LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF
HEY! You're using my Judy!!!
I don't think I could ever go by prisoners saying he confessed.
It remains to be seen what is true here as to who and if he confessed to these others. Since he allegedly is almost always on camera, there should be video if true. If not, these other claims are a lie and I wouldn't go by prisoners saying so either. His cell is it not under 24/7 camera coverage?
I was just coming to post this too so here it is from another source. If the claims RA made don't match case facts then why don't they want that heard? Couldnt it help to prove he didn't do it?

Also, this is the whole reason inmates are recorded, so that confessions or other admissions implicating other people, for example, can be heard.

His mental health reports should be heard too. It's relevant, clearly, and could explain a lot

I cannot see this request being approved.

(Sorry about the dupe text am editing to correct it )

DELPHI, Ind. (WISH) — Attorneys for Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen want statements he made inside prison thrown out of court in the trial.
Allen, 51, of Delphi, was arrested on Oct. 28, 2022, for the February 2017 murders of 13-year-old Abigail “Abby” Williams and 14-year-old Liberty “Libby” German near the Monon High Bridge in Delphi.

Allen’s attorneys on Thursday filed the motion asking Special Judge Frances Gull from Allen County to suppress statements where Allen reportedly confessed to killing the teens.

Prosecutors say Allen made the admission multiple times while being held in the maximum-security Westville Correctional Facility.

Allen’s attorneys argue his treatment at the facility led to mental health issues.

They also claim the statements Allen made don’t match facts in the case, including those in the autopsies of the two girls.

The judge has not made a ruling or set a hearing on the attorneys’ requests.

Allen is set to go on trial on two counts of murder starting May 13. A jury from Allen County will hear the case in Carroll County where the girls were found dead.
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I was just coming to post this too so here it is from another source.

DELPHI, Ind. (WISH) — Attorneys for Delphi murders suspect Richard Allen want statements he made inside prison thrown out of court in the trial.
Allen, 51, of Delphi, was arrested on Oct. 28, 2022, for the February 2017 murders of 13-year-old Abigail “Abby” Williams and 14-year-old Liberty “Libby” German near the Monon High Bridge in Delphi.

Allen’s attorneys on Thursday filed the motion asking Special Judge Frances Gull from Allen County to suppress statements where Allen reportedly confessed to killing the teens.
Allen’s attorneys argue his treatment at the facility led to mental health issues.

They also claim the statements Allen made don’t match facts in the case, including those in the autopsies of the two girls.

The judge has not made a ruling or set a hearing on the attorneys’ requests.

CNN, MN FED, NYSE, FOX BUSINESSAllen is set to go on trial on two counts of murder starting May 13. A jury from Allen County will hear the case in Carroll County where the girls were found dead.
I just don't even have words or have learned to wait to a point. When I saw this last night I had ingested so much on Daybell and more in my usual catching up with tons of other things to do on the too few days off (which I haven't caught up with still). I was so tired and done for but right off the bat my radar went off even in tired state. In that they are adding other ones with facts that don't fit we have no evidence of and it is the defense and of course I and we have seen a ton of other such stunts or efforts by them. IMO anyhow. I told self to leave I and I still haven't given it a lot of look or thought.

And lol as much as I wished I was off to watch all of Daybell, yesterday I could watch some even though I SHOULD have been doing other things but due to audio if I wanted to hear anything I couldn't walk an inch from the computer, I was irritated as heck with the sound, side bars, and breaks in very short order and I think I'm glad I am not going to be able to watch and hear every moment even though I wanted that. I watched both Linda and Nate's summaries although one I don't think I finished and both hit on very different points in the day.

Anyhow ingested a lot and checked other cases and then saw this.

RA is monitored is he not? Under camera? And we know phone calls, etc. are and they have the confessions to wife and mom. I'd like to see evidence of these other claimed confessions and all of them for that matter. If this is just some prisoner said without any back up for that and if it is the same prisoner for instance who wrote the letter, then it is out the window for me and the friend or normal defense claim using such prisoner. And so forth. Known for such and maybe RA's buddy and of course against the system and constantly files things. May or may not be that one, if it is, then one can see the pattern and it is b.s.

Anyhow like some other things, defense is worried of course about the confessions. We will be able to and should see the day before and after RA read paperwork and then called and confessed to wife and mom. We will see context. We will see if these others are even on any record or video or audio or IF they even happened.

I will say as I said last night or early this a.m. in the wee hours can't recall lol that I have never ruled out SA in this case. I don't want the conversation to sidetrack into that subject though. We have been there. We have been everywhere. I only want to stay on the new. And I'm not sure there is anything new or true here other than a new defense filing and claims. I think even those on the "other side" have or are seeing that it isn't anything necessarily to jump on and assume right away as it has gone on so much.

Emu surprised me actually in IF he said anything only someone who was there could know in his confessions... Exactly. That's not a surprise, it was a surprise who said it. That's why we and jurors need to hear them among other reasons. The ones that exist and are real. Because my guess is he did in his confessions to wife. Showed he was there at the sceen and did kill the girls.

Again not taken time to really think about it but here we go again with mental health. Defense wants it and to use it but they don't. They want to state it but not provide it. They want to change the dates of when he was this or that to fit what they find out. As they have done throughout. They say it but then draw back if they think records may be released so no, no.

That's as much thought as I have and have given this so far and I already am tired before my day begins and likely won't give it more. This doesn't even hit me as it seems obviously what it is I guess. More desperation is my guess and manufacturing other to get rid of the real?
It remains to be seen what is true here as to who and if he confessed to these others. Since he allegedly is almost always on camera, there should be video if true. If not, these other claims are a lie and I wouldn't go by prisoners saying so either. His cell is it not under 24/7 camera coverage?
I think he is under 24/7 coverage due to suicide fears so everything he says or does should be recorded.

(I edited my previous post as it copied a lot of images and other unnecessary stuff initially.)
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Yeah I think they call her witness four. A man with brown pouffy hair and she puts him younger. I think she had to go back in and ask why they didn't put her info out, description, etc. I wonder about her and/or her eyesight quite honestly. Tom says who would one put more store in young people within three feet of him with great eyesight or this one 50 feet away and in her 50s I believe. All the younger sketch did was confuse everyone. I guess we shall see how she comes across and does on the stand.
Is she the witness who saw him on the bridge?
There is nothing about Rick Allen that indicates any serious mental health issues from the job he held to getting certified as a licensed pharm tech to his pics with family other than a deleted year or whatever...
His job as a pharm tech at his age strikes me as underachieving, does it you?
I guess the only thing he could have done is write a weird confession and pass it to another inmate. But that could just be a ruse to make all the confessions seem fake. Who the heck knows with this guy and whether he is sane or not. Abducting and killing two young girls is not a sane action anyway IMO.
Is she the witness who saw him on the bridge?
Yes I think she saw him on the first platform so that is at quite a distance I think. I believe she said he looked in his twenties with pouffy hair and the resulting sketch was the "young guy" pic IIRC. I don't think she lingered and turned back right away and returned back the way she came passing Libby and Abby halfway to the bridge.
Yes I think she saw him on the first platform so that is at quite a distance I think. I believe she said he looked in his twenties with pouffy hair and the resulting sketch was the "young guy" pic IIRC. I don't think she lingered and turned back right away and returned back the way she came passing Libby and Abby halfway to the bridge.
Right, I think I hadn't recalled those particular details of her description because yes, I understood that her sighting was from some distance away and we know his head was covered. I think an impression that he was much younger could come from the expectation that only a young person would even set foot on that bridge, let alone hang out on it, lol!
I think he is under 24/7 coverage due to suicide fears so everything he says or does should be recorded.

(I edited my previous post as it copied a lot of images and other unnecessary stuff initially.)
That's what I thought. Tom says that quite often. That we will see how he behaved like Prior (stupid computer or program or site or whatever!!! It capitalizes Prior I suppose because of John Prior in Daybell)!!! Arghhh. Anyhow, we will see how he behaved prior to getting the papers (now it didn't, I give up) and evidence and what he did, how he acted prior and after and during the calls to wife, etc. And even all the days before, days after and so on. Because he is on 24/7 camera.

So good luck to defense with that one. I see no reason such should be ruled inadmissible and no proof some of the other they talk of happened. Thus far that's where I am with it. I see desperation as always. And that tells me there is a stronger case than we even already know here. Imo.
His job as a pharm tech at his age strikes me as underachieving, does it you?
It does. I don't think of him just on instinct as someone who would have schooled in anything but if I have it right he needed to have this licensing to do shift manager work (a big promotion and probably underachievement in most people's minds) or he coudln't be in the pharmacy to deal with the till, etc. Don't get me wrong, I never went to college lol and am working at less of an educated position today than I did through most of my years but I can relate and understand how that is meant. Yes I don't think he or his wife are overachievers or high powered people in positions to envy or anything. Just average Midwest working types. I am so SICK of this computer capitalizing things I do not want capitalized. Argggghhhh. Like Midwest Irritated with it. You'd think I was on a phone.
I guess the only thing he could have done is write a weird confession and pass it to another inmate. But that could just be a ruse to make all the confessions seem fake. Who the heck knows with this guy and whether he is sane or not. Abducting and killing two young girls is not a sane action anyway IMO.
He is sane and competent by law imo and totally sane enough to know to cover.

Yeah I want to see any substance to the other defense claimed confessions and the dates. At this point, this is sooooo typical defense stuff with no evidence or substance it did not even make me blink or get concerned. Still hasn't.
Yes I think she saw him on the first platform so that is at quite a distance I think. I believe she said he looked in his twenties with pouffy hair and the resulting sketch was the "young guy" pic IIRC. I don't think she lingered and turned back right away and returned back the way she came passing Libby and Abby halfway to the bridge.
She needs to be asked a lot of tough questions when on the stand. She is or would seem to be at odds with the more believable witnesses. However she is the one who places him or someone on the bridge. However, we know from the time frame and sightings and RA himself that he was and the only way he headed and could be, etc.

So she was out there alone that day, for a walk? Who is she, what does she do? Is she from Delphi? Does she know the Allens or the girls or anyone? Does she have glasses and wasn't wearing them? And so on.

I can tell you and this is not making excuses, I am in this boat these days. I have but have lived without glasses or needing to put them on for the most part most of my adult life. Nothing was bad enough to require almost ever. Lately I am realizing I am going to need to get a good pair (I have a cheap pair) and start wearing them. The other day probably 50 feet from me I swore a person was a female (it was a male) and I thought it was one of the managers (it wasn't). IF however this is a similar case with her her going back in and insisting is odd. I woudn't insist knowing this about me that I know better than the others as to what I saw. However, my mom probably would lol. I would not.

THAT sketch threw nothing but confusion into this case. But no one should gripe at LE about it because if they hadn't put it out, then defense would be saying WHY did you not look at or share THIS.
That video of Libby's although awesome she got one can see so many different things or possibilities in BG, his appearance, what he is wearing and what he may or may not be packing or carrying. and that's an actual PICTURE and video not an eyewitness from how far away.

I'm fair enough that I am not going to deny her description doesn't quite match or fit. However, everyone hangs their hat on these things and it takes the whole of the case and the other facts put with what SEVERAL eyewitnesses say, time frame, bullet, RA himself and more put together to reach the likelihood of his guilt. And I find enough or suspect enough already with what we see and know and am sure more is to come we don't know.

Defense is panicked always and client confessed, this tells me there is more. Imo.
Right, I think I hadn't recalled those particular details of her description because yes, I understood that her sighting was from some distance away and we know his head was covered. I think an impression that he was much younger could come from the expectation that only a young person would even set foot on that bridge, let alone hang out on it, lol!
Great point. I wouldn't go on it. She probably woudn't either.

Also, I don't know about anyone else but I am a horrible judge of age any longer and the older I got through life and older I get now, I get even worse. I'm not kidding. And this woman was 50ish wasn't she? 20 years ago when I was more 40ish I am telling you don't have me work at a liquor store or anything (never did) as I'd probably card a 35 year old or doubt he or she was of age. I'm horrible at it. And this is with people within a foot of me. And it isn't that the are necessarily very youthful looking and I guess it is because it is anyone younger than I, I can't judge those generations or ages or tell easily or some such.

I mean some are obvious of course. But I never worked anywhere big where I saw tons of people a day and now I do and I can tell you, man I people watch and try to figure. I have seen men with wives I would swear was a young child, no kidding but they aren't. I see families that I try to figure who is mom and who is daughter or if it is a sister of mom. Lol. No kidding.

The thing is if she can't be sure or knows the distance and eyesight is not good or some such, she shouldn't be so insistent. However, I do know people who likely would be and sure of what they say despite that and that they are RIGHT lol. Or convinced of it anyhow.

It is going to take the whole case and evidence. As it should. Put together. It is far from unusual with eyewitnesses who had no idea when they saw someone fleetingly, etc. it was going to be important.
Right, I think I hadn't recalled those particular details of her description because yes, I understood that her sighting was from some distance away and we know his head was covered. I think an impression that he was much younger could come from the expectation that only a young person would even set foot on that bridge, let alone hang out on it, lol!
Unfortunately, that isn't going to be much of an eyewitness account.
I don't know what to say about her or call her. On one had she could be seen as a problem but she's really not. Any defense of course would like to make her one I'm sure. She likely saw BG/RA but has a different view and other facts and the bulk of evidence puts him there and no one else. Cases and facts and certainly eyewitnesses aren't perfect always, the bulk has to be enough and there will always be some things like this. That's life. Right now I tested self as to what type of vehicle and cars have spots beside me in the rented garage spaces and although I pull out and park next to them each and every day I can't tell you. I know neither are cars and one is a dark SUV of some type. Not a clue.

The thing with me is I'd never state it as fact or insist something true if I didn't know or knew I might not be.

In my overall thought on it, I don't thinks he is going to matter much and I also have to wonder and don't doubt she has seen how her description does not match. I'd think she'd have to look at and wonder if she's right or whether the remainder are. And wonder about her eyesight and more and recollection. Unless we have a type who just has to be right and important.

And it doesn't fit either with defense claims of Os.

I look at my 38 year old daughter, wow, I just realized that. I know but never think of it and I see a 20 year old yet. She gets carded ALL of the time when we are out to eat or to bingo and she ordered a beer to this day. I tell her all the time to not be annoyed and enjoy it. we don't do much of such nowadays I have no time or life but we were not all that long ago and it happened yet again. Of course I never do.

I think it is hugely significant that Cathy Allen's FB has like a year of photos, videos and posts missing. Appearance, dress, voice, hair, beard. I can only expect LE has them. I don't know if it will help explain this or not but I think they will show something she worried the public would pick up on or see. That's kind of an aside and doesn't necessarily relate to this in my head. Just thought of when it comes to his look, age, dress and this witness's different description.

All in all I don't think she is going to be much of a big deal one way or the other. And she may flat out admit and maybe did even all along that her distance and eyesight play in. Who knows. To me, it is a little thing in a case with far bigger and more evidence than her account.

I guess we will see. Assuming trial goes off with no kinks or delays.

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