LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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From the article:

"Within two weeks of their assignment in November 2022, and reacting to multiple media requests for comment, Baldwin and Rozzi issued a three-page press release dismantling the State’s investigation.

Shortly thereafter, Judge Gull issued the Gag Order the defense attorneys are accused of violating.

Hennessy said that, upon review, the attorneys were late to game following more than five years of public comment on the case by investigators and a prior Carroll County prosecutor.

“The state-sponsored media presence over the years, over 138 (contacts), and the defense lawyers had one press conference (sic) but there was not a gag order, so that can’t be Contempt, in my opinion, because it didn’t violate an order.'"


"Also denied this past week was a Defense attempt to drop the charges against Allen, claiming that Exculpatory Evidence essential to their client’s case — video recordings of other persons mentioned as having potential knowledge of the case — were erased in 2017, but the destruction was unknown until last year.

“The recordings of interviews between Feb. 14-20, 2017, were lost due to human error or were spontaneously lost due to equipment resetting,” wrote the judge who found that the interviewees were not, “suspects at the time the interviews were conducted (and as such), the defendant has failed to show that the (evidence) was material.”

Hennessy said the irony of the Contempt Complaint against his clients for allegedly mishandling evidence while at the same time the exoneration of State investigators for deleting or causing evidence to be destroyed is not lost on him.

”I think the similarities of what you’ve just described speak for themselves,” Hennessy said. “And the discrepancy is apparent.'"
There is one very big point Hennessy ignores here. Not a thing prior was when anyone was under arrest or a gag order existed. These were days of trying to solve and attempts for tips and so on over the years and selected release to the public. Every single one of us bitched through the years of why not release more. ALL of us at a certain point.

When Carter, family, annual conferences, the new sketch, all of it, we wanted more and they were doing all to try to solve and GET tips and we never felt enough.

It is true B & R came on years after but that's when there IS a case and an arrested suspected perp and that's a game changer. And throughout the investigation never shared a ton with the public through all the years prior. To this day we don't know the DNA answer.

This is spin.

Even loss of things again was NOT during when they had a single suspect. None of it is.

Tom's show was one of the best yet... And you'd actually like a lot of things he says. He is no prosecution favoring guy. And as to Gull his constant refrain is "if the defense tries it, Gull denies it". he is more than fair.

Yet I had my own take like on that awful read I had to go through and he did too and confirmed it and even better. Same as this post but with different things, they bring up things that have no releveance and don't relate to the time frame that they need with what was it, I don't even recall, their 3rd response or some such or attempt with the FM? Tom is NOT a lawyer. But man that was clear to me and way so to him. He DOES get on the prosecution and on Gull quite a bit so anyone who thinks I watch him because he is one sided it is far from what he is. He brings one to a normal about it all where those on both sides with a vengeance have lost that.

You, Olenna others would love a lot of what he had to say and embrace it and probably only note that.

That is what is going on here, can't you see it? What does their years of putting some info out to the public and trying to get tips on the case have to do with anything after an arrest? Gull wasn't involved then and NO JUDGE was.
They cannot keep getting endless funding for experts till they finally get one who says what they want. If they have already had funding for a particular type of expert, eg Viking symbolism then that's it surely, I would think. We know they got MH experts already, I think don't we? Or I am speculating they have done so. I seem to remember something about the P seeing the MH expert requests when they shouldn't have done.
It's never been shown why and I suspect B & R didn't label their ex parte thing correctly because they've not yelled about it one bit although Weineke did on their behalf. And you know B & R wouldy yell and file sometihing unless it was their own fault... And those that support them don't say "boo" about it either. And prosecution never even tried to hide they saw it because it went up as an unmarked per court rules ex parte thing but a to all parties thing. I'd bet on it and could use a lot of money, I'd bet 99 percent this was a defense mistake. Any takers?

They haven't like they do in all their filings suppored their requests nor shown what they need to with relevancy. If you haven't watched Tom's latest last night, DO SO. You can skip the chat if you like but I always find that worthwhile too but true to form he covers all the new filings for the first not so long minutes. He is going to go to at least one a week now as filings with trial coming are more frequent. He is always good but I found this one FULL of great points on all filings.
I think that they had him as a suspect all along but never released it. Remember all the "he could be here in this room" and all the talk about the car parked by the old CPS building? The continuing investigation of KK until they had the guilty admission from him and then they swooped on RA. He must have thought he was free and clear after all that time.
I will be so glad when this trial finally begins and all this BS ends. I really don't care about the contempt issue. They will probably just get a slap on the wrist and a fine and just go and do it again. They didn't just "mishandle evidence". They broke a gag order by describing the CS and leaking CS photos. And I think they did it knowingly, not by accident. They are very lucky to still to be on the case. This is what we used to call a "doggie chance" when we played cards years ago - one below the last chance, where you only get dealt one card but can use it when you want.
Me too and I even wonder or have to if once we are at a true trial with a jury if the buffoonery and b.s. might stop. I don't know... I do think they will put on their O thing to a point and you name it but I vacillate a bit about what is put on (an act) and how dumb they really are. It's one thing to try to influence a bunch of internet trolls and some who intentionally throw things off and to actually come up against a serious case and other sides. And in all likelihood the jury won't be such types and this is a very serious case and serious proceedings and imo 99 percent of jurors take their jobs very seriously.

I don't think most influenced on the internet are ever the types that would land on a jury. They probably don't vote, who knows how many don't have a DL and so on. They aren't ones who have channels who want money and leaked info and care less about justice. It will be interesting to me to see if B & R do a behavior change when it comes to trial. If not, they are going to alienate jurors fast imo.

I listened to yes talking heads which I don't give a lot of store to most times but it was generally agreed and known Prior (Daybell) is a bulldog and goes at it hard and while the guy said Prior is going to go in and he for Chad are going to basically visciously turn on Lori and tear her apart (of course she won't be there but I mean to the jurors) and he is going to constantly do this but when it came to being aggressive constantly and to witnesses and so on, even though he's been known to do so when he feels needed, how being that way with all witnesses or in front of a jury can backfire and that he will more likely read the jury and act accordingly to not alienate the jury.

Jurors are not going to be more than likely the types that have fallen for a lot of this garbage.

I have a prediction on the contempt and quite honestly I am guessing Gull isn't going to come down in any hard way, removal or jail time, etc. I think she will say a bit and enough but also give them an understanding and benefit of the doubt lol even though she knows better. WITH perhaps a strong warning and last one of how it all appears with good reasons. Somewhere in that realm. She isn't going to at this point with trial looming going to put a kink in before it but she may well give very definite terms that can't be misconstrued about it never happening again. I don't think we will see anything huge though or immediate in consequences before trial. They should be sanctioned strongly but I just have a feeling with what matters right now that won't be the case, the trial needs to proceed. Could be right, could be wrong.

This trial is just over a month away now. Might as well call it tomorrow.

There WAS NO ACCIDENT with what they did and they ARE lucky to still be on the case. I agree 100 fold.

Yeah they may get a get out of jail free card and never go so to speak. Or a doggy's chance.

I also at this point care more about the trial by far. Let's get this over with and they'll be gone anyhow. Please tell me they aren't qualified appeals attorneys...Lol. Although may RA can pick even if he can't pay and he will pick them. Smh.

All jmo.
State's response to defendant's motion to dismiss in MW case.

I do not think this has been posted yet.

I can't help but laugh and point out that this is a professional legal filing that makes its points and points out how the defense does not and cities things that do not relate, can't be considered and so on by law. It is two and one half pages, doesn't go to letter "aa" and past "z" or even 1/4 of the alphabet. They point out what we all see in all their filings, they are citing things from times and dates not relevant to the issue and cite the law as to what is and so on. It is to the point and does not try a judge's patience nor exasperate anyone reading it. Gee I read it all in about two minutes at MOST, maybe one.
States response to defendants FM3 motion.

And haven't read yet and not sure I'll get time this morning but did glance at length. Six and one half pages in response to the thousand up on thousands of defense and even just compared to their last one BRIEF in comparison to their mess with tons of irrelevant wanderings that in no way are relevant. Six and one half pages is LONG by most standards and long for the prosecution. Defense attys should take notice and heed that they would try and do try anyone's patience and muddle their own points.

Lol. And jmo.
I saw that MW's wife filed for divorce in December. I guess she wasn't too happy with B saying MW often called into the office when he was visiting his GF.
Smart woman. She on top of the gf (ample reason itself) may not want either to be married to someone so dishonest in many areas of life nor stand by and bail him out of his messes any longer.
They have upped the target on the Payit to $45k now since they exceeded the $25k initial goal.

They have now raised $30k of that new target.

You know, I think it's disgusting that anyone would donate to who is accused of and likely is a child killer, a double one. One has to wonder about some people.

But you know what, just like the contempt, I care but don't care to a point at this point. Clearly they can now fund what they claim they need and so no more excuses should come about. Right? Uh-huh.

Maybe next will be they didn't have to time to expert shop and have yet to find one that will say what they want/lie. Wouldn't surprise me a bit. Imo.
I think that they had him as a suspect all along but never released it. Remember all the "he could be here in this room" and all the talk about the car parked by the old CPS building? The continuing investigation of KK until they had the guilty admission from him and then they swooped on RA. He must have thought he was free and clear after all that time.
Maybe but then why the claim of having only recently stumbled on this old tip or info misfiled, etc. and things gone wrong?
Maybe but then why the claim of having only recently stumbled on this old tip or info misfiled, etc. and things gone wrong?
I'm not sure I believe that - they searched KK's home almost immediately after the murders and seemed to know early on about the internet contact. That is a bit hard to understand why it took so long to arrest RA. I think KK misled them initially but still don't fully follow that.
I'm not sure I believe that - they searched KK's home almost immediately after the murders and seemed to know early on about the internet contact. That is a bit hard to understand why it took so long to arrest RA. I think KK misled them initially but still don't fully follow that.
Yeah, I know the thought and see it but not sure what I think.

So do you then disbelieve the street name was put down instead of last name or that Doolin screwed up? Do you believe LE has always known RA was there and thought him a suspect? Or were they focused on KK etc. and never on RA? I follow but don't entirely.

I can say almost from day one I never believed the claim they kept on that nothing nor any online activity related to the case at all. The age the girls were, the fact they were up all night, the fact Libby had a phone, that it was reset or a different one or grandma's or something like that, ALL of that made me always suspect otherwise.
The way I understand it, despite a report taken from RA at some point - was it August of that same year?- it was years before Allen was identified as the man witnesses described having seen on the trail, the man whose vehicle witnesses described seeing parked at the old CPS building, so no, I don't think LE suspected Allen until that report surfaced years later.
The way I understand it, despite a report taken from RA at some point - was it August of that same year?- it was years before Allen was identified as the man witnesses described having seen on the trail, the man whose vehicle witnesses described seeing parked at the old CPS building, so no, I don't think LE suspected Allen until that report surfaced years later.

He's not a 20 year old with a lot of brown curly hair either.
The way I understand it, despite a report taken from RA at some point - was it August of that same year?- it was years before Allen was identified as the man witnesses described having seen on the trail, the man whose vehicle witnesses described seeing parked at the old CPS building, so no, I don't think LE suspected Allen until that report surfaced years later.
Thats how it happened.
Maybe but then why the claim of having only recently stumbled on this old tip or info misfiled, etc. and things gone wrong?
I just don't think that is plausible unless it got lost with the BH interview. I even think that is why they have never released the whole BG video/audio. Because they had a suspect.
Yeah, I know the thought and see it but not sure what I think.

So do you then disbelieve the street name was put down instead of last name or that Doolin screwed up? Do you believe LE has always known RA was there and thought him a suspect? Or were they focused on KK etc. and never on RA? I follow but don't entirely.

I can say almost from day one I never believed the claim they kept on that nothing nor any online activity related to the case at all. The age the girls were, the fact they were up all night, the fact Libby had a phone, that it was reset or a different one or grandma's or something like that, ALL of that made me always suspect otherwise.
Can't be sure but I believe they knew this was a cat fishing situation and the a.shots profile was shared by multiple people. They could maybe not immediately identify the one responsible for the meeting. Even now LE are not completely sharing or releasing everything IMO.

I think the loss of an interview with the potential perp from the week after the murders is extremely suspect IMO. Perhaps the interview notes were lost by DNR Dan and he got the perps surname wrong but, what are the odds that that mistake would happen with the actual perp? Perhaps RA gave a false name purposely? I just don't know and I also don't know why the D have not made a big stink about it.
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I just don't think that is plausible unless it got lost with the BH interview. I even think that is why they have never released the whole BG video/audio. Because they had a suspect.
Well I'm not saying it couldn't be but then you are saying LE is lying and knew about Rick and had him in their sights all along? And it took them five years to do anything more on it or however long it took? Even as far as reinterviewing him and following up? I'm not sure I buy that.

I'm open to the thought but it's a reach for me. So you think Doolin not recording or losing the talk with Rick is a lie as well?

I'm curious are you listening to someone who thinks this or this is what you've come to? I'm not criticizing it, I'm trying to follow it. I can SEE them being hush with the investigation and who they thought if they had someone in their sights and so on but why then did it take so long and no move was made while hot and before evidence was destroyed possibly and so on?
I just don't think that is plausible unless it got lost with the BH interview. I even think that is why they have never released the whole BG video/audio. Because they had a suspect.
I'd also say it isn't a lot different than the bit about the big man in the Escalade was it being missed in the LISK case until years later re Amber Costello. Do you believe that one? Just curious as they also found such with a total revisit and fresh eyes in the case...

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