LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *GUILTY*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Thank you. And sorry, I just couldn't figure it out.
I had more than a few typos in there which made it confusing. Sorry about that. Not surprised Tresir followed it though just because I think she was aware of and up on the alias because I did say she and another thing or two that threw off who I meant.

So what's your opinion of this alias that's nothing like his name now? And why it has never been brought up to our knowledge in any hearing,, now in trial, or even in discussions anywhere that I've ever seen, not much if at all...
I had more than a few typos in there which made it confusing. Sorry about that. Not surprised Tresir followed it though just because I think she was aware of and up on the alias because I did say she and another thing or two that threw off who I meant.

So what's your opinion of this alias that's nothing like his name now? And why it has never been brought up to our knowledge in any hearing,, now in trial, or even in discussions anywhere that I've ever seen, not much if at all...
I'm not even sure he used an alias. It could easily be another error

Delphi murders: Witness testimony may lend legitimacy to Richard Allen’s prison confession​

New witness testimony may add credence to a confession made by Richard Allen to a prison psychologist.

On Wednesday, psychologist Dr. Monica Wala told jurors how Allen confessed to the crimes in step-by-step detail during his time at Westville Correctional Facility.

Allen told Wala that he was a recovering alcoholic but that he drank three beers on Feb. 13, 2017, before heading to the trails. He confessed to following the girls on to the bridge and “messed with his gun,” which he speculated might’ve led to the round being found at the scene.

Allen told Wala his intention was to rape the girls but said he was spooked by a van and made the girls cross the creek before slashing their throats. He then covered the girls with sticks and walked out onto 300 North where he was parked.
I wonder honestly if three is even true. I thought way back when the BG seemed somewhat drunk. I actually could see my ex in him no sh*t. I've shared that with a few people way back. Not in any way he matched but in other ways he did...

The story about lunch is new or at least new to us. He heads over there but has no desire to stay because why, he wanted to drink with ma and step-pa and not do lunch... Nah... This man probably drank whenever he had the chance, was secretive always, I believe the sex addict thing, I believe the selfish thing, it's what I've always thought... Wife was at work...

I think though I see some similarities with KK but that's probably also anyone of this kind of nature and young girls...

RA in what I heard today made the remark of figured between 13 and 18,in confessions yet he intentionally in his LE interview/s kept saying I'd never hurt "little girls" as if they were five. He kept using that term...

KK kept in his interviews always trying to deny anyone below like the age of 17 or 16 and then he may have finally said dmaybe one 15 but he dind't know, etc... Where they had PROOF of not only 13 but far younger where you could NEVER mistake them even if they lied about their age online to him...

why does Rick say this in his confession/s, 13 to 18 but in the interview where he lied through his teeth in my opinion, he intentionally uses the phrase little girls constantly as if little children... Over and over and over. He's had years to get ready for this and think on it before those interviews...

And THINK ABOUT THIS. We saw all of the KK stuff and interviews, well some of us did, not all, but I did... And it's very likely RA did too... KK and all that came out before RA was arrested or on the radar and he was likely following every single thing about the case he could find online... We like all were blindsided by the arrest of RA because the one on the radar just prior seemed to be KK...

I'm just talking of what I've heard about today's testimony and how some made me think of this type of person, predator, RA's remarks and KK came right back to mind... It could be though just that that's how similar these sicko types are rather than any connection...

A bit of a sidetrack but not really, we are talking two very similar types. And the age explanation but then wanting to come across to cops as he didn't know them and saw them as "little girls" which implies single digits, young, 5 to 8 maybe... Intentional as all HE77. I found the phrase odd repeated throughout his interview... There were several things like that that stood out, just haven't had time to cover all or even finish all from yesterday even but I heard enough. EVERYONE in Delphi knew they were heading into high school...Yet as a defense, he'd never hurt two little girls when being questioned... yet in confessions, he makes it 13 to 18...

Tired, dont' really have the words to describe it. Hopefully just saying it will for most see the "click" there of what he's doing in the interview, repeatedly... One of many things... Heck he knew of the case and knew it well, another thing he's doing is mimicking the words of who was it Carter? Holeman? In a presser I think about who would hurt two little girls... I'm thinking otherwise that that really got to him because in his mind he hurt someone 13 or above... 13 to 18 as if that makes something better...

I can't quite explain or wrap my head around what I mean other than to say it stood out to me before hearing this today I his interviews yesterday, the difference between trying to lie but now confessing all...
This is what I've been waiting for to come to light. That van. JMO.
And Tom couldn't tell if he said man or van and many times people in the courtroom can't hear some of the questions or answers. He leaned towards van but he always says when he can't be certain or didn't hear clearly. More than most would do. Imo.

Anyhow so yeah more damning that a van scared him...
What section of PACE is it? Also Scotland has their own laws so different rules apply there. If you provide the link, i will check it. Otherwise i won't be bothering as it is this case I am following, not a UK one.
This is the case, you are right, and it is legal here, was legal when they did it and just because someone does not think it should be legal cannot be made into they did something illegal. That's where I land with it. It's a great thing to discuss but it doesn't relate at all to any news from this trial, now about whether your country does it or not or can or not.

So I agree with you. It can be a discussion for another time for sure. There are laws and procedures I disagree with but this is not one of them. Perhaps if used on a child or someone simple minded minded but not someone who watched Dateline and tons of other crime things with his wife. And as seen he was onto it pretty quickly and SO I'm not sure what the point really is? He knew, so what's the point?

You know the point, I know you do lol.

So since I'm still getting there, tell me although I may not see it until I get there, was Wala the only witness today? I'd like to hear about the trial actually.
I'm not even sure he used an alias. It could easily be another error
It could be. It was though in charging docs I believe or some such or the AA, don't recall. Not saying that couldn't be a mistake either and maybe Tresir recalls but it's where it comes from, initiial docs on him.

No argument there have been some errors so not disagreeing that it could be, however, the D nor anyone has ever went to correct it either... And now we have a man who claimed he molested children, was a sex addict, etc... Is there some HISTORY they've argued and battled to keep out...

it could be a mistake and it could be considered too prejudicial if anyone were to hear it...

I brought it up as it's curious that it's never been either redacted, corrected or ran with or anything that upset RA or the D either... Just silence on it...

I dont' have an opinion because it's impossible to KNOW why it's been totally ignored...

Could he have a record erased when 17 or 18 of assaulting children or an older minor that they can't bring up...?

I think it's pretty curious.

Sure it could be just a mistake but then not sure why no yelling to fix it either...

It's something that seems to have just slid by...

Oh BOY. So there were more witnesses today and it fits right in with his confessions when he shouldn't have known... I in no way have caught up with all but saw a fair amount on Wala, then your remarks about the van and now this...

And the P lined this up perfectly... Wala first and then Weber with his van and arrival... Now are getting to the good stuff (not good, what happened is awful) but the stuff hard to disregard.

And one black Focus in the county and D was trying days ago to hit at this before it even came up... AND wheels that can be seen through... I mean of course someone could have come by at the right very time from another county just having to have the same details, and so many other coincidences, and stopped at the trails, etc. etc. Yeah right. All combined together, here the puzzle is becoming complete or the dot to dot as I more call such... Add in his CONFESSIONS and he's sunk. With more to come...

Wow. Just now seeing this part. And brilliant way to line up the witnesses for the day...
Pretty sure I missed some posts with that line that always makes one miss them when you click it. Tried to go back, make sure I didn't but always seems to turn out that way.

But then maybe not. News always hits later after the day, and I forget they got out at what and I was home by 7.

I think this week will be a week til the end of the big stuff... Depending on if they get done, may or may not go into next week and then the D will come. But the P is going to end with a crescendo and it's starting imo and has been leading up to it throughout..

Going off elsewhere. I seem to have caught up here.
I wonder if CVS even uses serated box cutters. I've never heard of them before. I wonder if the manager is going to testify.
I only followed on here till early evening so haven't seen yet if there were reports of other witnesses yesterday. Just now catching up.
This is the case, you are right, and it is legal here, was legal when they did it and just because someone does not think it should be legal cannot be made into they did something illegal. That's where I land with it. It's a great thing to discuss but it doesn't relate at all to any news from this trial, now about whether your country does it or not or can or not.

So I agree with you. It can be a discussion for another time for sure. There are laws and procedures I disagree with but this is not one of them. Perhaps if used on a child or someone simple minded minded but not someone who watched Dateline and tons of other crime things with his wife. And as seen he was onto it pretty quickly and SO I'm not sure what the point really is? He knew, so what's the point?

You know the point, I know you do lol.

So since I'm still getting there, tell me although I may not see it until I get there, was Wala the only witness today? I'd like to hear about the trial actually.
Oh BOY. So there were more witnesses today and it fits right in with his confessions when he shouldn't have known... I in no way have caught up with all but saw a fair amount on Wala, then your remarks about the van and now this...

And the P lined this up perfectly... Wala first and then Weber with his van and arrival... Now are getting to the good stuff (not good, what happened is awful) but the stuff hard to disregard.

And one black Focus in the county and D was trying days ago to hit at this before it even came up... AND wheels that can be seen through... I mean of course someone could have come by at the right very time from another county just having to have the same details, and so many other coincidences, and stopped at the trails, etc. etc. Yeah right. All combined together, here the puzzle is becoming complete or the dot to dot as I more call such... Add in his CONFESSIONS and he's sunk. With more to come...

Wow. Just now seeing this part. And brilliant way to line up the witnesses for the day...
Ok i had not seen anything yet about Weber. This could explain the other phone in the area from the geofence report. I wonder when we will hear that ?saving the best till last maybe. I saw a post on Reddit re the phones in the area so i will link that later.
Yep. He is. Totally agree and it's not even all done yet..

Mel had a really good point the other day about Aileen Wuornos. She was found to be whatever mentally but her confessions stood, it in no way meant she made them up, and they fried her. He's not insane. Or anything like Wuornos mentally whatsoever. His own words, repeatedly.

By the way was there a guard threatening him when he blurted all these things to Wala... Repeatedly. On more than one occasion...?

If the jury is full of level headed responsible ones, this will do it even before more and I trust there was likely more today but maybe not, haven't gotten that far yet...
Wala testified she visited him daily so this period of his 60 confessions were in a relatively short period of time in March/April '23 timeframe and her description of him sitting naked on the floor surrounded in paperwork (the discovery) eating faeces and sitting on the floor really summed it all up for me. The discovery and no lawyer visits sent him over the top IMO. The D have been scrabbling with their O story and their defence, backtracking ever since. I truly do not know why they did not go for an insanity defence, rather than the SODDI defence. They are currently trying to get it in for a third time apparently.
Listening to Tom.

Lots of interest.

Says acoustics are terrible and actually says to listen to IN news sources who have to share their notes with each other for those areas he can't hear the EXACT words and actually pushes such but then does add you aren't going to get line by line coverage as he does.

Much of interest but a couple of things thought I'd mention right now. Of major significance is his wife's upset and shock when she found out RA had been on the bridge. Oh he had told her he was at the trails but not on the bridge. I think the REASONS for this are OBVIOUS And it's one of my damning things.

He says he thinks RA said he thought the girls to be 18 or 19, news says 13 to 18 or some such. Could be the acoustics. He says they are closer and can hear better with those questions or answers that are hard to hear. Not all are, but some are. Either way this sounds a lot like the other pedo KK, or any pedo and their excuses.

I'd point out that no one would think of THESE two girls as 18 or 19 so he is justifying and lying if he said that. No way. Plus again they are the same ones he said throughout his interview or referenced as "little girls". LE interview to be clear.

Was molested, thinks he said he also molested his sister. MIght explain the family dynamic of not wanting to stay for lunch, saw his sister was there, and interestingly then wanted to go SA some young girls is one way to look at things and not too far fetched...

Experimented with boys and girls sexually when young, and that's when his problems began...

RA Wala noted had a bizarre smile. After Tom says this he said he saw that yesterday when RA looked back at his wife with that smile and she did not smile back. Interesting side note imo.

I can't help but think on and say that KA's little thing she put out to the public through her attorney said she believes in the sanctity of marriage... Really? At all cost? When you have a sex addicted, cheating, lying, alcoholic, seflish, manipulative and now murderous pig of a hub? I just don't equate the word sanctity with such and I doubt we have heard the half of it.

Just a FEW of many things so far.
Re box cutters. RA is the one who said he used a box cutter. I guess one can believe some things he says but not others in a selective way and pick and choose... I guess maybe we all do.

I can only say how it is where I'm at and when you start, you are told there are work issued box cutters that are free and at any time you just grab as many as you want. They are meant to be safety box cutters but I've cut myself on one of them in my pocket more times than the ZERO times I've ever cut myself with the ones with a retractable blade. You are pretty much told the rule is to use them, however, then you notice so many other employees with real box cutters. I quickly found out of course the policy is to use the store issued ones only but the unspoken thing is go ahead and use a good one (store issued are junk) and I promptly bought three (came as a set of three) at our same store. Anyone could also use a serrated one if they preferred but I haven't noticed anyone who does. I can also say when on check out (I'm not always but enough), I've rarely seen a customer either buy a serrated one.

I'll talk to this just to a bit because at least the box cutter relates to Rick's words and confessions and to current things. It sure isn't the be all and end all of all that is now out but it is in a confesson of his.

Does anyone know, I can't recall, did he say it was work issued or was a CVS box cutter, or a box cutter he used for work? In any retail environment basically all employees are going to have box cutters, even managers end up doing freight sometimes, all do. They are a necessity.

It's interesting he claims this when it was not a work day for him and he had a number of knives and guns etc. So IF TRUE, did he want a box cutter for a specific reason...? If they have work issued ones I'm sure they'd be like ours and most places for safety probably do these days. Those versus a retractable real bladed one would be quite different to use and control. Reasons for rather than a knife would be to me, far easier to conceal especially if the little flat work issued ones, a fantasy of using a work issued one because they are quite different than the norm to get into something to begin cutting, I may see if I can find a picture if some don't know, and by the way, you end up more tearing with them a lot of the time than cutting. He may also have planned to of course ditch the weapon and he didn't want to ditch one of his knives. Who knows. And again, if true.

Re bullet

I'll also talk to this once. The reason for that has been heard but not yet at trial to my knowledge. RA knew he lost a bullet. He pretty much alludes to this himself. And this is a man bent on leaving no evidence. He'd have looked for it/them/anything he dropped. I believe I recall all from back when but am not fresh on it so I'll wait.


He talks as if he got home and just decided with the nice day to go out. He changed his story in his interviews to more like he threw on a jacket, went out there, walked for a minute, sat for a minute and went on the bridge for a couple of minutes on this nice day and left. BULLSH*T. Changed the time. Nope. The van helps conclude that now, as does the Harvestore video which always has. One black Focus in the county. More.

He did not bundle up overdressed for a few minutes out there.

There is NOW getting to be so much past what was always already enough but it is all coming togeher.

And sure enough, as we said, there are things we've never heard that of course the D wasn't going to say and the P held their hand...

They are saving the best and leading to what I'd call a crescendo. And we are into that part now...

OMG. I dont' know if it's been put together but just saw a comment in Tom's chat that didn't put it together but reminded me of something. The SHACK.

RA himself brings up a small shack in an LE interview I believe... Do you recall was it Carter way back when talking of The Shack...

WAsn't this with them, he and KA driving around or him and finding the new lay of the land, the farm entrance, seeing a shack, more...

This isn't anything anyone has said or touched on, not Tom, not reporting that I've seen and I'm going to need to think on it later because listening to Tom right now but striking me like another zinger... If they put it together and I think they likely have...? Anyone else notice this?

I'm in catch up mode. Know most of the news and witnesses of the week but now putting things together myself between LE interviews, things we knew and then confessions... It was just a big click.

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