LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Can't be sure but I believe they knew this was a cat fishing situation and the a.shots profile was shared by multiple people. They could maybe not immediately identify the one responsible for the meeting. Even now LE are not completely sharing or releasing everything IMO.

I think the loss of an interview with the potential perp from the week after the murders is extremely suspect IMO. Perhaps the interview notes were lost by DNR Dan and he got the perps surname wrong but, what are the odds that that mistake would happen with the actual perp? Perhaps RA gave a false name purposely? I just don't know and I also don't know why the D have not made a big stink about it.
Well I agree with parts here. Prosecution certainly is not sharing or leaking. And we don't know all and anyone who thinks they do as plenty out there seem to think, do not.

So let me try to understand this and I'm certainly not trying to argue as you and I agree on most all in this case, none of us agree on all in all cases which is the norm and how life is.

So you think LE from the start almost was pretty effective and on the ball? I mean it could be. I'm sure they questioned friends, other kids, all sorts of people and they shared LITTLE through all the years. It surely isn't the picture that resulted so I don't know... I recall them shutting down from early on any online thing AT ALL playing a part. I aLWAYS felt that naive or they missed something so that is something I always wondered at. I always felt this fit such a scenario totally.

So if they lied about losing the tip, did they lie about Doolin losing a recording and sending him out, etc. too? I mean LE can lie, it is allowed.

Did they then watch Rick for all of the subsequent years? Send Doolin out to make no big deal of it so RA felt safe and secure that he never got a second look?

I don't know. I have a hard time with this or at least if you think all of these things.

I know ISP and the feds I believe in the beginning were certainly involved too but that also can make for more of a muddle when in the midst of a storm of a new case and all these people you don't routinely work with around and the right hand knowing what the left is doing and it would depend too on what Delphi allowed them to do.

I guess if they knew or thought they knew RA was the suspect from early days, I fail to see why things weren't moved on hot and heavy and behind the scenes as well. That's a LOT of years even if they were waiting and trying to get more info on others or a ring or this and that, etc.

As far as D not making a big stink, D has never been on top of this case or even in touch with their client by when they should have been from the start imo. They never started at the beginning when they finally DID start which imo was after his confessing, then they woke up and realized they were supposed to be representing this man. Jmo. I know others out there will have issue with my saying that most likely.

Anyhow it's an interesting theory and I'm not sure I buy all about it's being lost, the RA thing, but I don't know about all the rest of it. Not knocking it though. As you and I both say, at this point, I'm waiting for trial. Doolin I'd imagine no doubt will be called to testify I'd think, as well as others. I guess we will see more to be able to judge for self.

However, maybe we won't. Gull has not agreed to live coverage thus far.

I'd like to point out though that this judge is also going to run this trial through Saturdays. Don't see that too often. And I think that's a wonderful and effective us of the calendar and everyone's time.
I'd also say it isn't a lot different than the bit about the big man in the Escalade was it being missed in the LISK case until years later re Amber Costello. Do you believe that one? Just curious as they also found such with a total revisit and fresh eyes in the case...
I think Burke covered stuff up in the LiSK case. In this one I think they had the link to RA via KK and they couldn't move to arrest RA until KK finally took his deal. What suddenly prompted the search warrant otherwise?
I think Burke covered stuff up in the LiSK case. In this one I think they had the link to RA via KK and they couldn't move to arrest RA until KK finally took his deal. What suddenly prompted the search warrant otherwise?
Whether Burke covered (and it's possible in my opinion Doolin did as well, or intentiionally misfiled, no reason to think that but we don't know who knows who) in both cases pretty major tips or info was lost and apparently never got in front of the right eyes and then apparently found years later. Whatever the reason, or so it is claimed.

I agree the timing and sudden finding of such was very unusual and not long after the whole KK thing. However, knowing about RA from KK all the way back or via some link I'm not so sure of. I guess they could and lie about it and about finding the info years later. And do so legitimately, however where that ends is once someone is charged and giving the truth to their attorneys. So in the sharing of info does RA and the defense know now that they didn't lose the info but had known about RA all the way back in your theory? And we are the only ones who don't know this yet?

I think it could have been that they were doing a hard relook at all including doing a new round on KK and had found the info and THEN it came out or they pressed him on RA. The timing of both things is odd.

As far as what prompted the search warrant, they'd have us believe it was that they found the old info he was at the bridge. They reinterviewed him didn't they (not sure on my memory on that one) and then hit with a search warrant.

I see you thoughts somewhat but to have him in their sights and it go years before making any move or even a casual reinterview over those five or more years, etc. seems unlikely. And I moe lean towards they didn't know sh*t at least for the first few and were down the road as they should be in a number of people and looks at people and investigating and clearing them, etc.

Not that I don't find this misfiling and not another officer or anyone knowing about Allen talking to Doolin that he was at the trail odd or negligent because I do. Or that he never said did you ever find out who the group of three girls was or talk to that guy who was there again? It's a pretty big screw up and a bit hard to buy if true.

I don't know. Your theory would mean they were on this and knew fairly early on and I never got any impression they were onto anyone. At least until Carter (it was Carter wasn't it?) said that he was probably in that very room, local, etc. and I took felt he was saying more in that and knew more but I went back and forth on it. It would be a great tactic and natural assumption and to worry the perp. I found myself going over every reporters images of that interview and who was in the room, on the stage, etc. lol. Drove me crazy.

So if you're adding in some things like that what about his story about The Shack and the part about I guarantee those girls are not now as you left them, in the same shape from what you did to them and so on. I'm paraphrasing, not exact, to the best of my recollection. Because I also put some weight into his Shack talk thinking he was trying to tell the killer they knew something only they and the killer knew perhaps....
I'm not aware of a witness who said he had a lot of curly brown hair and I don't know why they made the sketch look like that but since his head was covered, I don't think it was based on info from witnesses on the trail.
As for age range, I think it was always 18-40.
Yeah I think they call her witness four. A man with brown pouffy hair and she puts him younger. I think she had to go back in and ask why they didn't put her info out, description, etc. I wonder about her and/or her eyesight quite honestly. Tom says who would one put more store in young people within three feet of him with great eyesight or this one 50 feet away and in her 50s I believe. All the younger sketch did was confuse everyone. I guess we shall see how she comes across and does on the stand.

Like you say his head was covered and it was in Libby's video so I doubt the hood, etc. was off when tish woman saw him. I can also tell you how just recently I am noticing what my eyesight is doing and I'm older than 50. I have to recheck the screen all the time for close up to whether something is an 8 or a 9 and the other day someone halfway across the front of the store I thought was a woman and someone I knew and when they got closer, I was so far off I realized I really need to start wearing my glasses (I don't).

Of course the defense will use and make a big deal of this one. I'd think. And I don't know when she is so off why she'd go push for her description. The girls were right on with Libby's video and consistently said he was older.

One thing it does show to me is one can't pick and choose their witnesses and they haven't. They put it out even though I suspect they have reason to doubt her. And who knows, maybe her intent as well.

So such does exist but what you say about his head being covered is fact and I doubt it was ever uncovered when she saw the person and so she probably thought a hood was brown hair with her eyesight, who the heck knows.

Would you believe a number of younger girls who were closer and creeped out or her?

And this is only part of the entire case. And three was no one else seen. It's all pretty boxed in pretty darned well and that's without his bullet, his confessions, his placement of self there and all the rest.
I'm not aware of a witness who said he had a lot of curly brown hair and I don't know why they made the sketch look like that but since his head was covered, I don't think it was based on info from witnesses on the trail.
As for age range, I think it was always 18-40.

It's talked about in the video I posted. I'll repost it again in the next post.

Interesting, if it's true that the confessions recorded by prisoners were so off. It should be obvious that they were bucking for favors. However, did he confess things to anyone that only the killer would know?
Well wow.

I guess most can figure where my mind went with reading most of this. And of what I think.

I would point out that it was said by the defense attorneys recently that they were not up to date on his records released finally to prosecution and kind of griped they did not know of this or that and they did the same with discovery they should have been long aware of and evidence and made similar claims. Not sure if such relates to the confessions but it may and certainly in the mental health/medical prison records.

I would say that again this is defense claims here, did they support such with documentation?

And did such come before or after his confessions to wife, etc.

I think the proof will be in the pudding. They had did they not 24 hours cameras on him so seeing how he acted after reading the paperwork defense sent down to him and then calling his wife and mom for starters and those recordings will tell a lot. The other things they claim well let's see them and hear them if true.

I personally have NEVER assumed these girls or one was not sexually assaulted. And imo that can mean a LOT of things. Just as it can in law.

So again and I'm trying to be decent here this is defense claims and them at minimum trying to get ahead of the eight ball.

We had heard rumors or at least I had that he had written letters and confessed to the warden and to a doctor or someone medically or some such that saw him.

There are also statements by defense that he was JUST FINE until such and such, I can't recall the details but Tom mentions it a lot so they pinned themselves in that way prior.

No mental issues, no problems etc. Yet here they state he has had depression and issues his whole life or for years. So not I guess the happiest of marriages and lives then I take it.

Going to need to see as is the case any longer in all of this the truth at trial. Time frame and what is fact and what is not and hear the confessions and so on.

I'm being calm and nice but will say and this is not to you of course @Imamazed , I am simply responding to the info in your post, that I in no way am buying it and feel the defense of course is reacting to something they are very concerned with and for good reason.

Tom consistently points out what the defense said when as to RA's condition and mental health and there are dates on such. Just as the opposing side points out it was only after his confessions he started exhibiting certain behaviors . I suppose so when you want to seem nuts and take back your confessions...

I'm sure we can all argue it if we like and at least it's not the same old but again we will likely get nowhere other than to wait for the truth and trial and evidence. It is on us and only about a month away and that is little time in a court time frame. Who wants to bet defense tries to derail it even if with a claim it is because of some prosecution lack? Or I also am open to thinking maybe they won't and will want this going ahead and over... I'm sure their client does. Imo. And his family. AND the families of the girls, the actual victims.

There is nothing about Rick Allen that indicates any serious mental health issues from the job he held to getting certified as a licensed pharm tech to his pics with family other than a deleted year or whatever... to his bar pics and videos. of course alcohol is a depressant but depression is no excuse which is also a big thing defense states here but then he ends up in psychosis due to treeatment in custody.

That's quite a leap. I wouldk sure hope I'm stronger than that. There is not one iota of evidence he was mistreated. And was he not monitored 24/7? Then SHOW IT.

Anyhow, I really don't have a big reaction because it just isn't a big believable to do and seems the norm here by defense when worried about something. There should then be a record or recording of every confession even the ones the defense claims and DATES right? If not, or after his other confessions well then no way do I but them.

Again need to know more. Bring on the trial and the facts.
Interesting, if it's true that the confessions recorded by prisoners were so off. It should be obvious that they were bucking for favors. However, did he confess things to anyone that only the killer would know?
Yeah, let's hear these confessions and see them as well and know the dates.

And you surprise me in that did he say anything that only the killer or one present would know....? Did not expect that from you. Or was it sarcasm? Do NOT make me feel a moment of softness towards you, I was not ready for such and can't handle it. LOL.
As much as this one gets to everyone and I need to draw a way, a break from Daybell even though hardly started was almost worth some new bunch of whatever in this one. Lol.
Yeah, let's hear these confessions and see them as well and know the dates.

And you surprise me in that did he say anything that only the killer or one present would know....? Did not expect that from you. Or was it sarcasm? Do NOT make me feel a moment of softness towards you, I was not ready for such and can't handle it. LOL.

I want the truth.
Judge Gull is obviously doing everything she can to sabotage the defenses efforts. Everything pointing to RA's innocence is a nothing burger to her. She won't even provide funding for some of their efforts.
Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF
Thank you. Not that it was for me but lol it was needed. By someone who hasn't been in the midst of it all in here.

She is not intentionally doing anything much less sabotaging. Imo. I'm surprised the woman has any patience left quite honestly. I about don't.
I'm not aware of a witness who said he had a lot of curly brown hair and I don't know why they made the sketch look like that but since his head was covered, I don't think it was based on info from witnesses on the trail.
As for age range, I think it was always 18-40.
IMO. The closer to the end of the spectrum. Maybe a little older than.40.
Jack Nicholson You Cant Handle The Truth GIF
I don't think he will accept it either. And some don't believe me but no offense intended, he will revert to Ron Logan even if he gets the truth and answers that hopefully satisfy most of us.

Right emu?

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