LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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The Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office also previously pushed back against claims of Allen’s mental health duress by stating that Allen didn’t begin acting strangely — such as eating paper — until after his alleged confession to his wife.
seth meyers paper GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
Yeah they have a few solid pushbacks on it. And that's what I say and ask too. Defense wants all confessions sfuffed like he stuffed his mouth with paper but show when these other aleged ones were, give the recording, etc. I didn't even really react at first and now I'm just like ho hum still and see there is absolutely no substance in it like almost all of their sh*t.

With everything they do like this, I wasn't so sure as I am now, prosecution has things we don't even know of because they are desperate. And I've said this and will again it is these lawyers that have failed RA. They should have prepared him and been with him when he read this evidence they likely hadn't even looked at themselves yet and then he panicked and confessed. That is what I TRULY believe happened and they have been trying to make up for their lack of being there for him in the first months ever since. It is an opinion, it is solely mine and I see plenty of reason to think such. I dont' have time but have always talked if I did about doing a timeline here with what I have seen throughout and when each thing happened and the reaction to each thing, timing and so on. I may not have time or energy to put it all together or talk it but it has been very obvious to me throughout and not just recently. And even before they pulled any big shenanigans.

This won't be a fully popular opinion but it is mine.
OH FFS!!!! MENTAL HEALTH. Depression most of his adult life. TEENAGER!!!! AND MORE!!!! I AM SO SICK OF THIS SH*T!!!! EXCUSES!!! POOR YOU!!!! I'LL STAND UP AGAINST THIS CRAP ANY DAY!!! Medication?. Counceling?. OH!!!!! TRY ANYTHING?!!! OHHH O.K.
Well hello Mel. LOL. You just saw that I take it? I'd add there has never been one mention of him having mental problems prior in life much less to way back when. NEVER. Chances are his own attys just read his medical records and never had from when he was a child, who the F knows. Yes I am using the F quite a lot these days. Never did before but I have caved.

They also think about it are equating depression to psychosis. And I wouldn't suggest a depressed man live his life with his wife in bars and with alcohol either. Just saying I...

The things aren't over, guaranteed and I honestly think they will also be doing all they can at some point to delay. They might be between a rock and a hard place there though. Their client may WANT this over with but no prob they will tell him it is the fault of someone else....

I'm not very unbiased in this one but formed my opinions for every good reasons. Could be wrong. We all could. In any case. No doubt. We all just form with what we have and as best we see and how much we see and interpret.

But yeah, they have played the mental health thing or tried t a few times but then when informed they may have to provide records, they play chicken and draw back... Now though the prison ones at least have been released to the prosecution and the defense even said they were not up to date on them and didn't know some of the things in them. WHAT?! Either they don't do their job (which uhm I don't think they do but that may humble opinion) or that was a comment to cover former lies when they saw them or already knew...

I haven't seen you in here much and I get in phases I avoid it because it can get pretty heated and also because sometimes it is just rehashing things that have been hashed everywhere on earth and on the 'net and here too for years already.

Noooo....Different. He was a drug dealer, Mastermind in kidnapping and murder of the brother of a guy who owed him money. Movie "Alpha Dog" Is based on the case. I have watched it several times. Good movie. It's strange. They kept him alive several days. Drugs, Girls. Made him think they were his friends. He's serving LWOP. California.
yeah was pretty sure it was but know i've heard of him, who could forget the name hollywood added to Jesse James. just not up on who and what.

I guess here we have another Jesse James. Popular name amongst criminals...
Well hello Mel. LOL. You just saw that I take it? I'd add there has never been one mention of him having mental problems prior in life much less to way back when. NEVER. Chances are his own attys just read his medical records and never had from when he was a child, who the F knows. Yes I am using the F quite a lot these days. Never did before but I have caved.

They also think about it are equating depression to psychosis. And I wouldn't suggest a depressed man live his life with his wife in bars and with alcohol either. Just saying I...

The things aren't over, guaranteed and I honestly think they will also be doing all they can at some point to delay. They might be between a rock and a hard place there though. Their client may WANT this over with but no prob they will tell him it is the fault of someone else....

I'm not very unbiased in this one but formed my opinions for every good reasons. Could be wrong. We all could. In any case. No doubt. We all just form with what we have and as best we see and how much we see and interpret.

But yeah, they have played the mental health thing or tried t a few times but then when informed they may have to provide records, they play chicken and draw back... Now though the prison ones at least have been released to the prosecution and the defense even said they were not up to date on them and didn't know some of the things in them. WHAT?! Either they don't do their job (which uhm I don't think they do but that may humble opinion) or that was a comment to cover former lies when they saw them or already knew...

I haven't seen you in here much and I get in phases I avoid it because it can get pretty heated and also because sometimes it is just rehashing things that have been hashed everywhere on earth and on the 'net and here too for years already.

Hi my very dear friend. :hugs:
Okay. I'lll agree with REAL stuff they have. And that's as far as I will go. With imaginary and make up stuff, not so much.

No surprise though right that we differ? :D

Well hello Mel. LOL. You just saw that I take it? I'd add there has never been one mention of him having mental problems prior in life much less to way back when. NEVER. Chances are his own attys just read his medical records and never had from when he was a child, who the F knows. Yes I am using the F quite a lot these days. Never did before but I have caved.

They also think about it are equating depression to psychosis. And I wouldn't suggest a depressed man live his life with his wife in bars and with alcohol either. Just saying I...

The things aren't over, guaranteed and I honestly think they will also be doing all they can at some point to delay. They might be between a rock and a hard place there though. Their client may WANT this over with but no prob they will tell him it is the fault of someone else....

I'm not very unbiased in this one but formed my opinions for every good reasons. Could be wrong. We all could. In any case. No doubt. We all just form with what we have and as best we see and how much we see and interpret.

But yeah, they have played the mental health thing or tried t a few times but then when informed they may have to provide records, they play chicken and draw back... Now though the prison ones at least have been released to the prosecution and the defense even said they were not up to date on them and didn't know some of the things in them. WHAT?! Either they don't do their job (which uhm I don't think they do but that may humble opinion) or that was a comment to cover former lies when they saw them or already knew...

I haven't seen you in here much and I get in phases I avoid it because it can get pretty heated and also because sometimes it is just rehashing things that have been hashed everywhere on earth and on the 'net and here too for years already.

Angry Inside Out GIF by Disney Pixar
With imaginary and make up stuff, not so much.
LOL. Well that is mostly/largely all they've done. LMAO too. Didn't mean it to be funny but it kind of is if not so sickening and outrageous and sicker yet is seeing some out there who fall for it ALL. I meant made up of course but same meaning, my typo this time can't blame 'puter. I think. Who knows, this changes the oddest things.

Good to chuckle. Always. This case needs that.
LOL. Well that is mostly/largely all they've done. LMAO too. Didn't mean it to be funny but it kind of is if not so sickening and outrageous and sicker yet is seeing some out there who fall for it ALL. I meant made up of course but same meaning, my typo this time can't blame 'puter. I think. Who knows, this changes the oddest things.

Good to chuckle. Always. This case needs that.
It is. It is never making fun of the victim. It's a "Victim". Here, We have 2 teenage girls that would now be adults. This has been going on so long. But finding the humor in things is good IMO.
It is. It is never making fun of the victim. It's a "Victim". Here, We have 2 teenage girls that would now be adults. This has been going on so long. But finding the humor in things is good IMO.
Yes and opinions in here are so opposed and I feel some take the case personally or something or the players. All need a chuckle and some lightness here and there. If you haven't been in in awhile and seen it you have no idea lol.

But it continues and is managed I guess. There are very opposing opinions and mine certainly is strong in one direction and can't say or claim it isn't. But I am open to changing it, WITH facts. Probably all are, with facts. Anyhow it just needs to go to a serious and real trial and end the b.s. Imo.
Yes and opinions in here are so opposed and I feel some take the case personally or something or the players. All need a chuckle and some lightness here and there. If you haven't been in in awhile and seen it you have no idea lol.

But it continues and is managed I guess. There are very opposing opinions and mine certainly is strong in one direction and can't say or claim it isn't. But I am open to changing it, WITH facts. Probably all are, with facts. Anyhow it just needs to go to a serious and real trial and end the b.s. Imo.
People become passionate about their opinions. I certainly am. It's no secret. I am not going to back down either. Yes. Facts are facts.
People become passionate about their opinions. I certainly am. It's no secret. I am not going to back down either. Yes. Facts are facts.
Well said. It is my problem too. I form real strong ones for real reasons and I'm not going to go with the flow or just back down off them over some out of the blue O thing or claimed other confessions and so on. I came to them to begin with for solid reasons.

And yes all become passionate and it shows all are or at least overly passionate in some cases. I don't see it in all. In some cases, there just needs to be trial and this is one. There needs to be in all, don't get me wrong, but in this one nothing is going to help or change a thing or opinion until see the facts, the evidence, etc. If it is there it is and if it not it is not. I am seeing cases lately where people think one side's bluster (defense) where the other side stays silent is fact and proves it all. I get it but oh man that needs to be realized and things need to change so such can't happen or be that way.

Yeah, I don't back down either although in some I don't have a strong opinion and am torn and I say that when I am as well. Said as much today in Crumbley.
so I am pretty sure I turned some on to Grizzly and in time I became not enamored with her as I saw the changes as he channel grew and not just in this case and I have said as much more than once. I still am fair though because I check myself and give her a chance on occasion. I just did. I went in and one of the first thing she is warning her viewers and fellow grizzlies is to not hashtag this and that because it upsets the vicitms' families when they see it. I think that alone says plenty. All of us can have our opinions in every case but what do the ones who arguably know at least a bit more than we do feel who are the victims? Same in the Read case and I just said it. What do O'Keefe's parents think and believe? Believe me it MATTERS. Not every parent, grandparent, sister, aunt and so on know or can't be somewhat clueless but they know more and what they think if all on same page especially speaks volumes to me.

I have a lot to do, didn't do what I should have today and ahven't watched much more but that alone tells a story re Grizzly. She has caught heck or been admonished or the family is upset with what she and her viewers are doing. I may or may not, haven't decided yet whether I will watch more on her opinion of this filing from defense about confessions. If she is on her usual and I do, then I will probably fast end it. And I may not even get back to it.

I liked her in the beginning and even promoted her and yet I feel she was building a thing as time went on and once big enough the true colors come. It is not the first time I have seen such.

Anyhow the other point here is don't hashtag certain things that UPSET the families. I can go back and look at what if someone wants me to. It was not anything out there.

We all know the defense was doing quite the thing or I guess their buddy was unknown to them with using online channels and leakers.

Okak the fire sirens that are bombing strength sirens just went off here in this HE77 hole. Cats fled and they cant[ go on the deck or shut their ears as they will hide. Probably in for an hour of this b.s. I do NOT leave generally because it is always nothing. I guess I won't be listening to Grizzly or anything.
The thing is if she can't be sure or knows the distance and eyesight is not good or some such, she shouldn't be so insistent. However, I do know people who likely would be and sure of what they say despite that and that they are RIGHT lol. Or convinced of it anyhow.
I don't understand where it comes from that she was insistent.
It was two years after the murders that LE created that 2nd composite sketch, I mean, LE was understandably frustrated by then and can you imagine why? Two years into their investigation and they hadn't identified the man that three girls had passed on the trail, the man the witness saw on the bridge, the man in Libby's video, the person who'd "abandoned" their car at the old building...They knew it was the same man and that he was the murderer, they just hadn't identified him and evidently thought a younger composite sketch might be helpful.
I don't understand where it comes from that she was insistent.
It was two years after the murders that LE created that 2nd composite sketch, I mean, LE was understandably frustrated by then and can you imagine why? Two years into their investigation and they hadn't identified the man that three girls had passed on the trail, the man the witness saw on the bridge, the man in Libby's video, the person who'd "abandoned" their car at the old building...They knew it was the same man and that he was the murderer, they just hadn't identified him and evidently thought a younger composite sketch might be helpful.
Thats inaccurate. LE had that 2nd composite from the get go and held it back for 2 years. JMO
so I am pretty sure I turned some on to Grizzly and in time I became not enamored with her as I saw the changes as he channel grew and not just in this case and I have said as much more than once. I still am fair though because I check myself and give her a chance on occasion. I just did. I went in and one of the first thing she is warning her viewers and fellow grizzlies is to not hashtag this and that because it upsets the vicitms' families when they see it. I think that alone says plenty. All of us can have our opinions in every case but what do the ones who arguably know at least a bit more than we do feel who are the victims? Same in the Read case and I just said it. What do O'Keefe's parents think and believe? Believe me it MATTERS. Not every parent, grandparent, sister, aunt and so on know or can't be somewhat clueless but they know more and what they think if all on same page especially speaks volumes to me.

I have a lot to do, didn't do what I should have today and ahven't watched much more but that alone tells a story re Grizzly. She has caught heck or been admonished or the family is upset with what she and her viewers are doing. I may or may not, haven't decided yet whether I will watch more on her opinion of this filing from defense about confessions. If she is on her usual and I do, then I will probably fast end it. And I may not even get back to it.

I liked her in the beginning and even promoted her and yet I feel she was building a thing as time went on and once big enough the true colors come. It is not the first time I have seen such.

Anyhow the other point here is don't hashtag certain things that UPSET the families. I can go back and look at what if someone wants me to. It was not anything out there.

We all know the defense was doing quite the thing or I guess their buddy was unknown to them with using online channels and leakers.

Okak the fire sirens that are bombing strength sirens just went off here in this HE77 hole. Cats fled and they cant[ go on the deck or shut their ears as they will hide. Probably in for an hour of this b.s. I do NOT leave generally because it is always nothing. I guess I won't be listening to Grizzly or anything.
Again with the alarms? Is this kids setting them off again?

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