LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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All I know I that if I was being separated from my other half and they were refusing to give me any info on what's happening for hours and what we've been told it was for was bogus (where's my car?), as is being eluded to, I would sure me inquiring about getting my other half representation myself.

Was she just hanging out, twiddling her thumbs that entire time? Was the reality sinking in that he really might have done it? Was she even concerned? I just don't get it and I'm about the most patient, compliant person they could have there, but I definitely have my limits.
No idea. She talked with them at well at some point, not then I don't think but earlier on. Take a lot said here with a grain of salt as it is defense stuff and little for fact. Imo.

Give a quick watch to the Law and Crime one Tresir posted above.

And in it Rick goes back at the officer of course, not me, leave my wife alone (no one did anything to her0, don't mess with my reputation (odd to me, what reputation?) but all of that is fluff. I do not see him saying I want an attorney and as you say, that would be the time if he was truly in any hot seat or held or in an INTERVIEW room willingly even.

Much here unknown. I think she was probably dealing with much and reeling who wouldn't be, if never a clue of course. Until recently haven't seen your around a lot til these past couple of months. have you looked at or followed LISK/Giglo at all and THAT wife OMG.

Anyhow the wife here and mom appear to be standing by him although wife hung up upset when he was repeatedly confessing to her but perhaps got back to a denial stage, anyone's guess. Nothing much is really known here with this latest if you ask me. When did she realize he was in custody or to go home? O was she worried and pounding on doors looking for an atty or calling people for help. Or even, is this possible, they went into Lafayette, she dropped him off at LE to get the car and she went home n the one they'd came in? I mean were they even getting along who the heck knows and what did she think at that point?

This case is mostly alll sealed with little released other than when defense leaks or files ridiculous stuff (and much is imo like the FM) of the length of Gone WIth the Wind or War and Peace with selective leaks or filed out of context things and excerpts but never full context attached and so on. So all here imo is speculation or is simply taken and believed from defense and no one knows these answers. OTHER than what defense claims which is far from proven fact and generally never fully backed dup but very selective and even contradcits self.

Your guesses are as good as anyone's. If he did end up arrested or detained I'm going to guess OF COURSE they didn't get the car, there was only one driver and they came in one. Is it truly theyk could not have, all was a ruse and the car wasn't even avaiable? I wouldn't count on that for a minute. WAS she in the building or never was? Who knows.

Everything almost here and seems like well written fact and thought is not. When you follow it, question, go on the ride and end up back at square one, you realize it. Each kand every time.

of course that's my opinion. Right now we know no more than we did two days ago. Well we do, we have dates at Carroll COunty of two days later.

I'd rarely say this but the Law and Crime thing was the best thing I watched or read on any of this today and brings it down to the nothing burger yet again it likely is. Like with everything I guess we will see.

Again jmo.
Lets delve into this theory that he was given his Miranda at ANY point before, wouldn't one have the common sense after that to not talk to them knowing they are possibly going to use anything against you? He was already warned that they were going to when he was Mirandized prior. Even IF he was supposed to be given it again, he should have used it as a warning.
You seem to be saying he was at ISP Lafayette for 2 days but @RoundPeg is suggesting he went to Carroll County on the 26th. The arrest records show 28th at CC and the PC states he was arrested on the 28th so just want to get the facts straight on here with links ideally.
I think part of the confusion is that in the US, you can be taken into custody on a given day and charged (arrested) on a different given day. It isn't always the same day. If he wasn't taken into custody prior to the 10/28 arrest, I'm curious why Nick claims he's already in custody on this item dated the 27th.

Lets delve into this theory that he was given his Miranda at ANY point before, wouldn't one have the common sense after that to not talk to them knowing they are possibly going to use anything against you? He was already warned that they were going to when he was Mirandized prior. Even IF he was supposed to be given it again, he should have used it as a warning.
Thought crossed my mind plenty a time yeesterday. Didn't have time and didn' suspect all would welcome the thought. They did not even HAVE to Mirdanize him in the first interview imo so so far looks to me like they are good on this imo. So far, thakt's where I stand with little reason to think otherwise. I mean we shall see but seeing non reason yet to think defense has a leg to stand on here. But again, we shall see. If wrong was seriously done then I expert consequences however, so far, no one and nothing has shown me any such thing. Despite a lot of effort to do so. Lol.
The above seems like an unsigned unused draft in preparation and nothing more. Almost a template, draft. Don't see whee it means much. Imo.
It is part of a document dump from the case. There seem to be some questioning whether he was in custody prior to the 28th. This shows he was.
I just went and looked again, it is an unsigned and apparently unffiled document and not even fully filled out. It looks like something someone drafted in the even it would be needed but was never used. If incorrect, I am not seeing where anything shows otherwise.

Off to work, have a great day everyone!
I just went and looked again, it is an unsigned and apparently unffiled document and not even fully filled out. It looks like something someone drafted in the even it would be needed but was never used. If incorrect, I am not seeing where anything shows otherwise.

Off to work, have a great day everyone!
I'll highlight it for you. I understand your busy schedule. :) I, too, have a job. Plus watch grandchildren, attend their sporting events, and volunteer almost full time for my city. Go go go. Back in a jiffy.

It was filed because the court released it.

Used the widest, brightest yellow for ease of eyesight. Of particular note: document prepared on the 27th. "Defendant in custody."

I saw/see all that. Three times now lol.what I don't see is a signature, court stamp, clerk stamp, etc. of filing and so on. I am not unfamiliar with such and process. This wouldn't hold up anywhere out of time here.
It is part of a document dump from the case. There seem to be some questioning whether he was in custody prior to the 28th. This shows he was.
To be official it needs to be signed. There is a reason why they are showing an unsigned document rather than a signed one. I have no clue as to why they did, but they are showing an unsigned version for some reason rather than a signed one. It shows nothing since it isn't signed is all I am saying.
I'll highlight it for you. I understand your busy schedule. :) I, too, have a job. Plus watch grandchildren, attend their sporting events, and volunteer almost full time for my city. Go go go. Back in a jiffy.

It was filed because the court released it.

Used the widest, brightest yellow for ease of eyesight. Of particular note: document prepared on the 27th. "Defendant in custody."

View attachment 21896
And they are showing an unsigned version for some reason. Could the reason very possibly be because the info is incorrect?
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To be official it needs to be signed. There is a reason why they are showing an unsigned document rather than a signed one. I have no clue as to why they did, but they are showing an unsigned version for some reason rather than a signed one. It shows nothing since it isn't signed is all I am saying.
All I'm saying is the date Nick submitted it says the 27th and it says RA is in custody.
I'll highlight it for you. I understand your busy schedule. :) I, too, have a job. Plus watch grandchildren, attend their sporting events, and volunteer almost full time for my city. Go go go. Back in a jiffy.

It was filed because the court released it.

Used the widest, brightest yellow for ease of eyesight. Of particular note: document prepared on the 27th. "Defendant in custody."

View attachment 21896

Thanks for the document. Looks to me like they were expecting him on the 27th but in the end he wasnt arrested till late morning on the 28th according to the actual Carroll County LE records. I'm not wasting any more time on it as we have now seen three records with the 26th, the 27th and the 28th, so who knows. Maybe the prosecution and/or the court response will clarify at some point.
I have no idea why the court would release an incorrect document. I dont believe it's incorrect. I believe it's what Nick submitted for Judge Diener to sign.
Then they should have attached the official copy. This is NOT an official record this way. Either a signed copy exists and there is no good reason why to not use that for a fling or it does not exist because of various reasons. I can boiler plate an unsigned page of anything. Would that be an official record of anything?
All I'm saying is the date Nick submitted it says the 27th and it says RA is in custody.
And I'll I'm saying it's that we can't go by anything on that page because it isn't an official document for SOME reason. There is no excuse for them to use this one, no matter who attached it. It's just a sheet of paper with words on it the way it is.
And I'll I'm saying it's that we can't go by anything on that page because it isn't an official document for SOME reason. There is no excuse for them to use this one, no matter who attached it. It's just a sheet of paper with words on it the way it is.
Your Vine info says the 28th boh with custody stays date and book date.

As far as the to other, I've already said a defense filing is not proof for me, ever.

Is the recording and video available to be seen with the filing? Somehow I doubt it.

At least it is now clear he was cuffed later. He wasn't held in cuffs during questioning. I havent' seen it so I'll wait to call it an interrogation. I've also not seen a prosecution response so I will wait for that as well, thanks. I've said before I am done with reading defense filings. Luckily though Tom is on tonight and I'll get his coverage on all the recent filings which is what he does each week and I'll wait for that.

Personally I think a lot is being jumped ahead on here as to whether Mrandized and whether needed to be.

Has anyone looked up the day of the week they went to get the car? Meaning was it a Saturday and then he was booked in Carroll on Monday? I'll try to look if I remember and get a chance.

Let's remember that too, they went to Lafayette, no one went and picked him up in cuffs and drove him there for questioning.

So I'lll wait for Tom, for P response and for actual video. Do appreciate the VINE info. Defense info isn't going to do it for me though.
The day of the week they went to get the car was a Wednesday - the 26th. He was charged two days later on Friday morning - the 28th. The PC was Monday the 31st.
You can breathe a sigh of relief 😌

Once again, proof he was taken into custody on the 26th and taken to Carroll County jail. I know I offend some with my refusal to watch YT videos. :) The point is, I've said all along, and so has @Olenna , what is the correct info. It matters because frankly we both get a lot of shade thrown at us for seeking factual info. I'm highly into facts. I'm okay with shade, too. :)

Press release copied in full:

Arrest Made for the Murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German

Carroll County – After an extensive investigation, the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force made an arrest for the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German.

On February 13, 2017, Abigail Williams and Liberty German were tragically murdered while visiting the Monon High Bridge in Delphi, IN. Shortly after, the Indiana State Police and Carroll County Sheriff’s office created the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force, which encompassed federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. This task force has worked diligently the last five and a half years to ensure this horrendous crime did not go unsolved.

On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, detectives with the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force took Richard Allen, 50, from Delphi Indiana into custody at the Indiana State Police Lafayette Post for the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. Allen was transported to Carroll County Jail, where he was being held.

On Friday, October 28, 2022, Allen was formally charged with two counts of murder and transported to the White County Jail, where he is currently being held without bond.

We would like to thank everyone who was involved throughout this investigation, which included the Indiana State Police, Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, Delphi Police Department, Carroll County Prosecutor’s office, United States Marshals Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and numerous other federal and local agencies. These agencies have invested countless hours and resources into this investigation.

This is an active and ongoing investigation. There is no further information to release at this time.

*All criminal defendants are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


If anyone doesn't want to accept the word of the ISP as well, I dunno 🙃 what to tell you.

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