LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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I am guessing you mean kill anyone?

Is that insane or just thinking one smarter than all, deserving all and not abiding by the average rules of mankind? Meaning you don't murder for instance. I think in some cases it's a bit calm, cool, thought out and collected, not insane. Maybe getting excited when finally in the act but still doesn't mean insane. What some are is simply not "society's norm". And so we call such insane I guess. They just don't follow the rules or the norm. That isn't my definition of sanity or insanity. But yeah kind of what I said that anyone who murders intentionally is insane then right because who else would do such a thing...? If not insane. For me, I think society makes it where they must be so we can rest assured and feel secure in that had to be the reason--insanity. Coudln't be anything else. Not love, nor lust, nor fantasy, nor wanting to get away with something and prove they could, not evil or a myriad of other reasons... EGO for one and self indulgence at the expense of others and their lives.
yes...stupid phone :sigh:
I just mean the guy RF in this case who was active military when he committed suicide after being visited and questioned by Holeman. Why that has not been investigated is beyond me.

Cause of RF death = suicide.
Curious as to your thoughts as to what needs to be investigated? What are the concerns and what should be investigated beyond cause of death = suicide?
We know some things about Holeman's interview w/ RF from the contempt hearing transcript - where Holeman was on witness stand.

Cause of RF death = suicide.
Curious as to your thoughts as to what needs to be investigated? What are the concerns and what should be investigated beyond cause of death = suicide?
We know some things about Holeman's interview w/ RF from the contempt hearing transcript - where Holeman was on witness stand.

What Holeman said to him to cause him to kill himself could be a good start.
Then why take the phone and then return it? That's just stupid to not look through it if you take it and then have the balls to return it.

She may have had a password to open it, and they couldn't figure it out. Why return it? So it won't be looked for. Also, they may not know she'd been recording.
IMO - once shut down, the phone could powering up again - but it would be locked.
Why do you assume it would be locked. I went for years before ever locking or passwording my phone. It is now for a reason and it is irritating as heck I have to punch in the PW every few minutes sometimes or every time I go to use. I actually think young teens would hate that and also what parent would want their child having it private at their age?

Also what do you mean by powering up again--recharging itself? Also is it known it was shut down? I think every bit of this is for the experts and the FULL data from her phone.

Seriously asking.
Cause of RF death = suicide.
Curious as to your thoughts as to what needs to be investigated? What are the concerns and what should be investigated beyond cause of death = suicide?
We know some things about Holeman's interview w/ RF from the contempt hearing transcript - where Holeman was on witness stand.

These days many a department aren't doing the automatic suicide thing and in fact many are saying it will be treated for as a homicide until investigated fully. I don't recall any facts provided here to prove a thing. I'm not saying it was't but I sure was never told, shown or convinced it was either. NOR the reason for such.

Why assume it had anything to do with Holeman? His buddies could have told him they weren't going down (B and MW, etc.) and he was going to be the one left holding the bag. For all we know.

Anything this shady certainly should be fully investigated and not closed imo.
They didn't know the video was on there.
You state this as a fact and know this how? Also, when was it proven someone even took or had the phone ever? And who is "they"?

This is an opinion but given like a statement of fact.

Unless you now have inside info? Just saying...
That depends on the phone and it's personal settings. I have mine on auto lock. My mom's doesn't lock, plus we're talking years ago technology.
I don't know what auto lock is but I guess if you mean when you quit using and black the screen it comes back to password (I don't do the fingerprint thing) and has to be unlocked that is what mine is on. I don't like it but did it only because one time at work I left in behind my department's desk which is no big deal or shouldn't be but most have theirs on them and I usually did but laid it down and forgot. I came back to two other employees on it and claiming they were trying to find out who it belonged to. Uhm, why? This wasn't a customer's, it was BEHIND our desk lying near the computers. Those employees are long gone, were temporary, college kids. However, I put it on lock at that point. It is a pain in the arse imo but that's my only reason. I have nothing to hide but I don't need anyone messing anything up or doing anything to it either.

I'm absolutely not sure Libby would have had any lock PLUS she had just done a factory reset and/or was using grandma's old one, I forget all the exact details only parts of which were shared anyhow but I remember such as it always seemed to me she was trying maybe to get something off her phone, pics, some app, or someone texting her sh*t or some such. Something I wondered about many times over the years in the case when no one had a clue what had happened or who had done it.

They also supposedly coudln't use the family or whatever locator app as the reset had taken all such off... And so good chance no password lock was put back on either... Or any lock.

Well it is new discussion and new speculation at least but nothing is fact or can be assumed imo. Certainly not based on yet again, just defense claims.

I'm not convinced yet this trial will be a go. It is looking like it but I think depending on some decisions, not so sure D won't throw a kink in. IF the things they want suppressed and I see little reason or basis yet to think any should be, will they then throw a kink? I guess we will find out that much and soon...
Then why take the phone and then return it? That's just stupid to not look through it if you take it and then have the balls to return it.
It's stupid to return it as well. Lol. I wouldn't call that balls, differ there with you, I'd call it sheer stupidity. And I also don't buy it. See absolutely no reason to think that. Jmo though.

But yeah if you took it wouldn't you want to make sure someone hadn't texted or Libby texted back saying this evil man has us, ensure she hadn't seen him or taken a picture and so on. Of COURSE he'd do that IF he had it and took it. And I can't think of a single solitary reason if you felt the need to get rid of it you would take it BACK for LE TO FIND with the bodies. Makes no sense whatsoever.
I also did not allow my kids phones, especially at that age, to be locked in the parental controls.
Not sure of all ages here but I'm older I know that. First daughter never had a phone until 16 and I got it as a Christmas gift under my plan. They didn't even have the same things on them as now. She also ran me up quite a bill and that was the end of that. MInutes all of that and plans were far different. I'm talking probably 1998...? Youngest daughter I think got NONE until 18 and got her own due to that. Wasn't her fault but nope. They weren't even fully common with all people yet, pretty sure my mom didn't have one yet or have any interest, my older sisters wanted no part, my brother had his first every late in life not long before he died.

The point I am making is all phones are different too, I'm sure Libby's was not from the dark ages like I'm talking with those phones but so is it different in who uses locks and doesn't etc. Most I know don't have one on their phones. Seriously. Or I should say don't USE one, it is of course an available setting. Kids are kids and I am doubtful want one at all unless hiding something from parents and worried they check it.


I saw someone saying last night in a chat that an Iphone will search or ping even if low on battery as an emergency feature or some such. I forget the exact claim. And I instantly thought do we even know this was an IPhone. Serious question, do we? I certainly don't read all docs or every page of all. I had it in my head she had an Android.

But just saying all the speculation, etc. that too could differ as to what the phone would do depending on what model, version and type, etc. it was. Don't know. Just not jumping to anything because as always, I see smoke and no real reason to. Yet anyhow. Jmo.
She may have had a password to open it, and they couldn't figure it out. Why return it? So it won't be looked for. Also, they may not know she'd been recording.
The last thing any perp with a lick of common sense would do is return a phone to a double murder crime scene he already hoped and thanked his lucky stars he was not caught at, left evidence at (per you--but he DID). May have had a password and may not have

He returned it so it won't be looked for? Explain that to me. Why would you do that? Instead of ditching it totally disabled 150 miles away or some such? or 30 even? Or anywhere ELSE other than risking going back to the scene?

So he's a very stupid perp?

Did he drive? Have a flashlight? A spotlight to find his way back and move things and/or bodies enough to put it where it was found? Wow. Did he have inside info of what ALL cops were doing that night, I mean two girls were still missing, none were driving the streets or roads around the trails, etc.?

I don't mean to laugh at this but it just doesn't hold water. What if wife or teen child of own wondered where the heck he was going at that time of night or dark predawn hours?

Even assuming it was someone else which is probably your line of thinking (just a guess) it is stupid and risky and makes absolutely no sense. If these kind of claims are what defense is going to give, I don't think a juror with a lick of common sense is going to go for it.

And IMHO it makes the perp and idiot. Stupid puter capitalized IMHO

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