LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *GUILTY*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Oh that's not good. WTH caused her to fall? Is she quite elderly? Over 70 probably? Is it even a scrum for family to get in?
Not sure. I wouldn't hink they'd have to wait in line... There was mention of her having a broken hip or hip surgery years ago but it wasn't said in relation to this fall. IMaybe she doesn't walk well, see well, unsure, tripped? No idea. It's unfortunate and I'd assume she hasn't been atttending since. Who knows if she will again after feeling better...
The thing about the Dulin/RA interview is that Dulin took the IMEI number of his phone at that time, so even if the phone is lost, that number should show up on the geofence report, if RA had it with him on that day.

When do we get to hear about the geofencing?
I know but wondered if he shut it off would it show...? He had it on of course when looking at stocks IF telling the truth on that...

I too am waiting for far more on the phones...
So you are fine with people being framed and convicted for something they did not do just because cops lied to them? this happens a LOT.
I didn't say any such thing re framing.

You're talking about a police practice that is legally allowed. Just because you disagree that it should be, doesn't mean all do and clearly all don't as it is allowed so I'd assume your opinion is not the opinion of all and it's not mine. I also dont' see it as much different as the P or D (in this case the D always inserting statements of false facts into their "questions" of P witnesses to trap a witness. However, THAT is not to be done and is being done.

And as it relates to this case, LE not being fully truthful, it is known, was legally allowed and used, they did nothing wrong therefore doing so, did they? All we're talking about then here is that you disagree with it, not how it relates here nor that it wasn't an allowed legal practice.

That's respectfully is all I have to say about it as it really is a moot point as it relates here. Or when done at all by LE. The topic is over for me.
Who are you talking about?
I see I have some typos. I said she when should have said he and a few others as well. I'm talking that RA had an alias of a name that in no way matched his parents, a nickname, etc... I guess he does have a stepdad (never knew that til recently IF correct) so I guess he could have dropped his dad's last name and been adopted or some such) but his first and middle names are wrong too and not even CLOSE to a nickname or his name today.... Why??? Why did he need a new identity? IT's never really been discussed and I wonder why as well... I don't mean just in here, I've heard little of it out there over all this time either...
If that was the case they would have the phone details of any accomplices plus their vehicle coming and going. They don't have that.

Someone could have come in by flying saucer too.
There was no accomplice and with the confessions heard today, that's clearer than ever.
Craig Ross Renfrew, his alias name on his record. GWTP.
Yes that's who I was referring to, RA and his alias. Craig is nothing near Richard and Renfew is nothing near Allen. For the life of me I can't think of his middle name right now, we do know it I think don't we...? What was he hiding? What is in his past WE don't know about...?
He is not being framed he and his bullet and his boxcutter were THERE and Libby recorded the POS.
I never uttered the words he is being framed just to be clear here. Guessing you know that though. CAtching up quickly and skimming most of these kinds.
You've never heard of Anthony Shots?

I wonder if they will get him to testify? In reality he is a cop in Alaska whose profile got ripped off by KK.

Spot the difference.

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Delphi Murders: Man Behind Fake ‘anthony_shots’ Profile Says He Was Last Person Who Communicated with Libby German​

Yeah he (KK) only wishes there was a similarity in looks lol.

I don't see why they'd have Shots testify. He can't connect anything but that his image was used and identify by KK without his permission, nothing in relation to RA, etc.
How else would accomplices contact each other out and about on these trails? There could be a remote accomplice, however like KK for instance.
I doubt they were yelling back and forth when the last thing they wanted was to be heard.

I'm going to skip most of the rest of these if there's more as it seems there have already been several that are pointless and purposeful nitpicking. I never said framed but to heck with it. Not wasting more time on it. Thank you by the way, for pointing that out.
it is not legal anywhere in the UK. I have linked it before and it is relevant to me. The US is only of a very few that allow it. I have posted links to it on multiple threads and I would think you would know the law in your own country.
What section of PACE is it? Also Scotland has their own laws so different rules apply there. If you provide the link, i will check it. Otherwise i won't be bothering as it is this case I am following, not a UK one.
The video that was recorded over. We've discussed it so much, does a link even need to be posted.

If you're gonna try to get my attention, use @Cousin Dupree instead of emu. I'm skimming this thread.

As I pointed out above.

I don't know how to copy and paste on my tablet. In the article below, read the last paragraph.

NOTHING of RA's was recorded over. Did you miss that Dulin NEVER recorded when he went and vetted these tips? You are likely thinking of that first one of which there NEVER was one. No recording was lost or taped over with regard to RA. Both of his LE interviews WERE recordied with the exception of the second one was not turned on immediately but shortly in. BOTH exist and were heard in court yesterday.

There IS no recording of RA that was recorded over and there never was. This is why you are getting the responses you are because I think the rest of us know all of this.

I am simply trying to clarify it for you because you seem to not know that and I think that's likely what you're thinking of, that first casual meet in what a grocery parking lot? He never set out to record it. So it could not be lost or taped over. The only ones taken of RA DO exist.

I don't know how to nicely make it clearer for you than that.
The video that was recorded over. We've discussed it so much, does a link even need to be posted.

If you're gonna try to get my attention, use @Cousin Dupree instead of emu. I'm skimming this thread.

As I pointed out above.

I don't know how to copy and paste on my tablet. In the article below, read the last paragraph.

Okay, I just spent my time going in and looking at it and it says exactly what we are saying. Over with this, nothing re RA's recorded interviews are lost OR missing. Other than a short bit at the beginning of his LAST one to make that clear because it simply wasn't turned on immediately, and that's it. All of it otherwise is there. And he was under Miranda regardless by law.

I'm going to move on as I know a bit of what was heard today and I'm back here on this stuff and would rather see new stuff.

I've tried to explain.

Again there is nothing in the last paragraphs or even sentences you linked that says what you are saying. Yes some interviews WERE recorded over but NOT HIS. Last attempt. See you around re other testimony and stuff, I've explained enough on this or tried to tell you this more than once. I'm sorry but you are simply incorrect.
I caught the emu at the end, but I'm not gonna read something that long.
I'm not surprised. So don't. I was responding to your post is all which I'm sure you could see at the top so why it would take the emu at the end not sure.

And it's quite all right, was just trying to give you a response rather than ignoring but I too skip a lot of yours. So lol I'm fine with that. It's old stuff anyhow when new stuff is out all over the place. I'd prefer my focus there, you can of course keep yours wherever you like. Tresir wasn't answering your questions without explanation and I don't blame her but I actually did but you didn't want to read such.

Again, that's fine. I'm not engaging on such any longer.

if I'm not mistaken there's a trial going on.

Hugs emu.

If you want me to stop using emu, say the word. I will oblige.

Okay, finally some new stuff re today's testimony, etc. a fair amount of which I saw today, not the whole day but this I did by some traditional news, not Tom of course, but I will get to all that even after this trial if it takes me that long to finish the far longer more fully detailed coverage. I think though I may be able to catch up mostly over the next two days with his. Will have to see.

I did not get to see what later day held and if they got to some I was waiting for but hopefully now as I read forward I will get to that.
Reddit verdict and comments about the confessions and knowing about the sticks before anyone else.

He's cooked.

A ton more of the same. Re box cutters and more this afternoon yet to get to this one. I scrolled and rolled. Man you're patient. I'm leaving it.

So I did see some of the Wala stuff today. The new stuff, some, from today.

I'll wait with comments until I read further through about TODAY as I'm trying to transition from whatever that other subject was here. I will say though it is all making such sense and it fits with many of the thoughts I've had all along re RA. Put it together with his worry about them seeing his websites, some of these details and confessions, and it all fits like a jigsaw puzzle. Was she on all day or did they get to others? See I don't know yet but am going to keep reading to see. I guess I could go YT headline (Tom waits as he's longer and more detailed). First I get some of the poorer coverage just to see who was on and what they say and then I go find out the facts from him lol.

Going to keep reading to look for the NEW stuff for another new day of trial today...
Agree, and I just posted similar from a J & C article. He mentions covering the body with sticks too. He's clearly nutty as a fruitcake and very dangerous. He admits it was sexual and he was a sex addict.
Yes and this fits so well with what I've always thought or we've suspected... Perfectly in fact. Fits with his concerns about his websites too. He also said he's always been selfish and a lot more. I saw a fair amount on this at break today...
Reddit verdict and comments about the confessions and knowing about the sticks before anyone else.

He's cooked.

Yep. He is. Totally agree and it's not even all done yet..

Mel had a really good point the other day about Aileen Wuornos. She was found to be whatever mentally but her confessions stood, it in no way meant she made them up, and they fried her. He's not insane. Or anything like Wuornos mentally whatsoever. His own words, repeatedly.

By the way was there a guard threatening him when he blurted all these things to Wala... Repeatedly. On more than one occasion...?

If the jury is full of level headed responsible ones, this will do it even before more and I trust there was likely more today but maybe not, haven't gotten that far yet...

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