LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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The now current Indiana DNA laws were speed rushed through the Indiana Legislature and to the governor for his signature because of what happened in Delphi. By speed rush, I mean it took about a year from introduction of the bill to it becoming law, which is the speed of lightning where getting anything passed into law is concerned.
Yes, I knew it was because of that and it was quick but I couldn't have told you exactly how long. It is a shame they didn't have one prior as if this perp ends up someone who could have been in the database but wasn't, it would have saved a lot of grief. Good they have one now though.
If they have matching DNA the only way an alibi would work is if there is a damn good reason for how his DNA got there. He can't say I've never seen them before and have his DNA on them.

The newer picture looks, to me, like the picture of the person they contacted online. The Police probably didn't find it until they were able to hack the phone. However, it could just be the picture from some guy's Facebook account that the perp used to make them think it's what he looked like. I wonder if they've run the picture through an image search from Google or Bing.

If they have DNA I wonder if they can identify as coming from a man. It's not out of the question that it was a woman who did it.

Also, if they have enough DNA they can get a picture of what he looks like:

I can't see this being a woman. The voice, the gait, all of it. That thought doesn't even cross my mind in this case.
WOW. And I'm not kidding--WOW. Not sure how or why these would be posted/shared with innocent names on the legal website but... And I can't help but wonder if some "writer" didn't give him the out of saying could it have been your dad on your account... But even then and even so....

This so fits in with what I have always felt/thought--don't get me wrong I like most over this long case have had many thoughts but I have always thought there was likely a SM angle, that these girls were up all night the night before or most of it, their age, and many other things that seemed to fit, the wanting badly to go there, the Snapchat photo...


For instance, Shotz (the fake profile) said on the account that he was to meet Libby the day of the murders but claimed she never showed up... There are mentions of innocent parties... And a mention of him talking with Libby online or Libby and "her friends" the night before etc....


Failed a polygraph. Supposedly...

This is almost making me think they have known from early on or not too far in...


I don't know if I buy this being filed and accessible as an accident but regardless...

Man interviewed in Delphi, Indiana, murders used a fake online profile to talk to victim Liberty German​

At first, Kline denies any contact with Liberty German.

Officer: "I think you wanted to be truthful and it was hard for you 'cause you were scared. I mean it's a double homicide investigation."


Officer: "How did you meet Liberty German?"

"I don't know…. I literally don't know…. I had to be on Instagram or something."

Officer: "Okay. So she added you on Instagram. When was that would you say?"

Kline: "I literally have no clue. I don't remember talking to her, really. I didn't even know who she really was until after I saw that on the news and I was like, oh wow, that name. Like, I remembered the name."

But police had his phone records.

The officer said: "I mean again that's, that's a lie too, because we know for a fact when you were in Vegas, that on your device, you were searching about the Delphi investigation."

CBS 2 reached out to Kegan Kline's attorney for a comment, but there was no response. Kline will be back in court on the child porn charges he's facing on April 14.

The officer said: "I mean again that's, that's a lie too, because we know for a fact when you were in Vegas, that on your device, you were searching about the Delphi investigation."
Apparently he even searched for something like “how long does dna last”!!! As I said earlier, really alarming stuff. And yet, this was two years ago, and at that point they knew about him for 3 years before actually arresting him. Makes me think they don’t have anything concrete to tie him to the bridge that day. Or maybe they do, but it will take another 3 years for them to get around to it?
Apparently he even searched for something like “how long does dna last”!!! As I said earlier, really alarming stuff. And yet, this was two years ago, and at that point they knew about him for 3 years before actually arresting him. Makes me think they don’t have anything concrete to tie him to the bridge that day. Or maybe they do, but it will take another 3 years for them to get around to it?

He's in jail. He's not going anywhere. They can take their time crossing their T's and dotting their i's. They can take time to make an airtight case. Hopefully, that's what they're doing.

Man interviewed in Delphi, Indiana, murders used a fake online profile to talk to victim Liberty German​

At first, Kline denies any contact with Liberty German.

Officer: "I think you wanted to be truthful and it was hard for you 'cause you were scared. I mean it's a double homicide investigation."


Officer: "How did you meet Liberty German?"

"I don't know…. I literally don't know…. I had to be on Instagram or something."

Officer: "Okay. So she added you on Instagram. When was that would you say?"

Kline: "I literally have no clue. I don't remember talking to her, really. I didn't even know who she really was until after I saw that on the news and I was like, oh wow, that name. Like, I remembered the name."

But police had his phone records.

The officer said: "I mean again that's, that's a lie too, because we know for a fact when you were in Vegas, that on your device, you were searching about the Delphi investigation."

CBS 2 reached out to Kegan Kline's attorney for a comment, but there was no response. Kline will be back in court on the child porn charges he's facing on April 14.

This is all interesting but the last 60 to 70 or more pages get into Delphi. It gets more interesting as it goes... This guy is it and if he isn't, he knows who is imo. There is too much... Reading it all will give context for the last many pages but if you want the Delphi stuff it is in the second half.
Apparently he even searched for something like “how long does dna last”!!! As I said earlier, really alarming stuff. And yet, this was two years ago, and at that point they knew about him for 3 years before actually arresting him. Makes me think they don’t have anything concrete to tie him to the bridge that day. Or maybe they do, but it will take another 3 years for them to get around to it?
Yes, that was interesting, there were a few things significant like that with his searches. Also, he deleted things of the date range of when he was allegedly talking to Libby, "grooming" her and allegedly to meet her. And allegedly he talked to the girls the night of the sleepover and was to meet Libby that day. Some of this he supposedly said when he had been talked to back then. He deleted snapchat and other things only from the phone relating to this or so it sounds. There really is a lot and it all fits. It is hard to tell if they think it is him, think it is someone else (his father...?) or both. He wasn't supposedly where he said he was, he mentioned not having a car and more... So much of this fits with theories and things rumored early on and through the years that it is like deja vu. It makes me wonder if LE wasn't in chats incognito with these theories... But then it also fits some of the hinted info in the press conferences maybe...

The guy in the ski mask thing, do you know if they were talking of LIbby and her family or maybe Abby or did this happen to someone they know...? It was clear he knew a "family" was that Libby's I'm guessing...? I remember hearing about that but can't quite remember...

I found it all very compelling but it leaves me thinking as I have often wondered/doubted that there is no DNA. Or maybe they just feel there is no rush with him behind bars and no statute of limitation on murder...

While there is no indication of him ever being with one, all of the first say 100 pages or so of him with the child porn is disturbing. All the way down to the age of like 5 (although he denies this age but is fine admitting to like 13 and up) and even more upsetting is videos of children with adults, bestiality touched on and children doing things to themselves probably at the control of someone older with them. They indicate or hint this is part of a much bigger investigation into a "ring". So beware some of the transcript is disturbing and talks generally of various things they found on his devices...

It's interesting that he will cop to at most times talking to and asking girls for pictures that were 13 and up but he won't to the 5 year old age range, etc. or to these murders or actually meeting the girls... I think he knows how hated someone in either case would be but likely feels the older girls (he at first wouldn't admit to under 16)/teens he could get others to understand, after all he was a young adult only... He knows how sick people think such is... I believe. Because it isn't like he doesn't know he is likely going away for a long, long time over the child porn and all so why not admit to the other... But he won't...

Of interest also is they refer to another crime and seem to think he knows of it too and I should know which one that is, I remember some others people wondered about and I think one was a fire and I just can't recall which one in the general area they are talking of, any chance you put your finger on it...? They were touching on the drug connections and some blacked out name at the time...
I’ve never looked at it that way before. Very interesting.
It's all very incriminating. He doesn't deny talking to them on that very night before. He doesn't deny arranging to meet Libby. Libby apparently had quite a thing for the Anthony Shotz character. There is a lot. From the start this case all did fit something like this. The slumber party, the girls up most of the night, the insistence and begging to go here, the age range, the Snapchat photo... It also sounds as if Libby did send him a picture... We all know such types use these things too to hold over the child and threaten to share them with the world, their school, their parents, etc. But in this case, it sounded as if she was eager to connect with the fake Shotz model guy.

I'd recommend reading at least the last I don't recall, 60 to 70 pages of the transcript. There are 194 pages or something like that. A lot of it is keeping at the same things over and over but all of interest but it is the final 1/3 to 1/2 where they get around to the girls. Throughout the rest they almost act as if they aren't there to talk to him about that at all...
Yes. Did you download it or just read thru it on scribd?
I was going to download it but then I ended up just going full screen and reading it through. It's long but a quick read in the sense remarks and questions and answers are mostly brief. I mean don't get me wrong, it probably took me an hour or two but for 194 pages that's not long. I was only going to read part last night as busy stressful day (of course, all are lately) and wanted to watch something light for an hour or so but instead ended up reading the entire thing.
The guy in the ski mask thing, do you know if they were talking of LIbby and her family or maybe Abby or did this happen to someone they know...? It was clear he knew a "family" was that Libby's I'm guessing...? I remember hearing about that but can't quite remember...

My understanding, and I might have this wrong, is that the slumber party was not related to Abby and Libby directly. IIRC one of the girls at the party had been in contact with the Anthony_shots account and the ski mask incident may have been reported to the tip line after LE put out that announcement looking for people who had contact.

I’ll have to give the full document a read when I have some time.
My understanding, and I might have this wrong, is that the slumber party was not related to Abby and Libby directly. IIRC one of the girls at the party had been in contact with the Anthony_shots account and the ski mask incident may have been reported to the tip line after LE put out that announcement looking for people who had contact.

I’ll have to give the full document a read when I have some time.
I recall the same but then when reading the interview transcript/interrogation transcript, whatever one wants to call it, it was clear or so it seemed he had contact the night before and he claimed with Libby's friend he thought... So then the night before to me was when Abby and Libby knew they had the day off school next day, stayed up most of the night and I think grandpa made them pancakes the next day and then they filed, etc. for grandma and begged to go to the bridge/trail area...

And yet you are right, there was also the talk of that incident of ski mask and another slumber party in the case, however, the 190 some page transcript with this guy had me thinking it was the "slumber party" of just Abby and Libby although they might have been online with others... I think I lumped them... And it is probably two different occasions...

However he apparently was in touch the night before, it was claimed he was to meet Libby and when asked later by another girl or friend he claimed she never showed up... So...

And the night before was Abby staying at Libby's house... Up most of the night together... To me that is a "slumber party" too... I mixed them but the interview/interrogation had me doing that... Hard to be sure... Some is blacked out... I do know the ski mask thing was not on that night/next day but the slumber party referred to I think may be Abby and Libby's sleepover at Libby's...?
And the night before was Abby staying at Libby's house... Up most of the night together... To me that is a "slumber party" too... I mixed them but the interview/interrogation had me doing that... Hard to be sure... Some is blacked out... I do know the ski mask thing was not on that night/next day but the slumber party referred to I think may be Abby and Libby's sleepover at Libby's...?
Is this that incident? Sorry if I'm off base. I haven't read and watched everything fully.

Police questioned Kline in that interview about another school-aged girl that gave her address to “anthony_shots” just days after the Delphi murders. Kline knew the girl’s family from Galveston, Indiana.

The police investigator told Kline: “She comes home from school, sees this guy with a ski mask looking in her bedroom window, directly after giving this address to Anthony Shots. As a matter of fact, that's the incident that started everything else last time. That's how everything started last time was that incident."

So, this incident appears to be the first suspicious connection police had to the anthony_shots profile, which led them to Kline.

The person behind anthony_shots was one of the last to communicate with Libby German before her death. After her death, the "anthony_shots" profile told another person that he was supposed to meet up with Libby “but she never showed up.”

Feb. 14, 2017 – The bodies of Libby German and Abby Williams were discovered near a trail in Delphi in Carroll County.

Feb. 20, 2017 – A school-aged girl in Galveston in Cass County had given her address to anthony_shots. A day later, she saw a man in a ski mask looking in her bedroom window as she got off the school bus.

Feb. 25, 2017 – Police raided the home in Peru in Miami County where Kline lived with his father. They found over 100 photos and videos of underage girls on several electronic devices.

Is this that incident? Sorry if I'm off base. I haven't read and watched everything fully.

Police questioned Kline in that interview about another school-aged girl that gave her address to “anthony_shots” just days after the Delphi murders. Kline knew the girl’s family from Galveston, Indiana.

The police investigator told Kline: “She comes home from school, sees this guy with a ski mask looking in her bedroom window, directly after giving this address to Anthony Shots. As a matter of fact, that's the incident that started everything else last time. That's how everything started last time was that incident."

So, this incident appears to be the first suspicious connection police had to the anthony_shots profile, which led them to Kline.

The person behind anthony_shots was one of the last to communicate with Libby German before her death. After her death, the "anthony_shots" profile told another person that he was supposed to meet up with Libby “but she never showed up.”

Feb. 14, 2017 – The bodies of Libby German and Abby Williams were discovered near a trail in Delphi in Carroll County.

Feb. 20, 2017 – A school-aged girl in Galveston in Cass County had given her address to anthony_shots. A day later, she saw a man in a ski mask looking in her bedroom window as she got off the school bus.

Feb. 25, 2017 – Police raided the home in Peru in Miami County where Kline lived with his father. They found over 100 photos and videos of underage girls on several electronic devices.

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I don't know. I thought the slumber party was Abby andLibby the night before just because it all fit along with him talking to her last and supposedly a plan to "meet her" but she didn't show up per him. I may have it wrong too. I know the case but it has been so many years... And discussions...

The ski mask thing I recall from something back when but can't remember the detail... This gives more detail what you posted... The interview though long hints at with blacked out names and families some things but I haven't had time to really put it together... Just reading the transcript took a bit of time.

They do seem to think there are at least two people doing these things.... Or accessing profiles from Kline's very home/place on different devices, etc...

I think it is him or his dad or even both. I felt like the sketches fit and even though the voice seemed older or raspier, I felt it fit too but this interview on top of it there are too many coincidences... I think though it is a matter of who... Which one...

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