LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Mcleland's motion claims anyone who is an attorney on the case can see it so that means the MS guy can see it too, I guess. WTF happened? I wonder if this is anything to do with the filings are going to Carroll County but the judge is in Allen County?
Drawing a blank, who is the MS guy? Only attorneys of record have access or should. When B & R went back on, the new public defender's access should have been revoked for instance. Also as I said RA would not have his own access either as he is represented. How it is done in my state anyhow. Of course he has a right to see any of it via his attorneys but he wouldn't be able to say decide he himself wanted to upload something or access it before his attorneys. If any party atty can see it as NM said then it was open and on their system. Or was.
Tom Webster has a comment area and he commented on this 3 days ago. Here's a link.

Click on Community to read.
I agree with Tom and the 80 percent who voted yes that if B & R are going to make any issue about the mental health of Rick to use in his defense which apparently they are, mental health records need to be turned over to the prosecution. He also talks of more confessions possibly.

Rumor has It there are confessions to a medical professional and possibly the warden and it could well be these filings that hint such.

I don't see any comment by Tom as to the ex parte thing or NM citing it/having it.
That would mean I suspect that it in in the electronic system and was filed with access open to all party attorneys, again this doesn't mean the public though. In my divorce, my attorney and opposing had access, clerk and judge. But when I was without an attorney, I had to become the one with access on my own behalf and had to get a code, etc. THEN when I had an attorney again, my access had to be taken away and my attorney had access on my behalf again. Even a party (myself) cannot have access if having an attorney, the attorney you have has it. Of course he can print and show you documents and show you what is in the system, etc. but you can't sit at home and access it yourself. I could though when representing self.

This again means the defense screwed up or the Clerk screwed up, not NM. My guess is defense did not alert clerk by filing it with the wording required clearly in the court order for such filings so clerk would have no heads up. Could be clerk though too and defense did it right.
I think this is right. However, I have previously noticed the attorney on MS podcast is named on documents. (MS = Murder Sheet).

Re Tom, I will have a look later re the comment I saw, when I have more time. I was half asleep when I posted that. I didnt want to copy pasta the comment and can't remember what it said now LOL.
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I think this is right. However, I have previously noticed the attorney on MS podcast is named on documents. (MS = Murder Sheet).
Duh, I I knew MS stood for Murder Sheet lol but they never crossed my mind as no they shouldn't have access, they are no party to Rick's murder, kidnapping, etc. case. NOW I will say an attorney could give dirty access meaning their log in info or say lol leave it lying around for instance on their conference table...

Who do you mean as to atty on their podcast? He IS an atty or do you mean someone else...?

Anyone can access what is on the public system but that's DIFFERENT than what is on the atty/private area. Again I am going by our state. I had no idea of it until my divorce but it is very necessary in this day and age. You can upload a filing of tons of pages in minutes directly to the court. Here it looks to you/your atty as if it is then on there but I believe it goes through the Clerk first and then a bit later it is confirmed to you it has finally went up and to all parties after the Clerk clears it. If nothing requesting sealed, etc. this is likely pretty quick, if not the Clerk reviews and then rejects or clears it to go in. Ours and theirs I'm sure is a state system. All DO though I believe see the filing/that something has BEEN filed prior to that, not necessarily the document though.
Gave it a 5 minute look, I'll stick with Tom, the voice of reason imo.

What is your take on him? Clearly someone who saw the leaked info, the few minutes I took said that pretty much right out, seen things he can't unsee as he said.
I have never heard of him or watched him before except for the one I found and posted recently about the magic bullet which I commented about. Just posted the link as a lot of these interviews are mentioned in the Defense motion in case anyone wants to watch them. Back later in about 6 hours.
I have never heard of him or watched him before except for the one I found and posted recently about the magic bullet which I commented about. Just posted the link as a lot of these interviews are mentioned in the Defense motion in case anyone wants to watch them. Back later in about 6 hours.
Don't read here religiously any longer or even try to go back. Missed that I guess. I can only take magic bullet to mean RA's bullet.

Something of HUGE notice to me is that every single news source like Court TV and and all the YT channels and such who went wild with the O stuff and have with this case forever and even Gray who is all Delphi or was have dropped or went silent with this case like a HOT POTATO. Al the hype even over the ISC and the leak and since almost dead silence. I find this really, really interesting having seen plenty on more than one case over the years...

Like with this new news, if this ex parte thing was any big news they'd typically have been all over it or some would... Nope. Even speedy trial motion. Nope. Little to none... I'm actually okay with that considering all the agenda it seemed prior but it is very interesting... Huge void and silence where before it was just the opposite...
Gave it a 5 minute look, I'll stick with Tom, the voice of reason imo.

What is your take on him? Clearly someone who saw the leaked info, the few minutes I took said that pretty much right out, seen things he can't unsee as he said.
I didnt like his repetitive style so I haven't watched any more. I just wonder why the D are quoting so many of his interviews in their recent motion. What have all the youtubers (even Greeno is in there) got to do with their leaking of case information and CS side by side photos? We have been led to believe the leak was contained just to the suicidee, the Texas you tuber and MS (Murder Sheet), who as an attorney, negotiated to keep the Texas guy out of it. Is this a load of BS if these others listed in the motion were involved too?

ETA I am talking about Fig at the beginning of this post not Tom, just to be clear.
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This is the post from Tom's Community section on his You Tube Channel. I couldn't copy pasta so I screenshot it. Hope you can read it.

View attachment 21617
Yes they can't have their mental health thing both ways imo, have their cake and eat it too. And Gull has done them a favor not ordering they be provided previously as they've cited such things more than once. They want their mental health cake and to eat it too :cake:so to speak.

And yes he talks of other admissions. This could be part of the big reason defense is so worried about such being provided. I can't read your print real great but I read it this morning when you directed to Tom's community page.
I didnt like his repetitive style so I haven't watched any more. I just wonder why the D are quoting so many of his interviews in their recent motion. What have all the youtubers (even Greeno is in there) got to do with their leaking of case information and CS side by side photos? We have been led to believe the leak was contained just to the suicidee, the Texas you tuber and MS (Murder Sheet), who as an attorney, negotiated to keep the Texas guy out of it. Is this a load of BS if these others listed in the motion were involved too?

ETA I am talking about Fig at the beginning of this post not Tom, just to be clear.
Sounded to me all along this was sent to many a YTer/chain. When I watched how many of them also jump on board with all with everything else, and how silent all are now, I really have opinions on that... I'll leave it there.

Funny with this recent news who IS NOT ON IT AT ALL including original long time Delphi YTers...

Or maybe they just know...

Yeah MS, Greeno, this guy...

Let me also add the NEWS type channels like Court TV and a few more, Law and Crime, News Nation if I recall correctly...
So the big news is there were more confessions we didn't know about, right? So are they going to keep ignoring these?
I don't see where any big news is being made of either the claim NM should not have seen the ex parte motion NOR this talk of other confessions. Tom as you know just did a long Delphi video but he doesn't go all sensational and others are like they are under some gag order or ashamed and shut down lol, no idea.

NEITHER thing seems to be any big deal to anyone though. Interesting isn't it...
I actually hope they get this speedy trial on track and get it tried with ALL provided to the defense with no humor when defense attempted delay then occur lol. They said just prior they coudln't get through all the new evidence and it was the SAME files they had before the new team was appointed with perhaps anything new added since then. That's something that was not made very clear that it was what they had previously all along. If they aren't through it or weren't then, I will hold my comment, then they turn around and file for speedy trial. Smh. I hope to see one actually and I will make an educated guess as to who will detail it if anyone.

Gotta love defense teams who one moment claim they can't possibly be ready and next day act as if they are or can be...

Just saying.

I want the speedy trial. I'd love to see the families have this done and the girls get justice and have this part over with.
Next guy says there is a right to speedy trial EVEN in Indiana whatever that means. It's constitutional isn't it duh? Lol. Not impressed so far. Talking heads, not my thing quite often I guess...

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