GA LEILA CAVETT: Missing from Georgia - July 2020 - Age 21 - Son found wandering alone in Miramar, FL *ARREST*



Police search for family of little boy found wandering Florida neighborhood

Police in South Florida are asking for the public's help to find the family of a young boy who was found wandering alone in a Broward County neighborhood.

Miramar police said the child, who appears to be 2 to 3 years old, was seen walking near SW 68 Ave and 18th Street on Sunday morning.

Investigators said officers spent hours canvassing the area and knocking on doors, but said no one recognized the toddler.

Officers are asking anyone who recognizes the boy or has any information on who his parents or guardians are to call Miramar police at 954-602-4000.

Police are searching for parents of a Florida toddler who was found wandering around a neighborhood in a soiled diaper and without shoes

A toddler who was found wandering around a Florida neighborhood in a soiled diaper and without shoes over the weekend has still not been claimed by a parent or guardian, police said Monday morning.

Authorities said officers have been going door-to-door in a bid to locate someone who may know the toddler or his parents are.

She told the station that aside from his diaper being soiled, the toddler looked like he was in good health.

In an update Monday morning, police said: 'His family has NOT been located. Officers spent hours canvassing the area, knocking on doors, speaking w/ neighbors.

'No one recognizes the child,' police said.

Footage of the adorable toddler shows him interacting with police officers at the station and pushing around a chair.

The toddler is now in the custody of Child Protective Services as police continue their investigation.


MEDIA - LEILA CAVETT: Missing from Georgia or Alabama since July 2020 - Age 21 - Son found wandering alone in Miramar, FL
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Not sure if anyone else is following this case, but it drives me to frustration. This is interesting in several respects. First, it fits things I have wondered from the start, second, you can't tell me they can't enhance or see this plate number on this car and third, if that does not tell them whose it is or who was probably in it, this is the 3rd vehicle now that has no clear owner or a wrong registration address, etc...

Definitely still following this one. Just frustrating that they have a suspect, a mountain of evidence, and still no Leila.
Last night is the first I read this. It is a recap of the court hearing/cross examination. Pretty interesting. It fills in a few things formerly unknown; on the other hand there are some answers missing that I would think they would have. However, if you put someone on the stand in a preliminary that was not part of all or every little bit, I am thinking that might be strategic? As it is when the defense tries to get more info on what they know or have in a prelim?? A bit lengthy but interesting...

– LC social media account was active until August 26th. (I think they meant July 26)
Facebook messages between SR and LC. Messages were about her travel to FL to be an apprentice to SR. Apprentice is in reference to SR practicing witchcraft, would be in relation to the teaching of witchcraft.
– Did LC practice witchcraft? Reason to believe she may have practiced some, but cannot say definitively
– Where was she coming from? From GA to FL.
– The truck has OHIO tags. Who was truck registered to? To the OG owner and had been sold more than once without a tag or registration transfer.
– Was LC final purchaser? That is my understanding.
– Do you know where she was living in GA and with who? No.
– Was there communication between LC and her family? Yes.
– Was any of that communication in reference to KA? Yes.
– What was the nature of the communication about KA? Multiple photos sent to family member sand friends. Cannot recall exact communications.
– Aside from family and SR, did she communicate with anybody else? Yes.
– Have you been able to learn who those individuals were? Not every single person, but numbers have been identified and interviewed.
– Were any of those located in FL? Not to my knowledge.
– Are those individuals in GA? Some where in GA.
– Aside from SR; was she communicating in any other way with any other individuals in FL? Not to my knowledge.
– Do you know if she was employed? She was selling items in fb marketplace for income.
– Any indication FB marketplace was reason to ravel to FL? Not at this point.
– Sole reason for coming to FL was to meet SR as an apprentice? At this point, yes.
– 1,000 hours of Racetrak surveillance footage.
Racetrak activity; July 25 initial appearance of LC.
– On July 25, did you review 24 hours of the video? Yes.
– On the 25th of July, was there any sign of the white GMC truck at the racetrak? Yes.
– Gold Lexus? There was a sign of SR’s vehicle at the Racetrak on the 25th.
– It would appear according to the complaint, SR met with LC on July 25th at Racetrack? Yes.
– Does the video confirm this meeting? Yes.
– Have you also reviewed the walmart video from the same day? I viewed clips of the video.
– Does the video include the parking lot? It does.
– Was there any sign of the white truck on the 25th? Yes.
– Was there any sign of the gold lexus? Yes.
– What does the video of Racetrack show of LC and SR? SR exited his vehicle and pointed which direction to park.
– What happens after that? They are not longer in that video. It appears as though she parks in walmart lot.
– What does that video show ; Once the truck is parked, the 3 of them leave the parking lot.
– Did they leave together in 1 car? They leave in SR’s vehicle.
– Did that truck leave the parking lot between 25th and 27th? yes.
– When? *consults notes* 27th at 11:11am truck leaves the vicinity of the parking lot.
– What about on the 25th? Not to knowledge.
26th? Cannot definitely say it was there the entire day.und-wandering-the-streets-alone/
Part two
– We can exclude the truck left on the 25th. Did anybody get in the truck on the 26th? Not to my recollection.
– On the 27th, the truck did leave? That’s right.
– Did the video capture who got in? Cannot say definitely, Video is at a distance.
– How many people got into the truck? The truck was seen entering racetrac; you can see SR and only SR exit the vehicle.
– Was both driver’s and passager door opened, or just driver’s side. “Cannot answer definitely which door was entered and by who.”
– You can’t tell me only 1 door was open? no.
– July 27th Ractrack video: did anybody else appear in the truck? no.
– Was the gold lexus seen that day at the RaceTrac; earlier in the day.
– What happened in the video of the truck on the 27th? SR is seen approacing the dumpters and throwing away numbers items from the truck.
– Were you able to determine what those items were? Not at this time, no.
– Do they appear to large or small items.? Both.
– Were those items taken from interior or exterior? Both.
– And what happens after that? SR enters vehicle and leaves parking lot.
– When was truck found/seen again? I cannot tell you.
– The truck; where was it recovered?
– When was truck parked there? cannot say what time, and who exits.
– The date? July 28th? July 28 is when contact was made with SR. The vehicle was in the parking lot before then.
– SR cell phone was seized with search warrant, was there any calls between his and LC’s phone? at what point?

– Let’s go day by day…. July 28th? no. 27th? no. 26th? no. 25 – video chat on fb messenger and messages on messenger.
– That’s the day they’re official meeting in South FL? Yes.
– Were those messages in relation to staying together? yes.
– Did SR have texts with LC? Did not see text messages, solely FB messenger.
– Prior to July 25; there was phone call? Video chats through messenger.
– Have you been able to log cell towers? For that day? yes.
– After SR and LC meet and leave, cell tower location? Fort Lauderdale area.
– Beach area? Yes.
– Does it indicate where they might have gone? heading back to Hollywood
– Did that include walmart/racetrak? Yes.
– Any other movement that day? the movement appears to be to fort lauderdale beach and hollywood area.
– July 26th SR cell phone tower location? Where is movement? 26th; around 8-8:30am, SR cell phone uses single tower that covers area of apartments.
– After leaving that apartment complex, where is the next tower? returns to hollywood area.
– Where did it go after? stays there in hollywood area for a time after child is dropped off.
– Where was the other tower located? Tower in area of Sunrise.
– Cell phone tower location returned to same tower in Hollywood evening on the 26th? yes.
– Did it stay there the rest of the night? Yes.
– 27th? Cell tower location change? Stayed in general hollywood area.
– LC’s phone checked for cell tower locations? Yes.
– Was it used on 7/28? no.
– 7/27? no
– 7/26 Phone is wifi only. Can only see wifi access. 26th? no wifi connection.
– 25th? Last known connection icloud backup to LC’s phone 1120-11:32pm. That wifi is in relation to Racetrack wifi.
– Where was her phone recovered from? It was not recovered.
– Prior of 11pm connection, prior connections? I do not recall.
– Did LC use any credit cards or electronic payments? there are numerous accounts associated with her, and we submitted suponea.
– Were any of her credit cards recovered? not to my knowledge.
– Any returns shown action? No.
– Video on news last night of LC at Racetrack where she pulls in driving lexus is that right? Earlier in the day, there is footage of her driving, and exiting the driver’s seat.
– LC goes from driver’s seat into RaceTrac? Yes.
– Was there anybody else in the lexus with her? SR enters the RT after she enters the RaceTrac. Cannot say he was in the lexus.
– What day are we talking about? The 25th.
– What time of day? 3pm.
– Where did she get into the driver’s seat before arriving at the RT? I believe at the walmart earlier when she parks the truck.
– Does the walmart video shows this? too difficult to say.
– Is there any video of KA was at the time? no.
– 25th video at RaceTrac; KA is not with her, right? correct.
– Do you know if there was a car seat in the truck? I don’t know.
– Same day, same time, SR walks into RaceTrac; did he also exit from the lexus? cannot say.
– What did LC purchase in RaceTrac? I don’t know.
– When lexus leaves, where did it go? cell phone tower location; headed to beach.
– 1st interview with SR? 28th.
– Where? Walmart parking lot.
– How was the encounter? Consensual with Miramar PD.
– What was he doing at the walmart.? – Walking towards LC’s truck.
– What does he tell police? SR says he met with LC on Saturday, went to the beach. Meeting was to buy the truck for $3,000. He left LC and her son on the 26th. (Around 230am)
– Was in he in custody at the time? no.
– FB messenger indicate selling the truck? no.
– The truck had a damaged window? Driver window is broken.
– Was there broke glass found around the truck? Located broken glass in parking lot cannot determine if related to truck.
– Glass inside the truck? Broken glass found inside the door frame.
– Drivers side sunshade damage?
– Forensic workup on the truck? Being done right now. Evidence is being sent to Quanitco.
– Was there 1 shovel? There were 2.
– Were they inside the truck or the bed? in the bed.
– One had red sposts on it? It appears that both had red spots. a lab updated, one has presumptive blood.
– There’s an initial indication that 1 has blood? Yes.
– Human or non human blood? not known at this time.
– There was apparently blood on the seat of truck? confirmed blood of the driver’s side rear passenger seat and head portion of the seat.
– Blood splatter analysis done? not at this time.
– Have you seen pictures? I have seen pictures of what looks like blood stains.
– Large sports or small speckles? appears to be larger than specks of blood.
– Has the lab determined this is blood? confirmed blood.
– Have they determined human or non human? Not at this time.
– Forensic analysis, bottle of isoproply alcohol empty in the truck.
– Finger print or dna analysis confirmed yet? no
– Anything else recovered from the truck? there were a lot of items.
– Garbage bags? from the lexus.
– duct tape? no
– Carpet cleaner? container not found; powder found on floorboard switch, cannot say it was carpet cleaner. White power found in truck and lexus.
– Lexus: carpet cleaner found under passenger side front seat? carpet cleaner? Sorry, I meant white powder.
– Garbage bags in lexus were they used or new? some where still rolled up.
– Box was opened? I don’t know a box was recovered.
– Duct tape found in lexus? no
– Bottle of carpet cleaner found in lexus? bottle of cleaner was found in lexus, not empty.
– Blood matter recovered in lexus? presumptive blood found on 1 of the seats in the lexus.
– Has the lab determined? Yes, they’ve just done initial test, and everything is not completed.
– Was there an initial confirmation of blood? presumptive blood at this point.
– Where was that recovered in the lexus? driver’s seat.
– Any other DNA or blood recovered? Blood spot on front passenger seat of truck that has not been discussed, presumptive as well. Other than that, swabs have been collected during searches. DNA analysis have not been done yet.
– How many times was the defendant seen around the dumpster at RaceTrac? he has been seen near that dumpsters on the 27th 5-8am, not that entire time frame.
– What does the video capture? Did he take anything out from the car? too difficult to say he appears to approach his vehicle and his dumpster

– Multiple trips back and forth? Yes.
– Small or large items? Both.
– Does he take things from the trunk? Cannot recall.
– SR made at post arrest statement. Where? FBI office near las olas
– What date? This past Saturday?
– He was in custody at that time? Yes.
– Was the interview recorded? Yes.
– What did SR say? SR identified his vehicle in his video at Edge apartments, explained he was there due to a flat tire.
– Does the video show the entirety of the time at the complex? Yes, the video we have, he was shown surveillance
– Video aside from surveillance, does it show KA in his car? It doesn’t’ show him in the car, but it shows them leaving the area
– Does the video show KA getting out of the car? no.
– Did you interview (unclear) in the complex? law enforcement did.
– Did anybody see KA get out of the car? no.
Thank you for your time.
– Govt is seeking detention due to risk of flight and danger.
– 20 year mandatory applicable to kidnapping charge, up to life.

They summed everything up by saying that SR was using CL, his girflriend’s card while she was in the hospital. He claimed no bank accounts, and claimed indigent. SR was homeless; living in his car and in and out of hotels. Extensive criminal history. Multiple drug charges. Burglaries. He admitted a drug addition. Has a prior failure to appear for a drug possession charge. Was released from parole less than a year ago.

Judge: The court finds there has been nothing to rebutt the presumption onf dangerousness in this matter; although there is no eyewitness testimony, there is a strong circumstantial case.
Clearly the defendant is a risk of flight, he has no ties to anywhere. He’s homeless, and using his gfs debit card while she’s in the hospital, and he’s going to be given a mandatory of 20 years, no incentive to appear, and he’s clearly a risk of flight.
Pre-trial detention ordered.

Court finds probably cause to believe defendant committed the crime in the complaints. Will be sent over to Grand Jury for consideration for indictment.

SR will remain in jail with no bond. His next court date is August 31st.

Link: True Crime Society - Leila Cavett is missing after her son was found wandering the streets alone
This case (clearly) frustrates me. One thing I can't get out of my head is that both of their vehicles had Ohio plates and no clear owners and registration was not "up to par" allegedly...

Now Alabama or Georgia to Ohio is not like going to Alaska but it isn't like next door either... I recall that in Ryan's 50 some minute FB video he mentioned Leila was to come down to Florida or it was talked about, etc. but it took time and she also took off to Ohio for a bit before they had a firm plan... He seemed to be a bit upset about that but then seemed to act like no big deal (if I remember correctly, I should go watch it again if I can stand to)....

Leila is a total victim here so I shall be careful but we do know she per the recent hearing and testimony was going to Florida to become his I guess "witchcraft" apprentice and I think it likely she was promised cash or a place to live for her and her son or a better life or something... We know it is likely that she was down on her luck and she was a single mother probably struggling... We know in her "home" county where most of her family lives she had some traffic ticket trouble and had no license. She also has a truck with no clear owner, as does he with the Lexus...

The Ohio plates on both seem too much of a coincidence to me... Both unregistered, unowned or whatever one wants to call it...

All that said, I am not sure what I think of it... On one hand, I am thinking he stalked her or saw her in Ohio when she went there instead of coming down... On another hand, could he have have sent her there to get this truck and was there a vehicle scam or thing going on...? His Lexus is from Ohio too or at least the plates are. Some kind of chop shop or selling of certain types of vehicles? A money making scheme? Or something? From the beginning this truck has been somewhat in question, the public asked who owned it and if she did and no answers... Eventually it was said it was hers but now we know it was not at least by title, etc... He has said in his "story" she was to sell him the truck... The testimony makes that appear it isn't true... So far anyhow...

I don't know other than I think there is something hokey with the vehicles... Now they are looking for is it a gold Honda? We know they must have the plate number from video but it doesn't mean they know who is driving it or owns it.... All have damage...

I don't know... I guess I figure other than his "witchcraft" thing there is some scheme or scam going on.... Perhaps involving vehicles...? Or are they just a way to drive one and have one cheap with no trace to whether ya own it? She advertised online looking for an SUV... He gripes about he gave her a car back when "manifested" her one... While testimony shows no evidence his story is true about wanting to buy the truck, he himself has a "vehicle" thing or seems to or felt she owed him...

And then we come back to both of their vehicles have Ohio plates.... I also guess if license plate readers pick up plates that do not come back to real people, owners or addresses, it would be a good way to run some kind of crime?? I tend to think the opposite, that ya better be able to prove the car is yours and have current registration... Yet I am not a criminal not wanting to be known so I guess I don't think like that....

I'm not sure what to think about the cars/plates. I just assumed her truck was sold "unofficially" and people just got lazy along the way and never transferred plates and titles, etc. Also "cheaper" when you're not paying for tags, etc.

I think I read before that SR had said that he had met Leila before, and she stole money or owed him money or something. My inclination / speculation is that he was still mad about that. And him having her come there was more about getting what he was owed, and less about her joining him as his apprentice. And/or he may have also been mad that she brought her son.
I'm not sure what to think about the cars/plates. I just assumed her truck was sold "unofficially" and people just got lazy along the way and never transferred plates and titles, etc. Also "cheaper" when you're not paying for tags, etc.

I think I read before that SR had said that he had met Leila before, and she stole money or owed him money or something. My inclination / speculation is that he was still mad about that. And him having her come there was more about getting what he was owed, and less about her joining him as his apprentice. And/or he may have also been mad that she brought her son.
Per your 2nd paragraph I tend to agree and think the same. Not sure she knew it was his intent (that he felt she owed him, etc. and to what he felt she owed him)... I do still though find the Ohio plates on both a bit odd.... Not a Georgia and Ohio. Not a Kentucky and Alabama, etc. Not a Florida and so on...

I believe if I recall correctly that her dad lives in Ohio but not sure I have heard of Ryan's connection to Ohio or that there even is one. I am just wondering if he was there when she was which would be contact with her in yet another state previously that he did not share... Or if the vehicles came from the same place... If either lived there, it would not seem quite so odd. Hers perhaps not, as she was there allegedly for a bit, his Lexus though having Ohio plates as well, that seems a bit odd to me...

Just thinking there might be a bit more here than meets the eye...
what a nightmare this case is..... I as well have the feeling that she isn't around anymore.... and thank god the little boy got found and picked up when he did.... I don't want to imaging what would have could have happened if this cutie would've been there when SR got back.

are there any updates ...?
what a nightmare this case is..... I as well have the feeling that she isn't around anymore.... and thank god the little boy got found and picked up when he did.... I don't want to imaging what would have could have happened if this cutie would've been there when SR got back.

are there any updates ...?

I was just thinking today how quiet the news has been. Not that I have looked recently. I realized I was almost forgetting about it. I check true crime society once in awhile because they will include posts etc. Nothing.

It is so fortunate the little boy is safe. Although I myself think there may be something a bit hokey to begin with of where he allegedly dropped him... Just my thoughts.... So much we don't know I guess that I am guessing LE does know...
bumping for Leila

I wonder what is going on

I agree. I try to remember cases but when things go silent and no activity on here or in the news, it is hard.

Leila's family also was fairly vocal and communicative and that also seems to have stopped which is maybe due to the arrest and investigation. No word about the child or custody either. I hope he is okay.

The vocal perp has shut up too because he is in custody I guess.

Leila still needs to be found. Adding my bump.
Per Pacer court documents, the Federal government has charged the POI with;
18:1201(a)(1) - Knowingly and willfully kidnap, seize, confine, abduct, and carry away the victim with the intent to collect a ransom, reward, or other benefit and held the victim for that reason; and used a facility or an instrumentality.
Criminal Complaint
POI Arrest in AL
I hope they have not given up on trying to find her. This case still has so many unanswered questions.
this man has no job, no money, no home - and he has "apprentices." that screamed at me the first time I read it. This is a conman - absolutely up to no good. I don't believe that Leila ever stole anything from him. I think she got the creeps the first time - if in fact she had ever known him before - and got away from his witch and apprentice mumbo jumbo. This case makes my heart hurt - she is so beautiful and sunny and had the misfortune to cross paths with this complete loser and now her light is gone and her precious boy is without his mama.
this man has no job, no money, no home - and he has "apprentices." that screamed at me the first time I read it. This is a conman - absolutely up to no good. I don't believe that Leila ever stole anything from him. I think she got the creeps the first time - if in fact she had ever known him before - and got away from his witch and apprentice mumbo jumbo. This case makes my heart hurt - she is so beautiful and sunny and had the misfortune to cross paths with this complete loser and now her light is gone and her precious boy is without his mama.
She was so young too, just 21. I suppose her son will end up with his dad, assuming he IS his dad. I do not see her family getting him unless the father is entirely unfit, is rights would be primary. He did not appear to be much involved in his life so I hope he steps it up if he takes him or has him.
It is amazing that with all of the video and phone pings, etc., they can't find her. This is a weird case. On the one hand it seems he had to have been aware of video cams and yet he did so many things in front of cameras (but thought he had brilliant plans and excuses for them?), but not when it comes to her or even Kamden towards the end. They can place him at or near the apartments but nothing it seems (thus far anyhow) showing him actually with them or them getting in or out of his vehicle after the night before with the pics of Kam in her arms at the gas station...
After no news for a very long time, a search I guess is a good thing but it is hard to understand why now and not earlier in this area before, the nicest way I can think to put it, more things have been dumped at this landfill... Unless some information just now pointed them in this direction...

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