LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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@Tresir said;
"BTW MW stole the photos in August but RF did not shoot himself
until 11th Oct, after the LE visit."

Yeah, about that, so I figure what happened there.. the guy didn't
commit suicide in concern at having leaked a bunch of photos...
I figure the LE that talked to him probably went heavy along the lines
of, guess what, you're disseminating child porn thing, ->sex offender listing,
->many many years in prison upcoming for him, for that. Cause think
about it - pictures of semi-naked/naked children? nothing in the laws that
say they have to be alive, so yeah, the LE probably slanted it as child
porn - so the suicide is still 'what, really?', but now with that angle, at
least it doesn't seem so impossible that he might do it.
I am not sure it was the pics of the girls. I think the tree was one and perhaps the clothes in the creek. Also two months is a long time between the leak and the suicide and none of us have seen pics except those AFAIK. So the leak of the bodies didn't seem to happen.
When was that footage taken? Was it the next morning or before nightfall on the 13th?
I think this was the next day after the girls were found so you can see all the police vehicles parked at the cemetery and at Mears farm. It looks like there may even be a crime scene portacabin at Mears place too. I think the other heli you can see in the video flying around may be the police heli or it could be another press heli.

I have found the PCA. Don't know if it has been posted before but here is the link. It really could not have been anyone else but RA based on the exact timelines they have and the bullet.

@Cousin Dupree
The original video on YT states it was taken 14 FEB 17 (2/14/17).
There's too much tree cover ( and perhaps they blur it also, I
can't remember) but you can orient yourself by watching for
the cemetery, the crime scene is basically found between the
cemetery and the creek.

The bullet is nonsense science. The timeline allows RA to be on
his way without encountering the murdered girls. The PCA is known
to contain false information, as example, witness DID NOT say
"muddy and bloody".
@Cousin Dupree
The original video on YT states it was taken 14 FEB 17 (2/14/17).
There's too much tree cover ( and perhaps they blur it also, I
can't remember) but you can orient yourself by watching for
the cemetery, the crime scene is basically found between the
cemetery and the creek.

The bullet is nonsense science. The timeline allows RA to be on
his way without encountering the murdered girls. The PCA is known
to contain false information, as example, witness DID NOT say
"muddy and bloody".

This whole thing has bothered me from the start. I definitely don't think that RA acted alone. I'm 90% sure he had some involvement, but there are people that are happy they are only going after him.
I think this was the next day after the girls were found so you can see all the police vehicles parked at the cemetery and at Mears farm. It looks like there may even be a crime scene portacabin at Mears place too. I think the other heli you can see in the video flying around may be the police heli or it could be another press heli.

I have found the PCA. Don't know if it has been posted before but here is the link. It really could not have been anyone else but RA based on the exact timelines they have and the bullet.

I wonder if anybody searched that area before they were found. Nobody went to this area until the next day? I've always assumed they were found right below the end of the bridge, where they were told to go down the hill. I may be seriously wrong about that. I wouldn't be surprised if the bodies weren't put out until early on the morning of the 14th, around 3a.m. or so.
I wonder if anybody searched that area before they were found. Nobody went to this area until the next day? I've always assumed they were found right below the end of the bridge, where they were told to go down the hill. I may be seriously wrong about that. I wouldn't be surprised if the bodies weren't put out until early on the morning of the 14th, around 3a.m. or so.
Searchers were out all night IIRC. Read the PCA I just posted. Based on his own timings and the witnesses who were on the trails at the time there is no doubt it was him. He placed himself there at the time and the times on Libby's phone and on the juvenile's phones are exact. There was no other person there at that time.
@Cousin Dupree
The original video on YT states it was taken 14 FEB 17 (2/14/17).
There's too much tree cover ( and perhaps they blur it also, I
can't remember) but you can orient yourself by watching for
the cemetery, the crime scene is basically found between the
cemetery and the creek.

The bullet is nonsense science. The timeline allows RA to be on
his way without encountering the murdered girls. The PCA is known
to contain false information, as example, witness DID NOT say
"muddy and bloody".

The times are precisely laid out in the PCA. Have you a link that confirms that? It's also in the PCA as "muddy and bloody" twice.

The PCA lays out the exact bullet info too.
Searchers were out all night IIRC. Read the PCA I just posted. Based on his own timings and the witnesses who were on the trails at the time there is no doubt it was him. He placed himself there at the time and the times on Libby's phone and on the juvenile's phones are exact. There was no other person there at that time.

It seems that since the guy on the bridge seems to be larger than 5'4", someone else had to be there. Two people identified bridge guy as Ron Logan independently. I don't know what the original guesstimate on BG's height was. That would be interesting to find out. Was it closer to RL or RA's height?
The times are precisely laid out in the PCA. Have you a link that confirms that? It's also in the PCA as "muddy and bloody" twice.

The PCA lays out the exact bullet info too.

The muddy and bloody seems to have been made up in the PCA. It was done to help get the PCA. This is one of the things that troubles me about this. Whether or not someone said muddy and bloody, or just muddy, or no comment was ever made is unclear.

The WM3 had all of the cops change their stories from their actions the night the kids were found. it was in order to fit the story they wanted people to believe.
I have copied the relevant bits from the PCA. It is unformatted and had blanks where there were names but I think you can follow. For correct punctuation see the link in my previous post.

. videofrom Victim 2'sphone shows that at2:13p.m. Victim and Victim
encountered male subject on the southeastportion of
the Monon High Bridge. The male ordered the
girls "Guys, Down the hill". No witnesses saw them after this time. No outgoing communications were
found on Vicu'm 2'sphone afler this time. Their bodies were discovered on February 14", 2017.
The video recoveredfrom Vica'rn isphone shows Victim walking southeast on the Monon High
Bridge while male subject wearing darkjacket andjeans walks behind her. As the male subject
approaches Victim and Victim 2, one ofthe victims mentions, "gun". Near the end ofthe video male is
seen and heard telling the girls, "Guys, Down the hill. The girls then begin toproceed down the hill and
the video ends. stillphotograph
takenfrom the video and the "Guys, Down the hill" audio was
released to thepublic
to assist investigators
in identzfling the male.
Victim and Victim 2's deaths were ruled as homicides. Clothes werefound in theDeer Creek
belonging to Victim and Victim 2, south ofwhere their bodies were located There was also .40 caliber
unspentround less than twofeet awayfrom Victim 2's body, between Victim and Victim 21s bodies. The
round was unspent and had extraction marks on it.
Interviews were conducted with juveniles, and They advised they were on the Manon
High Bridge Tiail on February 13m, 201 7. They advised they were walking on the trail toward Freedom
Bridge to go home when they encountered male walkittgfrom Freedom Bridge toward the Manon High
Bridge. described the male as "kind ofcreepy" and advised he was wearing "like bluejeans
really light bluejacket and he his hair was gray maybe
little brown and he did not'really show hisface.
She advised thejacket was duck canvas twejacket. advised she said "Hi" to the male but hejust
glared at them. She recalled him being in all black and hadsomething covering his moutlt. She described
him as "not very tall" with biger build She said he was not bigger
than 5'10". advised he was
wearing black hoodie, blackjeans, and black boots. She stated he had his hands in hispockets.
showed investigatorsphotographs
she took on herphone while she was on the trail that day. Thephotographs
included photo of
the Manon High Bridge taken at 12:43p.m., and another one taken at
1:2dp.m of
the bench East of
the Freedom Bridge. advised after she-took thephoto of
the bench
they started walkirtg back toward Freedom Bridge. She advised that was when they encountered the man
who matched the description of
takenfrom Victim 2's video. described the man she
encountered on the trail as wearing blue or black windbreakerjacket. She advised thejacket had
collar and he had his hood upfrom the clothing underneath hisjacket. She advised he was wearing bagy
jeans and was taller than her. She advised her head came up to approximately his shoulder. She advised
said "Hi" to the nun and that he said nothing back. She stated he was walking with purpose
like he
knew where he was going. She stated he had his hands in hispockets and kept his head down. She
advised she did not get good look at hisface but believed him to be white male. The girls advised after
encountering the male they continued their walkacross Freedom Bridge and the old railroad bridge over
OldState Road 25.
Investigators spoke with who advised she was on the trails on February 13'", 201 7. Videofrom
the Hoosier Harvestore captured vehicle fiaveling eastbound at _1:46p.m. toward the entrance across
from the Mearsfarm. advised she saw juvenilefemales walking an the bridge over Old State Road
25 as she was driving underneath on her way topark. advised there were no other carsparked across
from the Mearsfarm when sheparked. She advised she walked to the Manon High Bridge and observed male matching the onefrom Victim 2's video. She described the male she saw as white male, wearing
bluejeans and bluejeanjacket. She advised he was standing on thefirstplatfonn of
the Monon High
Bridge, approximately 50feetfrom her. She advised she turned around atthe bridge and continued her
walk. She advised approximately halfway between the bridge and theparking area acrossfromMears
farm, shepassed two girls walking towardMonon High Bn'dge. She advisedshe believed the girls were
Victim and Victim 2. Videofrom the Hoosier Harvestore shows at 1:49pan. white car matching
vehicle traveling awayfrom the entrance acrossfrom the Mearsfarni. advised shefinished her
walk and saw no other adults other than the male on the bridge. Her vehicle is seen on Hoosier
Harvestore video at 2:14p.m. leaving westboundfrom the trails. advised when she was leaving she
noted vehicle wasparked in an odd manner at the old ChildProtective Services building. She said it was
not oddfor vehicles to beparked there but she noticed it was odd because of
the manner it wasparked,
backed in near the building. Investigators
received tip)from in which he stated he was on his wayto Délphi on State Road 25 around 2:10p.m. an February 13'", 201 7. He observed pmpIe PT Cruiser or
smallSUV(We vehicleparked an the south side of
the old CPS building. He stated it appeared
though it was backed in as to conceal the licenseplate ofthe vehicle. both drew diagrams ofwhere
they saw the vehicleparked and their diagrams generalb: matched as to the area the vehicle wasparked
and the manner in which it wasparked. advised he rememberedseeing smaller dark colored
carparked at the old CPS building. He described it aspassibb' being "sma car. vehicle is
seen leaving at 2:28p.m. on the Hoosier Harvestore video.
Investigators spoke with who stated that she was traveling East on 300 North on February
13'", 2022 and observed male subject walking West, on the North side of300 North, awayfrom the Manon High Bridge. advised that the male subject was wearing blue coloredjacket and bluejeans
and was mudb and bloody. Shefurther stated, that it appeared he hadgotten into fight. Investigators
were able to determinefrom watching the videofrom the Hoosier Harvestore that was
traveling on CR 300 North at approximately 3:5 pan.
Through interviews, electronic data, photographs, andvideofrom the Hoosier Harvestore investigators
deterna'ned that there were otherpeople on the trail that day after 2:13p.m. Thosepeople were
interviewed and none of
those individuals encountered the male subject referenced above, witnessed by
juvenile girls, and Further none of
those individuals witnessed Victim and
Victim 2.
Investigators reviewingpriort'ms encountered t'm narrativefrom an oflicer who interviewedRichard
Allen in 201 7. That narrative stated: Mr. Allen was on the trail between 1330-1530. Heparked at the old Farm Bureau building and walked to the new Freedom Bridge. While at the Freedom Bridge he saw threefemales. He noted one was taller and had brown or black ha'ir. He did notremember descrFQtion nor did he speak with them. He walkedfrom the Freedom Bridge to theHigh Bridge. He did not
see anybody, although he stated he was watching stock ticker on hisphone as he walked He stated there were vehiclesparked at the High Bridge trail head, however did notpay
attention to them. He did not take anyphotos or video.
His cellphone did not list anMI but did have thefollowirtg: MED-256 691 463 100 153 495 MEIDHEX-9900247025797 Potentialfollow information: Who were the three girls walking in the area ofFreedom
Investigators believe Mr: Allen was referring to theformer ChildProtective Services building as therewas not Farm Bureau building in the area nor had there been. Investigators believe thefemales he saw
included and due to the time they Were leaving the trail, the time he reportedgetting to
the trail, and the descriptions
the threefemales gave.
Investigators discoveredRichardAllen owned two vehicles in 2017 2016 black FordFocus and
2006 gray Ford 500. Investigators observed vehicle thatresembledAllen's 2016 FordFocus on the
Hoosier Harvestore video at :27p.m traveling westbound on CR 300 North infront of
the Hoosier
Harvestore, which coincided with his statement that he arrived around 1:30p.rn. at the trails.
Investigators note witnesses described the vehicleparked at theformer ChildProtective Services Building
as PT Cruiser; small SIIV, or "Smart" car. Investigators believe those descriptions are similar in nature
to 2016 Ford Focus.
On October 13", 2022 RichardAllen was interviewed again by investigators. He advised he was on the
trails on February 13'", 2017. He statedhe sawjuvenile girls on the trails east ofFreedom Bridge and
that he went onto the Monon High Bridge. RichardAllenfurther stated he went out onto the Monon High
Bridge to watch thefish. Later in his statement, he said he walked out to thefirstplatform on the bridge.
He stated he then walked back, sat on bench on the trail and then left. He stated heparked his car on
the side ofan old building. He told investigators
that he was wearing bluejeans and blue or black
Carharttjacket with hood. He advised he may have been wearing some {use ofhead covering as well.
Hefurther claimed he saw no one else exceptfor
thejuvenile girls he saw east of
the Freedom Bridge. He told investigators
that he ownsfirearms and they are at his home.
Richard Allen's wtfe, KathyAllen, also spoke to investigators. She confirmed thatRichard did have
guns and knives at the residence. She also stated thatRichardstill owns blue Carharttjacket.
On October 13'", 2022, Investigators executed search warrant ofRichardAllen's residence at 1967
North Whiteman Drive, Delphi, Carroll Countjz, Indiana. Among other items, oflicers
boots, knives andfirearms, including Sig Sauer, ModelP226, .40 caliberpistol with serial number 625
Benveen October 14'", 2022 and October 19'", 2022 the Indiana State Police Laboratoryperformed an
analysis on Allenis Sig Sauer ModelP226. Ihe Laboratoryperformed physical examination and
classification of
thefirearm,function test, barrel and overall length measurement, testfiring, ammunition
component characterization, microscopic comparlson, andNIBIN. The Laboratory determined the
'unspentround located within twofeet of Victim 2's body had been cycled through RichardM. AHen's Sig
Sauer Model P226. The Laboratory remarked: An identification opinion is reached when the evidence ahibim' an agreement ofclass
characteristics and suflicient agreement of
individual marks. Sufl'icient agreement
related to the significant duplication ofrandom striated/impressed marks as evidenced by
the correspondence of pattern or combination ofpatterns ofsurface contours. The
interpretation ofidentification is subjective in nature, and based on relevant scientific-
research and the reporting examiners training and experience.
then ran thefirearm andfound that thefirearm waspurchased byRichardAllen in 2001.
RichardAllen voluntarily came to the Indiana State Policepost on October 26'", 2022. He spoke with
investigators and stated that he never allowed anyone
to use or borrow the Sig Sauer ModelP226firearm. When asked about the unspent bullet, he did not have an explanation ofwhy the bullet wasfound between
the bodies.of.Wctim and Victim 2. He again admitted that he was on the trail but denied knowing Victim
or Victim and denied any involvement in their murders.
Carroll County Sher-ifs DepartmentDetective has beenpart of
the investigation since it
started in 2017. He has had an opportunity
to review and examine evidence gathered in this investigation.
Detective along with other investigators, believe the evidence gathered shows thatRichardAllen is
the male subject seen on the videofrom Victim 2'sphone whoforced the victims down the hill. Further;
that the victims wereforced down the hill byRichardAllen and lead to the location where they were murdered
Ihrough the statements andphotographs of
thejuvenilefemales and the statement of and
were at the southeast edge of
the trail at 12:43p.m., east ofFreedom Bridge at 1:26pm., and walked
across theformer
railroad overpass over HidState Road 25 after
:26p.m. and before 1:46pm They
walked the entirety of
the trail and observed only oneperson
an adult male. vehicle is seen on
Hoosier Harvestore video at :46p.m. and leaving at 2:14p.m. and she stated she only saw. one adult male. and described the male in similar manners, wearing similar clothing,
leading investigators
to believe allfour saw the some male individual.
Investigators believe the male observed by and is the some male depicted
in the
videofrom Victim 2'sphone due to the descriptions of
the male by thefourferrules matching the male in
the video. Furthermore, Victim 2's video was taken at2:13p.m., and saw only one male while
she was on the trailfrom approximately 1:46pm to 2:14pm.Investigators believe RichardAllen was the male seen by and and the'male seen
in Victim 2's video. RichardAllen told investigators he was on the trailfrom :30pan. to 3:30p.m. that
day. Videofrom Hoosierflarvestore shows vehicle that matches the description ofRichardAllen's
vehiclepassing at :27pan. toward theformer CPS building; The clothing he told investigators he was'
wearing match the clothing of
the male in Victim 2's video and the clothing descriptionsprovided
by and vehicle matching the description ofhis 2016 FordFocus is seen at or
around2:10p.m., 2:14pm., and2:28p.m. at theformer CPS building. Through his own admissions,
RichardAllen walked the trails and eventually hiked to the Manon High Bridge and walked out onto the
Monon High Bridge. male subject matching RichardAllen's description was not seen on the trail after 2:13p.m.
Investigators identified other individuals on the trails or CR. 300 North between 2:30p.111. and 4:11pm.
None of
those individuals saw male subject matching the description ofRichardAllen on the trail.
Furthermore, RichardAllen stated that he only saw three girls on the trail, who investigators believe to
Investigators believe RichardAllen was not seen on the trail after 2:13p.m. because he was in the
woods with Victim and Victim 2. An unspent
.40 caliber round between the bodies ofVictim and
Victim 2, wasforensicalbr determined to have been cycled through RichardAllenfs Sig Sauer ModelP226.
Ihe SigSauer ModelP226 wasfound atRichardAllen's residence and he admitted to owning it.
Investigators were able to determine that he had owned it since 2001. RichardAllen stated he had not
been on thatproperty: where the unspent round wasfound, that he did not know theproperty! owner, and
that he had no edgilanation
as to why
round cycled through hisfirearm would be at that location.
Furthermore, he stated that he never allowed anyone to use or borrow the Sig Sauer Model P226.
Investigators believe that after
the victims were murdered, RichardAllen returned to his vehicle by
walking down CR 300 North. Investigators believe he was seen by walking back to his
vehicle on CR 300 north, with clothes that were muddy and bloody.
along with investigators, believe the statements made by the witnesses because the
statements corroborate the timeline of
the death the two victims, as well as coincide with the admissions made by RichardAllen. Further, the accounb relayed by and are similar
in nature and time stamps onphotographs
taken by correspond to the times thejuvenilefemales
said they were on the trail and saw male individual.
It seems that since the guy on the bridge seems to be larger than 5'4", someone else had to be there. Two people identified bridge guy as Ron Logan independently. I don't know what the original guesstimate on BG's height was. That would be interesting to find out. Was it closer to RL or RA's height?
Only one guy was seen at the relevant time and it is a very short window of time because LE have the exact timing of Libby's video. No one saw anyone else except for BG. RA admits to being at the bridge at the relevant time plus his bullet was found at the crime scene. It all fits if you read the PCA. The text has not copied that well as there are blanks where witness info so it is best to pull it up from the link I posted.
@Cousin Dupree
The original video on YT states it was taken 14 FEB 17 (2/14/17).
There's too much tree cover ( and perhaps they blur it also, I
can't remember) but you can orient yourself by watching for
the cemetery, the crime scene is basically found between the
cemetery and the creek.

The bullet is nonsense science. The timeline allows RA to be on
his way without encountering the murdered girls. The PCA is known
to contain false information, as example, witness DID NOT say
"muddy and bloody".
Why do you say the bullet is nonsense?.
Only one guy was seen at the relevant time and it is a very short window of time because LE have the exact timing of Libby's video. No one saw anyone else except for BG. RA admits to being at the bridge at the relevant time plus his bullet was found at the crime scene. It all fits if you read the PCA. The text has not copied that well as there are blanks where witness info so it is best to pull it up from the link I posted.

No bullet was found at the crime scene. An ejected casing that hadn't been fired was found. The ejection marks can be traced to a particular weapon only. I've heard, I don't know where, so I can't say a "reliable" source. Supposedly the local police carry the exact type of gun that the casing was ejected from. So it's not like it's really rare in that area.

I also have a small suspicion that somebody in LE was involved in this as well.

Why do you say the bullet is nonsense?.

I don't want to talk for her, but See above. It's my take on it.
No bullet was found at the crime scene. An ejected casing that hadn't been fired was found. The ejection marks can be traced to a particular weapon only. I've heard, I don't know where, so I can't say a "reliable" source. Supposedly the local police carry the exact type of gun that the casing was ejected from. So it's not like it's really rare in that area.

I also have a small suspicion that somebody in LE was involved in this as well.

I don't want to talk for her, but See above. It's my take on it.
Right. I know. But they did say his specific gun. And didn't loan it to anyone.
I have copied the relevant bits from the PCA. It is unformatted and had blanks where there were names but I think you can follow. For correct punctuation see the link in my previous post.

. videofrom Victim 2'sphone shows that at2:13p.m. Victim and Victim
encountered male subject on the southeastportion of
the Monon High Bridge. The male ordered the
girls "Guys, Down the hill". No witnesses saw them after this time. No outgoing communications were
found on Vicu'm 2'sphone afler this time. Their bodies were discovered on February 14", 2017.
The video recoveredfrom Vica'rn isphone shows Victim walking southeast on the Monon High
Bridge while male subject wearing darkjacket andjeans walks behind her. As the male subject
approaches Victim and Victim 2, one ofthe victims mentions, "gun". Near the end ofthe video male is
seen and heard telling the girls, "Guys, Down the hill. The girls then begin toproceed down the hill and
the video ends. stillphotograph
takenfrom the video and the "Guys, Down the hill" audio was
released to thepublic
to assist investigators
in identzfling the male.
Victim and Victim 2's deaths were ruled as homicides. Clothes werefound in theDeer Creek
belonging to Victim and Victim 2, south ofwhere their bodies were located There was also .40 caliber
unspentround less than twofeet awayfrom Victim 2's body, between Victim and Victim 21s bodies. The
round was unspent and had extraction marks on it.
Interviews were conducted with juveniles, and They advised they were on the Manon
High Bridge Tiail on February 13m, 201 7. They advised they were walking on the trail toward Freedom
Bridge to go home when they encountered male walkittgfrom Freedom Bridge toward the Manon High
Bridge. described the male as "kind ofcreepy" and advised he was wearing "like bluejeans
really light bluejacket and he his hair was gray maybe
little brown and he did not'really show hisface.
She advised thejacket was duck canvas twejacket. advised she said "Hi" to the male but hejust
glared at them. She recalled him being in all black and hadsomething covering his moutlt. She described
him as "not very tall" with biger build She said he was not bigger
than 5'10". advised he was
wearing black hoodie, blackjeans, and black boots. She stated he had his hands in hispockets.
showed investigatorsphotographs
she took on herphone while she was on the trail that day. Thephotographs
included photo of
the Manon High Bridge taken at 12:43p.m., and another one taken at
1:2dp.m of
the bench East of
the Freedom Bridge. advised after she-took thephoto of
the bench
they started walkirtg back toward Freedom Bridge. She advised that was when they encountered the man
who matched the description of
takenfrom Victim 2's video. described the man she
encountered on the trail as wearing blue or black windbreakerjacket. She advised thejacket had
collar and he had his hood upfrom the clothing underneath hisjacket. She advised he was wearing bagy
jeans and was taller than her. She advised her head came up to approximately his shoulder. She advised
said "Hi" to the nun and that he said nothing back. She stated he was walking with purpose
like he
knew where he was going. She stated he had his hands in hispockets and kept his head down. She
advised she did not get good look at hisface but believed him to be white male. The girls advised after
encountering the male they continued their walkacross Freedom Bridge and the old railroad bridge over
OldState Road 25.
Investigators spoke with who advised she was on the trails on February 13'", 201 7. Videofrom
the Hoosier Harvestore captured vehicle fiaveling eastbound at _1:46p.m. toward the entrance across
from the Mearsfarm. advised she saw juvenilefemales walking an the bridge over Old State Road
25 as she was driving underneath on her way topark. advised there were no other carsparked across
from the Mearsfarm when sheparked. She advised she walked to the Manon High Bridge and observed male matching the onefrom Victim 2's video. She described the male she saw as white male, wearing
bluejeans and bluejeanjacket. She advised he was standing on thefirstplatfonn of
the Monon High
Bridge, approximately 50feetfrom her. She advised she turned around atthe bridge and continued her
walk. She advised approximately halfway between the bridge and theparking area acrossfromMears
farm, shepassed two girls walking towardMonon High Bn'dge. She advisedshe believed the girls were
Victim and Victim 2. Videofrom the Hoosier Harvestore shows at 1:49pan. white car matching
vehicle traveling awayfrom the entrance acrossfrom the Mearsfarni. advised shefinished her
walk and saw no other adults other than the male on the bridge. Her vehicle is seen on Hoosier
Harvestore video at 2:14p.m. leaving westboundfrom the trails. advised when she was leaving she
noted vehicle wasparked in an odd manner at the old ChildProtective Services building. She said it was
not oddfor vehicles to beparked there but she noticed it was odd because of
the manner it wasparked,
backed in near the building. Investigators
received tip)from in which he stated he was on his wayto Délphi on State Road 25 around 2:10p.m. an February 13'", 201 7. He observed pmpIe PT Cruiser or
smallSUV(We vehicleparked an the south side of
the old CPS building. He stated it appeared
though it was backed in as to conceal the licenseplate ofthe vehicle. both drew diagrams ofwhere
they saw the vehicleparked and their diagrams generalb: matched as to the area the vehicle wasparked
and the manner in which it wasparked. advised he rememberedseeing smaller dark colored
carparked at the old CPS building. He described it aspassibb' being "sma car. vehicle is
seen leaving at 2:28p.m. on the Hoosier Harvestore video.
Investigators spoke with who stated that she was traveling East on 300 North on February
13'", 2022 and observed male subject walking West, on the North side of300 North, awayfrom the Manon High Bridge. advised that the male subject was wearing blue coloredjacket and bluejeans
and was mudb and bloody. Shefurther stated, that it appeared he hadgotten into fight. Investigators
were able to determinefrom watching the videofrom the Hoosier Harvestore that was
traveling on CR 300 North at approximately 3:5 pan.
Through interviews, electronic data, photographs, andvideofrom the Hoosier Harvestore investigators
deterna'ned that there were otherpeople on the trail that day after 2:13p.m. Thosepeople were
interviewed and none of
those individuals encountered the male subject referenced above, witnessed by
juvenile girls, and Further none of
those individuals witnessed Victim and
Victim 2.
Investigators reviewingpriort'ms encountered t'm narrativefrom an oflicer who interviewedRichard
Allen in 201 7. That narrative stated: Mr. Allen was on the trail between 1330-1530. Heparked at the old Farm Bureau building and walked to the new Freedom Bridge. While at the Freedom Bridge he saw threefemales. He noted one was taller and had brown or black ha'ir. He did notremember descrFQtion nor did he speak with them. He walkedfrom the Freedom Bridge to theHigh Bridge. He did not
see anybody, although he stated he was watching stock ticker on hisphone as he walked He stated there were vehiclesparked at the High Bridge trail head, however did notpay
attention to them. He did not take anyphotos or video.
His cellphone did not list anMI but did have thefollowirtg: MED-256 691 463 100 153 495 MEIDHEX-9900247025797 Potentialfollow information: Who were the three girls walking in the area ofFreedom
Investigators believe Mr: Allen was referring to theformer ChildProtective Services building as therewas not Farm Bureau building in the area nor had there been. Investigators believe thefemales he saw
included and due to the time they Were leaving the trail, the time he reportedgetting to
the trail, and the descriptions
the threefemales gave.
Investigators discoveredRichardAllen owned two vehicles in 2017 2016 black FordFocus and
2006 gray Ford 500. Investigators observed vehicle thatresembledAllen's 2016 FordFocus on the
Hoosier Harvestore video at :27p.m traveling westbound on CR 300 North infront of
the Hoosier
Harvestore, which coincided with his statement that he arrived around 1:30p.rn. at the trails.
Investigators note witnesses described the vehicleparked at theformer ChildProtective Services Building
as PT Cruiser; small SIIV, or "Smart" car. Investigators believe those descriptions are similar in nature
to 2016 Ford Focus.
On October 13", 2022 RichardAllen was interviewed again by investigators. He advised he was on the
trails on February 13'", 2017. He statedhe sawjuvenile girls on the trails east ofFreedom Bridge and
that he went onto the Monon High Bridge. RichardAllenfurther stated he went out onto the Monon High
Bridge to watch thefish. Later in his statement, he said he walked out to thefirstplatform on the bridge.
He stated he then walked back, sat on bench on the trail and then left. He stated heparked his car on
the side ofan old building. He told investigators
that he was wearing bluejeans and blue or black
Carharttjacket with hood. He advised he may have been wearing some {use ofhead covering as well.
Hefurther claimed he saw no one else exceptfor
thejuvenile girls he saw east of
the Freedom Bridge. He told investigators
that he ownsfirearms and they are at his home.
Richard Allen's wtfe, KathyAllen, also spoke to investigators. She confirmed thatRichard did have
guns and knives at the residence. She also stated thatRichardstill owns blue Carharttjacket.
On October 13'", 2022, Investigators executed search warrant ofRichardAllen's residence at 1967
North Whiteman Drive, Delphi, Carroll Countjz, Indiana. Among other items, oflicers
boots, knives andfirearms, including Sig Sauer, ModelP226, .40 caliberpistol with serial number 625
Benveen October 14'", 2022 and October 19'", 2022 the Indiana State Police Laboratoryperformed an
analysis on Allenis Sig Sauer ModelP226. Ihe Laboratoryperformed physical examination and
classification of
thefirearm,function test, barrel and overall length measurement, testfiring, ammunition
component characterization, microscopic comparlson, andNIBIN. The Laboratory determined the
'unspentround located within twofeet of Victim 2's body had been cycled through RichardM. AHen's Sig
Sauer Model P226. The Laboratory remarked: An identification opinion is reached when the evidence ahibim' an agreement ofclass
characteristics and suflicient agreement of
individual marks. Sufl'icient agreement
related to the significant duplication ofrandom striated/impressed marks as evidenced by
the correspondence of pattern or combination ofpatterns ofsurface contours. The
interpretation ofidentification is subjective in nature, and based on relevant scientific-
research and the reporting examiners training and experience.
then ran thefirearm andfound that thefirearm waspurchased byRichardAllen in 2001.
RichardAllen voluntarily came to the Indiana State Policepost on October 26'", 2022. He spoke with
investigators and stated that he never allowed anyone
to use or borrow the Sig Sauer ModelP226firearm. When asked about the unspent bullet, he did not have an explanation ofwhy the bullet wasfound between
the bodies.of.Wctim and Victim 2. He again admitted that he was on the trail but denied knowing Victim
or Victim and denied any involvement in their murders.
Carroll County Sher-ifs DepartmentDetective has beenpart of
the investigation since it
started in 2017. He has had an opportunity
to review and examine evidence gathered in this investigation.
Detective along with other investigators, believe the evidence gathered shows thatRichardAllen is
the male subject seen on the videofrom Victim 2'sphone whoforced the victims down the hill. Further;
that the victims wereforced down the hill byRichardAllen and lead to the location where they were murdered
Ihrough the statements andphotographs of
thejuvenilefemales and the statement of and
were at the southeast edge of
the trail at 12:43p.m., east ofFreedom Bridge at 1:26pm., and walked
across theformer
railroad overpass over HidState Road 25 after
:26p.m. and before 1:46pm They
walked the entirety of
the trail and observed only oneperson
an adult male. vehicle is seen on
Hoosier Harvestore video at :46p.m. and leaving at 2:14p.m. and she stated she only saw. one adult male. and described the male in similar manners, wearing similar clothing,
leading investigators
to believe allfour saw the some male individual.
Investigators believe the male observed by and is the some male depicted
in the
videofrom Victim 2'sphone due to the descriptions of
the male by thefourferrules matching the male in
the video. Furthermore, Victim 2's video was taken at2:13p.m., and saw only one male while
she was on the trailfrom approximately 1:46pm to 2:14pm.Investigators believe RichardAllen was the male seen by and and the'male seen
in Victim 2's video. RichardAllen told investigators he was on the trailfrom :30pan. to 3:30p.m. that
day. Videofrom Hoosierflarvestore shows vehicle that matches the description ofRichardAllen's
vehiclepassing at :27pan. toward theformer CPS building; The clothing he told investigators he was'
wearing match the clothing of
the male in Victim 2's video and the clothing descriptionsprovided
by and vehicle matching the description ofhis 2016 FordFocus is seen at or
around2:10p.m., 2:14pm., and2:28p.m. at theformer CPS building. Through his own admissions,
RichardAllen walked the trails and eventually hiked to the Manon High Bridge and walked out onto the
Monon High Bridge. male subject matching RichardAllen's description was not seen on the trail after 2:13p.m.
Investigators identified other individuals on the trails or CR. 300 North between 2:30p.111. and 4:11pm.
None of
those individuals saw male subject matching the description ofRichardAllen on the trail.
Furthermore, RichardAllen stated that he only saw three girls on the trail, who investigators believe to
Investigators believe RichardAllen was not seen on the trail after 2:13p.m. because he was in the
woods with Victim and Victim 2. An unspent
.40 caliber round between the bodies ofVictim and
Victim 2, wasforensicalbr determined to have been cycled through RichardAllenfs Sig Sauer ModelP226.
Ihe SigSauer ModelP226 wasfound atRichardAllen's residence and he admitted to owning it.
Investigators were able to determine that he had owned it since 2001. RichardAllen stated he had not
been on thatproperty: where the unspent round wasfound, that he did not know theproperty! owner, and
that he had no edgilanation
as to why
round cycled through hisfirearm would be at that location.
Furthermore, he stated that he never allowed anyone to use or borrow the Sig Sauer Model P226.
Investigators believe that after
the victims were murdered, RichardAllen returned to his vehicle by
walking down CR 300 North. Investigators believe he was seen by walking back to his
vehicle on CR 300 north, with clothes that were muddy and bloody.
along with investigators, believe the statements made by the witnesses because the
statements corroborate the timeline of
the death the two victims, as well as coincide with the admissions made by RichardAllen. Further, the accounb relayed by and are similar
in nature and time stamps onphotographs
taken by correspond to the times thejuvenilefemales
said they were on the trail and saw male individual.

Not done yet, but have a couple of questions:

The girls said the guy was not over 5'10. They called him small. 6 inches in height is a big difference. I'm 5'5" and nobody would say I was not over 5'10" They'd say short. If they asked if I was over 5'10" it would elicit laughter.

Also, when did they get the footage from the Harvest Store? If they got that footage in 2022 after finding a suspect that's very hinky for me. I've worked places that have video surveillance, and it was deleted monthly. If they're saying they went to the Harvest Store, and they had footage stored from 2017 I find that very hard to believe. It's possible they asked local business' to give them their footage, if they had video surveillance systems in 2017 to use for future reference. confused-animated-smiley.gif
Right. I know. But they did say his specific gun. And didn't loan it to anyone.

It matched his gun, I believe, is only saying that brand of gun and make matched up. So anyone owning a Sig Sauer just like that one, would have similar ejection marks. I also can't say this is absolutely true, but I seem to recall hearing that the PD used the exact type of gun he had.

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