LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Did another search and this tweet from the same source says RA and MW were Air National Guard. So there's the MIL connection. Good night/morning all.

Plus a SS in case it disappears.

View attachment 21981

R isn't RA here or have I lost my mind or missed something big? Is it?? Richard Allen is not giving anything to MW or Cohen nor money nor distribuing stolen goods? I am entirely lost as how you have RA in this tweet.
Update re RA crowd funding. 40k of 45k raised so far. Deadline 10th May.

I'm never going to get over people funding an alleged double child murderer. It says jus how far things have deteriorated. On the other hand maybe such idiots have always existed, GFM and other sites now just show they do.
Damaging statements made 30 times according to MS and Fox news. So up from 5 now.

"Cain said her sources have told her that Allen has made incriminating statements to some 30 people during his time in jail."

"Richard Allen has been his own worst enemy throughout this process. We've learned through multiple filings that he's made incriminating or damaging statements to what sounds like around 30 people – inmates, prison guards, police officers, family members – about this [crime], and I think that is going to severely tamper him at trial," journalist Áine Cain, who co-hosts "The Murder Sheet" podcast with Indiana-based attorney Kevin Greenlee, told Fox News Digital.

Cain said the alleged incriminating statements came either from an innocent man who is mentally unsound, which his defense team would have to prove, or they came from a guilty man who is trying to get something off his chest.

ETA my opinion - there is another option, he could be guilty and mentally unsound.

Have to fly - back later.
A travel day? Drive safe.

So here is MS. Haven't seen much of them lately but then I don't always as they aren't a usual go to of mine. Are they attending and can they tweet fast.

Yeah your third option is a possibility but I see no hint RA is unsound.

Interesting almost 30 people, gee I thought he was isolated and saw almost no one. It would certainly go against this pic B & R give like two O guards were always mostly his keepers and he was alone and stuck with them. THIRTY.

Yeah RA you may have helped cooked your own goose here yet again.

How fast can Aine or Kevin Tweet? Are they attending. Honestly I think they have a bit of a smell about them around the whole leak thing and been lying about low haven't they like some ther YTers haven't they? Although again I may just not have had them pop up for me in some time. I can't see them not attending, this case has been a lot of bread and butter and finishing it a goal for them but shall see.

To this DAY defense tries to use the mental instability, break thing but not once have they went for such a defense and did NOT want the records provided. The man was actively working and functioning and living life right up to the day of arrest. There's apparently no such thing in his history other than some alcohol thing which seemed to be to get him out of trouble imo for a domestic and so on. And/or away after the murders or so rumored.

Being upended in life and caught and incarcerated is not insanity. And even if such did apply (doesn't) they'd have to prove he was at the time of the murders. They haven't even tried--they only bring up mental instability and such when needed.

I think anone who commits murders like this is evil and self oriented but that's not insanity. An attorney website with a quick Google. So not like the Bar but can't spend a ton of time and gives the overall imo.

B & R are trying to selectively use mental breakdowns, different days, etc. but they don't want the whole enchilada. If so, they would have used it. And it's NOT an easy one to use. They tend more to mental breaks, lack of his medication, things like that. And again if they are going to open the door to anything to do with him or mental health then the big wide door should be opened all the way or all sides and the public. It isn't there, I'd bet on it. What may be there is alcohol related issues. And who even knows how much of that since clearly both indulged in such together and that was well known.

It is an absolute travesty this trial is not going to be seen. And again I entirely disagree with it. Another I've seen hide nor hair of lately is Gray Hughes. However that could be the YT algorithms, 3/4 of what the pop up to me isn't relevant to me these days. Lost Scott Reisch a long time ago even though still subscribed. Gray I am not a constant watcher but was more lately, actually I was almost a never watcher. However he had a lot of perp's friends on on the Soto case I watched and so one would think he'd pop up if he is doing shows. I can think of a few that with this news may now attend BUT media reporters aren't even guaranteed seats day to day are they, may get in one day, another might the next? I did read it and a think not and not going back to find or reread.

Plenty of big trials are going on with NO problems AND LIVE. And less attendance due to that.

Of course even though it is seeming likely I STILL DO NOT COUNT on this will go off on time. BUT I think 3 of 4 intend it to, not sure about the 4th.
Tick, tick, tick tock. Closing in on a week with a weekend in between! Starting to "look" like we are in go mode. Let's hope takeoff goes as planned.... EIGHT.... then 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and ONE and launch! Going to a busy week and expect some craziness and last minute attempts. Of course the pretrial hearing, decisions and I expect last minute filings mostly by one side. Just my guess. Too bad we won't get to see how both sides actually do at a real trial. As it is I will have to remain with the glimpses I've seen lol. Unless accurate and good coverage will exist.
Do you have any experience with rural areas and small town areas? Not sarcasm. Seriously. Just the bridge where Abby's photo was taken to down the hill could cause it to be searching. My property that I HOPE to get up for sale this week over the years has my phone was always great and my provider but all else who would come like my kids and whoever, had total trouble with signals and service and they were actually with bigger named providers. Still that way. Walk from my barn to the back yard and then five acres back and watch what some phones do. Go down the road 1/4 of a mile and they might get service the kids, if the park and sit still and then not even. I am 1/2 hour from any "city" but less then 10 miles from eight small towns and most of those are within two to three miles. One is on a US highway and has full service. Town of about 1000 but a big traveled through one because of the highway.

I'm no phone expert, I don't think you are or most of us here. and I may not even be talking about what you are. But I'm less than worried with this or excited. It seems more of the same to me by the defense. MOST trials do come down to as they say the battle of the experts. Prosecution has theirs and now the D should be about done with their shopping as Ds do until they find someone who at least won't say what the P experts do and PERHAPs say what they want/need. After all they get paid.

How is it you are so sure he saw or knew of the phone? I'm not. Tresir isn't. Many people through the years in the forums have thought that as she RECORED him. You'd take it and you'd KEEP it you would certainly not return at risk to a crime scene and say here cops, find the phone when you find the bodies would you?

your second to the last sentence seems to be making your taking and returning fact. It is not fact. Just saying...It seemed speculation and your suggestion earlier and now it is kind of STATED as this is what happened...

I haven't read the defense filing and where you say it doesnt' work with the P's timeline. I don't plan to. if you wish to provide an excerpt NOT your opinion but copied and pasted I'd read it but not if it is numerous pages or a novel.

I don't buy it and you haven't said how it doesn't match or what bit doesn't work as Tresir asked. Don't make something legend that isn't please and is just another defense claim that too often seem to be taken as already proven fact.

I know one thing, I am not even going to read Tweets on this case if it isn't covering ALL instead of the sensational, a bias or everything in fair coverage.

Tom wasn't out on attending lol. NEVER EVER said he would but recently had me wondering if it could not be watched live... I don't think he's serious but God I hope he is. If so, I am covered. LOL.

Anyhow up too late and not going to bed yet for how early I have to be up to have some down time in the morning. I want to get to at least Morphew yet tonight. This isn't my only case of interest.

Not sure I am through all here yet, may finish but think I'm close? Either way have a good night one and all. Clock is ticking...

To clarify - I was hopeful (and expressed as much at the beginning of my discussion) - that folks here would join (if they were interested) in re-thinking timelines by following Libby's phone timeline. As a speculative exercise.

Appreciated how everyone gave it some thought, shared references and their perspectives. Thanks to all!

Here's to really learning the story of Libby's phone at trial. IMO, it's the motherload of information, the closest thing we have to a witness. Not a day goes by I don't think of Libby's presence of mind switching from care-free to self-protective instinct under great stress; I admire both of these young ladies.

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You may see what I'm saying but I still don't get what you are saying. Are you saying dead guy and RA knew each other? PRIOR? I see no reason to think that. I"m still just lost at that leap.

That record really didn't show much that mattered did it, other than years and retirement points? I didn't see much else. My best friend's hub was in the guard for decades and never spent a day overseas by the way. He died fairly young unexpectedly in an accident, was awful. He was also one of my brother's best friends. So just saying that RA may have never went anywhere overseas and for that matter even far from home.

Also do you mean something specific by the term "military suicide".
I believe RF was active military when he committed suicide, that's all I meant by that. RF and MW (the leaker) were previously in the Air National Guard together. Presumably RF went in the military full time at some point but MW didnt. We have today seen RA's military record. I don't know if that was National Guard or full active duty service or what or anything more about him, only what I have posted. So I don't know if he or the other two ever went overseas. Its probably likely RF went overseas as he appeared to be in the full military. Also, maybe the Air National Guard are more likely to get called up and go overseas in a war like Iraq or Afghanistan, but just guessing here. At the very least it is a mighty big coincidence IMO and is probably why nobody has discussed the suicide in the press or YouTube or wherever.
R isn't RA here or have I lost my mind or missed something big? Is it?? Richard Allen is not giving anything to MW or Cohen nor money nor distribuing stolen goods? I am entirely lost as how you have RA in this tweet.
No - R in this tweet is the suicidee RF. I did a mistype in my hurry. It should be RF. I'll do a correction to my post. Apologies all.
I believe RF was active military when he committed suicide, that's all I meant by that. RF and MW (the leaker) were previously in the Air National Guard together. Presumably RF went in the military full time at some point but MW didnt. We have today seen RA's military record. I don't know if that was National Guard or full active duty service or what or anything more about him, only what I have posted. So I don't know if he or the other two ever went overseas. Its probably likely RF went overseas as he appeared to be in the full military. Also, maybe the Air National Guard are more likely to get called up and go overseas in a war like Iraq or Afghanistan, but just guessing here. At the very least it is a mighty big coincidence IMO and is probably why nobody has discussed the suicide in the press or YouTube or wherever.
I think RA was National Guard. It seems like we knew this, but I can't remember when it surfaced. I'll do a search.
the 1st Franks Memo reports yellow line at crime scene. - my recollection.

Is the "yellow line" just in the F memo or has LE or P confirmed that it was at the CS do you know. By "yellow line", do you mean yellow rope?
I think RA was National Guard. It seems like we knew this, but I can't remember when it surfaced. I'll do a search.
Ok thanks. If I knew it , I must have forgotten it. But sometimes I mix up cases in my head too.

Don't you think this is a big coincidoink?
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A travel day? Drive safe.

So here is MS. Haven't seen much of them lately but then I don't always as they aren't a usual go to of mine. Are they attending and can they tweet fast.

Yeah your third option is a possibility but I see no hint RA is unsound.

Interesting almost 30 people, gee I thought he was isolated and saw almost no one. It would certainly go against this pic B & R give like two O guards were always mostly his keepers and he was alone and stuck with them. THIRTY.

Yeah RA you may have helped cooked your own goose here yet again.

How fast can Aine or Kevin Tweet? Are they attending. Honestly I think they have a bit of a smell about them around the whole leak thing and been lying about low haven't they like some ther YTers haven't they? Although again I may just not have had them pop up for me in some time. I can't see them not attending, this case has been a lot of bread and butter and finishing it a goal for them but shall see.

To this DAY defense tries to use the mental instability, break thing but not once have they went for such a defense and did NOT want the records provided. The man was actively working and functioning and living life right up to the day of arrest. There's apparently no such thing in his history other than some alcohol thing which seemed to be to get him out of trouble imo for a domestic and so on. And/or away after the murders or so rumored.

Being upended in life and caught and incarcerated is not insanity. And even if such did apply (doesn't) they'd have to prove he was at the time of the murders. They haven't even tried--they only bring up mental instability and such when needed.

I think anone who commits murders like this is evil and self oriented but that's not insanity. An attorney website with a quick Google. So not like the Bar but can't spend a ton of time and gives the overall imo.

B & R are trying to selectively use mental breakdowns, different days, etc. but they don't want the whole enchilada. If so, they would have used it. And it's NOT an easy one to use. They tend more to mental breaks, lack of his medication, things like that. And again if they are going to open the door to anything to do with him or mental health then the big wide door should be opened all the way or all sides and the public. It isn't there, I'd bet on it. What may be there is alcohol related issues. And who even knows how much of that since clearly both indulged in such together and that was well known.

It is an absolute travesty this trial is not going to be seen. And again I entirely disagree with it. Another I've seen hide nor hair of lately is Gray Hughes. However that could be the YT algorithms, 3/4 of what the pop up to me isn't relevant to me these days. Lost Scott Reisch a long time ago even though still subscribed. Gray I am not a constant watcher but was more lately, actually I was almost a never watcher. However he had a lot of perp's friends on on the Soto case I watched and so one would think he'd pop up if he is doing shows. I can think of a few that with this news may now attend BUT media reporters aren't even guaranteed seats day to day are they, may get in one day, another might the next? I did read it and a think not and not going back to find or reread.

Plenty of big trials are going on with NO problems AND LIVE. And less attendance due to that.

Of course even though it is seeming likely I STILL DO NOT COUNT on this will go off on time. BUT I think 3 of 4 intend it to, not sure about the 4th.
So a person is sound who eats poop and discovery paperwork? We already know his wife had to take him to see someone in the middle of the night one time after calling LE when he was intoxicated so there are a few signs he could be a sandwich short of a picnic IMO.
Ok thanks. If I knew it , I must have forgotten it. But sometimes I mix up cases in my head too.

Don't you think this is a big coincidoink?
I do, too. Maybe we both read it in passing lol.

I dunno if it's a coincidence or not. It isn't unusual to be in the National Guard.
I do, too. Maybe we both read it in passing lol.

I dunno if it's a coincidence or not. It isn't unusual to be in the National Guard.
All in the Guard and involved in a murder investigation is a big coincidence though right?

Whether they both knew RA beforehand is what we don't know as of now.

Edited to correct spelling mistake.
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Is the "yellow line" just in the F memo or has LE or P confirmed that it was at the CS do you know. By "yellow line", do you mean yellow rope?
yes. a rope, yellow. FM CS descriptions footnoted to the crime scene discovery which was exhibit to the FM. (but of course the exhibits remain sealed)
Military Service of RA.

Because of the military suicide, I said previously that I wondered if he had been in the military. Nine years service - 89 to 98. I wonder if he served in Iraq?

I am doing a screenshot too in case the tweet disappears.

View attachment 21976

Bumping my post. I just noticed the heading on this statement - so he was in the Army National Guard. RF and MW were in the Air National Guard.
yes. a rope, yellow. FM CS descriptions footnoted to the crime scene discovery which was exhibit to the FM. (but of course the exhibits remain sealed)
Ok so we cannot check there is yellow rope at the crime scene. Putting it into the same category as DNA, cat hair and fingerprints, so we will have to wait till trial now.

Not that I don't believe the D, but I don't like taking stuff as gospel without some verification. We have pretty much heard everything now about the CS but if this rope is a thing too, I am ok having to wait till trial for that verification.
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Tom with a ton of docs to go over so I don't have to. Haven't watched yet. Just starting. Streamed a few hours ago.


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