a t-shirt on or so it looks, the shoe part surprises me some. I love going barefoot and will even take chances doing it in some areas some wouldn't--A toddler though, at home inside I get it, maybe even outside in the grass... She is a petite woman and he is a healthy two year old, he can't be an easy carry to carry him all of the time and never stand him on pavement or sidewalk etc. when having to carry other items, etc.

Does she keep him barefoot to slow him down?

I believe this was the day he was to go to the dentist, there again, I would think shoes would possibly be required in a dentist office, even on a two year old...?

This short little clip just makes me wonder. Why is it she seems to have to almost verify to the dad where they are, is this typical? I was truly under the impression he was not much a part of this child's life except perhaps more recently.

The video also shows she is not a pushover as a mom, when he is acting up some at her, she pushes lightly on his forehead to stop him... He clearly is an active child as most all are at 2. We saw it in the PD videos as well. He is very active, mobile, quick, vocal.

He is at that age a parent almost feels they have to be awake 24/7 and on the ball. And being the only parent or caretaker would be even harder. Could he have just gotten away from her in Florida?

Anyhow, I don't know what I am looking for with it. Maybe it is just that it shows them in "real life" and gives us a glimpse of life and normal routine before something went wrong...

This does appear, however, to be his normal state of dress. Just thoughts... This case bugs me.
The best case scenario would always be I guess that she is staying gone willingly. If so though, it goes against everything all have said about her as a mother and it would be abandonment of her son.

When one takes though Sugar Daddy and Baby websites and getting paid for a date sites, this case has shades of McKenzie Lueck to me. I hope not, if so this shall have a tragic ending. There is a lot out there even in MSM that she was meeting someone or someone paid for her to come down there. It is very fortunate Kamdyn is okay.
There is a lot out there, even in MSM, that indicates this. Her dad has said as much, that she was meeting someone who paid her to come down there.

It would seem on top of surveillance video evidence etc. in Florida that electronics and accounts of Leila's are going to be key. I wonder if they yet have the ability or subpoena to access them. In Lueck as well, it was a problem at first because they are adults and just missing and that does not automatically give anyone or LE a right to access their private things and judges have to have good reason to grant that access I recall. I know though one of her friends managed to access one or two of her accounts prior to that...

It seems like such a long time but I guess it hasn't been in some ways. It seemed to be some time before they requested assistance from the FBI though. Speaking of Lueck I have not heard anything on that one in a long time. Again, just thoughts...
Okay, if you go towards the bottom of this page about Leila, there is a video from a man who says he was the one with Leila Cavett. And there are other updates there as well. I have not even looked at it all myself yet, just sharing.
Okay, if you go towards the bottom of this page about Leila, there is a video from a man who says he was the one with Leila Cavett. And there are other updates there as well. I have not even looked at it all myself yet, just sharing.
so is this Shannon Ryan admitting something by stating the police were "tampering with a crime scene"?
so is this Shannon Ryan admitting something by stating the police were "tampering with a crime scene"?
This is strange. I don't know. Some of what he says makes a weird kind of sense, hard to say if he had anything to do with it but she was down there apparently to see him or sell him the truck... He could be easy to see as a perp but then again, I don't know... I don't personally know why he would buy a truck from her as he claims she had stolen from him before...

LE has never named him to my knowledge as any suspect? He put this stuff out there himself because it sounds like people are looking at him... Apparently he is also from AL and she and Kamdyn lived with him when they had no where to go, and his gf, etc. also lived there... The read of the pages further down under his video are interesting, if true...
I am just now watching his video. I read everything else first. I have to say so far, it is interesting...
I have watched his video in bits and pieces, when I had time, all day and just finished. Boy I don't know... I have no idea what to think. While a lot sounded believable, by the second half I started to feel differently and went back and forth some. One thing I do not understand is him giving her $3,000.00 and why, and right off of the bat but then he buys her and her son dinner and all after paying her for the truck... She stole from him prior and all (twice) but you hand her a big amount of money with no paperwork shown to you or even provided yet on the vehicle? What does sound believable is that she is apt to just take off with people and perhaps has before... I can give that some possible credence as she had the pay for a date site on one of her FB things AND her father said something to that effect AND this guy pretty much said she did that type of thing too... Since there is more than one indication of this, I tend to think her lifestyle may have been pretty risky, and with her son along as well...

Yet he was not happy it took her so long to get down there, he was late to do his Everglades thing, she finally gets there and he hands her money and takes her to eat and pays and to the beach and more...?

And when she "lived" with him with Kamdyn, she stole from him a second time and yet he then gave her a car... She took off not long later... And again stole... Then months later to a year, they reconnect... Mostly by text and he forgives her, she is interested in his teaching her this "business" again and eventually she has a truck and they finally meet up in Florida and he wants to buy it... And gives her money?

Whatever happened to the car he "gave" her, is that the one she "traded" for the truck...? So many questions...

He claims no relationship of any sexual or romantic type with her... Nor of wanting one... Pretty generous though considering she played him more than once... AND owed him.

I hope they take a very good look at where this child goes if he goes to family. Not judging anyone because who knows, but there is no hint of his father in his life until recently and there is sure no hint that her own family had a lot of contact with him or even her.

This guy also with a Key West and some Everglades thing...? That Leila was supposed to go with on and film...? And first it was the woman in the hospital that was to be his assistant in that... And she was not from Florida either, sounds like she met him there to be his assistant and then ended up in hospital.

Trying to tread careful here, no accusations in any direction because honestly, this sounds like one messed up deal as do at least some of the people and family involved... Depending on who is telling truth...

I guess to me it would really come down to what they have on camera. He talks like he can pretty much be accounted for and found on camera, as can Leila on getting in a car with Camdyn at a gas station...?

So he watched no news, did not know Kamdyn was found nor Leila assumed missing... I can believe that to a point as I don't do much news but it seems a bit odd...

Finally, he is not named a suspect so just wondering and not sleuthing, what it was he was doing or does that he had $3,000 to hand Leila in cash as he apparently had been down there for a bit, did not live in Florida, and was not working, but waiting on a woman in the hospital and had money to treat Leila as well to not only a big "feast" as he put it for her and Kamdyn but another meal at the Cheesecake Factory as well... And $3,000.00. And he had $500.00 more for her if and when she helped him clean her--now "his" truck out she sold him...

STRANGE case all of the way around. Jmo.

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